扬州译林版六年级英语下册第五单元《A story》全部教案+课件(共4课时8份文档,区一等奖).zip

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六下六下 U5 A story 第一课时(第一课时(story time+Culture time)教案)教案 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)能正确地听、说、读、写单词和词组 Childrens Day, begin. (2)能正确地听、说、读单词 am/is going to . Is/Are he/you going to. He is going to./I am going to .与他人进行日常交流。 2.技能目标 能够运用所学将来时的日常交际用语和句型,向他人询间和介绍 察会的相关情况。 3.情感态度目标 培养学生积极参与、乐于表达的学习情感,并结合社会公德, 告知学生文明参加聚会。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 1.在教师设计的教学活动的引领下能够整体理解语篇,提高学生的 阅读能力。 2.能在现实生活中比较自如地运用本单元日常交际用语和句型与他 人进行日常交流。 三、教学难点三、教学难点 1.比较熟练地掌握关于聚会的名词的英文表达。 2.模仿 Story time,介绍聚会的准备情况。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step1. Warming up 1. Enjoy a song The party time T: the Snow White is going to have a party . Lets enjoy a song, sing with them . 2. Before the party T: Do you like parties? T: What should we prepare for a party? Learn:balloons drinks fruit snacks toys Step2. Presentation 1. T:Look! They are going to have a party too.(教师出示课文中 的图片)Can you ask some questions ? Where? When ?Who ? What? 教师引导学生用这些特殊疑问词来提问。 出示前言部分解决 where 和 when。 2.Watch and match 学生看动画并连线并说一说。(书上 50 页练习) What are the children going to bring to the party? Lets watch the cartoon . Try to say like this: Su Hai is going to bring to the party. Wang Bing is going to bring 3.Read an complete 学生自由朗读第二、三段,并填空。 Learn:clown appear balloon 4.Read and choose 学生齐读第四段,并做选择题。老师顺势讲解选择疑问句及回答方 式。 5.Read and judge 整体朗读课文,并做判断题。(书上 50 页练习) Step3. Consolidation 1. Reading time Read by yourself .(自读课文) Read together .(齐读课文) Role play .(分角色读课文)。 2. Enjoy parties. T: Do you like parties ? I like parties very much . Look ! I will show you some western parties . Learn :Culture time . Introduce the difference from Western parties and Chinese parties . Step4. Homework 必做题: 1、听 story time 中的录音 3 遍并跟读,抄写四会 单词 3+1. 2、 完成伴你学story time 中练习。 3、预习 Grammar time,完成伴你学我尝试部分。 选做题: Design a party for Childrens Day of your class this year. 为你的班级策划今年的儿童节聚会,写下你的方案,和同 学讨论。Unit 5 A party (Story time & Culture time) The Snowwhite is going to have a party. Sing together Before the party What should we prepare for a party ? 我们应该为派对准备什么? Can you ask some questions ? Who? When ? Where ?What ? 引导试学 It is Childrens Day this Sunday.The children are going to have a party at Mikes house. Watch and match Watch and match Try to say like this: Su Hai is going to bring to the party. Wang Bing is going to bring Read and complate It is __________ morning. The children bring their things to Mikes house. They dont know where Liu Tao is. Suddenly, A _________ appears. Its Liu Tao. He brings some ___________ for them. flower clown klan 小丑 clown Sunday balloons /u:/ aboutnear appear p 出现 appears Read and choose Liu Tao: Are we going to eat or play with the toys first? Mike: Lets have some fun first! Children: Hooray! The children are going to ________ first. a. play with the toys b. eat the food c. sing a song a 选择疑问句:是指提出 两个或两个以上可能的 答案供对方选择。让对 方根据实际情况进行选 择回答 的句式。 Read and judge T F F F F F at Mikes house brings some fruit from home Liu Tao goes to the party five have some fun Reading time 1、Read by yourself .(自读课文) 2、Read together .(齐读课文) 3、Role play .(分角色读课文)。 Birthday party Welcome party Fancy dress party Christmas party Halloween party Farewell party Culture time 到达分钟 In China, we should go to the party early or on time. Homework 必做题: 1、听story time 中的录音3遍并跟读,抄写四会 单词3+1. 2、 完成伴你学story time 中练习。 3、预习Grammar time,完成伴你学我尝试部分。 选做题: Design a party for Childrens Day of your class this year. 为你的班级策划今年的儿童节聚会,写下你的方案,和同 学讨论。六下六下 U5 A party(Grammar time +Checkout time )教案)教案 一、教学目标一、教学目标: 1.对 story time 进行复习,并灵活运用新句型讨论即将发生的事情。 2.掌握一般将来时的疑问句用法。 二、教学重点二、教学重点: 1.能掌握本课时中出现的将来时疑问句。 2.能熟练运用将来时展开询问和回答。 三、教学难点三、教学难点: be going to 的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。 