2021版外研版必修一英语Unit 2 ppt课件(含讲义+精练).zip

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    • 19-20 Unit 2 Section Ⅰ Reading (Starting out & Understanding ideas).doc--点击预览
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    • 19-20 Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Language Points(Starting out & Understanding ideas).ppt--点击预览
    • 19-20 Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Using Language.doc--点击预览
    • 19-20 Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Using Language.ppt--点击预览
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    • 19-20 Unit 2 Section Ⅳ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas.ppt--点击预览
    • 课时分层作业4 Language Points(Starting out & Understanding ideas).doc--点击预览
    • 课时分层作业5 Using Language.doc--点击预览
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1 “中国队大胜日本队”和“中国队大败日本队”都表示“中国队赢了” ;英 语中也有类似有趣的表达法,我们一起来探索吧。 American and British English American and British English spelling differences are one aspect of American and British English differences. In the early 18th century,English spelling was not standardized.Differences became noticeable(明显的,显著的) after the publishing of influential dictionaries.Current British English spellings follow,for the most part,those of Samuel Johnsons Dictionary of the English Language (1755)Many of the new characteristic American English spellings were introduced,although not,for the most part,created,by Noah Webster in his American Dictionary of the English Language of 1828. Webster was a strong proponent(倡导者) of spelling reform for reasons both philological and nationalistic.Many spelling changes proposed in the US by Webster himself,and in the early 20th century by the Simplified Spelling Board,never caught on.Among the advocates of spelling reform in England,the influences of those who preferred the Norman (or AngloFrench) spellings of certain words proved decisive.Subsequent spelling adjustments in the UK had little effect on presentday US spelling,and vice versa(反之亦然)While in many cases American English deviated(偏离;脱离) in the 19th century from mainstream British spelling,on the other hand it has also often retained (保留)older forms. 2 The spelling systems of Commonwealth countries,for the most part,closely resemble (像)the British system.In Canada,however,while most spelling is “British” ,many “American” spellings are also used.Additional information on Canadian and Australian spelling is provided throughout the article. 诱思导读 1What does the passage mainly tell us? It tells us the spelling differences between American and British English. 2What is the current British English spelling mainly influenced by? Samuel Johnsons Dictionary of the English Language (1755) 3Who brought many spelling changes in the US? Webster. Section Reading (Starting out & Understanding ideas) .匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思 ()1.behaviorAn.警报器,闹钟 ()2.unique Bv.显示,反映 ()3.alarm Cn.举止,行为 ()4.reflect Dn.创造性,创造力 ()5.creativity Eadj.独一无二的,独特的 答案1.C2.E3.A4.B5.D .选择下列句中相应词组的汉语意思 A的数量B全世界C例如 D一说起 E向 外看 F烧光 G填充 H上发条 ()1.For example,I used to be afraid to be myself when I communicate with any stranger. ()2.In the years since then, people around the world have shared in many events. 3 ()3.They gave each of us a form to fill in before the interview. ()4.I want to burn up more calories through jogging! ()5.There is no need for you to wind up your watch every day. ()6.When it comes to diet and exercise, we know what to do, but we dont do what we know. ()7.“Why dont you look out of the window?” she asked quite naturally. ()8.The number of people asking to go there is on the increase. 答案1.C2.B3.G4.F5.H6.D7.E8.A 第一步速读了解文章主题和段落大意 .速读 P14P15教材课文,回答问题 The author writes the passage to tell us about Athe difficulty in learning different English words well Bhow interesting and creative the language of English is Chow to spell difficult English words correctly Dthe reason to invent the language of English 答案B 第二步细读把控文章关键信息 细读 P14P15教材课文,选择最佳答案 1What made the author think more about English? AMeeting trouble learning English. BThe question from the authors child. CFinding no egg in the eggplant. DNeeding a hamburger to feed the child. 2Why does the author mention the words photo and homesick? ATo show how crazy to learn English. BTo tell us the differences between their usages. CTo analyze the formation of the words. 