2021版外研版必修一英语期末复习全册 核心词汇语境竞赛(含答案).doc

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1、新版外研必修一期末复习单词竞赛 姓名:_学号_得分:_ 根据汉语默写单词。每个分。 1. Pick up one of our free information _ (一片) at reception. 2. By _ (传统), its the brides parents who pay for the wedding. 3. I could have asked her, but something _ (阻挡) me from doing so. 4. The exhibition has _ (吸引) thousands of visitors from all over the w

2、orld. 5. These fish are found in _ (浅的) waters around the coast. 6. People can use the computers in a _ (类型,种类) of different forms. 7. I am confident I will _ (提高) my gardening skills quickly. 8. His words have great _ (影响) on her coming behaviours. 9. You have to wait until the drugs have passed ou

3、t of your _ (系统) 10. Now lets make a _ (总结) of his speech together! 11. The company produces its own training _ (材料) 12. There was only a _ (窄的) gap between the bed and the wall. 13. We had to move _ (在(房间)内) when it started to rain. 14. He is the finest _ (活着的) pianist in China. 15. The number of p

4、eople employed in _ (农业) has fallen in the last decade. 16. Our caf offers a complete menu of lunch and snack _ (选择), in addition to seasonal specials. 17. The French law is often _ (忽视) or unknown, thus making them into an interesting area of “lawlessness” in the world. 18. When I was your age, I r

5、eally expected to be a _ (专业的) reporter at the local newspaper. 19. She had always been honest with me, and I _ (尊敬) her for that. 20. They settled in at a comfortable East Side cafe and within minutes, another customer was _ (走近,靠近) their table. 21. Jean is pretty, of _ (苗条的,修长的) build, with blue e

6、yes. 22. England have lost the Test _ (系列比赛) against India. 23. She was good at physics _ (尽管) the fact that she found it boring. 24. Most people held the _ (意见) that the government should think before introducing a tax. 25. He is a terrific _ (运动员) and a brilliant jumper. 26. The exhibit hopes to l

7、eave the best _ (印象) on students. 27. This region is steeped in _ (传统) 28. The hotel has special _ (设施) for welcoming disabled people. 29. Children are greatly encouraged to _ (探索) the unknown world. 30. Some schools are trying to make their _ (校园) environment better. 31. It is a kind of pain that g

8、oes beyond _ (描述) 32. XiaoIce, an AI made by Microsoft, published a poem _ (作品集) last year. 33. It is important for the players to keep _ (镇静的) while facing difficulties. 34. The interviewer will put you under _ (压力) to see how you react. 35. People are concerned about the quality of the air they _

9、(呼吸) 36. Whether the students should bring smartphones to school is hotly _ (讨论). 37. The disappearance of _ (恐龙) million years ago isnt a mystery now. 38. I dont want to _ (争议,争论) with youjust do it! 39. Im proud of having a group of highly _ (聪明的) students. 40. The audience threw flowers onto the

10、_ (舞台) 41. _ (毕业) from senior high school at the age of , she came to China to do live streaming. 42. Because some people bring their dogs with them on the subway, some passengers might be _ (恐吓,吓到) by them. 43. The project gives students _ (机会) to see whats really concerned in the real world. 44. _

11、 (选择) the right ingredients is the key to perfecting traditional Chinese dinners. 45. We _ (认为) the sensible thing to do was to wait. 46. Is there a _ (特定的) type of book he enjoys? 47. He kept a _ (日记) of his travels across Asia. 48. She is now a _ (低层的) doctor. 49. He studied his map, trying to _ (

12、记住) the way to Roses street. 50. Shes on the management _ (委员会) 51. He _ (雕刻) these figures from single blocks of marble. 52. I felt _ (想家的) for Scotland. 53. Id recognize your handwriting any where it is _ (独特的) 54. He looked at me and nodded, almost _ (看不出来) 55. If we say to _ (上发条) up the meeting

13、, we mean we bring an end to the meeting. 56. He studied ancient paintings and _ (雕像) for many years. 57. She was praised by our headmaster because of her excellent _ (举止,行为) at school. 58. The _ (对立的) armies were preparing for war. 59. Her brother might look a bit fierce, but actually he is quite _

