2021版外研版选修三英语课时分层作业16 (含答案).doc

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1、课时分层作业(十六) .单词拼写 1The inspector(巡视员)took out a handkerchief and mopped his brow. 2Average weekly(每周的)earnings rose by 1.5% in July. 3Since I wear a beard I wont need the shaving(刮胡子)soap. 4She is very thorough(仔细的)and seldom makes mistakes in her work. 5Her career in the church(教堂)is vitally importa

2、nt to her. 6She was alarmed at the prospect(情景)of travelling alone. 7Those clothes do nothing to enhance(增强)her appearance. 8Flock of birds was singing a cheerful morning chorus(合唱曲). 9All those wounded were innocent(无辜的)victims. 10The furniture managed to combine practicality with elegance(优美). .阅读

3、理解 A Having a great collection of books at home doesnt really mean that you are a person who has a passion for literature and reading.It can be a family inheritance(继 承)or it can be just to impress people around you about the fact that you are literate(有 文化的).On the other hand,there are many persons

4、 who cannot afford to buy books, because some of them are quite expensive,but they usually go to libraries and spend hours reading something that interests them a lot,or just borrow books to read at home. From my point of view,literature is very important in our lives from several points of view.For

5、 example,reading is a means of gaining culture and enriching our knowledge in different areas of activities.It can help us have a great imagination and it makes things easier when it comes to making compositions on different themes.It gives you the possibility to speak about science,even if you dont

6、 work in this field, or you can express your opinion about a political aspect,just because you have read something connected to that. Secondly,literature offers us the possibility to enter the world of imagination, and to leave apart the real one for a couple of hours.We come to meet kings and queen

7、s many years ago,dream in the world of the rich or imagine how life will be in the future.Sometimes,we identify ourselves with the characters in the stories we read and they can give us some clues to solve our problems and how to react in certain circumstances. To conclude,I would like to say that l

8、iterature is the perfect means to enrich our culture,to express correctly and have a rich vocabulary,to be able to interfere(干 涉)in conversations in different fields of interest and to really be considered an erudite person. 【语篇解读】 本文讲了文学与阅读带给人的好处, 作者希望人们能喜欢上 阅读并从中受益。 1The people who are fond of lit

9、erature are those who_ Ago to libraries on weekends Bbuy expensive books in the bookstore Ckeep many books in their studies Dhave much interest in reading D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,喜爱文学的人对阅读感兴趣。 故选 D。 2We can learn from the third paragraph that_ Awe can bring kings and queens back to life Bwhat we read ca

10、n be useful in our daily life Cit is very good for us to stay alone for some hours Dwe can make friends with the people in the stories B 推理判断题。第三段讲了文学带给我们在平时不会有的体验,即文学在 日常生活中的用处,故选 B。 3 The underlined word “ erudite ” in the last paragraph probably means“_” Ahardworking Benthusiastic Clearned Dcreat

11、ive C 词义猜测题。由上文可知,多读书能够丰富知识储备,从而了解各个领 域。由此可推知 erudite 意为“博学的”。故选 C。 4What is the authors purpose in writing the passage? ATo advise readers to like reading. BTo explain the true meaning of reading. CTo tell readers how to read a book. D.To tell readers who has the real passion for literature. A 写作意图

12、题。 文章讲了文学与阅读带给人的好处, 是能使读者喜欢上阅 读。故选 A。 B There are many simple, powerful phrases we use. “I love you” is a big one. “Im sorry” is another. “I forgive you” is powerful for both the speaker and the recipient(接 受者).But the phrase that can change the way we relate to others and the way we view the world

13、has become unpopular:“I need your help” When we acknowledge our need for help,we go beyond just connecting with others; we show our needs and allow ourselves to receive.Why is this so hard? It isnt just our own skills or strengths that help us survive and bounce back from difficult times;its also ma

14、king the choice to reach out to others. Its easy for most of us to give.It feels life affirming to help others,to give of ourselves.But asking for help and being willing to receive help from others is much harder.When we take that riskthe risk that the answer might be rejection,or unwillingness to h

