2021年春人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 3 知识梳理及重难点讲练 (无答案).doc

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1、人教新目标八年级英语下册 Unit 3 单元知识梳理及重难点讲练单元知识梳理及重难点讲练 知识梳理知识梳理 词汇:词汇: stress (n. 精神压力;心理负担) stressed (adj. 有压力的) depend (v. 依靠;依赖) dependent (adj. 依靠的) dependence (n. 依赖) independent (adj. 独立的) independence (n. 独立) fair (adj. 合理的;公正的) fairness (n. 公正性;合理性) unfair (adj. 不合理的; 不公正的) unfairness (n. 不合理;不公正) nei

2、ghbor (n. 邻居) neighborhood (n. 社区) 短语:短语: do the dishes 洗餐具 take out the rubbish 倒垃圾 fold the clothes 叠衣服 sweep the floor 扫地 clean the living room 打扫客厅 make the bed 铺床 at least 至少;起码 hang out 闲逛 do chores 做家务 throw down 扔下 any minute now 随时,马上;在任何时候 in surprise 惊讶地;吃惊地 in a mess 杂乱不堪;陷入困境 come over

3、过来;来访 all the time 频繁;反复 as soon as 一就 the minute (that) 就 hate doing / to do sth. 讨厌做某事 as.as. 像一样 a waste of 浪费 in order to 目的是;为了 depend on 依靠;信赖 have no idea 不知道 in fairness 说句公道话 take care of 照顾;处理 as a result 结果 fall ill 生病 get a ride 搭车 用法总结:用法总结: Could you please.? 能请你吗? finish doing sth. 完成

4、做某事 neither + be 动词 / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 也不 make sb. (not) do sth. 使某人(不)做某事 let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 spend time/money on sth. 在某事/物上花费时间/金钱 provide sb. with sth.= provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 there is no need for sb. to do sth. 某人没有必要做某事 The + 比较级,the + 比较级 越,越 do ones part in (doing) sth. 尽自己的职责做某事 It

5、+ be + 名词(短语) + to do sth. 做某事是 It + be + 形容词 + for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是的。 重难点讲练重难点讲练 1. Peter, could you please take out the trash? 彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗? Could you please do sth ?请你(做).好吗?用于提出请求,希望得到对方的肯定回答, 说话的语气比较客气委婉。 Could 不是 can 的过去式,是委婉、礼貌的说法。 【常用答语】肯定回答:Sure. / Of course. / Certainly.

6、 / No problem. 否定回答: Sorry , I cant 【即学即用】选择。【即学即用】选择。 ( ) 1. Could I borrow your camera? _, but please give it back by Saturday. A. I am sorry B. Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks ( ) 2. Sir , could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free(无烟的)school. _ A. Im sorry about this.

7、 B. No problem. C. Sure, Id love to D. Never mind. 2. My mother came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV. 我一在电视机前坐下,我我一在电视机前坐下,我 妈妈就过来了。妈妈就过来了。 as soon as 一一就就,引导时间状语从句,相当于前面学到的,引导时间状语从句,相当于前面学到的 the minute (that)。 在含有在含有 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句中,如果引导的时间状语从句中,如果主句用一般将来时主句用一般将来时(或(或主句含有情态动词主句含

8、有情态动词, 或者或者主句为祈使句主句为祈使句),),从句用一般现在时态。从句用一般现在时态。 Eg. The football fans cheered as soon as they heard the exciting news. 足球爱好者一听到这个令 人兴奋的消息就欢呼起来。 【即学即用】【即学即用】(2018 德阳中考)德阳中考)Ill send you a message _ I get to school. A. since B. so that C. as soon as D. though (2019 广州中考) 完成句子。 麦克一放学就开始做饭。Mike started

9、cooking _ _ _ he got home from school. 3. I think two hours of TV is enough for you! 我觉得你看两个小时的电视已经足够了。我觉得你看两个小时的电视已经足够了。 1)two hours of TV 表示时间、距离、金额、度量等词语作主语时,通常被视作整体,谓语动词用单数形式。 如:How time flies! Three years _(be) really a short time. 2)enough 足够的 I dont have enough money with me. 我没有足够多的钱。 The ri

