1、BY ZYH B3U1 Reading The Amazon rainforest: a natural treasure BY ZYH We cannot live without _? BrainstormBrainstorm In a word, we cannot live without the environment.environment. BY ZYH What different environments do you know ? BrainstormBrainstorm BY ZYH Any differences? BrainstormBrainstorm Lung o
2、f the earth.Lung of the earth. BY ZYH Matching game The Amazon rainforest: a natural treasureThe Amazon rainforest: a natural treasure Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Pare. 4 Para. 5 Plants of the Amazon rainforest. The summary of the Amazon rainforest. Introduction to the Amazon rainforest Basic informatio
3、n about the rainforest Birds and animals of the Amazon rainforest. BY ZYH Why Amazon is special?Why Amazon is special? It is the largest rainforest in the world. How big is it?How big is it? The Amazon rainforest crosses into eight countries, including Brazil and Peru, and one overseas region of Fra
4、nce, all on the South American continent. around 6 million square kilometers The Amazon River is close to 6,400 kilometers in length. Details Details (Para 1-2) BY ZYH more than half the size of China The Amazon River roughly 100 kilometers longer than the Yangtze River. 6,400 kilometers in length?
5、6 million square kilometers? BY ZYH Details Details (Para 1-2) OnOn itsits journeyjourney fromfrom thethe mountainsmountains toto thethe ocean,ocean, thethe riverriver supportssupports manymany differentdifferent ecosystemsecosystems. . TheyThey givegive thisthis areaarea thethe richestrichest biodi
6、versitybiodiversity onon thethe EarthEarth: : oneone inin tenten knownknown speciesspecies inin thethe worldworld cancan bebe foundfound herehere. . TheyThey biodiversitybiodiversity the diversity of plant and animal life in a particular habitat (or in the world as a whole) BY ZYH Details Details (P
7、ara 3) PlantsPlants: : brazilbrazil nutnut; ; waterwater lilieslilies InIn whatwhat orderorder thethe authorauthor introducesintroduces plants?plants? At the bottomAt the bottom AboveAbove The next levelThe next level ThenThen roots leaf litter shorter plants with larger leaves towering and ancient
8、hardwoods BY ZYH Details Details (Para 3) WhatWhat cancan bebe inferredinferred fromfrom thisthis paragraph?paragraph? A. There are only 390, 000 species of plants on the earth. B. Different species of plants in Amazon rainforest grow in different levels. C. At the bottom of the Amazon rainforest gr
9、ow some bushes. D. The ancient brazil nut tree and the water lilies are living in the same level. BY ZYH Details Details (Para 4) AnimalsAnimals: : 1 1, ,300300 speciesspecies ofof birdsbirds; ; overover 400400 speciesspecies ofof mammalsmammals HowHow doesdoes AmazonAmazon supportsupport soso manym
10、any liveslives? feed on at least 87 species feed on insects which eat leaves and fruit DEAD a tiny army of microorganisms food chain BY ZYH Details Details (Para 4) TheThe authorauthor usesuses thethe exampleexample ofof “jaguars”“jaguars” inin ParagraphParagraph 4 4 toto proveprove thatthat _ A. so
11、me rare animals are still found in the rainforest B. to show that they are only one element of this rainforest s food chain C. to explain how the food chain is formed D. to warn readers to protect the animals from being damaged in the rainforest BY ZYH Details Details (Para 5) WhyWhy AmazonAmazon fo
12、restforest isis calledcalled thethe “lungs“lungs ofof thethe planet”?planet”? It breathes life into the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earths oxygen. AnyAny otherother reasonsreasons forfor itsits importance?importance? It is a treasure house of species that can be
13、 used for food or medicine. Thus Moreover Yet BY ZYH Details Details (Para 5) Can we afford to damage the “lungs of the planet”? BY ZYH BY ZYH Details Details WhatWhat s s thethe mainmain ideaidea ofof thethe passage?passage? A. The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world. B. The Am
14、azon rainforest gives the richest biodiversity on the earth. C. The Amazon rainforest is a natural treasure house on the earth. D. The Amazon rainforest is known as the lungs of the planet . WhatWhat s s thethe stylestyle ofof thethe passage?passage? A. Advertisement. B. Travel journal. C. Experimen
15、t report. D. Documentary script. BY ZYH Summary Summary SizeSize: : thethe largestlargest rainforestrainforest inin thethe worldworld; ; anan areaarea ofof aroundaround 6 6 millionmillion squaresquare kilometerskilometers PlantPlant speciesspecies: : moremore thanthan 4040, ,000000; ; differentdiffe
16、rent levelslevels SpeciesSpecies ofof birdsbirds andand mammalsmammals: : moremore thanthan 1 1, ,300300 speciesspecies ofof birdsbirds andand overover 400400 speciesspecies ofof mammalsmammals; ; jaguarsjaguars andand thethe foodfood chainchain ValuesValues: : fixesfixes carboncarbon andand produce
17、sproduces overover 2020% % ofof allall thethe EarthsEarths oxygenoxygen; ; a a treasuretreasure househouse ofof speciesspecies ThreatsThreats: : 1717% % ofof thethe rainforestrainforest lostlost duedue toto humanhuman activitiesactivities BY ZYH THE END. BY ZYH 1. The Amazon rainforest is the larges
18、t rainforest in the 1. The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world.world. 2. The Amazon rainforest with an area of about 6 million 2. The Amazon rainforest with an area of about 6 million square kilometers is half the size of China.square kilometers is half the size of China. 3. Of
19、the 390, 000 species of plants in the world, over 3. Of the 390, 000 species of plants in the world, over 40, 000 can survive in the Amazon rainforest.40, 000 can survive in the Amazon rainforest. 4. More than 1, 700 species of animals hide among the 4. More than 1, 700 species of animals hide among the Amazon rainforests plant life.Amazon rainforests plant life. Details Details (Para 1-2) T T F F F F T T