(精)2020春人教版七年级下册英语同步培优全国通用版(课件+精练)Unit 4 Don't eat in class(附答案).zip

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  • 2020春人教版英语七年级下册同步培优全国通用版(课件+精练)Unit 4 Don't eat in class
    • 基础知识梳理.doc--点击预览
    • 第1课时 Section A(1a 2d).doc--点击预览
    • 第1课时 Section A(1a 2d).ppt--点击预览
    • 第2课时 Section A(Grammar Focus 3c)单元语法精讲.doc--点击预览
    • 第2课时 Section A(Grammar Focus 3c)单元语法精讲.ppt--点击预览
    • 第3课时 Section B(1a 1d).doc--点击预览
    • 第3课时 Section B(1a 1d).ppt--点击预览
    • 第4课时 Section B(2a 3c).doc--点击预览
    • 第4课时 Section B(2a 3c).ppt--点击预览
    • 第5课时 Section B(Self Check)单元写作链接.doc--点击预览
    • 第5课时 Section B(Self Check)单元写作链接.ppt--点击预览


1 温馨提示:温馨提示: 此套题为此套题为 WordWord 版,请按住版,请按住 Ctrl,Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适 的观看比例。关闭的观看比例。关闭 WordWord 文档返回原板块。文档返回原板块。 Unit 4Dont eat in class. 第 1 课时Section A(1a2d) rule n. 规则;规章。常用短语: school rules 校规; class rules 班规; family rules 家规; break the rules 违反规定; obey/follow the rules 遵守规定 arrive v. 到达。不及物动词,后接宾语时,常与 in/at 连用。 arrive in/at 相当于 get to listenv. 听;倾听 fight v. & n. 打架;战斗。其过去式为 fought。常用短语: fight for 为而战; fight against 与对抗; fight with 与打架;与并肩作战 wearv. 穿;戴。其过去式为 wore,过去分词为 worn importa nt adj.重要的。其名词形式为 importance,不可数名词 bring v. 带来;取来。其反义词为 take(拿走)。常用短语: bring sth./sb.to sp. 把某物/某人带来某地 quiet adj. 安静的。be quiet keep quiet 保持安静。注意 区分 quite adv. 非常;相当;很;确实如此 【拓展】 (1)listen 和 hear 用法辨析 listen 不及物动词,后接宾语时要加介词 to,侧重于“听”的动作。 hear 及物动词,强调“听”的结果。 (2)wear, put on, dress, have on 和 in 用法辨析 wear 强调“穿;戴”的状态,其宾语可以是衣服、鞋帽、首饰或眼镜等。 如: She is wearing a new skirt today. 她今天穿着一条新短裙。 put on 侧重“穿;戴”的动作,可用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽等。如: 2 Please put on your coat. 请穿上你的外套。 dress 意为“穿着;打扮” ,表示“穿”的动作时,宾语是人,不是衣服。 如: She dresses her little brother every morning. 她每天早上给她弟弟穿衣服。 have on 表示状态,和 wear 相似,也可以表示“随身携带” 。如: The emperor had nothing on. 皇帝什么也没穿。 in 表示“穿;戴”的状态,后接表示衣服颜色的词。如: The boy in blue is my little brother. 穿蓝色衣服的那个男孩是我弟弟。 (3)bring, take, get 和 carry 用法辨析 bring 带来;拿来。指从别处带到说话者所在的地方来。 take 带走;拿走。指从说话者所在的地方带到远处去。常与介词 to 连用。 方向上与 bring 正好相反。 get 得到;获得。无方向性,常与介词 from 连用。 carry 搬运。无方向性。 (be) on time准时 have to必须;不得不 【拓展】 (1)on time 和 in time 用法辨析 on time 准时(在规定的时间之内)。表示动作在规定时间内或比规定时间 提前发生。 in time 及时(恰在时间点上)。强调与某个时刻一致。 (2)have to 和 must 用法辨析 have to 必须;不得不。强调客观存在的必要性,含有不情愿的色彩,不 能用来表示推测。有时态、人称和数的变化。dont/doesnt have to 不必;不必 要。相当于 neednt。 must 必须;一定。表示说话人的主观意志和看法,含有自觉、自愿的色 彩,不能用于过去时或将来时,也没有人称和数的变化。可以用来表示推测, 意为“准是;一定” 。mustnt 表示“禁止;不允许;一定不要” 。 3 第 2 课时Section A(Grammar Focus3c)单元语法精讲 一、祈使句 1含义:祈使句是用来表示请求、命令或建议等的一种句型。其主语一般 为第二人称 you,但通常省略。祈使句的句末一般用句号,表示较强语气时用 感叹号。为了使祈使句显得更委婉、有礼貌,可在开头或结尾加上 please。 2祈使句的五种类型 Do 型 祈使句 实义动词原形其他Listen to me, please.请听我说。 Be 型 祈使句 be 动词其他Be quiet, please.请安静。 Let 型 祈使句 Letsb.动词原形其 他 Lets play football.让我们踢足球 吧。 Please 型 祈使句 Please动词原形其他 Please stand up.请起立。 Please dont shout. 请不要大喊大 叫。 No 型 祈使句 Nov.ing/n.!(表示禁止) No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No photos! 禁止拍照! 3.祈使句的否定形式 通常是在谓语动词前加 dont。但要注意以 let 开头的祈使句,其否定形式 是: “Dontlet宾语动词原形其他 ”或“Let宾语not动词原形 其他 ” 。 4祈使句的基本回答 (1)A: Tom, take the box to Mr.Wus office. 汤姆,把盒子搬到吴先生的办公 室去。 B:肯定回答: Yes, I will. 好的,我会做的。 否定回答: Sorry, I cant carry it. 对不起,我搬不动它。 (2)A: Dont listen to music in class. 课堂上不要听音乐。 B: No, I wont. 好的,我不会的。(用于自己之前没做过,同时也表明自己 今后也不会做时)或:Sorry, I wont do it in future.