2021新版人教版选修一英语第二单元 developing ideas假如给我三天光明 ppt课件.pptx

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1、Onwards and upwards Three days to see Key words Strike The grey wolf is being stricken by the red wolf 重击 beat 连续打击 The grey wolf is being beaten by the red wolf. I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf 我经常想如果每个人都被盲和聋重击一下,这可 能是一件因祸得福的事情. dark 黑暗 D

2、ark fruit is terrible and powerful. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight 黑暗将使他更感激视力 黑暗果实是可怕的且强大的 appreciate 感激,欣赏 写信必背句式:I would appreciate it if you could 如果你能.,我会很感激的 Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight 黑暗将使他更感激视力 silence 寂静 The three pictures give us a sense of silenc

3、e Silence would teach him the joys of sound 这三张图片给我们一种寂静的感觉 寂静会教会他声音的快乐 Strike Dark Appreciate silence Strike Dark Appreciate silence 感激,欣赏 黑暗的 重击 寂静 Complicated sentence I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf Question :每一个人都变成盲人和聋人,这件事情可能么 Quest

4、ion 2:这个句子为什么会用would do 或者 did 我们面对不可能或者不太可能的的事情时,可以使用虚拟语气 summary Key words Key structure Strike Dark Appreciate silence 感激,欣赏 黑暗的 重击 寂静 虚拟语气 Now and then Now and then,I will have instant noodles to improve my diet Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see 偶尔,我测试我能看得见的朋

5、友去发现他们看见了什么 偶尔 discover 发现 Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see 偶尔,我测试我能看得见的朋友去发现 他们看见了什么 I like the classic car Land Rover Discovery, but now I even have no money to buy a second-hand Charley(夏利) 我喜欢这款经典汽车 路虎发现,但是我现 在甚至没有钱买一辆二手夏利 return I shall return Recently,I as

6、ked a friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods what he observed. 最近,我问了一个刚从森林里走了很长时间 返回来的朋友他看见了什么 回来,返回 observe 观察 Recently,I asked a friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods what he observed. 最近,我问了一个刚从森林里走了很长时间 返回来的朋友他看见了什么 The fellow is observing something care

7、fully 这个家伙正在仔细观察某些东西 Now and then Discover Return observe Now and then Discover Return observe 偶尔 返回 发现 观察 Worthy of Young guys,it is worthy of having it 值得 See nothing worthy of note. 没有看到值得注意的东西. mere 只是,仅仅 Are you still human being? I am merely a child I who cannot see find hundreds of things to

8、Interest me through mere touch. 看不见东西的我,仅仅通过触摸就会发现成百上千的 使我感兴趣的东西. reveal 显露,揭露 Map ends,knife reveals How much more beauty must be revealed by sight 有多有更多的美通过视力被显露出 来呢? say 举个例子 = for example = for instance = take sb for example Say for three days 举个例子,就三天 Mere Worthy of Reveal say Mere Worthy of Re

9、veal say 只是,仅仅 值得 举个例子 显露,展示 Complicated sentence Recently,I asked a friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods what he observed. Key point1 the meaning of return and observe Key point1 what 引导的宾语从句 Key point2 who 引导的定语从句 And I have imagined what I should most like to see if I were g

10、iven the use Of my eyes,say for just three days. Key point 1 what is the meaning of imagine? Key point 2 what 引导什么从句 Key point 3 思考,我可不可能被给用几天眼睛 Paragraph understanding What did Hellen Keller s friend find in the woods? Nothing in particular. summary Key words Key structure 虚拟语气 定语从句 名词性从句 Mere Wort

11、hy of Reveal say 只是,仅仅 值得 举个例子 显露,展示 Now and then Discover Return observe 偶尔 返回 发现 观察 Homework 1 翻译第二,三自然段 2昨天听写1+1 3课时作业126 七选五 companion 伙伴,陪伴 I along with my companions am shocked I should want to see the people whose kindness and gentleness and companionship Have made my life worth living. 我应该想要

