2020人教版七年级下册 英语单元测试拔高测试题(Unit 3) 含答案.doc

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1、人教版七年级英语下册单元测试拔高测试题人教版七年级英语下册单元测试拔高测试题 Unit 3 时间:时间: 100 分钟分钟 满分:满分:100 分分 一、单项选择题:(15 分) ( )1.My father usually goes to work by No. 1 bus,but sometimes he rides bike to work. A. the , a B. / , a C. a. a D. the , / ( )2. is it from Shanghai to Wuhan ? About two hours by plane. A. How long B. How far

2、 C. How soon D. How often ( )3.How does Jim go to school ? his fathers car. A. By B. On C. In D.Take ( )4.Look! There are two the ducks in the river. A. hundreds of , swimming B. hundred of , swimming C.hundred of , swim D. hundreds of, swim ( )5. Zhong Nanshan , man, is a very great doctor. A. a 84

3、-year-old B. an 84-years-old C.an 84-year-old D. a 84 years old ( )6.It is very easy to the bridge but it is hard for the kids in the poor village to go it because there is no bridge over the river near their village. A. cross , cross B. across, across C. cross , across D.across, cross ( )7.You can

4、find the bus stop the library the club. A. either , or B.from.to. C. in , and D.between. and ( )8.They back to school soon. A. hope Jack to come B. hope Jack can come C.hope Jack come D.hope Jack coming ( )9.-What time do you often home after school ? -I often my home at about 7:00p.m. A. get to, ge

5、t to B. get , get to C. get , get D.get to , get ( )10.Toms grandfather listens to news on the radio . A. everyday , everyday B. everyday, every day C.every day , every day D. every day , everyday ( )11.What do you to school ropeway ? A. think of go , by B. think of going , by C.feel about going , i

6、n D, like going , on ( )12. very interesting kids to play snow in winter. A. Thats , of , with B. Its , for , with C.Thats , for , / D. Its , of , / ( )13.The girl is afraid out by herself at night because she is afraid the dark. A. to go, of B. to go , to C. to going , of D. of going , to ( ) 14.I

7、can walk to work because my home isnt my workplace. A. near to B. far to C. far from D.near from ( )15.Who to school sometimes ? Tom and Bob do. A. drive B. drives C. is driving D. are driving 二、句型转换:(10 分)一空一词 1. Anna always goes to work on foot.(改为同义句) Anna always to work. 2. We cant go to Beijing

8、 by air because of the bad weather.(改为同义句) We cant to Beijing the weather good. 3. Peter drives to Wuhan once a week.(就划线部分提问) Peter go to Wuhan once a week ? 4. It often takes him an hour to get to his office by bike.(就划线部分提问) How it him to get to his office a bike? 三、完成句子:(10 分)一空一词 1. 每天坐地铁去电台需要花

9、费她四十五分钟的时间。 She three go to the radio station subway every day. 2. 你经常坐火车去南京吗? Do you often to Nanjing ? 3. Mr.Green 住在地铁站附近,步行五分钟就到了。 Mr.Green near the subway station. It is five to get there. 四、完形填空:(10 分) I have a friend in China. He is a student in a small (1) . His name is Tian Tao. He (2) abou

10、t 10 km. from his school. There is a very big (3) between his school and the village.There is no bridge and the river (4) too quickly for boats.He has to go on a ropeway to cross the river. So it isnt (5) for him to get to school. Every morning, Tian Tao (6) at about 5:00and has breakfast quickly. T

11、hen he leaves for (7) at about half past five. First , he walks to the river. It takes him about 50 minutes (8) the roads are bad.Then it (9) him 20 minutes to go on a ropeway to cross the river, but he isnt (10) “I love my school. I love my teacher,” he says, “I have a lot of fun in our school.”He

12、studies very hard at school. ( )1. A. bank B. village C. park D.zoo ( )2.A. stays B.lives C.buys D. plays ( )3A.river B,lake C.town D.city ( )4.A.swims B.runs C. leaves D.jumps ( )5.A. difficult B.interesting C.easy D.boring ( )6.A.gets up B.goes to bed C.takes a shower D.goes to work ( )7. A.school

13、 B.home C.station D.stop ( )8. A.so B.but C.because D.or ( )9. A.spends B.enjoys C.takes D.finds ( )10.A.old B.funny C.busy D.afraid 五、阅读理解:(30 分) (A) Many people like to travel by plane, but I dont like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hou

14、rs for the plane to take off and it is often late. you cant open the window. You cant choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late

15、 for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. It takes a little more time, but you can see many interesting things on your way. 1. Why does the writer dislike to take a plane? A. Because it runs very quickly. B. Because the airport is not close to th

16、e city. C.Because it is never late. D. Because you can keep the window open. 2.What does the writer think of traveling by train ? A.He thinks it isnt dangerous. B. He thinks it is faster . C.He thinks it is boring. D.He thinks it isnt easy. 3.How many advantages are there if you travel by train ? A.

