人教版英语八年级下册-Unit 6 Section A(1a-~2c)教案 - 副本.doc

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1、八年级英语下 Unit 6 Section A Section A 1a-2c 教学设计 Knowledge objects 1. New words:shoot,god,remind,bit,silly,remind,weak, 2. Important phrases: once upon a time, instead of, work on, a little bit , big enough to do sth., start doing, work on doing, finish doing, continue to do, keep on doing, be moved by,

2、 day after day, year after year,take sth. away, so . that. , remind sb. +that 从句 3. Important sentences: An old man tried to move the mountains. How does the story begin? Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains? As soon as the man finished talking. Ability objects 1. Be able

3、to listen to the tape effectively. 2. Be able to tell the story with the key words fluently and say their own ideas about it. Emotion Objectives 通过听故事,论故事,激发学生学习兴趣且引发学生思考。让学生 学会站在不同的立场、从不同角度考虑问题。进一步理解坚持不懈, 永不言败会是我们走向成功的重要要素。 懂得学习也需要有愚公移山 的毅力 Ss can realize that you can never know whats possible unle

4、ss you try to make it happen. Important points: ;1.Master the key vocabulary: shoot,stone,weak,god,silly,remind sb.of sth.,a little bit, instead of 2. master target language: Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains? What do you think about the story of Yu Gong? The story is t

5、rying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard! 3 , Students can summarize the plot points according to the conversations . Difficult points; 1、用英语思维讲述熟悉的中国神话故事。. 2、通过分析评价等思维活动培养学生的批判性思维品格,增强文 化意识,文化自信,形成正确的价值观。 教学方法 灵活运用教材,从学生实际水平和语言能力出发,调整和取舍教学内 容,合理安排本课时内容。以任务型教学为主,利用整体语言教学, 情境教学,交际教

6、学等,在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动, 突出交际性。教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础,注重实效。通 过生动的图画引出单元话题,看视频,听录音,问答,讨论、复述, 歌曲、音乐欣赏等,调动学生积极性,然后进行一系列听说活动,提 高听说能力。以小组合作形式锻炼自主学习能力。 教学过程 Preview and preparation ALook at the pictures in 1a. Match the story titles with the pictures a d Let the students read the vocabulary quickly, complete the

7、 tasks. B. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1他们把从山上挖下来的土石放到哪里去? _ would they _ all the earth and stone from the mountains? 2你认为愚公移山这个故事怎样? What do you _ _ the story of Yu Gong Moves a Mountain? 3这个故事给我们展示了如果你努力任何事情都有可能这样一个道 理。 The story is trying to _ us that anything is _ if you work hard. 4. 两个神仙把山移走了。 Two gods _ th

8、e mountains _. 设计意图: 给学生做预习用,自学词汇。通过预习了解故事的大概内容,上课时 目标会明确很多。 Step 1 Leading in 通过展示王屋山风景图画,让学生欣赏,引出单元话题,调动学生积 极性,然后展示更多图片,进行一系列听说活动,提高听说能力。 Do you know which ancient Chinese story happend here? Whats the name of the story ? Most of us like stories.Have you heard the story of “Yu Gong Moves a Mountai

9、n”. Play the PPT. 设计意图: 开门见山地通过欣赏王屋山的风景照片, 因为此地是愚公移山故事发 生地,就此来拉近学生距离,以及让学生在真是的环境中感受特有的 课本文化背景,为之后进行教材丰富内涵的深度挖掘做铺垫。 Step 2 Listening 1. Prelistening Page 41,1b 展示故事前半部分插图,让学生思考以下问题: What do you think is happening in the first part of the story? 2. While-listening 听第一遍,填写所听到的疑问词。 a. _is the main chara

10、cter(人物)? b_ does the story begin? c. _ happened next ? d _ would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains ? 设计意图; 对教材内容进行适当整合和调整,根据学生的认知和实际 水平,设 计此听力练习。让学生通过听来对所给信息进行归纳填入疑问词,对 文本进行概括和筛选。 听第二遍,填入时间状语或连词。 a. _ _ a _, there was a very old man. b. They were _ high and big _ it took a long ti

11、me to walk to the other side. c. What happened _? d. Yu Gong said they could put it into the sea _ its big enough to hold everything. e. So they all started digging _ _ _. 设计意图: 第二次让学生听故事的开头,填入时间状语和连词。时间节点标志着 故事的不同发展阶段, 连词使故事完整流畅, 两遍听力涉及听、 理解、 概括等认知策略,让学生自己学会树立材料的细节脉络,实际上也是 让学生通过听,写等有用的信息训练综合运用处理信息的

12、能力,让学 生理解故事的细节脉络. 3. Post-listening Ask and answer in pairs. A. How does the story begin? Once upon a time, there was a very _ man. There were _ mountains _ his house. They were _ high and _ that it _ a long time _ walk to the other side. B. What happened next? The old man told his _ that they shoul

13、d all help _ _ the mountains C. Where would they put at the earth and stone from the mountains ? Yu Gong said they could put it _ the _ because its _ to hold everything. 设计意图:在屏幕上以微信形式展现活动,并且学生结对以口头填空 方式对故事起因进行问答练习。降低了难度,方便多数学生主动参与 到活动中来,也对学生完成听的活动结果进行检测,提高了学生的语 言能力,也加深了学生对故事主题和主人翁的理解,巩固所听内容。 Step 3

14、 Listening 1. Pre-listening 看图,思考问题:(提供课本上打乱次序的故事结局部分的插图) a.What will happen in the end? b. Do you know the correct order of the pictures? 设计意图: 听前预测,培养和提升学生的听力技能,帮助学生更好的理解所听对 话, 帮助学生加快听力理解的过程, 对学生听力技能起到一定的作用。 2. While- listening APage 42,Work on 2a Listen for the first time. Students listen and num

15、ber the pictures 14 in order to tell the story. 设计意图: 要求学生听并且分析概括有效信息,对打乱顺序的图片进行排序,训 练学生的逻辑思维能力。 BListen for the second time. 填入时间状语或连词。 a. One day, a man saw Yu Gong and his children _ they were workinng on moving the mountains. b. He told Yu Gong that he could never do it _ he was old and weak. c.

