2021版外研版必修一英语Unit 5 Into the wild-Presenting ideas & Reflection & Project教学设计 .docx

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2021版外研版必修一英语Unit 5 Into the wild-Presenting ideas & Reflection & Project教学设计 .docx_第1页
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2021版外研版必修一英语Unit 5 Into the wild-Presenting ideas & Reflection & Project教学设计 .docx_第5页
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1、1 / 5 Unit 5 Into the wild Presenting ideas, Reflection & Project (Presenting ideas,Reflection,Project 三部分建议总时长 4045 分钟, 教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Practising + Speaking 主题语境主题语境 人与自然人与动物的关系 内容分析内容分析 本板块要求学生介绍一个表现人与动物关系的电影或故 事,回顾电影或故事的情节并在班级内分享。通过内容和观点 阐述,促使学生对所学内容进行复习,进而掌握,并在真实的 情境下加以运用和实践。 Reflection 部

2、分帮助学生在本单元学习过程中和结束时对 自己的学习行为和效果做出评估和分析,对自己的优缺点和得 失做出反思,并与教师沟通改进方法。 本单元的项目实践活动要求学生了解濒危动物,并以一种 濒危动物为主题制作海报,唤醒大家保护濒危动物的意识。通 过小组展示,学生在教师的指导下,综合运用本单元所学,自 主合作,有效完成开放型任务,进一步探索人与动物的主题语 境,发展综合语言运用能力。 教学目标教学目标 1通过小组合作完成语言的组织、提炼和内化,最后在班 上有条理地、 流畅地介绍一个表现人与动物关系的电影或故事; 2能够搜索和研究濒危动物,增强识别、分析和整合信息 的能力; 3 能够了解和掌握海报的特点

3、, 自主选择合适的设计和呈 现方式介绍濒危动物; 4能够综合运用本单元所学,具体、详细、全面地介绍一 种濒危动物; 5能够开展合作探究,提升沟通、协作能力,树立人与动 物和谐相处的意识,关爱动物,尊重动物,保护动物;树立保 护动物、与动物和谐相处的正确价值观。 2 / 5 教学重点教学重点 1 综合运用所学语言, 有条理地向全班介绍一个表现人与 动物关系的电影或故事;结合本单元所学的语言知识,小组合 作完成关于濒危动物的海报制作。 2 有效通过开展自我评价和自我反思, 发现问题并解决问 题。 教学难点教学难点 1 运用所学语言知识有条理地介绍表现人与动物关系的电 影或故事。 2 以“保护濒危动

4、物”为主题制作海报, 在海报中体现本 单元所学的语言知识,体现小组智慧,彰显创新能力。 教学策略教学策略 情景式教学策略 启发式教学策略 探索发现式教学策略 Part 1 Procedures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Activity 1 1. T asks Ss to look at the notes first and then discuss the films or stories they know about relationships between humans and animals in groups. 2

5、. T asks Ss to complete the notes. 1. Ss look at the notes and then discuss the films or stories they know about relationships between humans and animals in groups. 2. Ss complete the notes. To introduce the topic and help Ss determine their topic by group work and make full preparations for their p

6、resentation. Activity 2 T asks Ss to practise telling their stories in groups with the help of their notes in Activity 1 and the expressions in the box. Ss practise telling their stories in groups with the help of their notes in Activity 1 and the expressions in the box. To help Ss make full prepara

7、tions for their presentation. Activity 3 1. T guides Ss to make criteria for a good story. 2. T asks Ss to tell the stories to the class. 3. T asks Ss to vote 1. Ss make criteria for a good story. 2. Ss present their stories to the class. 3. Ss vote for the best story. To encourage Ss to present the

8、ir stories and assess other Ss presentation. 3 / 5 for the best story. Reflection 1. T asks Ss to recall what theyve learnt in this unit. 2. T asks Ss to complete Reflection on page 60. 1. Ss rate their performance in this unit. 2. Ss summarise what theyve learnt and think about what they need to im

9、prove. To help Ss rate their performance, review the unit, and think about ways to improve. 4 / 5 Part 2 Procedures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Investigate 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures and think about other endangered animals and choose an animal to make a poster. 2. T asks

10、Ss to collect information about their chosen animal through the Internet, the school library or animal experts if they know. 1. Ss choose an endangered animal about which they would like to make a poster individually. 2. Ss gather information by searching the Internet, reading books or communicate w

11、ith animal experts they know. To encourage Ss to collect enough information on the endangered animal theyve chosen and prepare for the creating of the poster. Plan T asks Ss to think of an interesting title for their poster and sketch the layout of the poster, decide how to position the text and pic

12、tures. Ss think of an interesting title for their poster and sketch the layout of the poster, decide how to position the text and pictures. To encourage Ss to make a complete plan and be innovative and creative. Create 1. T guides Ss to use their research notes to write a short paragraph about their

13、 chosen animal. 2. T asks Ss to find or draw pictures of their chosen animal and add them to the poster. 1. Ss use their research notes to write a short paragraph about their chosen animals. 2. Ss find or draw pictures of their chosen animal and add them to the poster. 1. To encourage Ss to make the

14、 poster according to their plan. 2. To encourage Ss to be innovative and creative. Present T invites Ss to Ss present their To encourage 5 / 5 present their posters to the class and inspires them to comment on others posters. posters to the class and comment on others posters. Ss to share and present their posters and learn to comment on others posters.


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