2021新版北师大版选择性必修第一册英语UNIT 3 Period 3 课时训练(含答案).doc

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1、UNIT 3 Period Three 题组 A 基础练 (建议用时:10 分钟) 单词拼写 1Well turn out more products to meet the need of our _(消费者) 2His grandmother thinks it too _(浪费的) for him to order the meal in the hotel. 3Please _(包裹) this mobile phone up for me. Ill take it. 4It is so clear that _(交通系统) has been greatly promoted in o

2、ur country. 5Youll have to make more friends in your _(现实的) life, not just online friends. 6Sure, _(创新的) methods of thinking will offer you more creative ideas. 7She may not be _(意识到) of the danger she is in. 8Li Mings father has a large _(收藏) of stamps and coins. 9Mother is very _(焦急的) when she hea

3、rd that her daughter was ill at school. 10We make use of _(筷子) in China instead of knife and fork on the table. 【答案】 1 consumers 2 wasteful 3 wrap 4 transportation 5 realistic 6 innovative 7aware 8collection 9anxious 10chopsticks 单句语法填空 1Lily picked _ Japanese while she was working in Japan in 2000

4、2Youll have to make sure _ you have checked your answers before you hand in your papers. 3You must write your composition _ pen. Dont write with pencils. 4Nobody can stop me from _(take) part in the voluntary activities. 5Do you know the young man _(catch) cheating in the examination? 6Eventually, M

5、ike ran deep in debt and he ended up _(beg) in the street. 7It seems this kind of food doesnt agree _ me. 8The heavy rain eventually contributed _ heavy floods in this area. 9We must try to do everything we can for _(we) in our daily life. 10The old man is committed to _(help) those in need of help

6、in the neighbourhood. 【答案】1up 2that 3in 4taking 5caught 6begging 7with 8to 9ourselves 10helping 完成句子 1Im determined to work hard at my lessons _ _ _. 我决心从现在开始努力学习。 【答案】from now on 2You must speak louder _ _ we can hear you clearly. 你要说大声点,以便我们大家都能听见你。 【答案】so that 3I will _ _ _ my shortcomings. 我会克服我

7、的缺点的。 【答案】do away with 4_ _ has promoted my English rapidly. 早上大声朗读让我的英语提高得很快。 【答案】Reading aloud 5Could you please give me _ _ _ water? 请给我一点水,好吗? 【答案】a bit of 题组 B 提升练 (建议用时:30 分钟) 阅读理解 This holiday season, holiday shoppers can for the first time send festive greetings that contribute to protecting

8、 rather than destroying our evergreen world. The beautiful e- card can be sent via TreeGreetings, available at http:/www. TreeGreetings. com. Each $895 TreeGreetings e- card comes with a virtual tour of the actual location where the gift tree will be planted along with a full- color, personalized pl

9、anting certificate. The greetings feature musical slide shows with nature photography and inspirational messages. “Our cards exemplify the spirit of holiday giving,” said Alan Shamir, founder and CEO of Your True Nature Inc., which markets TreeGreetings electronic products. “Our customers can give b

10、ack to the Earth by contributing to reforestation while sharing holiday goodwill with friends and family.” TreeGreetings offers a full range of e- cards to celebrate any occasion including birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, new homes, congratulations, Valentines Day, Mothers Day, and Fathers Day. I

11、ndividuals and organizations can easily send personalized TreeGreetings to their entire holiday lists at quantity- discounted rates, and distribution on a selected date can be scheduled days, weeks, or months in advance. Gift trees are planted and cared for by well- established, reliable non- profit

12、 organizations including the internationally recognized Trees, Water whoever looks at their device before the check arrives picks up the tab (账单) Brandon Holley, the former editor of Lucky magazine, had trouble _2_ her mobile phone when she got home from work. So about six months ago, she _3_ puttin

13、g her phone into a milk tin the moment she walked in. It remains there until after dinner. And Mare Jacobs, the fashion designer, didnt _4_ to sleep close to a buzzing gadget (小装置). So he _5_ digital devices from his bedroom a house rule he _6_ with audiences during a recent screening of Disconnect,

14、 a film that shows how technology has alienated (使疏远) people from one another. As smart phones _7_ to make their way into our lives, and wearable devices like Google Glass threaten to destroy our personal space even further. Whether its a physical _8_(no iPads at the dinner table) or a conceptual (精

15、神上的) one (turn off devices by 11 pm.), users say these disconnecting techniques are improving their relationships. “Disconnecting is a luxury that we all _9_,” said Lesley M. M. Blume, a New York writer who keeps her phone away from the dinner table at home. “The expectation that we must always be _

16、10_ to employers, colleagues and family creates a real problem in trying to _11_ private time. But that private time is more important than ever.” A popular method for disconnecting is to choose a box for your cellphone, like the milk tin that Ms.Holley uses. “_12_ my phone is buzzing or lighting up