16、 _ _ _ the man finished talking ,Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains _ he died. d. His family would live and grow, _ the mountains could not get bigger. e. _ Yu Gong and his family kept on digging day after day and year after year. f. _, a god was _ moved by Yu Gong _ h

17、e sent two gods to take the mountains away. 设计意图: 听第二遍,让学生対故事结局从微观角度深入解读,完成语言输出。 经过此环节训练之后,学生対故事情节的叙述已经基本成型。 C. Discussion. 根据听力材料的内容,讨论以下问题: 1. What do you think of Yu Gong? Use 3 adjectives to describe him. 2. Do you think it is a good way for Yu Gong to solve the problem by moving the mountains?

18、3. What could he do instead of moving a mountain? 设计意图: 让学生继续谈论听力内容,并提出自己的看法。训练学生尝试使用所 学语言表达自己的真实想法,逐步从模仿语言过渡到运用语言。 3. Post-listening Work in groups. Ask the students to tell the story in their own words. Maybe you can use: a. Once upon a time ,there was an old man. b. He told his family . c. He and

19、 his family began to move. d. A man told him. e. But Yu Gong said. f. The God was so. that he . 设计意图: 四人一组, 以接龙形式讲述整篇故事, 并且播放背景视频 愚公移山 。 从真实情景到认知语言,再到语篇的构建,充分调动了学生全员参与 课堂活动的积极性。 视频播放突出中国民间神话传说的巨大魅力和气 势,学生用英语讲中国故事是一种文化气质的渗透。 Step 4 Summary 【课堂小结】 In this class we have learned how to talk about the st

20、ories in English. Its a little difficult. You should practice it after class. 情感提升,两句名句的学习,并配上歌曲愚公移山 ,让学生一起 大声唱出来。 Step 5 Consolidation practice after class 【课后巩固练习】 中译英: 1、他经常提醒我练习说英语。 2、我认为我们应该努力找到其他解决问题的方法。 3、这个故事试图告诉我们只要你努力了,一切都有可能。 Write about the story: Yu Gong moves the mountains. Part 1: wha

21、t is the story about? Part 2: what do you think of the story? Why? 设计意图 学生笔头巩固所学的故事,并提出自己的观点、阐述理由。 教学后记 因为英语教学具有人文性和工具性的双重特征,所以本堂课的 学习中,学生主要通过扎实的听与说,把握故事的脉络,从中也感受 到中华传统文化的博大精深,恰如其分地训练了听说,提升语言思维 水平。在此基础上,教师能有效地引导学生体会故事的情感之美,使 英语教学的人文性和工具性得到有机的结合和统一, 充分体现英语学 习过程中对培养学生综合语言素养的价值,难得。 课前休息时,特意播放背景音乐黄河情怀 ,

22、带着学生进入一 种美好的黄河美景中,感受祖国的江山如此美丽多娇。 在教学中充分体现听说课的特点,听说为主,采用多种学生易 于接受的教学方式,比如导入,就是很好的,利用对故事起源地的图 片欣赏,并让学生以谈论形式展开话题,让学生有话可说。在听力训 练之前做好铺垫,有听前准备活动,让学生在有准备情境下进行听力 训练,降低了难度,也使得绝大多数学生能顺利完成听力练习,通过 疑问词、时间状语及连词的填写,使学生的逻辑思维和综合知识的能 力得到提高,提升学生对故事的整体理解,脉络较为清晰。 从学生实际水平和语言能力出发,灵活运用教材,对教材进行适 当整合,调整和取舍教学内容,合理安排本课时内容。以任务型

23、教学 为主,利用整体语言教学,情境教学,交际教学等,在教学中创设切 实可行的任务型教学活动,突出交际性。教师为主导,学生为主体, 任务为基础,注重实效。通过生动的图画引出单元话题,看视频,听 录音,问答,讨论、故事复述等,调动学生积极性,进行一系列听说 活动,提高听说能力。以小组合作形式锻炼自主学习能力。在复述故 事的同事播放动画愚公移山 ,帮助学生从视觉上来完成语言的输 出,达到完美融合。最后在情感提升上除了用名句之外,还利用歌曲 愚公移山对学生进行熏陶,学生大声吟唱此歌曲,使得本堂课的 三维目标完美结合在一起。 总体说来,本堂课的教学效果不错,学生能积极参与到活动中, 而且队故事很感兴趣,

24、对愚公的做法有着自己的看法。 当然,在教学设计过程中,也还是存在有一些不尽人意的地方, 有极少部分学生会觉得听说课对他们来说可能很难,因为听不懂。这 是在今后教学中应该注意的问题。 Board Design Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A(1a2c) shoot, god, silly, once upon a time, remind sb.of sth.,a bit, instead of Once upon a time there was. He told his family. He and his family began. Yu Gong Moves a Mountain A man told him. But Yu Gong. The God.


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