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1、高改后的高一 - 必修一 A NEW START- excercises 一Senior 1. 语法填空 Though he is 3 years younger me,he is senior me in the company. 2. 写作 我们应该尊重那些比我们年长的人。 二Eager 1. Bob was eager a chance to learn traditional Chinese painting,so he was eager (join)in the exchange programme between London and Beijing. 2. On the fir

2、st day, I couldnt control my to get to know my new classmates, so I got up early and went to my school .(eager) 3. I flew to Kulangyu my eagerness to enjoy its beautiful scenery. 三Wonder 1. Its really wonder that Tony, a child of only two years old,can play the piano so well. 2. Tom was listening to

3、 his grandfathers story wonder. 3. On the way home,they were wondering the thing you mentioned in the letter. 4. 怪不得他总让我们想起她。 四Impress 1. We had lots of fun at her party last Sunday and it was an memory. 2. (黑龙江月考) .The performance left a lasting impression me, and it moved me to tears. 3. The forei

4、gn tourists had a good impression the Chinese who were kind and friendly. 4. His parents try to impress him that it is very important to be honest. 5. Really? I was the impression that the tickets had sold out a long time before. 五Breath 1. 这个小男孩深吸一口气,屏住呼吸跳入游泳池中。 2. 他一路跑回家,上气不接下气。 3. Its so airless

5、here-I can hardly . 4. After climbing all the stairs, I was already . 六Panic 1. Everyone got into panic because of the sudden earthquake. 2. He spent the rest of the day panic,fearing what would happen when Davis told his mother what he had done. 3. The children when they realized they were lost. 七-

6、edotherwise, it is no use. 3. To my delight,I was chosen from hundreds of to attend the opening ceremony. 4. Though he has lived in America for five years, he doesnt intend to apply American citizenship. 二十Volunteer Before he to direct the traffic,Timoteo had lots of jobs. 二十一take 短语 1. (高考改编). Blac

7、k will as general manager when Mitchell retires. 2. The more fat you before bedtime,the greater burden you will put on your body at night. 3. I was on a plane that was about to when my phone rang. 4. The usual to a person who is looking for a way to keep fit is to some sports of others. 二十二Subscribe

8、 I dont agree with her. Do you subscribe her view of the state of the economy? 二十三Schedule 1. The new edition is scheduled appear in May. 2. The meeting is scheduled Friday afternoon. 二十四View 1. we should consider the plan again (考虑到) the future development. 2. When we climbed to the top of the moun

9、tain ,we (看得清)of the whole town. 二十五Graduate 1. Nowadays ,many are willing to work in villages far away in spite of the poor conditions there. 2. 坐在窗边的那个女孩是清华大学的毕业生。 二十六Deal with He isnt a man who knows how to people properly,but he does know what to all kinds of papers in front of him. 二十七Fight 1.

10、I am not sure who is more ,me or the female gorilla(大猩猩)that suddenly appears out of nowhere. 2. I want to travel,but I am frightened (travel) alone. 二十八Sight 1. 街上静悄悄的,一个人也没有 The street was so quiet,with on one . 2. 她告诉我看到远处有一辆汽车。 She told me that she a car in the distance. 二十九Figure 1. She goes jo

11、gging around the park every morning in an effort to (保持身材). 2. With the Chinese translation and vivid pictures, we could its meaning easily.(明白) 三十Disappoint He was to find his suggestion turned down. 三十一Select 1. Mr Smith was selected the captain because of his excellent skills and rich work experi

12、ence. 2. It offers the widest of antiques(古董) of every description in a one-day market. 三十二Refer The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without his notes. 三十三Struggle The young artist was struggling recognition(认可). 三十四Exchange The tokens(礼券)can be exchanged goods in any of our shops. 三十五Particular She is very particular what she eats,otherwise she would not be so thin.


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