10、ver is deep enough for swimming. 这条河足够深可以游泳。 Mr. Smith has enough money, but he isnt kind enough to help others. 史密斯有足够的钱,但 是他对别人不够友好。 【即学即用】选择。【即学即用】选择。 ( ) In the old days, peoples didnt have _ to eat. A. food enough B. enough food C. enough for ( ) You are not _ to take part in the match. Please

11、work hard and try to improve yourself. A. good enough B. Enough good C. well enough 4. For one week , she did not do any housework and neither did I. 一周的时间,她不做任何家务,我也不做。 (1) neither 两者都不。作代词,neither of 结构作主语时结构作主语时,谓语动词用单复数均可单复数均可。 Eg. Neither of them has / have a car. 他们两个都没有汽车。 (2) neither nor 既不也

12、,连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的数要与临近 的主语保持一致。(就近原则就近原则) Eg. Neither Tom nor Jim is a student. 汤姆和吉姆都不是学生。 Neither I nor he knows Linda. 我和他都不认识琳达。 ( ) 1. I have two sisters, but _of them is a teacher. A. all B. neither C. both D. none ( ) 2. The teachers in that school speak either English or French, or even _.

13、 Thats so cool! A. all B. both C. neither D. none ( ) 3. Which magazine do you like better, Crazy Reading or Teens space? I like _of them. They are useful for English lessons. A. none B. neither C. all D. both ( ) 4. Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walk man? _. I prefer a portable computer. A.

14、 Both B. Either C. None D. Neither ( ) 5. He speaks _English _French. Instead, he speaks German. A either; or B not only; but also C both; and D neither; nor 3)neither + 助动词助动词 / 系动词系动词 / 情态动词情态动词 +主语主语 表示表示 “某人也不某人也不” ( ) 1. The first one wasnt bad. _ . A. So wasnt the second B. So the second was C

15、. Neither wasnt the second D. Neither was the second 拓展:both / eitheror/ neithernor both 两者两者都 I like both math and English 数学和英语我都喜欢 eitheror两者两者中的一者 She can speak either English or French 她会说英语或法语 neithernor两者两者都不 She can speak neither Chinese nor English 他既不会说汉语也 不会说英语 6. She asked in surprise. 她

16、吃惊地问道。她吃惊地问道。 to ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是 Eg. To my surprise, the man who helped me clean the yard is our headmaster. 令我惊讶的是,帮 我打扫院子的人是我们的校长。 in surprise 吃惊地,用在动词之后作方式状语,相当于 with surprise。 Eg. Tom looked at them in surprise. 汤姆惊讶地看着他们。 ( ) _his surprise, she succeeded in climbing up the high mountain.

17、A. At B. To C. In D. On 老师惊讶地看着我们。The teacher looked at us _ _. 7. Could I borrow that book? 我能借下你那本书看吗、我能借下你那本书看吗、 Borrow, lend 与与 keep 的区别:的区别: (1) borrow 借入,与 from 连用,尤指主语“【借进来”】 borrow sth. from sb. 从某人那里借某物 Eg. You can borrow the book from the library. (2) lend 借出,与 to 搭配 【指借出去】 lend sb. sth. =

18、 lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人 Eg. He doesnt want to lend his book to others. (3) keep 保留,保存(延续动词,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用)【指借一段时间】 Eg. He told me that I could keep the book for a week. 他告诉我,我可以借看这本书一周。 【用法巧记】主语借出用【用法巧记】主语借出用 lend,主语借入用,主语借入用 borrow,想要保存用,想要保存用 keep。 【即学即用】【即学即用】 I want to _ a bike from my friend

19、but he didnt _ it to me, because Tom had _ it for two days. (用 borrow, lend 与 keep 填空) You may _ the book for two weeks. A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. buy May I _ your dictionary? Sorry. Li Lei _ it for five days. A. lend; borrowed B. borrow; has kept C. borrow ; has borrowed D. lend; has lent Althou

20、gh you like the book, you may only _ it for two weeks. A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. stay. 8. I cut my finger and Im trying not to get it wet. (1) try on 试穿 (2) try to do sth 努力做某事 【侧重尽力做】 (3) try doing sth 试图做某事 【侧重尝试做】 (4) try ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事 We should _(尽最大努力)to be happy in the fut

