2020人教版七年级下册 英语单元测试原创拔高测试题(Unit 12) 含答案.doc

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1、人教版七年级英语下册单元测试拔高测试题人教版七年级英语下册单元测试拔高测试题 Unit 12 时间:时间: 100 分钟分钟 满分:满分:100 分分 一、单项选择题:(15 分) ( )1.What fine weather today! Lets go to beach and enjoy sunshine. A. a, the, the B./, the , the C./, /, / D. a,a,the ( )2.Farmers usually keep lots of on the farm. A.cow B.horse C.sheep D.chicken ( )3. high t

2、he kite is flying in the sky! A. What B.How C.What a D,How a ( )4.Its unhealthy to late to watch TV plays. A.show up B.come up C.stand up D.stay up ( )5.Dont the little baby. He will feel scared. A.shout at B.shout out C.shout about D.shout on ( )6.The paintings look so beautiful! Could you please o

3、n the wall? A.put on them B,put up them C.put it on D.put them up ( )7.They are little kids that they can only drink little water. A.so,so B.such, so C.so, such D.such,such ( )8.Peters parents dont live in the city now. They to the countryside a few months . A. move , ago B.moved, before C.move, bef

4、ore D.moved, ago ( )9. Did you see the mouse his ear up, look at you and then ? A.put, run B.putting, ran C.put, ran D.to put, run ( )10.What news! Everyone was at it . Because they could start to get the tickets to the basketball match for free on the Internet. A. surprise,surprised B.surprising,su

5、rprised C.surprised, surprising D.surprising, surprise ( )11.-Would you like to with us this weekend? -Id love to, but I have to buy a new tent. A.go fishing B.go shopping C.go boating D.go camping ( )12.Jacks eaten two bananas,but he wants one. A,the third B.a third C.three D.the three ( )13.Laura

6、a kite the lake last Friday. A.flew , in B.flew, by C.flied , on D.flies, by ( )14.-Can you feel the house ? -Really ? Lets run out of it right away. A. move B.moving C.to move D.moved ( )15.-Tom, its dangerous to go the forest alone. -Dont be . I will go with you. A. through , worried B.across, wor

7、ried C.in, worrying D.through, worry 二、句型转换:(10 分)一空一词 1.There is a mouse and a butterfly in the park.(变复数形式) There some and in the park. 2.How delicious the mooncakes taste!(同义句转换) delicious mooncakes taste! 3.Lin Dan plays badminton very well.(改为感叹句) Lin Dan plays badminton ! 4.They put up a tent

8、and made a fire to keep warm.(就划线部分提问) they put up a tent and a fire for ? 三、完成句子:(10 分)一空一词 1.这就是我们为什么要学习第二种语言的理由。 Thats why we have to learn second . 2.Mike 考完后感觉很疲劳就早早睡觉了。 Mike so that he went to sleep very early after the exams. 3.孩子们得知要延迟返校的消息时,他们兴奋地跳上跳下。 When the kids knew the news that going

9、back to school would be off , they up and down . 4.第二天早上我们醒来时,看见一条蛇就睡在外边,感到极其惊讶。 We got a to see a snake sleeping outside when we up the next morning. 四、完形填空:(10 分) When I had something difficult to do , I used to ask my mum for help. But she always said,”Do it (1) , dear.”I would get so angry. I th

10、ought she was (2) mother in the world! For example, one day, I decided (3) some friends to my home.My bedroom was very dirty.Books were all over the table and the ground. I didnt make my bed. I asked my (4) to help me. But she said seriously,”Do it yourself, girl.” Because of my “lazy mother”, I hav

11、e to (5) my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents (6) . I even have to go to the doctor (7) . It is really hard to do everything by myself, (8) I have learned a lot. As time goes by, I understand my mother. Its her “laziness” that makes me clever and hard-working. Just as my mum alway

12、s says,”A lady cant be lazy, or shell be crazy. (9) can make you happy! (10) great mother!Dont you think so ?A good mother is worth a hundred teachers! ( )1.A. myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself ( )2.A.the cleverest B.the best C.the laziest D.the hardest ( )3.A.asking B.telling C.to visit D.to in

13、vite ( )4.A.brother B.father C.mother D.sister ( )5.A.wash B.washing C.washed D.washes ( )6.A.watch TV B.do housework C.go camping D.do homework ( )7.A.alone B.often C.happy D.careful ( )8.A.and B.but C.or D.so ( )9.A.Play B.Work C.Speak D.Mother ( )10.A.What a B.How C.What D.How a 五、阅读理解:(30 分) (A)

14、 On February 16, our school,Jacksonville, FL Junior High School invited some local children to be our “planting partners” on the Breaking Ground Contracting green roof in Jacksonville, FL. Nine children joined us to plant some native wildflowers, pick some fruits and vegetables and learn how to grow

15、 beautiful native plants. The kids were kind. They let their parents and grandparents join us, too. They helped the children pick. We all had a great time. And we were so excited that the Breaking Ground green roof was the first experience for all of the kids and their parents and grandparents. Thro

16、ugh this experience, children learned a lot about nature. They also learned that the plants are good for our environment. They also have a chance to spend with their parents and grandparents. It was really a wonderful experience. ( )1. Where did the children plant the things like wildflowers? A. In

17、the high school B.On the green roof C.On the playground D.Out of the high school. ( ) 2.Who did the children work with ? A. Their parents. B.Their teachers. C.Their grandparents and parents. D.Their classmates. ( )3.How was this activity ? A. It was really wonderful. B. It was their first experience

18、. C.It was a little boring. D.It was their lesson. ( )4.What did the children learn from the experience? A. They learned how to pick fruits. B.They learned how to help their family. C.They learned that the plants are good for our environment. D.They learned how to be kind to their family. ( )5.What