15、elpwe are not being weak.We are being vulnerable(易受伤害 的),which is perhaps our greatest untapped strength. Life is never“stressfree” ;we all have those times that seem particularly overwhelming,where we get so tired that the word“tired”just doesnt do it justice anymore.These are the times when it see

16、ms hardest to reach out,and these are the times when we need to do it the most. When we ask for help: We are choosing to trust the person we ask for help;this shows our respect for him/her. We are using our resources wisely.It is a wise person that chooses to ask for help before a problem is out of

17、control. We are helping to break down this idea of asking for help as weakness. 【语篇解读】 本文主要告诉我们在需要的时候向他人寻求帮助并不代表自 身的软弱。 5What can we learn from Paragraph 1? APhrases can be powerful when used correctly. BWe should use powerful phrases more often. CPeople dont need as much help as before. DPeople don

18、t tend to ask for help today. D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“But the phrase that can change the way we relate to others and the way we view the world has become unpopular:I need your help”但是有一个短语可以改变我们与人交流以及看待世界的方式,不 过它已经不再流行了“我需要你的帮助”。 故当今人们不倾向于寻求他人帮 助,故选 D。 6Which of the following statements would the author agr

19、ee with? AShowing our weakness is our strength. BOffering help is harder than asking for help. CPeople are usually willing to offer help. DWe should be ashamed of being vulnerable. C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Its easy for most of us to give.”“But asking for help and being willing to receive help from others is

20、much harder.”对于 大多数人来说,给予是容易的。但寻求帮助以及乐于接受他人的帮助却很困难。 所以人们更乐意去帮助他人,故选 C。 7What does the author mainly want to show in the text? AAsking for help when necessary doesnt mean weakness. BTodays people love depending on themselves. CWe should do our best to help others in need. DIts not a bad idea to show

21、our weakness. A 主旨大意题。根据文章最后一句“We are helping to break down this idea of asking for help as weakness.”我们要帮助粉碎这种认为寻求帮助就是自身很弱 的观念。此句是点睛之句,也是作者想要表达的,故选 A。 .阅读七选五 A new report says plastic is responsible for the damage to the oceans and the undersea environment.The findings were announced recently at a

22、United Nations conference._1_ Plastic thrown away carelessly makes its way into rivers and other waterways._2_After a while,it collects in the sea.And plastic never goes away.Plastic is not biodegradabledestroyed by bacteria or natural processes.Instead,it just breaks up into smaller pieces over tim

23、e.The oceans contain a lot of chemicals and other pollutants._3_That means harmful material may get into our food supply. _4_Human beings cause pollution and they can take steps to stop it.They can use fewer single- use containers and throw plastic away correctly.Plastic recycling programmes also wo

24、rk where old bottles and other plastic are collected,broken down and used to make new products. The report also calls on companies to improve methods for using plastic._5_And it calls for information about the way plastic is thrown out or removed from use. By putting a new value on plastic,industry

25、has a special reason to clean up the environment.But all of the companies must join to deal with the problem. AThen,fish may eat the plastic. BIt asks them to better measure and direct plastic use. CThe plastic eventually reaches coastal areas and ocean waters. D The report talks about the harm to s

26、ea life and what might be done to improve the situation. EPlastic should be gathered together and reused. FBut people can make a big difference. GIt is convenient to use plastic bags in everyday life. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了塑料给海洋环境造成了极大的污 染,并提出了解决方法。 1D 由空前的内容,尤其是“A new report”“damage”可知,D 项“该 报告讨论了对海洋的

27、危害以及可以做些什么来改进这一状况”符合语境,故选 D。 2C 根据上下文可知,扔到河里和其他水道里的塑料制品最终会到达沿 海地区以及海洋,故选 C。 3A 根据下文“That means harmful material may get into our food supply.”可推知,既然塑料进入了我们的食物中,那么只能是鱼吃了塑料,然后 我们再吃了鱼,故选 A。 4F 本空是本段的主旨句,根据下文谈到的人类的积极影响可知,此空 是说人类可以起到作用,故选 F。 5 B 上文提到该报告呼吁公司应改进使用塑料的方法, 而 B 项承接上文, 指出了该报告要求它们更好地权衡和指导塑料的使用;且 B 项中 It 代指上文的 The report,故选 B。


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