Unit 4 Exploring literature Grammar and usage Modal verbs 情态动词 (ppt课件)-2024新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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Unit 4 Exploring literature Grammar and usage Modal verbs 情态动词 (ppt课件)-2024新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 4 Exploring literature Grammar and usage Modal verbs 情态动词 (ppt课件)-2024新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 4 Exploring literature Grammar and usage Modal verbs 情态动词 (ppt课件)-2024新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 4 Exploring literature Grammar and usage Modal verbs 情态动词 (ppt课件)-2024新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 4 Exploring literature Grammar and usage Modal verbs 情态动词 (ppt课件)-2024新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第5页
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1、Every body said“Read More books!”but nobody tell me“what shall I read?”Read the website article and complete the mind map.To solve the problem of“what shall I read?”Get ideas from _.Develop your _.Ask friends,parents,and teachers to _ books.Read book _ in newspapers,in magazines or online.Look for b

2、ooks on _ that interest you.Look through the _ in library.different sourcesown tasterecommendreviewstopicscollectionsWe have an English class every day.我们每天都有一节英语课。We had an English class today.我们上过一节英语课了。We will have an English class today.我们今天将有一节英语课。助动词 辅助主动词不能单独作谓语Modal verbs 情态动词情态动词(4组)组)can/c

3、ould,may/might,shall/should,will/would(4个)个)have to,had better,ought to应该应该,used to过去常常过去常常(3个)个)must,need,dare敢敢Find sentences with modal verbsModel verbs can express ability or necessity.They can also make suggestions or describe the probability of an event.The same modal verb can have different f

4、unctions.Modal verbs can be followed by _.You can choose more than one answer for the blank.a do(the base form)d be done(the passive voice)b doing(the verb-ing form)e be doing(the continuous form)c did(the past form)f have done(the perfect form)a,d,e,f情态动词不能单独作谓语,只能跟动词原形构成复合谓语。Suggestion建议 Ability能力

5、Necessity职责Possibility可能推测What shall I read?you can get ideas from different sources You could also read book reviews in newspapers in magazines or online.Teachers in particular can provide suggestions for interesting reading materials that can be found in the library or bookshop easily.A book revie

6、w can also tell you whether a book is worth reading or not.what books you ought to read.However,you must also decide for yourself what kind of books to read.You do not have to read a book just because everyone recommends it.You might have asked yourself this question more than once.These ideas shoul

7、d point you in the right direction.you may find yourself better able to seek out books to your taste 用法建议suggestion才能/能力ability义务/职责necessity可能/推测possibility请求/许可request意图/打算determination其他Most people will be happy to share their favorite books with others.1.能力能够做某事(具备某种能力);could主要指过去能够;Two eyes can

8、 see more than one.Could the girl read before she went to school?2.建议 suggestionyou can get ideas from different sources You could also read book reviews in newspapers in magazines or 3.请求 requestcould表示更委婉的语气,回答时只能用can;用于否定句中表不允许。Can I have a look at your new pen?You cant wear jeans at work.4.表poss

9、ibility推测意为“可能”,一般用于疑问句和否定句(could是过去时)。As we all know,anyone can make mistakes.My mom can be stubborn sometimes.That cant be Kellyshes in New York.(“不可能是不可能是”)5.表疑惑或惊讶等情绪,意为“难道会;到底是”。What can they be doing?他们究竟在干些什么?Where can she have put it?她到底把它放哪了?用法建议suggestion才能/能力ability义务/职责necessity可能/推测poss

10、ibility请求/许可request意图/打算determination其他can/could 究竟/到底1.a Can I keep the book for more than two weeks?b Nick can read more in an afternoon than I can in a week!c Can Mary finish War and Peace in a month?requestabilityabilityshall(1)表许可、征求意见,用于第一、三人称的疑问句用于第一、三人称的疑问句What shall we do this weekend?我们这周要

