新人教版八年级上Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot(Section B 2a-2e Reading)课件(ppt精选).ppt

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新人教版八年级上Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot(Section B 2a-2e Reading)课件(ppt精选).ppt_第1页
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新人教版八年级上Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot(Section B 2a-2e Reading)课件(ppt精选).ppt_第2页
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新人教版八年级上Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot(Section B 2a-2e Reading)课件(ppt精选).ppt_第3页
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新人教版八年级上Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot(Section B 2a-2e Reading)课件(ppt精选).ppt_第4页
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新人教版八年级上Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot(Section B 2a-2e Reading)课件(ppt精选).ppt_第5页
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1、Tongue TwisterCan you can a can as a canner can a can?你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头么?I scream, you scream.We all scream for ice-cream!我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰激凌!Robert has a red robot, Robert likes his red robot.,Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot? (Reading),基础预习检测: 1. 词汇闯关,1.人的,人2.仆人3.有危险的4.工厂5.已经6.相信7.不同意8.日

2、本9.甚至10.形状11.倒塌,跌落12.可能的13.在里面,1. human2. servant3. dangerous4. factory5. already6. believe7. disagree8.Japan9.even10.shape11.fall12.possible13.inside,挑战一分钟,基础预习检测 :2. 短语闯关,over and overdo the same things as peoplewake upget bored in 25 to 50 years6.在未来7.能够8.数百年9.倒塌,突然倒下10.寻找,1.一遍又一遍2.和人们做相同的事3.醒来4.

3、变得烦躁5.在未来的25到50年间6. in the future7. be able to 8. handreds of years9. fall down10. look for,Where are they in the passage ?,基础预习检测 :3.语法探究,找出划线部分错误的句子:1. I will visit my aunt tomorrow.2. There is few meat but a little cakes on the plate. Please have one.3. In twenty years ,there are more robots serv

4、ing us.4. Mark can play computer games last year.,little , a few,there will be.doing,could/was able to,将来时态用will be able to,Get chance !,It looks like a/an,There are some other robots, what can they do ?,They can do the same things as we do.,Do you think you will have your own robot?,It can do house

5、work.,It can do boring work.,It can be a doctor.,It can play the piano.,It can plant flowers.,It can do many hard or dangerous work.,ser,vice,vant,danger,ous,human,scien,tist,a,gree,n,s,disagree,ge,sim,ple,ap,ce,a,hu,s,s,un,der,spi,human hugeservantdangerousscientistsimpleagreedisagreespider,Task 1

6、read and match,Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4,Will robots think like humans in the future?,What will robots look like in the future?,What can robots do today?,What are robots like in movies?,Tips: Find out the topic sentences(找出主题句),略读小贴士:整体略读,领略大意,且大多数段落主题句在第一句或最后一句,think like humans,do today,in movies,w

7、ill look like,1. Robots can build _ in factories.2. They can do _ jobs many times and never get bored. 3.Some can _and _.4. Some can help _ people under the _.5.In the future some will look like _, others might look like _.,cars,simple,Task 2 Read and complete,Tips: Find out the details(找出细节信息),walk

8、,dance,look for,buildings,humans,animals,跳读小贴士:快速地在文章内“扫描”出所需细节,1. What do the robots look like in the movies? 2. What can the robots do for people?,Human servants.,They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.,Paragraphs 1-2: Answer the questions.,3. Where are

9、the robots already working?4. What kinds of the jobs do the robots do? Why?,In factories.,They do simple boring jobs over and over again. Because they will never get bored.,Read para.3 Mark T or F,1.Some scientists believe it will be easy to make robots think like a human. 2. The robots will be able

10、 to wake up and know where they are.3. All of the scientists think that robots will be able to talk like humans in 25 or 50 years.,F,F,F,difficult,never,Many,跳读小贴士:先看题目,找出定位词,后再到文章里找相关信息,最后进行对比,Paragraphs 3-4: Mark True or False.,1. Japanese companies have already made robots sing and dance.2. Some

11、scientists think that there will be robots like humans, but Mr. White disagree.3.Its easy for a child to wake up and know where they are.4. Some people believe that robots will be able to talk in 35 to 50 years.5. If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people

12、 under the buildings.,T,F,T,F,T,(1) Will there be more robots in the future ? (2) What kind of job can a snake robot do ?,Read para.4 and answer these questions.,Yes, there will.,After an earthquake, it could help look for people under buildings.,Task 3,Some robots are human-like. They can walk and

13、_like people. Some scientists think that in the future they will _ robots more like humans. This may not _in the near future, but at some point, robots will even be able to _ like people. However, some scientists _. James White believes that robots will not be able to do the _ things as we can. For

14、example, he thinks that robots will_ be able to wake up and know where they are. which side do you _ with ?,dance,make,happen,talk,disagree,same,never,agree,1.通读全文读并完成2c cars, simple, walk ,dance, look for, buildings2.阅读填空完成2d任务.,robots,in movies,in peoples real life,different people have different

15、ideas,In the future,servantshelp with,In factoriesdo simple jobsget bored,try to-do the same thingswalk and dancereally think like a humanNever knowEven talk like humans,RetellTask,believemore robots many different shapesin Indiasnakeslook forNever -happen,Task 4,Never give up ! Make your dream come

16、 true !,Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。,Homework :Write a composition,发挥你的想象在未来你会拥有自己的机器人。以My own robot (我自己的机器人)写一篇短文,不少于50词。,审,扩,列,查,抄,连,写,1.未来 will+ do2.最少50词,1. When will I have my own robot?2.What will my robot look like in the future?3.What will my robot be able to do ?4.My feel

17、ing and hope about robots,In the future I wantIt will look like.and it will be able to .for example,cook,play the violin,clean the floor,Free talk :Can you say something about robots?,servants,Some look like humans, some look like animals,look like an arm,do simple work in the factory,help people do

18、 chores,help the farmers on the farm,be able to talk and dance,My robot I dream of having a robot in the future. It will look like_. It will be able to I think I will like it very much.,Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it! So study hard now!,U盘、电脑坏了?教学资料不见了?以前的资料没保存?每一届重复劳动?找不到精品课件、试题、教案反思?各大文库价格昂贵?来【163文库】吧,你可以:上传分享资料赚取零用钱;创建教学空间,分类收藏存储资料;方便下届使用;百万教学资源供你下载;【平台地址:】,Thank youfor listening!,


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