4 DTo share how to learn a crazy language. 3How does the author develop the passage? ABy providing examples. BBy making comparisons. CBy following the way of spelling. DBy following the order of importance. 4Why does the author say“English was invented by people”? ABecause the English words show everything around us. BBecause the language helps us communicate with others. CBecause the language proves how creative human being is. DBecause the English words are unique in the world. 答案1.B2.A3.A4.C 第三步研读能力升华接轨高考 根据 P14P15教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个恰当的单词或括号内单词的正 确形式。 Do you have any difficulty 1.learning(learn)English better? Have you ever wondered why there is no ham 2.in your hamburger 3.and why you cant find any egg in eggplant? Maybe this will get you 4.thinking (think)how crazy the language of English is.We like to paint a 5.painting(paint),and we are traveling in 6.the car but we take photos and travel on the bus.When we see the rain, we say“it 7.is raining(rain)”but no sunshining to use when seeing sunshine.The words are really 8.confusing(confuse)Such unique 9.madness(mad)can be seen almost everywhere because English 10.reflects(reflect)the creativity of the human race.Unit 2Exploring English 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 2 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 3 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 4 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 5 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 6 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 7 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 8 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 Section Reading (Starting out & Understanding ideas) 9 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 新生词汇 初识 10 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 11 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 12 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 13 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 14 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 教 材语篇 细研 15 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 16 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 17 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 18 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 19 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 20 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 learning in and thinking paintingthe 21 栏目导航 栏目导航 新生词汇初识 教材语篇细研 is raining confusingmadness reflects 22 Thank you for watching !1 Section Language Points(Starting out that isnt a nice way to behave to your aunt! 别这么粗鲁,那样对待你姑母是很恶劣的态度。 语境助记 Rui Yang is a wellbehaved boy and behaves himself almost everywhere.But his neighbors are worried about his behaviors and they think Rui Yang sometimes behaves as if he is a little foolish and dull in front of others.The neighbors are criticizing his parents are too strict with him. 芮扬是一个举止得体的男孩,几乎每到一个地方都表现的很乖。但是他的 邻居很担心他的行为,认为他有时候在别人面前表现的有点傻,有点无趣。邻 居们都批评他的父母对他要求太过严苛。 (教材 P15)English was invented by people,not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race. 英语是由人发明出来的,而不是电脑,它反映了人类的创造性。 (1)reflect v显示,反映;反射(声音或者光);思考 写出下列各句中 reflect 的含义 Does such an attitudinal change reflect real experiences in daily life?反映 People who lead busy lives have no time to stop and reflect.思考 The music room had been made to reflect and deepen sounds.反射(声音) She angled the mirror so as to reflect light from a window.反射(光) (1)reflect sb./sth.(in sth.)(在中)映出某人/某物的影像 reflect on/upon sth. 认真思考;沉思 (2)reflection n. 映像;反射 on/upon reflection 经再三思考 Before I decide,I need time to reflect on the problem. 5 在做决定之前,我需要时间认真思考一下这个问题。 Usually a childs behavior is a reflection(reflect) of his family environment. 通常一个孩子的表现是他家庭环境的反映。 语境助记 The light reflected from the water into my eyes.White clouds were reflected in the lake.Sitting by the lake, I was reflecting on what my mom said.On reflection,I decided to accept her suggestion.光从水中反射入我的眼中,白云映照在湖中。坐 在湖边,我在考虑妈妈的话。沉思后,决定接受她的建议。 (2)creativity n创造性;创造力;创作能力 create v创造;创作;造成,产生(印象) creation n. 创造;创造物 creative adj. 创造性的,有创造力的; 有创意的 creator n. 创作人;创作者;创始人 invent v. 发明 Her natural creativity and artistic talent make her home a real showstopper. 她天生的创造力和艺术天赋让她的家不同凡响,令人叹服。 Language is the most important mental creation of man. 语言是人类头脑最重要的产物。 