19、is the best title for this passage? A. An Outdoor Activity. B.An Experience to Learn about Nature. C.A Chance to Learn From Parents D.Some Planting Partners. (B) Researchers say children should have more outdoor activities. Outdoor activities help to develop their social skills and are good for thei

20、r health. However,there are less outdoor activities today. Children spend too much time in classrooms. The researchers want all schools to have more outdoor activities. There are many advantages(优点) about outdoor learning for children. It builds their confidence(自信). They do things like climbing tre

21、es. It teaches children about the environment and nature. There are also health benefits because children exercise instead of sitting in classrooms. It also helps with the problem of “the stranger danger”. ( )1.Why do researchers say its good for children to have more outdoor activities? A.Because o

22、utdoor activities can only help children keep in good health. B.Because outdoor activities can make children more free . C.Because outdoor activities help to develop their social skills and are good for their health. D. Because outdoor activities are interesting. ( )2.What is NOT true for the advant

23、ages about outdoor learning for children? A.Children will be confident. B. Children will know more about nature. C.Children can have time to talk with the people they dont know. D.Children will be healthier. ( )3.What is the Chinese meaning for “benefit”? A.问题 B.疾病 C.益处 D.弊病 ( )4.There are less outd

24、oor activities at school today, are there ? A.Yes, there are. B.Yes, they are. C.No, there arent. D.No, they arent. ( )5.What does the writer want to tell us ? A. Children should spend more time in classrooms. B. Children are unhealthy today. C. Children should help the strangers. D. All schools sho

25、uld have more outdoor activities. (C ) 任务型阅读:回答下列问题: Last weekend our geography teacher, Mr Read, took us to Green town on a school trip. He wrote letters to some hotels there. In the end he chose the Ally Hotel. We had a terrible trip ! 1. Mr Read drove the school bus. The journey took many hours!

26、Some of us were asleep on the way because we got up very early in the morning. We finally arrived in Green town at nearly 11: 30 pm. Then it started to rain heavily. 2. We could see the river. The water level was very high. We went downstairs for breakfast. Oh, there was water everywhere in the kitc

27、hen ! Then at lunchtime, one of the boys fell into the river. Luckily, Mr Read was very good at swimming.3._ The Sunday afternoon was terrible,too. Two girls didnt tell Mr Read and went to the center of the town. They got lost. 4. _ Mr Read was very angry.We returned to our city on Sunday evening. W

28、e were cold,wet and tired. Never again! 根据上面的短文, 把 AD 四个句子填入文中空格处 (14), 使短文内容完整正确, 然后完成第 5 题。 A. He heard his shouts and ran out to save him. B. We left home at 7:00 am on Saturday morning. C. A policeman brought them back to our hotel. D. We woke up early on Sunday morning and looked outside. ( )5.

29、 Whats the best title for this passage? A. A Weekend B. Our Geography Teacher C. A Terrible Trip D. Green town 六、短文填空: 根据短文内容,从方框里选择适当的词填空,使句子通顺,有两个多余 的词: (10 分) It is (1) . Martin wants to sleep under the stars. He does not want to sleep alone. He asks his friend, Lesley, if he (2) to join him. The

30、 newsreader on TV says the (3) will be nice. Lesley says he wants to sleep under the stars, (4) . They are (5) free on Saturday and Sunday. It is the weekend. They (6) their plans. They put all the things they will need in a bag. They want to sleep when they are (7) . On the way, they want to find a

31、 place (8) they can make a small fire, a camp-fire. They want to eat and drink at the camp-fire. Martin can play the guitar. He wants to play the guitar at the camp-fire. Lesley can sing. Then, they will play the guitar and sing. They will look at the (9) . It will be a good day. It will be a day of

32、 (10) . 七、补全对话:(5 分)从方框中选择所给的选项补全对话,有两个多余的选项: Tom: Hi,Betty! Did you go on the school trip ? I didnt see you on Sunday. Betty: (1) Tom: Why ? Betty: (2) Tom: What did you do ? Betty:I cleaned my room and did my homework. (3) Tom: Really ?Not much fun! Betty: (4) . I went to the movies with my sister

33、 on Sunday afternoon. (5) Was the school trip interesting ? Tom: Yes. We did lots of things. That was really great! make, weather , star , too , also, summer , friendship , both , tired , where , want , all A: What about you ? B:Then I studied for the test. C:Because I went on the school trip. D:No,

34、 I stayed at home. E:Well, it wasnt very bad. F: Because I had lots of things to do . G:Yes, I was busy. 八、写作:(10 分) 根据中文提示,写一篇 60 字左右的短文 。 上个星期六 Mary 很早起床了。 上午她写作业,下午她和朋友们一起打羽毛球,之后和 同学们看了两个小时的电影。晚饭吃了一些米饭和蔬菜,饭后和家人在湖边散步。她十 点钟睡觉。 Answers: 一、1-5 BCBDA 6-10 DBDAB 11-15 DBBBA 二、1. are mice butterflies 2.

35、What they 3.How well 4. What did make 三、1.a language 2. felt tired 3.put jumped excitedly 5. terrible surprise woke 四、1-5 BCDCA 6-10 BABBA 五、(A) 1-5 BCACB (B) 1-5 CCCCD (C) 1-5 BDACC 六、1. summer 2.wants 3.weather 4.too 5.both 6. make 7.tired 8. where 9.stars 10. friendship 七、1-5 DFBEA 八、写作(参考): Mary

36、 got up very early last Saturday.She did her homework in the morning.And in the afternoon she played badminton with her friends.After that, she watched a movie for two hours with her classmates. She had some rice and vegetables for dinner.She took a walk with her family by the lake after dinner.She went to bed at ten oclock at night. She thought it was a relaxing Saturday.


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