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1 2021 年江苏省高一寒假英语作业年江苏省高一寒假英语作业 11 一. 完形填空 As COVID-19 cases spread quickly in April, Denise Cherry was afraid to leave her home. She had _1_ three family members to the virus, and with medical problems of her own, she wasnt taking any _2_. Hopeless, the 65-year-old woman responded to a post from a stranger offering _3_. That stranger was Christy Cheung, who lived a few neighborhoods away in Gaithersburg, a _4_ city of 70,000. She came the next day with her four-year-old son, Ethan. They _5_ Cherrys rubbish and brought in her mail, and they kept coming _6_ she was well enough to do for herself. “On our street, we have a few _7_, so were the eyes and ears for them. Fix doors and computers and mow their lawns,” says Cheung, 32. “We said, Theres a grandma that needs help. And Ethan was _8_: Im going to help. Im going to be a helper! ” Gaithersburg is a young and diverse community, so its no _9_ that the citys youth are leading the way. In April, seven-year-old Cavanaugh Bell spent his lifes savings of $600 _10_ care packages for his grandmothers friends. He calls himself the citys chief _11_ creator. Area teens are helping their elders, too, _12_ for Teens Helping Seniors, a grocery delivery service created by high school pals. For Cherry, whose family is broken by the virus, young people bring _13_. “We were taught that _14_ you cant change something, accept it,” she says. “But these young people, their _15_ is, Im going to change what I cant accept. 1. A. givenB. lostC. sentD. left 2. A. exerciseB. effectC. riskD. care 3. A. moneyB. helpC. workD. food 4. A. normalB. youngC. distantD. major 5. A. took outB. brought outC. passed outD. drew out 6. A. sinceB. whenC. untilD. after 7. A. childrenB. helpersC. angelsD. elders 8. A. excitedB. satisfiedC. secureD. hesitant 9. A. pointB. doubtC. wonderD. use 10. A. withB. inC. atD. on 11. A. opportunityB. facilityC. negativityD. positivity 12. A. especiallyB. definitelyC. eventuallyD. extremely 13. A. stressB. respectC. hopeD. luck 14. A. ifB. unlessC. as ifD. in case 15. A. fantasyB. attitudeC. memoryD. potential 二. 七选五阅读 Have you ever complained about your to-do list but still kept busy with it? Me too. _16_ Heres how to get things done but enjoy yourself at the same time. Rename it. My friend Jim Kwik says, “Call your got-to-do list your get-to-do list.” _17_ Think about it. What a nice day if you get to, rather than “have got to”, walk your dog, choose fantastic food for dinner and go to a job that affords you the life you have! _18_ Instead of writing plain reminders down as memory ones, like “Dentist” and “Report”, add some verbs and result-based benefits, like “Book dentist and get teeth shining white!” or “Complete report and breathe.” _19_ Trust theres time. Have you ever noticed when youre in a rush, you make mistakes? For 2 example, when youre late for work, you cant find your jeans, you hit your foot on the bed and you misplace your phone as you head down the lift. When we operate from a place of calm, things happen faster. _20_ We dont burn the toast. It can be as simple as sitting up in bed, taking ten deep breaths when you wake up and setting a simple goal for the day, not reaching straight for WeChat and email. A. Add some action. B. Make your list simple. C. Never put off your to-do list. D. Its a small revision, but a big change. E. We find what we need with little difficulty. F. However, life is more than getting through the boring tasks. G. Imagine the good feeling attached to each item and let it cheer you up. 16 _ 17_ 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 三. 阅读理解 One thing the army did well was keep you busy but I was lucky enough to get some time off. They asked me where I wanted to go and there was only one place I had in mind.Ireland. Wouldnt you want to go back home? Yes of course but I wanted to visit a person that I hadnt seen for a long time. This person was an extremely close friend. That didnt even begin to describe the relationship I had with her. She had her heart set on going out of the country for college and I supported her 100%. When I told her I wanted to join the army, she wasnt exactly excited, but when I explained that school wasnt for me and I wanted to see the world while also being in the service, she understood. I left for the camp in the late months of summer. I knew that the day had come and this might be the last time Id seen her. I wasnt ready for it. Neither was she. She drove me to the airport, helped me check in, and got ready to leave. Then she stood at the bottom of the stairs and I was going to go up. Cry didnt fully grasp the idea of what happened, but there was definitely lots of crying. When I finally got there, I took one look back and saw that big shining smile of hers, shedding my last tear. That was the last time but now I was on a plane to meet her, in an airport, in Ireland. I knew