12、看这些人,他们的友善,温柔和陪伴使我的生命值得活下去的人 soul 灵魂 Eight questions coming from soul. I do not know what it is to see into the heart of a friend through that window of soul,the eye 我不知道通过灵魂的窗口,眼睛看一个朋友的内心世界是什么 outline 轮廓 Here is an outline of an apple I can only “see”through my fingertips the outline of a face. 我看见

13、脸的轮廓通过 我的指尖 channel 频道,通道 The books have revealed to me the deepest channel of human life and the human spirit. 书籍已经向我显露了人类生活和人类精神的 最深频道 intoxicate 陶醉 The music intoxicates the boy. I should take a long walk in the woods and intoxicate my eyes on the beauty of the world of nature. 我应该会在森林里走很长时间然后是 我

14、的眼睛陶醉在自然世界的美丽上 Intoxicate Companionship Soul Outline Channel Intoxicate Companionship Soul Outline Channel 频道 轮廓 灵魂 伙伴,陪伴 陶醉 Complicated sentences I do not know what it is to see into the heart of a friend through that window of soul,the eye Key point :how do you understand the word “it” I should wa

15、nt to see the people whose kindness and gentleness and companionship have made my life worth living. Key point 1 :the meaning of companionship and worth Key point 2: whose 引导什么从句,怎么理解 progress 进步 I love studying .studying lets me make progress. I should like to see the pageant of mans progress. 我应该喜

16、欢去看人类进步的缤纷现场 probe 探查 The four characters have skills To probe. 这四个角色都有探查的技能 I should probe into the soul of man through his art. 我应该探查人类的灵魂通过他们 的艺术 progress probe progress 进步 probe 探查 How should she learn about the progress of human ? Paragraph understanding By going to museums greet 打招呼 We have di

17、fferent ways to greet each other I should again greet the dawn. 我应该再一次和黎明打招呼. dawn 黎明 I should again greet the dawn. 我应该再一次和黎明打招呼. haunt 老地方,常去的地方 Today I shall spent in the workaday world,amid the haunts of men going about the business of life. permanent 永恒的 Love comes and goes too quickly,only sti

18、ckers(表情包)are permanent At mid night permanent night would close in on me again. Only when darkness had again descend upon me should I realize how much I had left unseen 在午夜,永恒的夜晚将会再次把我关上,只 有当黑暗再次降临到我身上的时候,我才意 识到我还有多少东西没有看 Greet Permanent Dawn haunt 老地方 Greet Permanent Dawn haunt 老地方 黎明 永恒的 打招呼 as i

19、f 好像,仿佛 As if I regard the dog as you 好像,我把这条狗当做是你了 Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. 用你的眼睛,仿佛明天你就会被重击成盲人 hint 建议 =suggestion=advice=recommendation You have too many hints. I who am blind can give one hint to those who see. 看不见东西的我可以给能看见动词的你们一个建议 method 方法 How cute,I must wor

20、k out a method to date him And the same method can be applied to the other senses 并且这个相同的方法可以应用于其他的感官 =way=approach=strategy=means apply 应用 名词 application 也就是app And the same method can be applied to the other senses 并且这个相同的方法可以应用于其他的感官 object 东西 Fortune-telling!Once ten yuna,what object do you want

21、 to know Touch each object you want to touch as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. 触摸你想要触摸的东西,仿佛明天你的 触觉就会失效 perfume 香水,香气 Smell the perfume of flowers. 闻花的香味 perfume hint as if method apply object perfume hint as if method apply object 香水,香气 应用 建议 方法 东西 仿佛,像 Complicated sentences I who am bl

22、ind can give one hint to those who see 要点:1 the meaning of hint 要点:2 the two attributive clauses exercise Those who had worked in their childhood are happier than those who had not worked 那些在童年工作的那些人比那些在童年没有工作 的 人更快乐 Paragraph understanding According to the author,which sense is the most delightful? Sight. perfume hint as if method apply object 香水,香气 建议 应用 方法 东西 仿佛,像 summary Key words Key structure Those who .形式的定语 从句 2 as if 引导的虚拟语气 (了解即可) Homework 1 翻译678三段 2 背诵第一段和最后一段前两句


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