2021版外研版必修二英语unit 3 Running into a better life课文精炼+课文翻译.docx

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1、学生版】【学生版】+【教师版】【教师版】 新版外研必修新版外研必修 2 Unit 3 On the move Part 2 Running into a Better Life Task 1: Reading comprehension 1. The four share the similarity because _. A. they all loved running at first B. they ran in national competitions C. they all benefited from running D. they ran to escape from wor

2、k 2. What motivates Sarah to keep running at first? A. The hope to come across other runners. B. The hope to keep fit. C. The desire to lose weight. D. Seeing her name in the top five. 3. What kind of life did David lead before running? A. He was under great pressure and anxious feeling. B. He felt

3、easy with dealing his work. C. There were few challenges in his life. D. He was busy dealing with the relationship with his colleagues. 4. How did Grace feel by helping to save gorillas? A. Stressful but delighted. B. Tired but happy. C. Tired but ambitious. D. Ambitious but happy. Task 2. In-class

4、test Li Yue was told to do exercise because of illness. As his 1. fitness (fit) and running improved, he started running in national competitions and 2. won (win) silver. Sarah, discovered an app called Running Power, 3. which helped her start running. Now she 4. has fallen (fall) in love with runni

5、ng and still do it with her friends. There are 5. challenges (challenge) in Davids work, which makes him 6. anxious (anxiety). To help deal with this, he goes running. By the end of the run, all his stress has disappeared and hes ready 7. to face (face) the next day at work. This year, Grace joined

6、a programme to save 8. the worlds last remaining gorillas from 9. dying (die) out. She had a great day as well 10. As helping to save gorillas. Task 3: Gap filling Running into a Better Life This global site is a place for runners to share (share) their stories about running. So, if you are a runner

7、 with a story to tell, get in touchwed love to hear from you (收到你们的来信)! Li Yue, 16, Beijing I was born with asthma (哮喘) and I never thought Id be a runner! I only joined my local athletics club because my doctor told me that in my particular case exercise could improve how my lungs (肺) work. But bef

8、ore I knew it, I was taking part in local races (地方赛). As my fitness and my running improved (随着身体健康状况的改善和跑步能力的提高), I started running in national competitions (全国比赛). This year I won silver (银牌) in the under 18s 10,000 metres! And who knows (说不准), next year I could win gold (赢得金牌)! Sarah, 36, Montre

9、al Not so long ago, I didnt do any exercisenot even any jogging (慢跑)! Then I discovered an app called (call) Running Power. It lists your performance against other runners in your social network (社交 网络). At first, I kept running (run) just to see my name in the top five. Soon, I found that I was not

10、 aloneI came across (偶遇) other runners in the same area running for the same purpose! Now I no longer use the app (不再使用这款应用程序), but Ive fallen in love with running (我已经爱上了跑步), and still do it with my running (run) friends. David, 52, New York As a computer engineer, theres always a new challenge jus

11、t around the corner (随时到来的挑战)! It can be quite stressful (有压力的) at times, though, which in turn makes me feel anxious (让我感到焦 虑). To help (help) deal with this, I go running as often as I possibly (possible) can. Whether Im at the gym or on the road, my nervous energy pushes me through mile one. By m

12、ile two, the tension (紧张) has moved from my mind to my legs. By the end of the run, all my stress has disappeared and Im ready to face the next day at work! Grace, 25, Manchester This year I entered the Great Gorilla Run in London. This is a programme run (run) by The Gorilla Organization to raise m

13、oney to save the worlds last remaining gorillas from dying out (保护世界上仅存 的大猩猩免于灭绝). Each runner receives a gorilla suit and off they go! Its a bit hot and sweaty (出汗 的) inside the suit, and my legs ache (疼), but its a lot of fun. The funniest (fun) moment was when someone watching (watch) the race of

14、fered me a bananaa real treat for a running gorilla! I had a great day out in London, as well as (同时) helping to save gorillas! 【教师版】【教师版】 Task 1: Reading comprehension 1. What does the author mainly talk about? ( D ) A. Football is popular because it is simple to play. B. Football can bring us exci