Creating(creat)an atmosphere in which employees feel part of a team is a big challenge. 创造一种员工们感觉自己是团队里的一份子的氛围是一个巨大的挑战。 Shes very creative(creat)she writes poetry and paints. 她极富创造力,既赋诗又作画。 (教材 P14)Have you ever asked yourself why people often have trouble learning English?你是否曾问过自己为什么人们经常学英语时很费力? 【要点提炼】 该句中含有 have trouble doing sth.结构,意思是“做某事 费力” 。其中 trouble 为不可数名词 doing 前面省略掉了 in。 表示“做某事有困难”的常见结构: have difficulty with sth. 6 have trouble/problem (in)doing sth. theres difficulty/trouble with sth. (in) doing sth.) Did you have trouble finding Anns house? 找到安的家费力了吗? Not really.She had given us clear directions and we were able to find it easily. 没怎么费力。她给了我们明确的方位,所以我们能容易地找到。 You cant imagine what great difficulty we have ever had dealing(deal) with the problems. 你想象不到处理这些问题我们费了多大的劲。 For me,there is no difficulty finishing(finish) the task in two days. 对我来说,两天之内完成这个任务没有困难。 名师点津 (1)该结构中 trouble 可用 some,any,no,little 等词来修饰。 (2)当 trouble 作先行词时,定语从句中 have 后常为 doing 形式。试比较: You cant imagine the trouble we had getting in touch with him.() You cant imagine the trouble we had got in touch with him.() (教材 P15)You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in which a house can burn up as it burns down.你也会不得不想知道一种语言的看 似奇怪又有其独特的道理,这样的语言里一座房子可以 burns down(被烧毁)也 可以 burn up(被烧毁) (1)【要点提炼】 本句中含有一个“介词关系代词”引导的非限制性 定语从句,其中 as it burns down 为状语从句。 (1)“介词关系代词”引导定语从句时,介词的宾语只能用 which 或 whom,且不能省略。 (2) “名词/不定代词/数词/形容词比较级或最高级ofwhich/whom”引导 的定语从句,表示所属关系或整体与部分的关系。(常见代词有 some,any,few,little,none,all, both,neither,many,most,each 等) 7 Trading leather shoes is the business to which the Greens are devoted. 皮鞋生意是格林一家所致力于的事业。 He is working as an engineer in a large company,the manager of which is a returnee.他在一家大公司做工程师,这家公司的总经理是一个海归。 Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of which has been proved. 科学家们提出了很多关于人类为什么哭泣时流泪 的理论,这些理论尚未得到证实。 Many young people, most of whom were welleducated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams. 很多年轻人都去了偏远地区追求自己的梦想, 他 们中大部分都受过良好的教育。 (2)burn up 烧完;燃烧能量;发烧;激怒;烧毁;火烧旺 写出下列各句中 burn up 的含义 Fires have burned up 180,000 acres of woods.烧光 Youre burning uphave you seen a doctor?发烧 Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up.火烧旺 burn away继续燃烧;逐渐烧完;烧光;烧毁 burn down 全部焚毁;火势减弱 burn off (晨雾等)消散;烧去;烫去;逐渐烧完 burn oneself out 耗尽精力;精疲力竭 burn with 被充满;被所煎熬;急于 The clothing on his back got burnt away in the fire. 他的衣服后背在大火中烧掉了。 The house burned down in 1895. 那房子在 1895 年烧毁了。 Burn off the old paint before repainting the door. 先把门上的旧漆烧掉,再刷新油漆。 If you often burn the midnight oil, youll burn yourself out 如果你经常熬夜,你会精疲力尽的。 8 1(教材 P14)This got me thinking how English can be a crazy language to learn. 【分析】此句为主从复合句。其中 this got me thinking 是主句;how English can be a crazy language to learn 是由 how 引导的宾语从句。主句中的 got me thinking 是动词宾语宾语补足语结构;从句中的 to learn 是动词不定式作 定语。 【翻译】这让我一直在考虑英语学起来该是怎样的一门疯狂语言呢。 2(教材 P15)That is why when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. 【分析】此句是并列复合句。主句部分是 that is;why 引导的是表语从 句。but 连接两个复合句;两个由 when 引导的句子是时间状语从句。 【翻译】这就是为什么当星星出来的时候,我们能看到它们;而当灯熄 灭的时候,我们看不到它们。Unit 2Exploring English Section Language Points(Starting out & Understanding ideas) 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 语言基础 自测 2 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 unique alarm behavior 3 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 Creativity reflect 4 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 confusing behavior reflect creativity 5 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 the around for of 6 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 up up/down in/out 7 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 for example wind it up burned up fill in 8 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 The number of around the world Speaking of 9 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 10 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 had no trouble finding 11 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 get that old car going 12 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 Neither have I 13 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 that was why 14 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 核心要点 探究 15 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 16 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 17 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 18 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 