2021版外研版必修一英语unit 2ppt课件(含教案+音频).zip

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    • Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas.ppt--点击预览
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    • Unit 2 Words and expressions P106-108.mp3


1 B1U2 Exploring English 词汇学案词汇学案 . Daily reading Have you ever asked 1.________ (you) why people often have trouble 2.________ (learn) English? I hadnt until one day my five-year-old son asked me 3._______ there was ham in a hamburger. There isnt. This got me 4._______ (think) how English can be a crazy language to learn. Even the smallest of words can be 5.________ (confusing). You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in which a house can burn up as it burns down, and in which an alarm is heard once it goes 6._______! English 7._______ (invent) by people, not computers, and it reflects the 8._________ (create) of the human race. That is why when the lights are out, they are 9.________ (visible). And that is why when I wind up my watch, it starts, 10.______ when I wind up this passage, it ends. . Find the words sisters and brothers. 1. behavior n. 行为,举止 ________________ v. 表现,举止端正 ________________ adj. 表现好的 2. confusing adj.令人困惑的 ________________ adj.困惑的,混乱的 ________________ v.使困惑,使混乱 ________________n.困惑,混淆,混乱 3. reflect v. 显示,反映 ________________ n. 反射,沉思 4. creativity n.创造性,创造力 ________________v.创造,创作 8. addition n.增加物,添加物 ______________v. 增加,加起来 ______________ adj.附加的,额外的 9. misadventure n.事故,灾难 _____________ v.冒险,冒险精神 10.actually adv.事实上,实际上 __________ adj.真实的,实际的 11. intend v.打算,想要,意指 _____________n.意图,目的,意向 12.informal adj.非正式的 ______________ adv.非正式地,不拘礼节地 2 . Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1. There are only half as many natural _________(资源) as there were thirty years ago. 2. When he realized the police had seen him, the man made for the ______(出口) as quickly as possible. 3. A large quantity of educational software can be found in the electronic goods __________ (区域). 4. Water is the _________ (相对立的) force to fire. 5. In Joans email, she persuades Mary to look for a(n) ____________(公寓) in London for her. 6. Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich ___________(语境) for students to learn vocabulary. 7. Thanks for your gift it will always ________(使想起) me of you. 8. No payments were made last week because of a computer _________(错误). 9. Some TV programs have a _________(负面的) effect on children because they contain too ________________ adj. 创造性的 ________________ n.创造者,创建者 ________________ n.动物,生物 ________________n.创造,创作,创作物 5. unfamiliar adj.不熟悉的,不了解的 ______________ adj.熟悉的,常见的 6. organization n.组织,团体,机构 ______________ v.组织,使有系统化 ________________ adj. 有组织的 7. likely adj. 可能的 ______________adj.不太可能的 ______________ adj.正式的 13. recognise v.认识,辨认出 ______________ n. 识别,承认,认出 ______________adj.认可的 14.aware adj.意识到的,明白的 ______________ adj.未意识到的 ______________n.意识,知道 15. opposing adj.相反的,对立的 ______________adj.对面的 n.对立面 ______________v.反对 3 much violence. 10. I will meet you at the main ___________(门口) to the school at 7 oclock. 11. The instructions on the box are so __________(confuse) that I have to check them on the Internet. 12. The manager needed more time to reflect ________ what to do next. 13. As we all know, the plants and animals are unique ____ the rainforest. 14. Its bad _______ (behave) to smoke in public places where smoking isnt allowed. 15. Many parents frankly admit that they have trouble _______(bring) up their children. 16. Neither my parents nor my younger sister ______(be) at home today. 17. He didnt finish his homework on time. That is _____ he was punished by the teacher. 18. Fortunately, I came _______ this book in an old bookstore in London. 