教科EEC版六下Unit4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays-Class 1 Textbook p.34-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c0c75).doc

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1、 1 EEC 六年级下册六年级下册 Unit 4 : We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays Period 1 一、Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge objective: Four-skill words: turn up down , a quarter sometimes,hear (listen to) , on +Sunday , Its already +time ( to , past) Three-skill words: usually ,never, loud, dessert Key structures:How a

2、bout ? 2. Ability objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Use the word “a quarter” and the structure “Its already +time ( to , past)” to ask and answer the questions about time. 2. Use the words “a quarter, sometimes, on +Sunday” both in speaking and writing; 3. Use w

3、ords like “usually, never” to say sentences in English. 4. Scan the dialogue. 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. Understanding the dialogue as a whole; 2. Role playing the dialogue with the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress. Its already +time(to,past) I/We usually/sometimes/never eat on Su

4、nday. 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1. Ask and answer questions about time; 2. Students can say the sentences with the words “sometimes, usually, never”. 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, 三、Teaching aids: CAI tape 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Greeting StepII: Warming up and

5、 revision. T:1.To review the numbers from 1to 60.(采取全班同学轮流报数复习) 设计意图:利用全班同学轮流报数来复习数字,不仅能锻炼学生反应力还能为后面的时间表 达做铺垫。使学生在紧张而愉悦状态下展开学习。 StepII: Presentation I 1.(ppt)T:Look at the ppt.Lets look and read. Then show some words:forty-short ; all-four-ball-tall , ar-quar-quarter a quarter= fifteen 一刻钟 (write on

6、 the BB) Ss read it one by one. Focus on the new word “quarter” and the pronunciation of “ar” :. Let volunteers give some old words with “:” . 2.(ppt) T: What time is it?Ss:Its one fiffteen. We can also say”Its a quarter past one. Learn to read the sentence (write on the BB) (ppt) T: What time is it

7、? Ss: Its twelve forty-five. We can also say: “Its a quarter to one.” Learn to 2 read the sentence (write on the BB) (教授另种表达 a quarter past/ a quarter to)给学生讲清楚 past 和 to 的用法。 设计意图:鼓励学生用两种方式表述时间,通过所学新词的发音,将旧知和新知相联系, 培养学生的发散思维。 3.(ppt)T:Lets read and find. Then show some words:fortyshort; allfallball

8、tall; quarter; walktalkalso- already Ss learn and read “already” (write on theBB) 4.(ppt) T: Lets some times with”past/to” 5.(ppt)T:What time is it?Ss: Its seven thirty. T: We can also say Its half past six. Ss learn and read it.(write on the BB) 6. Ss say times with “half”. 7.T: Lets PK in two grou

9、ps. (分两组比赛练习说时间) StepII: Presentation II T: I usually eat bread for breakfast.What do you usually eat for breakfast? S1; I usually. (ppt)T: Less look at ppt, what does usually sheep eat for breakfast? (ppt) Show four charts and Ss learn words: usually/always/ sometimes/never (通过出示暖羊羊,美羊羊,慢羊羊,懒洋洋吃桃的表

10、格来学习 4 个频度副词) (ppt) Look and say.Show three pictures to learn “XXX usually eats sheep for breakfast on Sundays. (通过出示灰太狼一家的“吃羊”图表进一步学习上面的句型。) Step IV: Practice (ppt) Work in pairs.:A: What do you usually eat/drink for breakfast/lunch/supper/dessert? B: I usually eat/drink bread for breakfast/lunch/s

11、upper/dessert? StepV: Consolidation. 1. (ppt)Make a dialogue in pairs. 2. Play the tape(p34). Ss listen and answer the questions. 1)I cant hear the TV. Please _ the _. 2)The TV is too loud. Please _ the _. 3)What does Qiaoqiao want for lunch ? 3. Listen and read the text. 4. Exercise. (ppt) StepVI: Homework. (ppt) 五、Blackboard design Unit 4 : We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays Its a quarter past eleven . to half I usually eat pizza on Sundays . 3


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