17、, its still a distraction (分散注意 力的事), so it goes in the box.” said Ms.Holley. Others choose new orders. “No screens after 11 pm.” said Ari. Melber, a TV host. “Now evenings are more _13_ and I am sleeping better.” he added. Sleep is a big factor, which is why some _14_ to leave their phones out of t

18、heir bedrooms. “I dont want to sleep next to something full of photos and emails.” said Peterson, a fashion designer, who keeps his phone plugged in in the living room overnight. “It _15_ is a head- clearer and distinguishes daytime and sleep time.” 1Apiles Ballocates Carranges Dplaces 2Aexamining B

19、ignoring Cmissing Dfinding 3Astopped Bforgot Cbegan Dsuggested 4Ahate Bwant Cexpect Drefuse 5Abanned Blost Ccollected Dadjusted 6Atalked Bagreed Cprovided Dshared 7Aintend Bchoose Ccontinue Dhappen 8Abarrier Bsuffering Cissue Ddrawback 9Alearn Bconsider Caccept Dneed 10Adependable Bavailable Cconven

20、ient Dappealing 11Afigure out Bsave up Cset aside Dtake up 12AUnless BIf CUntil DAlthough 13Aflexible Burgent Crelaxing Dupsetting 14Aadmit Bprefer Crefuse Dpermit 15Adefinitely Brarely Cfinally Doriginally 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了几位名人利用各种策略来减少手机的 使用,以便给自己留出更多的个人时间。 1D 考查动词词义辨析。句意: 名利场时尚市场总监迈克尔 卡尔每次与朋

21、友出去 吃饭时,都会玩一个叫作“手机堆叠”的游戏。每个人都把手机放在桌子中间;谁在结账前 看了自己的设备, 谁就要付账。 A piles 堆积; B allocates 分配; C arranges 安排; D places 放置。根据前文“phone stack”(叠手机)可知,每个人在吃饭的时候都把手机放在桌子中央。故 选 D。 2B 考查动词词义辨析。句意: 幸运杂志的前编辑布兰登 霍利在她下班回家时, 很难忽视她的手机。根据下文“So about six months ago, she _3_ putting her phone into a milk tin the moment s

22、he walked in.”可知,她回到家后很难忽视手机,所以采取了一定的措施。故选 B 项。 3C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以大约六个月前,她一走进来就把手机放进牛奶罐 里。根据下文“It remains there until after dinner.”可知,她开始把手机放在一个牛奶罐里。故选 C 项。 4B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:时装设计师梅尔 雅各布斯不想睡在一个嗡嗡作响的小 装置旁边。根据上下文可知,本文描述的是一些人减少使用手机的事情。时尚设计师 Mare Jacobs 也是其中一个,他不想靠近手机睡觉。故选 B 项。 5A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,他在卧室里禁止使用电

23、子设备 这是他在 最近放映断线时与观众分享的一条家规,这部电影展示了科技如何让人们彼此疏远。 Abanned 禁止;Blost 失去;Ccollected 选择;Dadjusted 调整。根据上文“And Mare Jacobs, the fashion designer, didnt _4_ to sleep close to a buzzing gadget (小装置) ”可知, 他 不想靠近手机睡觉,因此他禁止电子设备进卧室。故选 A 项。 6D 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。根据下文“a film that shows how technology has alienated peopl

24、e from one another”可推断电影断线讲述科技是如何使人们更疏远的,因此 推断他向观众们共享这个家规。此处是 share sth. with sb.“与某人分享某物”。故选 D 项。 7C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着智能手机不断地进入我们的生活,像谷歌 Glass 这样的可穿戴设备甚至会进一步威胁我们的个人空间。Aintend 打算;Bchoose 选择; Ccontinue 继续;Dhappen 发生。根据语境可知,此处指智能手机不断进入我们的生活。 故选 C 项。 8A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:无论是物理上的障碍(餐桌上不能用 iPad),还是概念 上的障碍(晚上 11 点

25、前关掉设备),用户们都表示,这些隔离技巧正在改善他们的人际关系。 Abarrier 障碍;Bsuffering 苦难;Cissue 问题;Ddrawback 不利条件。根据括号里“no ipads at the dinner table(餐桌上不用 iPad)”可知,这是人们用手机的物理障碍。故选 A 项。 9 D 考查动词词义辨析。 句意: “断网是我们都需要的奢侈品, ”纽约作家莱斯利 M 布 鲁姆说,她是一个把手机放在家里的餐桌之外的纽约作家。根据下文“a New York writer who keeps her phone away from the dinner table at