对不起,我今后不会这样做了。 (用于自己犯错,被别人禁止做时) (3)A: Lets go out for a walk.(用“Lets do sth.”时,常用于提出建议) B: 肯定回答: Thats a good idea.或: That sounds good.(直接表示赞同) 否定回答: Oh, no. Its too hot.或:Oh, no. Lets watch TV at home.(可用 4 “No”作否定回答,并适当解释或提出自己的见解) 祈使句一般要对方去做的动作是在将来发生。肯定回答时常用“Yes, I will”; 否定回答时常用“No, I wont”等。 “will”为“将要”之意, “wont”为“will”和“not” 的缩写形式,为“将不;将不会”之意。 二、情态动词 can 与 have to 能;会。表示做某事的能 力,其否定式为 cant Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? can 允许;许可 You cant eat in class. 你 不能在课堂上吃东西。 have to 必须;不得不。其后接动 词原形。have to 有第三 人称单数形式,即 has to,变疑问句和否定句要 借助助动词 do/does We have to go home after school.我们放学后必须回 家。 第 3 课时Section B(1a1d) practicev. & n. 练习 dishn. 碟;盘。其复数形式为 dishes before prep. & conj. 在以前; adv. 以前 【拓展】 (1)practice 的用法 作动词时是及物动词,意为“练习;训练” ,其后可跟名词、代词或动名 词作宾语。如: I often practice my English in the morning. 我经常在早上练习英语。 He practices playing the piano every day. 他每天练习弹钢琴。 n. 练习;实践。不可数名词。如: Playing the piano well needs lots of practice. 弹好钢琴需要多加练习。 (2)dish 和 plate 用法辨析 dish 可泛指就餐时所用的餐具,包括盘、碟、碗、杯、刀、叉等,特指 较深的盘子。还可用作可数名词,意为“菜肴;一道菜” 。 5 plate 指较平的盘子、碟子,可用来装菜。 go out 外出(娱乐)。out 此处用作副词,意为“在外面” ,其反义 词为 in do the dishes清洗餐具。do the dishes 相当于 wash the dishes Can Dave go out on school nights? 戴夫在上学的晚上能外出娱乐吗? (1)night 前如有其他修饰词修饰时,指具体的某天晚上,其前用介词 on。 (2)泛指在晚上,则用介词 at。如: I usually do my homework at night. 我通常在晚上做作业。 第 4 课时Section B(2a3c) dirtyadj. 脏的。其名词形式为 dirt(灰尘;土) more adj. & pron. 更多(的)。是 many 的比较级,修饰 可数名词复数形式。它也是 much 的比较级, 可 修饰不可数名词 noisy adj. 吵闹的。其名词形式为 noise(噪音),反义词 为 quiet(安静的) relaxv. 放松;休息 readv. 读;阅读 terribleadj. 非常讨厌的;可怕的 feelv. 感受;觉得 rememb er v. 记住;记起 followv. 遵循;跟随 luck n. 幸运;运气。其形容词形式为 lucky;副词形 式为 luckily keepv. 保持;保留 learn v. 学习;学会。常用短语:learn to do sth. 学着 做某事 【拓展】 (1)read, watch, see 和 look 用法辨析 read 读;阅读。侧重指看文字性的东西。可用于 read sth. to sb.或 read sb. 6 sth.结构。 watch 观看;注视。指非常仔细地、有目的地、全神贯注地“看” 。 see 看见;看到。强调看的结果,指有意或无意地看到,无进行时态。 look 看。强调看的动作,表示有意识地集中精力去看。 (2)remember to do sth.和 remember doing sth.用法辨析 remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事。说明事情还没有做,相当于 dont forget to do sth.。如: Remember to phone me when you arrive there. 当你到那里的时候,记得打电 话给我。 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事。说明事情已经做过。如: I remember seeing her in the city. 我记得在这个城市见过她。 make ones bed铺床 be strict (with sb.)(对某人)要求严格 follow the rules遵守规则 【拓展】 (1)make 与 do 两者都有“做”的意思,其区别如下。 make 生产;制造。指用原材料制作成某种东西,或经过努力而做成某 物。一般强调做的东西时用 make。 do 指进行一项经常性的或指定的活动,一般强调动作时用 do。 (2)be strict with 和 be strict in 用法辨析 be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格。 be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格。 Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen! 别把脏碗留在厨房里! 本句中的 leave 意为“留下;剩下” ,常与表示地点的介词短语连用,表示 “把某物忘在某地” 。其过去式和过去分词为 left。 【拓展】 forget 和 leave 用法辨析 (1)forget 表示忘记某物,常表示“遗忘;记不起” ,不与地点状语连用。如: 7 Oh, dear! I forget his phone number. 糟糕!我忘记了他的电话号码。 (2)leave 表示“忘了带;落下;留在” ,常与地点状语连用。如: Im sorry, I left my homework at home. 对不起,我把我的家庭作业落在家里 了。 After dinner, I cant relax either. 晚饭后我也不能放松。 either 在此处意为“也” 。用于否定句中,一般放在句末。 【拓展】 (1)also 用于肯定句中,常放在句中,位于 be 动词、情态动词或 助动词之后,实义动词之前。 (2)too 用于肯定句中,一般放在句末。词前常用逗号隔开。 I never have fun. 我从没开心过。 have fun 中的 fun 是不可数名词,其前可用 no, much, a lot of 等词修饰。同 义短语: enjoy oneself, have a good time。 【拓展】 have fun (in) doing sth. 做某事有乐趣。 关闭关闭 WordWord 文档返回原板块。