19. If you can find suitable learning methods, your learning efficiency is likely __________(improve). 20. The activity is intended to promote peoples __________(aware) in the environmental protection. .Guess the meaning of each word in the sentence. 1. title 1) His poems were published under the title of “Love and Reason”. __________ 2) He became Jamaicas first Olympic gold medallist when he won the 400 metre title in 1948. __________ 3) He was given the title of assistant manager. __________ 4 2. reflect 1)Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community. __________ 2)When the suns rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space. __________ 3)On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well. __________ 3. recognise 1)I recognised him as soon as he came in the room. ________ 2) The army recognised him as an outstandingly able engineer. __________ 3)France is on the point of recognising the independence of the Baltic States. __________ . Translate the following phrases. 1. 做某事有困难 __________________ 2. 让某人一直做某事________________ 3. 在某人的空闲时间 _______________ 4. 说到,谈及_______________ 5. 对.感到惊奇_______________ 6. 填表_________________________ 7. 花时间做某事_______________ 8. 期盼做某事_________________ 9. 以.为基础_________________ 10. 爆炸,离开,巨响__________ 11. 结果是,最后是_____________ 12. 提醒某人某事_____________ . Complete the sentence, using the given word. 1. The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, 5 _________________________________________________________(unique). 2. Colors are usually made by reflected light. We see color because _________________________________________________________(reflect). 3. There was a heated argument on the Internet as to whether _________________________________________________________(behavior). 4. Many people fell into a panic and didnt know what to do when _________________________________________________________(alarm). 5. The key to success was having the courage to take on any job and then _________________________________________________________(creative). 6. My sister said she would take me to a concert tonight, but _________________________________________________________(watch). 7. Alice would have to catch a plane to America early tomorrow morning. The moment she went to bed,_________________________________________________________(remind). 8. The teacher invited a group of students to share their discussion results, _________________________________________________________(comment). 9. Liu Cixin, a famous Chinese writer, only writes science fiction in his spare time. His novels _________________________________________________________(intend). 10. When I was shopping,I noticed someone bump into me. The thief ran away, __________________________________________________________(aware). . Translate the sentences into English. 1. 在人们意识到这个问题之前,还有很长的路要走。(be aware of) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 他下个月出版的第一本书是以一个真实的故事为基础的。(be based on) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. 到了该交作业的时候,他既没有交,也没有解释原因。(neither.nor.) 6 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. 你无法想象我们在暴风雪中步行回家有多么困难。(have trouble in) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.今天早上他遇上了大雨。这就是他今天上学迟到的原因。(Thats why.) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________B1U2 Exploring English 词汇学案答案 . Daily reading 1.yourself 2.learning 3.whether 4.thinking 5.confusing 6.off 7.was invented 8.creativity 9.invisible 10.but . Find the words sisters and brothers. 1.behave, well-behaved 2.confused, confuse,confusion 3.reflection 4.create,creative,creator, creature,creation 5.familiar 6.organize,organized 7.unlikely 8.add,additional 9.adventure 10.actual 11.intention 12.informally,formal 13.recognition,recognised 14.unaware,awareness 15.opposite,oppose . Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1.resources 2.exit 3.section 4.opposing 5.apartment 6.context 7.remind 8.error 9.negative 10.entrance 11.confusing 12.on 13.to 14.behavior 15.bringing 16.is 17.why 18. across 19.to improve 20.awareness .Guess the meaning of each word in the sentence. 1.1)标题 2)冠军 3)职位 2.1)反映 2)反射 3)反思,沉思 3.1)认出,辨认出 2)赏识,表彰 3)承认 . Translate the following phrases. 1.have trouble/difficulty (in )doing sth. 2.get sb. doing sth. 3.in ones free time 4.speaking of 5.wonder at 6.fill in/out a form 7.spend time (in)doing sth. 8.look forward to doing sth. 9.be based on 10.go off 11.turn out 12.remind sb. of sth. . Complete the sentence, using the given word. 1.which makes you unique 2.most of the things reflect light 3.this kind of behavior was against the law or not 4.the fire alarm rang 5.being creative in our approach to getting it finished 6.Id rather watch the live football match at home 7.her mother reminded her to set the alarm clock . Complete the sentence, using the given word. 8.and then asked other students to make comments on them. 9.are intended to open up the power of imagination of the readers 10.before I was aware that I had lost my phone . Translate the sentences into English. 1. There is still a long way to go before everyone is aware of the problem. 2.His first book to be published next month is based on a true story. 3.When it was time to hand in his homework, neither did he hand it in nor explained why. 4.You cant imagine what trouble we had walking home in the snowstorm. 5.He was caught in the heavy rain this morning. That is why he was late for school today.语 言 能 力 核心 单单 词词 opposing behavior confusing unique alarm reflect creativity contact likely addition remind comment intend recognise base 语 言 能 力 重 点 短 语语 have trouble doing in ones free time speaking of wonder at burn up burn down fill in fill out wind up come across play safe be aware of turn out to ones astonishment have a frog in ones throat 单单 元 语语 法 构词词法 写 作 任 务务 Writing a story about a misunderstanding in English ( 用英语语写一件有关误误解的趣事) 文化 意识 了解英语语和汉语汉语 文化的差异;吸收英语语文化的精 华华,同时时一定要坚坚守文化自信。 思维 品质 了解一些英语词汇语词汇 的有趣的现现象;掌握学习习英语语 的方法。 学习 能力 熟练练运用本单单元的词汇词汇 和语语言现现象;运用合理的 学习习策略解决本单单元的问题问题 ;流畅畅表达图图画内 容。 “课时检测课时检测”见见“课时跟踪课时跟踪练练( (一一)” )” (单击进入电子文档)构成方式举举例构成方式举举例 名词词名词词mankind 人类类形容词词名词词highway 高 速公路 动词动词 名词词playground 操场场 动词动词 ing 名词词 sleeping pill 安眠药药 名词词动词动词sunshine 阳光 名词词动动 词词ing handwriting 书书法 动词动词 副词词breakdown 破裂副词词动词动词outbreak 爆 发发 构成方式举举例构成方式举举例 名词词动词动词sleepwalk 梦游副词词动动 词词 download 下载载 形容词词动词动词whitewash 粉刷 构成方式举举例构成方式举举例 形容词词 名词词ed warmhearted 热热心的 形容词词动词动词 ing goodlooking 好看的 副词词 动词动词 ing Hardworking 勤劳劳的 名词词动词动词 ing peaceloving 爱爱好和平的 名词词 过过去分词词 sunburnt 晒黑的 副词词过过去分词词 wellknown 著名的 形容词词 名词词 highclass 高级级的 名词词形容词词 homesick 想家的 数词词名词词 millionpound 百万英镑镑的 数词词名词词ed threelegged 三条腿的 数词词名词词 形容词词 eightyearold 八 岁岁的 构成方式举举例构成方式举举例 形容词词副词词everywhere 到处处副词词副词词however 然而 介词词副词词forever 永远远 前缀缀例词词 ununcomfortable 不舒服的;unnecessary 没有必要的 disdiscourage使泄气;dishonest不诚实诚实 的 in /im /il/i r informal 非正式的;impossible 不可能的;illegal 不合法的;irregular 不规则规则 的 mismislead误导误导 ;misunderstand误误会 nonnonstop 不停的;nonsmoker 不吸烟者 前缀缀含义义例词词 a的asleep 睡着的;alive 活着的 en使enrich 使丰富;enlarge 使扩扩大 inter互相interact 互动动;international 国际际的 re再,又retell 复述;rebuild 重建 tele远远程的telephone 电话电话 ;telescope 望远镜远镜 co共同coworker 同事;cooperate 合作 anti反对对;防止antiwar 反战战的;antigas 防毒气的 mid在中间间midnight 半夜;MidAutumn 中秋 后缀缀含义义例词词 er人leader 领领袖;founder 奠基者 or人educator 教育者;inventor 发发明者 ian/ant人musician音乐乐家;applicant申请请人 ist人scientist 科学家;artist艺术艺术 家 ness性质质、状态态kindness善良;darkness黑暗 ment状态态、结结果development 