15、tement. C. Football can help people to communicate. D. Football enjoys its popularity all over the world. 2. Football is popular all over the world because _A_. A. its a game with creativity and excitement on the field B. it is easy to catch fans attention C. you dont have to understand the professi

16、onal skills D. the players performed wonderfully 3. Why did British and German soldiers stop their war? ( B ) A. Because they wanted to end the war. B. Because football provided them a chance to communicate. C. Because they all loved it. D. Because they were tired of the war. 4. What does the author

17、 want to say in the last paragraph? ( A ) A. Football is more than just a sport. B. Football is a matter of life and death. C. Football is more important than other sports. D. Football is important because our planet is shaped like a football. Task 2. In-class test The history of football 1. goes (g

18、o) back to Ancient China. But football we know today 2.started(start) in Great Britain. That football is such 3. a simple game is perhaps the 4.basis (base) of its popularity. All over the world you can see kids 5.playing (play) to their hearts content 6.with a ball. Another factor behind its popula

19、rity is the creativity and excitement. It is fun enough 7.to attract(attract) millions of people. Whats more, it has become one of the best 8. ways (way) to communicate. For example, on Christmas Day 1914, World War I 9. had broken (break) out months before, but British and German soldiers put down

20、arms and played football together. So football is much more 10.than just a sport. Task 3: Gap filling 答案请参考课本答案请参考课本 _ 课文翻译请参考下文:课文翻译请参考下文: 跑出更好的生活跑出更好的生活 我们是一个让跑步者分享跑步故事的国际网站。所以,如果你是一位有故事要讲的跑步者,请 我们联系吧我们期待你的来信! 李跃,李跃,16 岁,北京岁,北京 我生来就患有哮喘, 所以我从没想过自己会成为一名跑步运动员! 我之所以参加本地的运动俱 乐部,是因为医生说,对于我这种特殊情况,运动可以改善

21、我的肺部功能。但是没过多久,我就开 始参加本地的比赛了。随着身体健康状况的改善和跑步能力的提高,我开始参加全国跑步比赛。今 年,我获得了青少年一万米长跑的银牌!说不准我明年就能得金牌了! 萨拉,萨拉,36 岁,蒙特利尔岁,蒙特利尔 就在不久前,我还什么运动也不做甚至都不会去慢跑!后来我发现了一款名为“奔跑的力 量”的应用程序。它会按照跑步的表现把你和你社交网络上的其他跑步者进行排名。起初,我坚持 跑步只是为了在前五名中看到我的名字。 很快, 我发现不只是我有这样的目的我遇到了和我住 在同一地区且有着同样目的的其他跑步者! 虽然我现在不再使用这款应用程序了, 但是我已经爱上 了跑步,现在仍然与我

22、的跑步朋友一起跑步。 戴维,戴维,52 岁,纽约岁,纽约 作为一名计算机工程师,我总是面临着随时到来的挑战!然而,有时候压力是非常大的,这也 相应地会让我感到焦虑。为了缓解焦虑,我会尽可能多地去跑步。无论是在健身房还是在路上,跑 第一英里时我还能感受到神经的紧张;到了第二英里,这种紧张感就从大脑转移到了双腿。等我跑 完全程,我所有的压力都消失了,我已经准备好迎接第二天的工作了! 格雷丝,格雷丝,25 岁,曼彻斯特岁,曼彻斯特 今年我在伦敦参加了大猩猩跑。 这是一个由大猩猩保护组织举办的活动, 旨在筹集资金保护世 界上仅存的大猩猩免于灭绝。每个跑步者都会领到一套大猩猩衣服,穿上就可以跑了!穿着这套衣 服跑步感觉有点热,我出了很多汗,腿也跑酸了,但我还是觉得这很开心。最有趣的时刻是看比赛 的人给了我一根香蕉这对于奔跑的大猩猩来说真是一顿美食! 我在伦敦度过了愉快的一天, 同 时也为拯救大猩猩出了力!


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