辽宁省丹东市2021届高三下学期总复习质量测试(一)(一模)英语试题(可编辑) 含答案.zip

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20212021年年高三高三总复习质量测试总复习质量测试(一一) 英语英语试卷参考试卷参考答案答案 第一部分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)分) 1-5 BACBC 6-10 ABABC 11-15 ACABA 16-20 ACBBC 第第二二部分部分: 阅读阅读(共两节共两节,满分满分 50 分分) 21-23 BBC 24-27 BDDC 28-31 DCBC 32-35 CABB 36-40 CBGEF 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)分) 41-45 DABAC 46-50 AACCA 51-55 DBDCC 56. construction 57. that/which 58. was listed 59. convenient 60. with 61. widely 62. it 63. an 64. covering 65. made 第四部分第四部分: 写作写作 (共两节共两节, 满分满分 40 分分) 应用文参考范文: One possible version: Dear John, Its my pleasure to invite you to attend the Go class held by our Go club. The game of Go is a popular board game with origins in China from more than 4000 years ago. Playing Go is just like playing a real-life game during which a lot of hows and whys of life will be learnt. I am sure you will fall in love with it. The class will start next month, from 9 am to 10 am every Monday in the school hall. If you are interested in it, please sign up in Room 506, Building 3 before this Friday. Dont miss it. Looking forward to your early reply. Best regards! Yours truly, Li Hua 读后续写参考范文: 故事主要情节: Baskin是一个为学费在饭店打工的大二学生。 一次工作当中的疏忽把 6000 块的酒误上 成了 5000 块的红酒。由于无人察觉这个失误,他有机会将一千元的红酒差价据为己有,但 又无法忍受内心道德的谴责,这时父亲走过来了。根据段首已给信息续写文章,思路如下: Paragraph 1: While he was struggling with his options, his father came over.根据第二段首句的 提示,我们得知,父亲指导了 Baskin 如何处理这件事情。所以第一段建议主要通过语言和 动作描述Baskin和父亲之间的互动,即父亲如何劝说他跟客人说出事实。 Paragraph 2: When the customers came to pay the bill, with fathers advice in mind, Baskin decided to do the right thing. 第二段主要描写Baskin在父亲的指导下如何解决这一 问题。解决方法可以写向客人说明事实并道歉。升华可以写诚实和自尊拥有任何事物无 法比拟的价值。 只有诚实才能获得内心的平静。 体现人与自我和正确价值观的主题渗透。 Possible version: Paragraph 1: While he was struggling with his options, his father came over. Seeing his mixed expression, his father asked him what was happening. Baskin couldnt help telling him the truth. His father listened attentively and gave his advice. He told Baskin he should tell the truth and admit his mistake. Baskin thought the customers probably wouldnt notice the mistake as they were not paying too much attention. His father said that he should always be honest and that way he would always be trusted. Baskin nodded seriously. Paragraph 2: When the customers came to pay the bill, with his fathers advice in mind, Baskin decided to do the right thing. He explained the situation to the customers and apologized sincerely for the error. The customers were surprised at this and said they hadnt noticed the mistake at all. Instead, they said that the wine they were served still tasted very good and finished by giving him a large tip. To Baskins relief, his father also forgave him for his mistake, saying that no harm had been done and the customers were satisfied with the service. Thinking back, Baskin was grateful to his father for such good advice and also learned an important life lesson.
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