nothing about the place except that it was green. I was still dressed in my fatigues (军服) as required. The probably native Irish people gave me a thank-you nod. Even though I didnt wear their flag, they knew I was keeping them safe. As I got off the plane, I couldnt help asking myself. What if she didnt recognize me? What if she wasnt here? What if what if what if? Thats all I could tell myself on the way to get my bag. When I had my bag I started to walk towards the stairs. I stopped at the top and asked myself the last time, what if? Then I went down the stairs, looking around, nervous, but also scared. Then I saw it that big shining smile that left me years ago, and it was staring right back at me. 1. How did the girl feel at first when she heard the writer would join the army? A. Ashamed.B. Excited.C. Disappointed.D. Nervous. 2. What does the writer try to show in Paragraph 2? A. How sad he was to leave the girl.B. How eager he was to see the girl soon. C. How happy the girl was to see him off.D. How unwilling he was to join the army. 3. Why does the writer use so many “what if”s in Paragraph 4? A. To show his regret about meeting the girl. B. To show his doubt about their relationship. 3 C. To show his concern for the girls condition. D. To show his curiosity about the girls looks. 4. What will the writer probably write about in the following paragraph? A. His pride in serving in the army.B. His fond memories with the girl. C. His romantic meeting with the girl.D. His impression of the native Irish. 四. 语法填空 阅读下列短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Hello, everyone! Welcome to senior high school! Congratulations on the start of a new challenging journey that you are all meant _1_ (travel). Im honoured to deliver a speech on how to grow into a well-rounded individual. To begin with, I cant wait to describe to you _2_ senior school life is like. Though the path before you leads to a world where challenges lie, youre certain to discover your potential and take creative approaches to _3_ (rise) to them. Do you feel that you just cant see eye to eye with your parents on anything at home. You feel ready to make decisions _4_ (independent). Meanwhile, your parents wont let you go, ignoring your feelings. What you need to do is to explain your actions and feelings calmly, listen carefully and address their concerns. Managing your spare time will also count. Remember that _5_ busy you are, make it a routine to exercise regularly, which helps to _6_ (strong) your body. When under great pressure, spare some time to watch a film to relax yourself. For example, the Kings Speech, starring Colin Firth as king George , is _7_ good option. Additionally, take advantage of your acquired knowledge to make _8_ (contribute) to your community if possible. Despite challenges ahead, the good news is that everything will turn _9_ all right in the end. Hopefully, the tips above will be _10_ (benefit) to you. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._7._ 8._9._10._ 五. 单句填空 1. Im sure it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the (improve) of writing abilities. 2. In 1971, after nearly two hundred (failure), Tus team found an extract that was 100% effective against the malaria parasitesartemisinin. 3. He didnt put the things where they belonged, for which reason he got his (punish). 4. Although these (measure) are not effective forever, they are vital for now. 5. He celebrated the (arrive) of the new year with a party for his friends. 6. He goes to work by car. His house is two _(hour) drive from his office in the city. 7. She has turned down several (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies. 8. Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asias biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top (attract). 9. Any smell might attract natural (enemy) that would try to eat the little panda. 4 10. Then, handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a real sense of (achieve). 11. The university is very famous, so there were a lot of (applicant) for the position. 12. His friend advised him to write down the useful (express) in his notebook so that he could use them when necessary. 13. Much simpler as Chinese grammar is, Chinese has a tone and writing system that is more difficult for (learn) to master. 14. When you are faced with challenges, you should believe that (confident) is what makes a difference. 15. At the press conference, a government spokesman expressed his great concern for the (safe) of the three trapped workers. BCBBA CDACB DACAB 七选五 CDAGB CABC 语法填空 1. to travel 2.what 3.rising 4. independently 5.however 6.strengthen 7.a 8. contributions 9. out 10. beneficial 单句填空 1.improvement2.failures 3.punishment4.measures 5.arrival6.hours 7.invitations8.attraction 9.enemies10.achievement 11.applicants12.expressions 13.learners14.confidence 15.safety
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