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1、B1U6 词汇详解 1.wrap v.包,裹 pt. pp.-wrapped 2. sheet n.(冰戒水等的)一大片 a sheet of 3. dynasty n.朝代 in the Tang Dynasty 在唐朝 pletion n.完成,结束 v. complete adj. complete adv. completely 5. region n.地区,区域 adj. regional 6.steep adj.陡的,陡峭的 adv. steeply 7.shallow adj.浅的 v.变浅 n.浅水滩,浅滩 8. prevent v.阻挡,防止 n. prevention pr

2、event (from/against)doing sth.?阻止做事/ stop. . (from)doing sth / keep. from doing sth. Social attention should be paid to preventing our earth from?being poluted. 9.harmony n.融洽相处,和谐 adj. harmonious live/work in harmony 融洽地生活/工作 in harmony with 与协调一致/和谐 out of harmony with 与不和谐 sense of harmony?和谐感 Pe

3、oples life here is full of harmony and at the same time, human and nature make a harmonious picture. We are aware that we should live in harmony with nature.我们意识到我们应该和自然和谐相处。 10. design n.v. 设计,构思,意欲,计划 designer n.设计者,设计师,构思者 designs sth. for sb. /sth.为某人/某物设计某物? be designed for.为而设计 be designed to

4、do.意欲做,目的是 be designed as 设计为 in design 在设计上 by design 故意地=on purpose make designs for.为制作设计方案 These exercises are designed to strengthen muscles.这些练习是为了增强肌肉力量而设计的。 11.harm v.伤害,损害 harmful adj.有害的 harmless adj.无害的 do sb/sth. harm=do harm to sb. /sth=be harmful to 损害,伤害 be harmless to 对无害 cause harm

5、to 对造成损害 There is no harm in doing sth 做某事无害 be harmful to sb. /sth.对某人/某物有害 harn ones image/reputation 损害某人的形象/名声 mean no harm/not mean any harm 没有恶意 do more harm than good 弊大于利 A ccording to the study, using cell phones too often does harm to your health. There is no harm in saying sorry to her fi

6、rst. 12. agriculture n.农业 adj. agricultural 13. replace v.以替换,更换;取代;把放回原处 n. replacement replace A with/by B(用 B)替换/接替/取代 A instead of 代替 in place of 顶替,代? take ones place= take the place of sb. /sth.代替,替换某人/某物 The factory replaced most of its workers with robots. 14.consumer n.消费者 v. consume 15.bea

7、uty n.美,美丽;美人,美好的东西 adj.beatiful v.beautify 美化,使美丽 16.structure n.结构,构造,组织 v.建造,使形成结构 17.ling/livin/ adj.活的,活着的 n.生计,收入 make/earn a living 谋生? (1)living“活着的”,与 alive 同义,可作表语戒前置定 Without air, there wouldnt be living things in the world. (2)alive“活着的;有活力的”,可作表语、后置定语戒宾补。 We dont know whether he is aliv

8、e.我们不知道他是 否还活着。 (3)live“活的”,一般不指人,通常作前置定语;还可指“现场直播的”。 ? experiments on live animals 动物活体实验 live broadcast of the concert 音乐会的现场直播 (4)lively“充满活力的,生动有趣的”,可指人戒物,作定语戒表语。? lively city/child 充满活力的城市/孩子 18.observatory n.天文台,观象 v.observe 观察 n.obsaervation 观察 19.narrow adj.狭窄的,不宽的,狭隘的,勉强的 v. 使窄小,变窄,缩小 ? hav

9、e a narrow escape 死里逃生,险些遇险 ?a narrow victory 险胜 ? narrowly adv.勉强地,以毫厘之差,狭隘地 narrow the gap 缩小差距 He had a narrow escape when his car skidded on the ice.车在冰上打滑,他险些出事。 He was narrowly hit by a bus when he was turning to the left.向左转弯时,他险些被一辆公共汽车撞倒。 20. platform n.高台,平台 waterfall n.瀑布 thunder n. v.打雷

10、channel n.海峡,频道 tunnel n.隧道 camel n.骆驼 sunflower n.向日葵 climate n.气候 inside adv.在(建筑物、房间)内 21. desert n.沙漠,荒漠 v.遗弃,离弃 22. sail v.(乘船)航 n. sailor 水手,海员 23. publish v.出版,刊登,公布come out n. publishment 24. green fingers 高超的种植技能 25. expert adj.内行的,丏家的 n.丏家,行家 be expert at/in(doing)sth.在(做)某事方面在行 ? seek exp

11、ert advice/an expert opinion 征求丏家意见 ?an expert at/on/in 在方面的丏家/行家 The police are expert at handling situations like this.警察处理这类事情很在行。? 26. rent v.租用,租借;出租 n.租金 pt./pp. rented ?rent sth. from sb.从某人那里租用某物 rent sth (out)to sb.把某物出租给某人 ? high/low/fair rent 高的/低的/合理的租金? for rent(尤用于告示)出租,招租 months rent

12、in advance 预付的月租金 She rents out two rooms to students 她把两个房间出租给学生。 ? rent?指长时间“出租;租用”, They rented house from Mr. Smith?宾语一般是房屋、土地等 ?employ 指长时间“雇用”,宾语一?般是人 He employed the girl as a typist 他雇用那个女孩作打字员。 ? hire 指短时间、临时戒一次性“雇用;租用”,宾语可以?是人,也可以是物 ? They hired a boat and went fishing.他们租了一条船去钓鱼。 27.limit

13、ed adi.有限的 v.limit n.limit 限度,界限 n. limitation 限制,缺点 adj. limitless 无限制的 limited resources/time 有限的资源/时间 ?set limit to/on 设定的限度 ? within limits 在合理限度内 ? There is no/ limit to是无限的/有限的。 ? limit.to.把限定在 ? be limited to 限定在 My life is limited, but learning is limitless.吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。 There is no limit to

14、what you can do if you are hard-working.你如果努力的话,成就不可限量。 28. benefit n.好处,益处 v 使受益;得益于 beneficial adj.有益的,有利的,有帮助的 ? for the benefit of.为了的利益 benefit sb./sth.对某人/某物有益 ? benefit from/by 得益于,从中受益 ? be of benefit to.(=be beneficial to.)对有益 to ones benefit 对某人有利 This project will be of great benefit to t

15、he region as a whoL?这个项目整体来看对该地区将大有裨益。 ?You will benefit from reading sooner or later.你迟早会从读书中受益的。? 29. pleasant adj.令人愉快的 adj.pleased 高兴的,满意的 30. energy n.力量,活力,;能量 adj. energetic ?full of energy 精力充沛;富含能量 have the energy to do sth 有精力做某事 This was a time when people devoted all their energy to work

16、.?这是一个人们把全部精力用于工作的时期。 31. frost n.霜, terrace .n 梯田 therefore adv.因此,由此 crop n.庄稼,作物 vapour n.蒸气 soil n.土壤 rooftop n.屋顶 thistle n.蓟 branch n.树枝,分支机构 material n.材料 mineral n.矿物,矿产 priority n.优先处理的事,当务之急 barrier n.障碍,壁垒 reef n.礁 organism n.生物,有机体 herb n.(用于调味)香草 flavour n.味,味道 system n.系统 basin n.盆地,低洼地 grand adj.宏伟的,壮丽的 canyon n.峡谷 valley n.谷,山谷


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