四、教学过四、教学过程程: Step 1.Warming up 1.Greetings 2Review a. Lets review what we have learned in Story time . When are the children going to have the party? Where are they going to have the party? What are they going to bring to the party? b.Fill in blanks Step 2.Presentation 1.Aguessing game T:After the party, what are they going to do?Guess. (引导学生用句型“Is he/she going to .” “Are they/you going to.”来猜。) 2.Show the sentences: Is he going to sing at the party? Is she going to dance at the party? Are they going to play games at the party? Are you going to make tangyuan at the party? (引导学生说出一般疑问句的基本结构。) 3.Read and find 出示 Grammar time 中的特殊疑问句,让学生找找规律。 引导学生说出一般将来时态特殊疑问句的构成部分。 4.Checkout time a.Read and say T:Can you ask some questions ? T:Mike has some questions. Lets read them together. Ss answer Mikes questions. b.Listen and number T:The other people are going to do some things. Lets listen and number. Turn to page 57 and finish it. Ss listen and finish. Ss read the sentences together. Step 3: Summary 一般将来时的基本结构:人称+ be(am/is/are) going to do 一般疑问句:be(am/is/are)+人称+ going to do? 肯定回答: Yes, am/is/are. 否定回答: No , .isnt/arent. 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词(what/when/where/)+is/are+人称+going to do? Step4: Homework 必做题: 1.Recite Story time fluently. 2. Do the exercises . 选做题: Write a passage about “My birthday party”. 用 be going to 句型写一写关于“My birthday party” 的文章。Unit 5 A party (Grammar& checkout time) Lets review 1. When are the children going to have the party? 2. Where are they going to have the party? 3. What are they going to bring to the party? C_______ Day is coming. Mike and his f_______ are going to have a p_______ at Mikes house. Su Hai is going to bring some s______ and d______ . Wang Bing is going to bring some f______ . Yang Ling is going to bring some t______ . Liu Tao is going to bring something too . It is S_______ morning . Su Hai , Wang Bing and Yang Ling bring their things to Mikes house . Liu Tao does not come . Then , a c_______ a________ with some colourful b_______. That is Liu Tao ! The party b_______ . The children have great f______ at the party. Fill in blanks hildrens riends arty nacksrinks ruit oys unday lownppears alloonsegins un Guessing game After the party, what are they going to do? Guess. Guessing game Is he going to .? Guessing game Is she going to .? Guessing game Are they going to .? Guessing game Are you going to .? Is he going to sing at the party? Is she going to dance at the party? Are they going to play games at the party? Are you going to make tangyuan at the party? be主语going to动词原形 ? Grammar time yes or no questions一般疑问句 Yes/No, .be/be not. 特殊疑问词+be+ 主语+going to+ 动词原形? Read and find Read and find ( (读一读,找规律读一读,找规律) ) 一般将来时一般将来时be going tobe going to结构在结构在 特殊疑问句中的问和答特殊疑问句中的问和答 主语+be going to+动词原形 Grammar time Class party time place people/things Checkout time Can you ask some questions ? 你能提出一些问题吗? Pair work Ask and answer 同桌问答 Checkout time 1 2 3 6 45 This weekend, Im going to the This weekend, Im going to the library. I want to borrow some library. I want to borrow some booksbooks. . Tom is going to go climbing with his Tom is going to go climbing with his parents this Sunday.parents this Sunday. This weekend, Sally is going to the This weekend, Sally is going to the supermarket with her mother. They supermarket with her mother. They want to buy some food.want to buy some food. Lets follow Peter is going to have an Art lesson.Peter is going to have an Art lesson. Jenny is going to make a cake.Jenny is going to make a cake. Shes going to be busy.Shes going to be busy. Alice is going to have a partyAlice is going to have a party because its her grandmas birthday. because its her grandmas birthday. Lets follow 一般将来时的基本结构:一般将来时的基本结构:人称人称+ be(am/is/are) going to do+ be(am/is/are) going to do 一般疑问句:一般疑问句:be(am/is/are)+be(am/is/are)+人称人称+ going to do+ going to do? 肯定回答:肯定回答: Yes, am/is/are.Yes, am/is/are. 否定回答:否定回答: No , .isnt/arent. No , .isnt/arent. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词(what/when/where/)+is/are+(what/when/where/)+is/are+人称人称+going to+going to do?do? Summary Homework 必做题: 1. Recite Story time fluently. 熟练背诵课文。 2. Do the exercises . 完成伴你学上的练习。 选做题: Write a passage about “My birthday party”. 用be going to句型写一写关于“My birthday party” 的文章。六下六下 U5 A party(Fun time +Sound time )教案)教案 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)继续巩固词汇 Childrens Day, begin, clown, appear, balloon。 (2)能灵活运用一般将来时的特殊问句 When are we going to .? Where are we going to.? What are we going to.?及回答与他人进 行日常交流。 (3)了解字母组合 ow 在单词中的发音。感受 Sound time 韵律诗的 押韵,正确掌握朗读句子时的语音语调。 2.技能目标 能够运用所学日常交际用语和句型,与他人进行日常交流。 3.情感态度目标 帮助学生养成良好的英语语音学习习惯,培养学生乐于参与课堂 活动 的学习态度。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 1.熟练地掌握一般将来时的特殊问句及其回答。 2.能在现实生活中比较自如地运用本单元日常交际用语和句型与 他人进行日常交流。 三、教学难点三、教学难点 能够运用所学知识与他人进行交流。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1.Warming up 1.Daily report . 根据图片提示,复述课文内容。 2. Free talk What are you going to do this weekend ? When are you going to.? Where are you going to .? What .? Step 2. Presentation Fun time 1.Lets talk . I am going to take part in a party . Look ! This is a invitation . Can you ask me some questions ? (根据 fun time 图片引导学生用一般将来时的特殊疑问句来提问。) 2.Ask and answer (Pair work 同桌两人一组进行问答。) 3.Make and say T:Childrens day is coming . Lets have a party. Can you make a invitation ? (拓展:让学生模仿 fun time 的邀请函进行书写。) 4.Pair work 根据自己设计的邀请函进行问答活动。根据自己设计的邀请函进行问答活动。 Sound time 1. At the party ,we are going to say a rhyme . 听 sound time 录音,让学生感受句意以及 ow 的发音。 2. 引导学生读单词。 3. Play a game 你能找出站错队的单词吗? 比一比谁能说出更多的单词? 你能选几个/h 或者/au/的单词造句吗? 4. Exercise 一、判断下列单词划线部分发音是(一、判断下列单词划线部分发音是(T)否()否(F)相同。)相同。 ( ) window know ( ) show how ( ) now snow ( ) cow brown ( ) tomorrow slow 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Im going to (fly) kites this afternoon. 2. Let s have some fun (one). - All right. 3. Here (be)some toys for you. 4. Mike and I (not) going to the party tomorrow. 5. Miss (tell) story tomorrow afternoon. Step 3. Summary (能正确并熟练运用 be going to 的特殊疑问句) What/Where/When are you going to .? 知道知道 ow 在单词中的发音在单词中的发音) Step 4. Homework 必做题: 1.Listen and imitate Fun time, Sound time. 模仿跟读这二部分内容,注意语音语调。 2. Do the exercises. 完成伴你学上的练习。 选做题: 还有哪些单词发 /u/ 音,列举下来。Unit 5 A party (Fun time& Sound time) Daily report 根据图片提示,复述课文内 容。 What are you going to do this weekend ? When are you going to.? Where are you going to .? What .? Free talk Lets talk I am going to take part in a party . Look ! This is a invitation . Can you ask me some questions ? Ask and answer Make and say Childrens day is coming . Lets have a party. Can you make a invitation ? Welcome to the party! invitation Date . Time . Place . With ,drinks and . Come and have fun ! Pair work 和你的搭档根据自己邀请函内容问答。 At the party ,we are going to say a rhyme . Sound time know show slow snow window /u/ / /au/ snow cow own clown follow how 你能找出站错队的单词吗? 比一比谁能说出更多的单词? Can you make a sentence with these words ? Choose two or three words . 你能选几个/h或者/au/的单词造句吗? Follow me ,lets play snow together. Wow ! How beautiful the clown is ! Play a game yellow throw wow down Exercise 一、判断下列单词划线部分发音是(T)否( F)相同。 ( ) window know ( ) show how ( ) now snow ( ) cow brown ( ) tomorrow slow T F F T T 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Imgoingto (fly)kitesthisafternoon. 2.Letshavesomefun (one).-Allright. 3.Here (be)sometoys foryou. 4.Mikeand I (not)goingtotheparty tomorrow. 5.Miss (tell)storytomorrow afternoon. Exercise fly first are arent is going to tell 1.Fun time 2.Sound time What/Where/When are you going to .? 能正确并熟练运用be going to 的特殊疑问句。 知道ow在单词中的发音。 Summary 必做题: 1.Listen and imitate Fun time, Sound time. 模仿跟读这二部分内容,注意语音语调。 2. Do the exercises. 完成伴你学上的练习。 选做题: 还有哪些单词发 /u/ 音,列举下来。 Homework六下六下 U5 A party(Cartoon time )教案)教案 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)能正确地听、说、读词汇 put on。 (2)能灵活运用一般将来时的日常交际用语和句型 What is/ are he/ you going toI/He am/is going to . Is/ Are he/you going to .