21、ure. We should try _ much fruit. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. eats 9. Could I invite my friends to a party? 我能邀请我的朋友们来聚会吗?我能邀请我的朋友们来聚会吗? invite v. 邀请 invitation n. 邀请 (1) invite sb. to do sth 邀请某人做某事 (2) invite sb. to + 地点 邀请某人去某地 【即学即用】【即学即用】 ( ) Id invite her _ dinner at my house tomorrow. A. hav

22、e B. to have C. having D. had ( ) She was very pleased because we invited _ to stay with us at _ house. A. she; we B. her; our C. her; ours D. hers; us You shouldnt refuse his _ (invite) .He is really friendly. We invited him _ (join) us to practice speaking English. He invited a lot of friends _ (c

23、ome) to his birthday party. 10. They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university. 英语中的四朵花辨析:英语中的四朵花辨析: spendspentspent v. 花费,主语是人 some time / money on sth. 某人在某事/ 某物上花费时间/金钱 Sb. Spend(s) some time (in) doing sth. 某人花费时间做某事 pay paid paid v 支付,主语是人

24、sb. + pay + 钱 + for sth 例如:I pay 10 yuan for the book. cost cost cost v 花费,主语是某物或某事 Sth. cost sb. +钱 某物花费某人多少钱 例如:A new computer costs me a lot of money. taketook taken v 花费 It takes / took sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间做某事花费某人多长时间 例如:It takes him 3 hours to do his homework. 【用法【用法巧记】巧记】cost 与

25、与 pay 花金钱,花金钱,take 花的是时间,既花时间又花钱,还是花的是时间,既花时间又花钱,还是 spend 来露面。来露面。 【即学即用】单项选择。【即学即用】单项选择。 ( ) 1. Remember to spend some time _ your loved ones, because theyre not going to be around forever. A. from B. with C. in D. on ( ) 2. How much did you _ for this computer? Five hundred dollars. A. cost B. tak

26、e C. spend D. pay ( ) 3. I _ 10 yuan for that book. A. spent B. paid C. cost D. take ( ) 4. Jim spent two hours _ that house. A. to draw B. draws C. draw D. drawing ( ) 5. She spent 100 dollars on her dress. A. cost; for B. paid ;for C. took; to D. use; for ( ) 6. Are you always online? Yes. It _ me

27、 a lot of time to read the web pages I likes.Its the best way to kill time. A. takes B. spends C. uses D. pays ( ) 7. It only_ him 20 minutes _to his office every day. A. takes, to drive B. took, drive C. takes, drive D. took, to drive ( ) 8. It usually _Mum about half an hour to cook supper. A. pay

28、s B. takes C. spends D. costs ( ) 9. I spent $5 _ this book. A. in B. to buy C. buying D. Buy ( ) 10. Do you know the price of the ticket? Yes. Each _ 180. A. pays B. costs C. takes D. Spends ( ) 11. How much is the ticket to Central Park? A one-way ticket _ $40, and you can _ another $20 for a roun

29、d-trip. A. costs, pay B. cost, spend C. pay, spend D. spends, pay 能力提升能力提升中考链接中考链接 1. 完形填空。(完形填空。(2019 广元中考)广元中考) When I had something difficult to do, I liked to ask my mother for 1 . But she always said,Do it yourself, dear. I was not happy about this at all. I thought she was the _2 mother I had

30、ever seen! For example,one day,I decided to 3 some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were 4 , and I didnt make the bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it, but she 5 said, Do it yourself. Because of my lazy mother, I had to 6 my clothes and clean my room. I had to help my par

31、ents do 7 . I even had to go to the doctor by myself. It was really difficult for me to do a good job,but I have 8 a lot. As time goes by, I start to understand my mother. She made 9 clever and hard-working. A 10 mother is worth 100 teachers! Do you think so? 1. A . money B. help C. time 2. A .tallest B. happiest C. laziest 3. A . leave B. invite C. visit 4. A. everywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere 5. A. never B. sometimes C. still 6. A. wash B. move C .buy 7. A. job B. homework C. housework 8. A. learned B. told C. shown 9. A. I B. mine C. me 10. A. young B. good C. happy


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