to behaved 19 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 20 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 21 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 反映 思考 反射(声音) 反射(光) 22 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 23 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 reflection 24 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 25 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 26 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 27 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 creative Creating 28 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 29 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 30 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 31 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 finishing dealing 32 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 33 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 34 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 35 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 36 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 whom which 37 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 烧光 发烧 火烧旺 38 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 39 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 out off 40 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 41 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 42 核心要点探究 栏目导航 栏目导航 语言基础自测 课时分层作业 课时分层作业 点击右图进入 43 Thank you for watching !1 Section Using Language .单词拼写 根据汉语或者首字母提示,写出下列单词 1You can take the subway(地铁)No.1 to get Tiananmen Square. 2The story about their love has many different versions(版本) 3The weather of today is rather(相当;颇)hot compared to this time last year. 4Please try to practice the ability to guess the work according to the context(上下文;语境) 5One had better see life in its various aspects when young. 6Please come to my apartment for lunch after the meeting. 7You can take the elevator right to the top of the building. 8People are living longer nowadays,and they are better educated. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1origin n起源,起因original adj.最初的,原始的originate v创始, 起源于 2context n上下文,语境contextual adj.与上下文有关的 3from v组成formation n组成,形成 4tradition n传统traditional adj.传统的traditionally adv.根据传统 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1be known by为人所知 2vice versa 反之亦然 3be made up of 由组成 4be different from 与不同 5take.for example 以为例 2 6as you can see 正如你所见 7would rather 宁愿;更喜欢 8pick up 拾起;捡起;开车接;偶然获得 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1As you can see,we are low on cash these days so we have no more to lend. 2He picked up some useful information while communicating with his customer. 3Take traffic for example,many new overpasses being built proves the citys fast changes. 4He would rather go there by bus in such a hot day than stay at home. 5The changes in the traffic rules do not seem to be known by the public. 6If you lose control of your drinking, you lose control of your partying,vice versa 7The medical team to Zanzibar in Tanzania was made up of nine people. 8What he told me about the accident was different from your description. 寻规律、巧记忆 方方面面大有不同 every aspect of the subject 学科的每 个方面 in some respects 在一些方面 an expert in this field 这方面(领域)的 专家 A is different from BA 和 B 不同 tell the differences between A and B辨别 A 和 B tell A and B apart辨别 A 和 B be made up of 由组成 (教材 P17)And sometimes a word is made up of the first letters of several words. 并且有时候一个单词由几个单词的首字母组成 3 consist of由组成 be composed of 由组成 be made of 由材料制成 be made from 由材料制成 make up 编造;化妆;组成;占比例 make up for 弥补 New Zealand is made up of two islands,the larger of which is the South Island. 新西兰主要由两个岛屿组成,其中较大的为南岛。 The collection consists of/is made up of/is composed of three parts:poems,essays and short stories. 这本作品集是由诗、散文和短篇小说三部分合编成的。 We came into this field late, so we must work hard to make up for the lost time. 我们涉足这一领域较晚,因此我们必须努力工作,把失去的时间补回来。 Future buildings, roads, and cities may be made from garbage. 将来的建筑物、公路和城市都可能用垃圾建造。 名师点津 be made up of,be composed of 和 consist of 都是表示“由组成” ,但 是 consist of 只能用主动,不可用于被动。be made of 和 be made from 都表示 “由材料制成” ,区别在于后者看不出原材料。 would rather 宁愿;宁可 (教材 P18)And the Americans find the British spelling “re” does not match its pronunciation,so they would rather spell“re” as“er” 并且美国人发现英式 拼
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