2021版外研版必修一英语Unit5 An encounter with nature 课文精练+课文翻译.docx

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2021版外研版必修一英语Unit5 An encounter with nature 课文精练+课文翻译.docx_第3页
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1、学生版】【学生版】+【教师版】【教师版】 新版外研必修新版外研必修 1 Unit 5 Into the wild Part 2 An Encounter with Nature Task 1: Reading comprehension 1. What is the passage mainly about? A. Working outside in the wild B. Photos taken in Yellowstone National Park C. An unforgettable experience in the wild D. A photo taken with a b

2、rown bear 2. How does the author think of his job? A. He should be brave to do this. B. He should stand the bad weather. C. He likes being outside in the wild. D. He likes animals in various environment. 3. What do we know about Yellowstone National Park? A. It is where the author most likes to go.

3、B. It is famous for all kinds of trees. C. It has wet bears and eagle everywhere. D. It is a dark forest with a long path. 4. How do we know about the authors getting the photo? A. The author designed the scene ahead. B. The bear did the action for him. C. The bear stood still before him. D. The aut

4、hor got it quite by accident. 5. Which word can best describe the authors feeling then? A. Terrified. B. Excited. C. Thankful. D. Respectful. Task 2. In-class test I am a nature photographer and have to brave the 1.elements (element). But 2.despite the wind and the rain I still enjoy working outside

5、 in 3.the wild. I can observe animals in their 4.natural (nature) environment. Yellowstone is famous for the 5.variety (vary) of its wildlife but is probably best known for 6.its (it) bears. Last spring I 7.followed (follow) a path through a dark forest and saw the breathtaking view. Slowly I turned

6、 and 8.froze (freeze). Only meters away was a bear, with water 9.falling (fall) off its hair. I pressed the button. A second later, the bear ran back into the forest and I got a photo of it. I realized that it is we 10.who are the visitors to their world. Task 3: Gap filling An Encounter with Nature

7、 As (作为) a nature photographer (摄影师), I have to brave the elements (勇敢面 对各种环境). But despite (尽管) the wind and the rain, I still enjoy working outside in the wild. One of the best things about this job is that you can observe (观察) animals in their natural environment (自然环境). My favorite place to take

8、 photos is Yellowstone National Park. As the worlds first national park (国家公园), Yellowstone is famous for (因而著名) the variety (种类) of its wildlife, but it is probably best known for its bears (熊). These huge (巨大的), strong animals can live for 30 years (活 30 年). Despite (尽管) a weight of up to (高达) 300

9、 kilograms, they can run at a speed (以的速度) of around 64 kilometers per hour and are also excellent swimmers (游泳健将). Last spring in Yellowstone, I followed a path (沿着一条路) that took me through a dark forest. When I finally stepped out of the trees, the view was breathtaking (风景让人惊叹). An eagle flew ove

10、r the snow-capped mountains (一只鹰在白雪皑皑的群山上空翱翔), which were reflected in the still lake below (倒映在下面静静的湖面上). While I was concentrating on (全神贯注于) photographing this amazing scene (美丽的 风景), I suddenly had a feeling that I was being watched. Slowly (慢慢地), and with the camera still held (hold) to my eye,

11、 I turned. . . and froze (freeze). Only meters away from me (离我仅有几米远的地方) was a bear. With water falling (fall) off its thick, brown hair, the bear stared back at (回视着) me. Time stood still (时间静 止) as the bear and I both waited to see who would move first. My legs started shaking (发抖). Somehow (不知怎么)

12、, I forced my finger to press the button (迫使我的手指按下快门). A second (秒) later, the bear turned and ran back into the forest (跑回森林). When I recovered from the shock (从惊恐中恢复过来), I looked at my camera. My most frightening (恐惧的) but magical (奇妙的) experience was now captured (拍摄) forever in a single image (一

13、张照片). From time to time (时不时地) I look at the photo as a reminder (提醒物) to show respect to (对表示尊重) all animals. It is after all (毕竟) we who are the visitors to their world. 【教师版】【教师版】 Task 1: Reading comprehension 1. What is the passage mainly about? 【C】 A. Working outside in the wild B. Photos taken

14、 in Yellowstone National Park C. An unforgettable experience in the wild D. A photo taken with a brown bear 2. How does the author think of his job? 【B】 A. He should be brave to do this. B. He should stand the bad weather. C. He likes being outside in the wild. D. He likes animals in various environ

15、ment. 3. What do we know about Yellowstone National Park? 【A】 A. It is where the author most likes to go. B. It is famous for all kinds of trees. C. It has wet bears and eagle everywhere. D. It is a dark forest with a long path. 4. How do we know about the authors getting the photo? 【D】 A. The autho

16、r designed the scene ahead. B. The bear did the action for him. C. The bear stood still before him. D. The author got it quite by accident. 5. Which word can best describe the authors feeling then? 【A】 A. Terrified. B. Excited. C. Thankful. D. Respectful. Task 2. In-class test I am a nature photogra

17、pher and have to brave the 1.elements (element). But 2.despite the wind and the rain I still enjoy working outside in 3.the wild. I can observe animals in their 4.natural(nature)environment. Yellowstone is famous for the 5.variety(vary) of its wildlife but is probably best known for 6.its(it) bears.

18、 Last spring I 7.followed (follow) a path through a dark forest and saw the breathtaking view. Slowly I turned and 8.froze(freeze). Only meters away was a bear, with water 9.falling(fall) off its hair. I pressed the button. A second later,the bear ran back into the forest and I got a photo of it. I

19、realized that it is we 10.who are the visitors to their world. Task 3: Gap filling 答案请参考课本答案请参考课本 _ 课文翻译请参考下文:课文翻译请参考下文: 一次与自然的邂逅一次与自然的邂逅 作为一名自然摄影师,我必须要风雨无阻地行动。但尽管风吹雨淋,我仍然享受在野外工作。 这份工作的好处之一是你可以观察到自然状态下的动物。 我最喜欢的拍照地点是黄石国家公园。 作为世界上第一个国家公园, 黄石公园以其野生动物的 多样性而闻名,不过其中最广为人知的还是那里的熊。这种体型庞大而强壮有力的动物寿命长达 30 年。虽然

20、体重最高可达 300 公斤,它们却能以每小时约 64 公里的时速奔跑,还非常擅长游泳。 去年春天,我沿着黄石公园的一条小路穿过一片昏暗的森林。当我终于走出森林时,眼前的景 色令人叹为观止。白雪皑皑的山峰倒映在山脚下平静的湖面上,一只鹰掠过山顶。当我正聚精会神 地拍摄这惊人的景观时,我突然感觉有什么在盯着我。我慢慢地转身,相机还端在眼前然后我 僵住了。那是一只熊,离我只有几米远。它也盯着我,水珠从厚厚的棕色皮毛上滴下来。时间凝固 了,我和熊都等着看谁会先动。我的双腿开始颤抖。但我竟然还硬是按下了快门。一秒钟过后,那 头熊转身跑回了森林。等我从震惊中缓过神来,我查看了相机。这个可怕至极却又如此神奇的 经历已经被永久地定格在一张照片中。 我不时会看看这张照片,提醒自己要尊重所有的动物。毕竟我们才是他们世界的访客。


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