17、 Two B. Four C. Three D. Five 4.Which verb can take the place of the underlined phrase“take off” in the first paragraph ? A. stop B, land C. get D.fly 5.What can you know from the passage ? A. There are some differences between traveling by air and by train. B. It is cheaper to travel by plane than

18、by train. C.It is convenient to get to the airport . D.It takes little time to travel by train. (B) The popularity of Chinas bike-sharing spread to Singapore on Tuesday. Tencent-backed Beijing company Mobike(摩拜单车) launched in the city state. Mobikes orange bicycles have become a familiar sight in ma

19、ny Chinese cities, where so many bicycles have been deployed(部署) that local officials are trying every means to keep them from being littered in the streets. In an effort to avoid similar scenes on the streets of Singapore, Mobike is launching on a smaller scale with 500 bikes. Mobike plans to incre

20、ase the supply once it has gauged demand. “The launch today is the first stage of a full-scale deployment, so the number of bikes being deployed will scale up quickly in the coming weeks.” Mobike said. 1. In which country is Chinas bike-sharing also popular ? A. England B. America C. Singapore D. Ja

21、pan 2. What color is Mobike ? A. Yellow B. Red C. Black D. Orange 3. Whats the name of the company ? A. Mobike B. Tencent C. Baidu D. Sohu 4. Will the number of Mobikes be bigger and bigger in the coming weeks ? A. Yes, it will. B. No, it wont C. Yes, they will . D. No, they wont. 5. What are the lo

22、cal officials worried about ? A. More bikes may be stolen. B. Mobikes may become litter in the streets. C.Mobikes may be broken. D. No people ride Mobikes. (C ) 任务型阅读: The news reports that about 90% of buses in China offer free Wi-Fi by the end of 2021. Until now, free Wi-Fi is offered on 12,000 bu

23、ses in Beijing. Beijing becomes the top provider of free Wi-Fi on buses in China. Ninety-five of the buses within the 5th Ring Road offer free Wi-Fi. To use free Wi-Fi service, passengers need to download(下载) the application called 16WiFi and (A)register with real names. (C)In 2013, a Wi-Fi service

24、was first tried on Beijings buses, (B) the service failed due to technology limits. This time, the service is reported to provide daily for 500,000 people. (D)我们使用 5G 网络, and the speed can guarantee(保证) 50 people in a bus to watch videos at the same time. 任务一:猜词 1. 猜出(A)处划线单词的汉语: A. 记录 B.注册 C.支付 D.登

25、陆 任务二:填词 2.在(B)填入适当的连词,使句子意思通顺: 任务三:英汉互译: 3.将(C)处划线部分翻译汉语: 4.将(D)处划线部分翻译英语: 任务四:回答问题: 5.Which city has become the provider of free Wi-Fi on buses in China ? 六、短文填空:根据短文意思,在方框里选择恰当的词填空,有两个多余的词: (10 分) give , fly , break , feel , tell , another , say ,with , read , bad , show , good One day Maria trav

26、els to Great Britain. She has a bad day. She breaks her left arm. She goes to the airport to (1) home. The officer at the airport (2) her she cannot fly home. She needs to have a paper from a doctor. The doctor must write down that she can fly with a (3) arm. She thinks this is stupid. She (4) fine

27、and she can fly. The officer repeats that she cannot fly (5) the paper from the doctor. Maria goes on the Internet to find a doctor. The doctor (6) her the paper she needs. She goes back to the airport, buys (7) ticket and waits for her airplane. When the officer comes, Maria (8) him the paper from

28、the doctor. The officer (9) the paper and lets Maria fly. It is a (10) holiday! 七、补全对话:(5 分)有两项多余。 A:Excuse me,is there a zoo near here? B:1. The nearest(最近的)one is about five kilometers away. A:2. I dont know the way. B:3. A:Which bus can I take? B:4. A:5. B:Youre welcome. A.How can I get there? B.

29、No,there isnt. C.Yes,there is. D.Thank you very much. E.The No.3 bus can take you there. F.Not at all. G.You can take a bus there. 八、写作: 假如你叫李华,请根据所给提示,写一封电子邮件,向你的网友西蒙(Simon)介绍 自己的情况。 姓名 李华 年龄 14 学校 第 101 中学 爱好 看书(读书很有趣);打篮球(校篮球队的成员) 上学的方式 通常骑自行车去上学,要花 10 分钟时间;有时步行 老师 老师们很友好,我们喜欢他们 感受 很开心 要求:1.条理清楚,

30、意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确; 2可适当发挥,但必须包括表格中所有要点; 360 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Simon, Let me tell you something about myself. All the best, Li Hua Answers : 一、1-5 ABCBC 6-10 CDBBB 11-15 BBACB 二、1, walks 2, fly , because , isnt 3. How , does 4, long , does , take , on 三、1.needs , quarters , to , by 2. take a tra

31、in 3.lives , minutes , walk 四、1-5 BBABC 6-10 AACCD 五、(A) 1-5 BADDA (B)CDBAB (C) 1, B 2, but 3.在 2013 年,Wi-Fi 服务首次在北京的公交车上试行。 4.We use a 5G network. 5. Beijing. 六、(1) fly (2) tells (3) broken (4) feels (5) without (6) gives (7)another (8)shows (9) reads (10) bad 七、1-5 BAGED 八、写作(参考) Dear Simon, Let m

32、e tell you something about myself. Im Li Hua and Im 14 years old.Im a student in No.101 Middle School .I like reading because its interesting.I also like playing basketball.Im on our school basketball team.Usually I go to school by bike.It takes me about 10 minutes to go there.Sometimes I walk to school.Our teachers are all very kind and we love them.I enjoy myself at school. This is me. How about you ? Can you tell me something about yourself ? Hope to see you soon! All the best, Li Hua


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