文档返回原板块。1 温馨提示:温馨提示: 此套题为此套题为 WordWord 版,请按住版,请按住 Ctrl,Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适 的观看比例。关闭的观看比例。关闭 WordWord 文档返回原板块。文档返回原板块。 Unit 4Dont eat in class. 第 1 课时__Section__A(1a2d)__ .从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。 quiet, listen, bring, important, wear 1. Students cant ______ their food to the hall. 2. Tom likes to ______ a yellow Tshirt and black shorts. 3. Math and Chinese are two ______ subjects. 4. Dont talk, Alan. You must be ______ in the library. 5. ______! Mr.Lee is coming! .根据句意用适当的介词填空。 1. Dont arrive late ____ school. 2. You must be ____ time. 3. Dont listen ____ music in class. 4. Can I bring a phone ____ school? 5. We have to wear uniforms ____ school. .单项选择。 ( )1. Rose ________ school very early every day. A. gets B. gets to C. arrives ( )2. We ________ wear the school uniform every Monday. A. must B. neednt C. have to ( )3. Students cant ________ music in class. A. listen B. hear C. listen to ( )4. They arrived ________ Shanghai late last night. A. at B. in C. on ( )5. Rules are good to us, ________ we have to follow (遵循) them. A. so B. but C. or .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 2 1. 我们必须按时上课。 We must ____ ____ ____ for class. 2. 我喜欢睡觉前听音乐。 I like____ ____ ____ before going to bed. 3. 游戏规则非常简单。 The ____ of the game ____ very simple (简单的) 4. 汤姆有时和他的弟弟打架。 Tom sometimes ____ ____ his brother. 5. 我弟弟上学从不迟到。 My brother never ____ ____ for school. .图表阅读。 John I dont like any of my family rules. Dont eat too much meat. Dont go out in the evening. Dont play computer gamesTheyre so boring (烦人的)! Mary I think some of my family rules are too strict (严格的). Dont watch TV for over an hour. Dont go out at night. Never be late for school. I dont like them. Eric Go to bed early. Eat fruit and vegetables every day. Do sports every day. Go to play with my friends only on weekends. These rules are good. But my parents want me to get up at 6 oclock in the morning. Its too early. I dont like it really. Tina Parents always want us to be good. So I always follow all my family rules. Eat eggs every day. Study hard at school. Keep the hair short. Help parents do housework. ( )1. What does John think of his family rules? A. Useful. B. Relaxing. C. Boring. ( )2. Which is a family rule for Mary? A. Dont keep long hair. B. Dont eat too much meat. C. Dont be late for school. ( )3. What can Eric do on weekends? A. Go out in the evening. B. Play with friends. C. Go to bed late. ( )4. Who does housework at home? 3 A. Tina. B. Eric. C. Mary. ( )5. How many people have family rules about food? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. .情景交际。 A: Hey, Dave. Do you know the rules? B: 1. ________________. Can you tell me? A: 2. ________________. You must be on time for class. B: Can I eat in the classroom? A: 3. ________________. But you can eat in the dining hall. B: 4. ________________? A: No, you cant. But you can listen to it outside or in the music room. B: What else? A: 5. ________________. That makes the teachers really unhappy. You must be friendly to your classmates. B: I see. Thank you. , 1. n. 规则;规章 2. v. 到达 3. n. 大厅;礼堂 4. v. 听;倾听 5. v. & n. 打架;战斗 6. adj. 抱歉的;难过 的;惋惜的 7. adv. 在外面 adj. 外面的 8. v. 穿;戴 9. adj. 重要的 10. v. 带来;取来 11. adj. 