发发展;achievement 成就 tion/sion情况、状态态exception例外;possession拥拥有 th性质质、状态态growth成长长;warmth温暖 y性质质、状态态honesty 诚实诚实 ;difficulty 困难难 后缀缀含义义例词词 ful充满满的hopeful满怀满怀 希望的; successful 成功的 less没有的homeless 无家可归归的; endless 无休止的 al有性质质的 professional 专业专业 的; natural 自然的 en有性质质的 wooden木头头的; woolen羊毛的 able/ible可的 changeable可变变化的; accessible 可接近的 后缀缀含义义例词词 ive有作用的 attractive 吸引人的; impressive 使印象深刻的 ous充满满的 dangerous 危险险的; humorous 幽默的 ed的 experienced 有经验经验 的; limited 有限的 ly每的 weekly 每周的; monthly 每月的 后缀缀例词词 enstrengthen 加强;deepen使加深 ifybeautify美化;simplify简简化 izerealize 意识识到;memorize 记记住 一般情况加ly immediateimmediately; clearclearly 以“辅辅音字母y”结结尾, 将y改为为i然后加ly happyhappily; heavyheavily 以le 结结尾,去掉e加y gentlegently; terribleterribly 以ic 结结尾,加ally basicbasically; scientificscientifically “课时检测课时检测”见见“课时跟踪课时跟踪练练( (二二)” )” (单击进入电子文档)“课时检测课时检测”见见“课时跟踪课时跟踪练练( (三三)” )” (单击进入电子文档)Before reading Look at the title of the passage and the pictures. What do you think the passage is about? food words fruit plants Now lets read the passage and check the answer. While reading Read and finish the tasks as quickly as possible. food cooking words plants fruit Whats the passage about? Read the passage and check your answer. Task 1 P14 2 .Match the main idea with each part. 1Part 1(Para.1) ASeveral kinds of examples that show how crazy English is for its learners. 2Part 2(Paras. 2- 6) BI began to think what made people have trouble learning English. 3Part 3(Para.7) CEnglish was invented by people and it reflects the creativity of the human race. 答案:答案:13 BAC .Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question. 1What makes English a crazy language to learn according to Paragraph 1? AThere are too many English words to memorize. BThe English grammar is hard to understand. C Some of the English expressions make learners confused. DThere is neither pine nor apple in pineapple. 2Which of the following statements is true? AWe usually get homesick when we leave home. B There is no difference between housework and homework. CShameful behaviors are the opposite of shameless behaviors. DWords with suffix “- ful” are the opposite of that with suffix “- less” . 3The capitalized small words probably . Ahave big and significant meanings Bshare the same meaning with the lower case words Chave the opposite meaning of the lower case words D have its specific meaning because it is an abbreviation of other words 4What s the writer s attitude towards English? AIt was invented by people so there is no principle to follow. BIt is the most creative language that reflects people s wisdom. C It was invented by human race reflecting their creativity. DIt can be a confusing language. 5What is the main idea of the text? AWhy is English hard to learn? BEnglish a language reflects the creativity of the human race. CConfusion in English learning. DThe troubles we have in English learning. 答案:答案:15 CADCB Choose the authors purpose in writing the passage. 1. To tell us that English is very difficult to learn. 2. To give advice on how to learn English. 3. To show that English is interesting and creative. 4. To explain how English was created. unique Complete the notes with words from the passage. Task 4 P16 4 no egg in eggplant no ham in ____________ neither pine nor apple in __________ 老婆饼老婆饼 鱼香肉丝鱼香肉丝 夫妻肺片夫妻肺片 hamburger pineapple sculpt a sculpture paint a(n) _________ BUT take a photo seasick sick at sea ________ sick in the air ________ sick in the car BUT __________ sick at home painting airsick homesick carsick “hard” is the opposite of “soft”. BUT “hardly” and “softly” are not a(n) ________ pair. “harmless” is the opposite of “harmful”. BUT shameful a
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