26、home.”可知,她认为断网是我们所需要的。故选 D 项。 10B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:老板、同事和家人对我们必须随时待命的期望, 在试图留出私人时间方面造成了真正的问题。Adependable 可靠的;Bavailable 可找到的; Cconvenient 方便的;Dappealing 吸引人的。我们手机不离身就是因为需要随时回复老板、 同事和家人的信息,随时待命。此处用 available 表示随时能够被找到。故选 B 项。 11 C 考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。 Afigure out 想出; Bsave up 节约; Cset aside 留出;Dtake up 占据。故选 C

27、 项。 12B 考查连词辨析。句意:“如果我的手机嗡嗡作响或亮起,它还是会分散我的注 意力,所以我把它放进了盒子里。”霍利女士说。如果手机屏幕亮起,这依然是让人分心的 事。前后是条件关系,用 if。故选 B 项。 13C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“现在晚上更放松了,我睡得更好了。”他补充 道。Aflexible 灵活的;Burgent 紧急的;Crelaxing 令人放松的;Dupsetting 令人苦恼 的。根据下文“I am sleeping better.”可知,现在晚上很放松。故选 C 项。 14B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:睡眠是一个重要因素,这就是为什么有些人喜欢把 手机放在卧室外

28、。根据上下文可知,人们更喜欢把手机放在卧室外,以减少使用手机。故选 B 项。 15A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:它绝对是一剂大脑清洁剂,区分白天时间和睡觉时 间。Adefinitely 绝对地;Brarely 罕见的;Cfinally 最后;Doriginally 最初。根据上文 “keeps his phone plugged in in the living room overnight”可知,Peterson 总是把手机放在客厅充 电,他说这肯定能让你头脑清静,能把白天和睡觉时间区分开,“绝对”一词能表明 Mare Jacobs 对把手机放在卧室外的支持。故选 A 项。 语法填空 This

29、 year(2019) marks the 30th anniversary of Disneys The Little Mermaid. Later, Disney 1_(produce) some of its most loved movies, including The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, during its golden age of animation (动画片), 2 _(know) as the Disney Renaissance (复兴). This helped create3_ situation in which

30、 later animations, like the hit movie Frozen became popular. The Little Mermaid helped to prove that fairy tales and animation werent just for children 4_(enjoy) Jodi Benson,5_ lent her voice to the brave and stubborn Ariel, didnt expect much when she tried out 6_ the role. In fact, she had forgotte

31、n all about it by the time she was hired the next year. Back in those days, voice acting 7 _(consider) just something to add to a resume (简历). Bensons life, however, changed all at once. The 8_(succeed) of The Little Mermaid led to two Grammy awards and three Academy Award nominations (提名) Now, ther

32、e is a live- action remake on the way and the 9_(origin) animated film will be re- released on Blu- Ray this year. This will give new 10_(generation) the chance to recognize Bensons voice and to fall in love with Ariel like others before. 【语篇解读】本文是说明文。2019 年是迪士尼小美人鱼上映 30 周年。文中介绍了 迪士尼的小美人鱼和其他动画作品对人们的

33、重大影响。 1produced 考查动词时态。此处指 30 年前迪士尼上映小美人鱼之后发生的事, 表示的是过去发生的事,用一般过去时。故填 produced。 2known 考查过去分词。句意:后来,在被称为迪士尼复兴的动画黄金时代,迪士尼 制作了一些最受欢迎的电影,包括狮子王和美女与野兽 。分析句子结构可知,句中已 有谓语动词 produced,此处填非谓语动词。“golden age”和动词 know 是被动关系,用过去分 词形式。故填 known。 3a 考查冠词。此处指这帮助创造了一种局面,表示“一种”用不定冠词,situation 开头是辅音音素。故填 a。 4to enjoy 考查

34、动词不定式。句意: 小美人鱼证明了童话和动画并不仅仅是给孩子 们欣赏的。表示“为某人做某事”是 for sb. to do sth.。故填 to enjoy。 5 who 考查定语从句。 分析句子结构可知, 句中包含非限制性定语从句, 先行词是 Jodi Benson 指人,在定语从句中做主语,用关系代词 who 引导。故填 who。 6for 考查固定短语。句意:为勇敢而固执的 Ariel 配音的 Jodi Benson 在试演这个角 色时并没有抱太大期望。此处指“参加选拔,尝试”,是固定短语 try out for。故填 for。 7was considered 考查时态语态。句意:在那个

35、时候,配音被认为只是简历上的一个 添加项。句中主语“voice acting”和动词 consider 是被动关系,在句中作谓语用被动语态。又 根据时间状语“Back in those days”可知是一般过去时,主语 voice acting 是单数。故填 was considered。 8success 考查名词。此处在句中做主语,且由 The 修饰用名词,succeed 的名词是 success,是不可数名词。故填 success。 9 original 考查形容词。 和 animated 共同修饰名词 film 用形容词, original animated film 指原创动画电影。故填 original。 10generations 考查名词。句意:这将给新世代一个机会来识别 Benson 的声音,并像 以前的人一样爱上 Ariel。此处“新世代”表示复数意义。故填 generations。


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