安静的 12. __ __ 准时 13. __ 餐厅 14. __ 听 15. __ 必须;不得不 16. __ __ __ __ . 我们必须守时。 答案答案 Unit 4Dont eat in class. 第 1 课时Section A(1a2d) 【基础过关】 .1.bring2.wear3.important4.quiet5.Listen .1.for2.on3.to4.to5.at .1.B2.C3.C4.B5.A .1.beontime2.listeningtomusic3.rulesare4.fightswith5.arrives 4 late 【能力提升】 .1.C2.C3.B4.A5.C .1.Sorry, I dont know2.First, dont arrive late for class3.No(, you cant)4.Can I listen to music in class5.Dont fight with your classmates 【默写卡片】 1rule2.arrive3.hall4.listen5.fight6.sorry7.outside8.wear9.important 10.bring11.quiet12.(be) on time13.dining hall14.listen to15.have to16.We must be on time. 关闭关闭 WordWord 文档返回原板块。文档返回原板块。基 础 过 关 能 力 提 升 默 写 卡 片 参 考 答 案 Unit 4Dont eat in class. 第1课时Section A(1a2d) 基 础 过 关 bring wear important quiet Listen for on to to at B C C B A be on time listening to music are rules fightswith arriveslate 能 力 提 升 C C B A C Sorry, I dont know First, dont arrive late for class No(, you cant) Can I listen to music in class Dont fight with your classmates 默 写 卡 片 rule arrive hall listen fight sorry outside wear important bring quiet (be) on time dining hall listen to have to We must be on time. 点击进入word链接 点击进入答案PPT链接点击进入答案word链接 参 考 答 案1 温馨提示:温馨提示: 此套题为此套题为 WordWord 版,请按住版,请按住 Ctrl,Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适 的观看比例。关闭的观看比例。关闭 WordWord 文档返回原板块。文档返回原板块。 第 2 课时__Section__A(Grammar__Focus3c)单元语法精讲__ .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. ______ (not play) with fire (火) 2. ______ (run) in the classroom. 3. Let him ______ (not play) the computer games. 4. Can we ______ (eat) here by the river? 5. Do you have to ______ (go) to bed before ten at night? .单项选择。 ( )1. ________ take photos here. A. Not B. No C. Dont ( )2. Tom, please ________ the classroom now. A. clean B. to clean C. cleans ( )3. Lets ________ on time for class. A. be B. be not C. are ( )4. She has to ________ her homework every night. A. does B. do C. doing ( )5. Sorry, you ________ play basketball in the classroom. A. cant B. dont C. dont have to .按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. Lily can play the guitar.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) ____ Lily ____ the guitar? ____, she ____ 2. Jack has to play the piano every weekend.(改为一般疑问句) ____ Jack ____ ____ play the piano every weekend? 3. Be quick.(改为否定句) ____ ____ ____ 4. You cant eat food in class.(改为祈使句) 2 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 5. You cant be late for class next time.(改为祈使句) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ next time. .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 到这儿来。 ____ ____ 2. 别在走廊里跑。 ____ ____ in the hallways. 3. 请准时! ____ ____ ____, please! 4. 不要在这儿吃东西。 ____ ____ here. 5. 让我们骑自行车到那儿吧。 ____ ____ the bike to get there. .短文阅读。 Here are the rules for Emily. Rule One You can come into the room only with your teacher. Dont eat or drink in the room. Dont listen to music. Be quiet. Dont talk to each other. Turn off all the computers and close windows after class. Rule Two You must get up before 6:30 am. and make your bed. Dont listen to music. Dont talk loudly on the phone. Go to bed before 10:00 pm. You cant meet friends if you dont complete your homework. ( )1. Rule One may be for a ________. A. computer room B. classroom C. dining hall ( )2. Emily cant ________. A. eat in the room B. talk on the phone 3 C. get up before 6:30 ( )3. When does Emily have to go to bed? A. After 10:00 pm. B. Before 6:30 pm. C. Before 10:00 pm. ( )4. Can Emily listen to music? A. Yes, she can. B. No, she cant. C. We dont know. ( )5. The underlined (画线的) word “complete” means “________” in Chinese. A. 