14、 (无害的) 60. Our newspaper aims to _ (反映) the views of the local community. 61. Sara lives with her husband and children in a _ (公寓套房) in central London. 62. It was when I got back to my _ (公寓套房) that I first came across my new neighbors. 63. This speech needs to be set in the _ (背景) of Britain in the

15、 s. 64. Pastas basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the _ (添加物) of eggs or oil. 65. _ (菠萝) from southern China is a kind of popular fruit. 66. Hes the president of a large international _ (组织) 67. We do not have the _ (财力) to update our computer software. 68. Do you have any _ (评论)

16、to make about the cause of the disaster? 69. Its a hotel in the heart of the _ (市中心) 70. The emergency _ (出口) is at the back of the bus. 71. She fell off her bicycle and hurt her legs _ (相当,颇) badly. 72. Excuse me. I want a seat in the smoking _ (区域) 73. He _ (认出) me as soon as I came in the room. 7

17、4. Some _ (消极的) words in English dont really mean something wrong. 75. Discussions are held on an _ (非正式的) basis within the department. 76. To my _ (惊讶), he should remember my name after so long a time. 77The investigation will finally _ (确定) what happened on earth. 78He is the typical absentminded

18、_ (教授). He is quite forgetful. 79She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and _ (最终) works for the Times. 80Ive provided a perfect _ (解决办法) to the puzzle and our headmaster praises me in front of the class. 81A stack of _ (档案) awaited me on the desk. 82Some scientists observe wildlife in the _

19、(自然的) environment. 83 I forced my fingers to _ (按, 压) the button and took a photo of the wonderful scene. 84After all, we are also members of the world, so we should show _ (尊敬) for all animals. 85 I enjoy working with animals and learn about the _ (性格, 个性) of a few around us. 86It is reported that

20、poor families in that country spend 10 to 20 p_ of their income on education. 87We are currently _ (寻求) new ways of expanding our membership. 88Where would be the best _ (位置) for the lights. 89Share prices _ (暴跌) to an alltime low yesterday. 90The building was completely _ (摧毁) by fire. 91We can _ (

21、测量) the energy that food provides in calories. 92Firefighters were on the _ (现场) immediately. 93The meal was very _ (普通的) 94The development was _ (极其;非常) opposed by the local government. 95We are masters of our own _ (命运) 96I lost _ (踪迹) of him three years ago, but this morning I heard from him. 97I

22、 am going to buy a _ (数字的) camera for my friend who likes taking photos. 98Leaflets have been _ (递送) to every household. 99I would _ (更喜欢) it if you didnt tell anyone. 100. I want to learn the _ (食谱) for tomato soup. 参考 1. sheets 2. tradition 3. prevented 4. attracted 5. shallow 6. variety 7. improv

23、e 8. effect 9. system 10. summary 11. material 12. narrow 13. inside 14. living 15. agriculture 16. options 17. ignored 18. professional 19. respect 20. approaching 21. slim 22. series 23. despite 24. opinion 25. athlete 26. impression 27. tradition 28. facilities 29. explore 30. campus 31. descript

24、ion 32. collection 33. calm 34. pressure 35. breathe 36. debated 37. dinosaurs 38. argue 39. intelligent 40. stage 41. Graduating 42. frightened 43. opportunities 44. Selecting 45. figured 46. particular 47. journal 48. junior 49. memorise 50. committee 51. sculpted 52. homesick 53. unique 54. invis

25、ibly 55. wind 56. sculptures 57. behavior 58. opposing 59. harmless 60. reflect 61. flat 62. apartment 63. context 64. addition 65. Pineapple 66. organization 67. resources 68. comment 69. downtown 70. exit 71. rather 72. section 73. recognized 74. negative 75. informal 76. astonishment 77 determine 78 professor 79 eventually 80 solution 81 files 8 8 natural 83 press 84 respect 85 character 86 percent 87 seeking 88 position 89 crashed 90 destroyed 91 measure 92.scene 93:ordinary 94:bitterly 95:destiny 96:track 97:digital 98:delivered 99:prefer 100.recipe


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