2021新版北师大版必修第一册英语Unit 3 Lesson 3 同步教学设计.docx

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1、第第 3 3 单元第单元第 3 3 课教学设计课教学设计 课题课题 Lesson 3 Memories of ChristmasLesson 3 Memories of Christmas 课型课型 阅读阅读 主题语境主题语境 人与社会人与社会 语篇类型语篇类型 记叙记叙文文 1.1.理论依据理论依据 普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版)中指出,“在进一步发展综合语言运用能 力的同时,着重提高用语言获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注 重学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力;形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能 力,进一步拓宽国际视野,增强爱国主义精神和民族使命感,形成健全的情

2、感、态度、 价值观,为未来发展和终身学习奠定良好的基础。 学生通过本课的学习提高文化意识,在语言学习活动中理解文化内涵,比较文化异 同,汲取文化精髓,坚定文化自信。掌握充分的多元文化意识、认同优秀文化,促进学 科核心素养的形成和发展。 2.2.教学内容分析教学内容分析 【WhatWhat】本文是 Unit3 庆祝单元的阅读课,主题是圣诞节的记忆,属于人与社会题材。 圣诞节是西方文化中非常重要的一个节日, 了解圣诞节是学生体会西方文化的重要部分。 本文通过作者回顾自己和奶奶度过的最后一个圣诞节的记忆,体现了圣诞节的习俗。奶奶 在圣诞节前夕到来,我并不知道奶奶已经生病。圣诞节的氛围越来越浓,作者怀

3、着激动和 愉快的心情,期待圣诞节的到来,和奶奶一起给圣诞老人写信,布置圣诞树,拆圣诞礼物, 享用圣诞大餐,度过了非常快乐和难忘的时光。虽然奶奶在圣诞节后几周就去世了,但是 作者时常回忆起和奶奶共同度过的快乐时光。 【WhyWhy】学生对于西方文化很感兴趣,但是对于圣诞节具体的习俗不是非常清楚,对于 很多关于圣诞节的表达方式并不了解。通过本课的学习,学生更加了解圣诞节的习俗,和 外国人如何庆祝圣诞节。帮助学生更深了解西方节日文化,提高文化意识,开阔视野。通 过阅读这个温馨的故事,体会到中西方共通的亲情的可贵。 【HowHow】本文通过第一人称叙述了自己和奶奶最后一次度过圣诞节的记忆,通过细致的

4、描写,他和奶奶一起庆祝圣诞节的经历跃然纸上,画面感很强。文章篇幅较长,其中包括 很多生动形象的细节描写,按时间顺序,脉络清晰。学生通过阅读文章,不仅了解到西方 圣诞节的习俗,还体会到浓浓的亲情,体会到亲情的可贵。 3.3.学习者分析学习者分析 学生具备一定的词汇和语法基础,有能力获得文章基本信息,但对文章的深度分析能力 还在建立中,在对语篇的文体结构、语言特点、写作目的等的把握上还需老师大力引导。 基于对学情的分析,本节课将帮助激活学生已知,针对分析篇章文体结构,语言特点 和作者的写作目的三个方面给学生搭脚手架,帮助学生建立自信、应用语言、探索主题意 义。 4.4.学习目标确定学习目标确定 本

5、节课结束时,学生能够: (1)说出圣诞节作者和奶奶的共同经历 (2)梳理圣诞节发生的事情的顺序 (3)找出文章所隐含的体现奶奶健康状况堪忧的细节 (4) 表达自己节日的记忆,感受亲情的可贵 5.5.重难点重难点 重点重点 (1)找出圣诞节作者和奶奶的共同经历 (2)梳理文本的脉络,关注文章结构 学习难点学习难点 (1)在深入理解文章的基础上,发现文章所隐含的细节,体会作者的心情。 (2)叙述和分享自己的节日记忆 六、教学设计六、教学设计 教学环节教学环节 活动意图活动意图 活动形式与步骤活动形式与步骤 Step 1 (5 ) Lead-in 话题导入 情境教学和交 际教学法:在师 生,生生互动

6、的 过程中引入圣 诞节这一主题, 激活学生已有 语言和生活经 What do people in the West do to celebrate Christmas? to make Christmas pudding to put up a Christmas tree to decorate the house to give/open gifts 历。 to sing Christmas songs to hang a stocking Step 2 (20) While- reading 通过阅读 提取主要 信息 学生初步阅读 文章, 寻找文 章核心内容, 把 握文章大意。 学生细致

7、阅读, 梳理圣诞节作 者和奶奶的共 同经历。 以及判 断事情发生的 顺序。 引导学生关注 叙事的时间顺 序 1. Prediction 2. First reading: (5)Read the story and find out whywhy it was such a memorablememorable Christmas to her. She had such a memorable Christmas because it was the last Christmas she spent with her granny before her granny passed away.

8、 3. Careful reading: (8 ) Underline the writers memories of her grandma and tell your partner. Granny made an effort to help the writer write a letter to Father Christmas. Granny and the writer made sugar biscuits and stuffed the turkey. The writer sat on her granny s lap and sang Christmas songs. G

9、ranny had the patience to sing it over and over. Granny and the writer left a plate of sugar biscuits out for Father Christmas, and put a stocking at the end of bed. Granny sat on the writers bed and sang softly. Granny gave the writer a music box with a ballet dancer inside. Granny laughed so much

10、that her paper hat fell off 4. Read again. (7) When did these activities happen? Complete the timeline. Then talk about what happened based on the time line. a made sugar biscuits b Granny moved in c had Christmas lunch d left sugar biscuits out for Father Christmas e opened presents f put a stockin

11、g at the end of the bed g sang Christmas songs h wrote a letter to Father Christmas Answers November: b h December: a g Christmas Eve: d f Christmas Day: e c Step 3 (15) Post-read ing 培养思维 品质 通过完整句子 表述圣诞节发 生的具体事件。 帮助学生体会 句子的基本结 构, 奠定语言基 础, 为之后的学 习做好准备。 1. Speaking(7) Use the following subjects, verb

12、s or verb phrases and adverbial phrases to make sentences about the writers memories of the Christmas . The writer and Cousin David raced around the garden. Cousin David couldnt swallow the pudding. The writer and Cousin David rolled a snowball. Granny gave the writer a music box with a ballet dance

13、r inside. 在深入理解阅 读内容的基础 上通过和同伴 讨论, 发现文章 所隐含的细节, 体会作者的心 情, 启发学生推 断作者的想法。 The writer caught Grannys eye through the window. The writer opened the presents on her best behavior. The writer hung decorations on the branches. Granny and the writer stuffed the turkey. Granny took a seat by the fire. 2. Gro

14、up Work: (8) (1)Can you find any hints in the story that suggest Grandma was in poor health condition? Did the writer notice it at that time? How did she feel after Grandma passed away? Granny spent most of her time on the sofa by the fire, her hand was slightly shaky and she stayed in by the fire a

15、nd didnt go outside. The writer didnt notice it at that time. The writer thinks of her often and misses her very much. (2)Why does the writer think of her grandma every Christmas? What can you infer after reading the story? Because she had a happy Christmas with her Granny before Granny passed away.

16、 Granny knew she was very sick and that she probably did not have much time, so she cherished every minute with the writer . Granny loved her family very much and the family loved her. Granny was very happy, especially with the children, despite her illness . Granny made great efforts to spend a happy Christmas with her family. Homework:Suppose you are the author, and your grannys anniversary is coming soon, write a letter to her to memorize her.


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