阅读 B. 完成 C. 开始 , 1. __ __ __ __ 别在走廊里跑。 2. __ __ __ __ __ 你必须做什么? 3. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . 我们必须在图书馆保持安静。 答案答案 第 2 课时Section A(Grammar Focus3c)单元语法精讲 【基础过关】 .1.Dont play2.run3.not play4.eat5.go .1.C2.A3.A4.B5.A .1.CanplayNocant2.Doeshaveto3.Dontbequick4.Donteat foodinclass5.Dontbelateforclass .1.Comehere2.Dontrun3.Beontime4.Donteat5.Letsride 【能力提升】 .1.A2.A3.C4.B5.B 【默写卡片】 1Dont run in the hallways.2.What do you have to do? 3We have to be quiet in the library. 关闭关闭 WordWord 文档返回原板块。文档返回原板块。基 础 过 关 能 力 提 升 默 写 卡 片 参 考 答 案 Unit 4Dont eat in class. 第2课时Section A(Grammar Focus3c) 单元语法精讲 基 础 过 关 Dont play run not play eat go C A A B A Can play No cant Does haveto Dontbequick Donteat food in class Dont be late for class Comehere Dontrun Be on time Donteat Letsride 能 力 提 升 A A C B B 默 写 卡 片 Dont run in the hallways. What do you have to do? We have to be quiet in the library. 点击进入word链接 点击进入答案PPT链接点击进入答案word链接 参 考 答 案1 温馨提示:温馨提示: 此套题为此套题为 WordWord 版,请按住版,请按住 Ctrl,Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适 的观看比例。关闭的观看比例。关闭 WordWord 文档返回原板块。文档返回原板块。 第 3 课时__Section__B(1a1d)__ .根据句意用适当的介词或副词填空。 1. Dont go ______ after ten oclock in the evening. 2. I usually do my homework ______ school nights. 3. My brother likes listening ______ music ______ the evening. 4. Can you help me ______ my English? 5. You must brush your teeth ______ going to bed. .单项选择。 ( )1. Look! There are so many people in the park. Nobody likes to stay at home ________ Sunday morning. A. in B. on C. at ( )2. I usually ________ TV ________ the evening. A. see; in B. watch; on C. watch; in ( )3. ________ Bob have to ________ a uniform at school? Yes, he does. A. Does; wear B. Does; wears C. Do; wear ( )4. ________ make any noises.Your sister is preparing (准备) for exams. A. Do B. Please C. Dont ( )5. The teacher tells us to practice ________ English more. A. speak B. to speak C. speaking .按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. Nick has to practice the piano every day.(改为一般疑问句) ____ Nick ____ to practice the piano every day? 2. Does Li Qiang have to eat lunch at school?(作肯定回答) , he ____ 3. Can he go out to see friends on school nights?(作否定回答) , he ____ 2 4. Tell me a story after dinner.(改为否定句) ____ ____ me a story after dinner. 5. Mary always helps Mom do the dishes on weekends. (改为同义句) Mary always helps Mom ____ ____ ____ on weekends. .翻译句子。 1. 请别在走廊里跑。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. 你必须按时上课。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. 请帮我打扫教室。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 你必须先做家庭作业。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我现在必须先做什么? ________________________________________________________________________ .阅读表达。 Dear Leo, There are many rules in my family. At 6:30 in the morning, I must get up. On school days,I must have brea
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