及回答, 与他人进行日常交流。 (3)能整体理解 Cartoon time 中的对话,体会其幽默之处。 2.技能目标 能够运用所学日常交际用语和句型,与他人进行交流。 3.情感态度目标 培养学生积极参与、快乐合作的学习品质。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 1.在教师设计的教学活动的引领下能够整体理解语篇,提高学生的 阅读能力。 2.能在现实生活中比较自如地运用本单元日常交际用语和句型与 他人进行日常交流。 三、教学难点三、教学难点 在理解文本的基础上,复述对话内容。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1.Warming up 1.Daily report . 2. Free talk. Step 2. Presentation 1. Watch and say Bobbys class is going to have a party soon. What are they going to do at the party? (看动画回答问题,初步理解课文的意思。) T: Billy is going to .? Willy is going to .? What about Bobby and Sam ? Who is Bobby going to be in the play ? 回答问题时讲解短语 put on 。 2. Think and say Does Bobby enjoy being the king? 出示两张 Bobby 的图片进行对比。 3. Listen and repeat 教师播放录音,学生跟读课文。 Step 3. Consolidation 1.Group work 1.Lets act the story in groups. 小组内分角色表演。 2. Enrich the story.大胆展开想象,让内容更充实。 3.Garden party (拓展环节) 4. Lets write (根据拓展的练习,模仿写 party plans。 ) Step 4. Summary 1.用将来时态的句子复述 Cartoon time 的内容 2.学生总结所学词汇。 Step 5. Homework 必做: 1.完成伴你学Cartoon time 的剩余题目。 2.听 Cartoon time 录音 3 遍并模仿跟读。 选做题: 1.模仿 Cartoon time 自编对话与伙伴进行交流。Unit 5 A party (Cartoon time) What are you going to do this weekend ? When are you going to.? Where are you going to .? What .? Free talk Bobbys class is going to have a party soon. Watch and say What are they going to do at the party? Watch and say What are they going to do at the party? What are they going to do at the party? Watch and say play the piano tell a story put on a play Who is Bobby going to be in the play ? 表演一场话剧表演一场话剧 Read and find Read and find Read and find He thinks the king is like this . But in the play the king is like this. The king isnt wearing any clothes . Think and say manly 有男子气概的有男子气概的 Does Bobby enjoy being the king? Listen and repeat 1.Lets act the story in groups. 小组内分角色表演。小组内分角色表演。 2. Enrich the story.大胆展开想象,让内容更充实。大胆展开想象,让内容更充实。 Group work Is this party fun ? Garden party Next week ,we are going to have a garden party, do you want to join us ? What do you want to know about the party ? Garden party plans Dear my children, It is going to be Garden party next Thursday. I hope you are going to enjoy the party. Give you an unforgettable(难忘的难忘的)memory. The party is going to begin at one and end at three in the afternoon. We are going to have a singing competition(比赛比赛). You need to prepare some English songs. We are also going to play some games. If you win, you are going to get a gift. At last, we are going to have a buffet reception (冷餐会冷餐会)in our playground. You are going to bring some fruit,snacks and drinks and share with other students. Were going to take some photos at the party. After the party I will send these photos to school website(网站网站). You can download(下载下载) them. Yours Jocelyn Tips: 1. Work in pairs. 2. Read it quickly. 3. Underline the answers. Underline the answers: Read and answer Garden party plans Dear my children, It is going to be Garden party next Thursday. I hope you are going to enjoy the party. Give you an unforgettable(难忘的难忘的)memory. The party is going to begin at one and end at three in the afternoon. We are going to have a singing competition(比赛比赛). You need to prepare some English songs. We are also going to play some games. If you win, you are going to get a gift. At last, we are going to have a buffet reception (冷餐会冷餐会)in our playground. You are going to bring some fruit,snacks and drinks and share with other students. Were going to take some photos at the party. After the party I will send these photos to school website(网站网站). You can download(下载下载) them. Yours Belinda Lets write We are going to have.party. The party is going to begin. We are ging to . 1.用将来时态的句子复述用将来时态的句子复述Cartoon time 的的 内容内容 2.学生学生总结所学词汇。总结所学词汇。 Summary Homework 必做:必做: 1.完成完成伴你学伴你学Cartoon time 的剩余题目。的剩余题目。 2.听听Cartoon time 录音录音3遍并模仿跟读。遍并模仿跟读。 选做题:选做题: 1.模仿模仿Cartoon time
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