11、做什么呢?When shall my brother be able to leave hospital?我哥哥什么时候出院?我哥哥什么时候出院?(2)表示表示命令、警告、允诺或威胁命令、警告、允诺或威胁。He shall be punished.You shall go with me.You shall have a new dress for your birthday.(3)表职责(法律 规则)。Every student shall wear school uniform at school.表示表示建议建议=ought to;也可表示;也可表示推测推测 表表职责职责 表示惊讶、愤怒

12、、失望等情感表示惊讶、愤怒、失望等情感“竟然竟然”还还可可表示不确定,表示不确定,“万一万一”。You should go to class right away.The film YOLO should be great as it was directed by Jia ling.You should be polite to your teachers.They should be home by now.If it should rain tomorrow,the sports meeting would be postponed.I find it astonishing that

13、he should be so rude to you.建议建议/职责职责推测万一竟然建议建议/职责职责推测should用法建议suggestion才能/能力ability义务/职责necessity可能/推测possibility请求/许可request意图/打算determination其他can/could 究竟到底shall/should 万一/竟然/威胁4.a Henry should be reading books in the library.b I have fifty dollarsthat should be enough for three books.c Readin

14、g English novels has greatly increased my vocabulary you should try it too.possibilitypossibilitysuggestion 1.表意愿,愿意表意愿,愿意.I will do anything for you.They said that they would fight for justice正义正义.2.表请求,用于疑问句表请求,用于疑问句 Will/Would you please take a message for me?3.表习惯表习惯;会会.He would spend hours on t

15、he telephone.4.表推测,表推测,“想必想必”This will be the house you are looking for.1.She will listen to music,alone in her room,for hours.2.They wont lend us any more money.3.Would you mind leaving me alone for a few minutes?4.Fish will die without water.用法建议suggestion才能/能力ability义务/职责necessity可能/推测possibility

16、请求/许可request意图/打算determination其他can/could 究竟到底shall/should 万一/竟然/威胁will/would 习惯1.表请求,might可以指过去时间或现在时间,语气更委婉。以以may/might开头的问句在否定回答中要用开头的问句在否定回答中要用mustnt/cant。You may take whatever you like.May(Might)I ask for a photo of your baby?2.表可能。might指过去或现在时间,但语气更加不肯定。He may be at home,but Im not sure.She ma

17、y/might not know about it.3.may还可用于祈使句表示祝愿用于祈使句表示祝愿。May you succeed!祝你成功!用法建议suggestion才能/能力ability义务/职责necessity可能/推测possibility请求/许可request意图/打算determination其他can/could 究竟到底shall/should 万一/竟然/威胁will/would 习惯may/might 祝愿2.a I am afraid I may be unable to finish this novel today.b It may be difficul

18、t for people to agree on what good literature is.c You may go to the library tomorrow afternoon,if you have time.possibilitypossibilitysuggestion1.用于肯定句中表说话人的职责;用于肯定句中表说话人的职责;must 必须必须 mustnt 禁止、禁止、不准不准 You must keep your word.信守承诺 Cars mustnt park in front of the entrance.在以在以must 开头的疑问句中,肯定回答用开头的疑

19、问句中,肯定回答用must 必须必须 否定回答用否定回答用neednt 或或dont have to 不必不必。Must he hand in his exercise books now?Yes,he must./No,he neednt./No,he dont have to.2.肯定的可能肯定的可能/推测推测 The road is wet.It must have rained last night.用法建议suggestion才能/能力ability义务/职责necessity可能/推测possibility请求/许可request意图/打算determination其他can/co

20、uld 究竟到底shall/should 万一/竟然/威胁will/would 习惯may/might 祝愿must 3.a I must finish writing the book review and hand it in before Wednesday.b You must be tired after three hours reading.c Students must develop the habit of reading classic literature.necessitypossibilitynecessity 1.need 和dare可以作实义动词或情态动词。作情

21、态动词时,后跟动词原形,表示“需要,有必要”,无人称和数的变化,多用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。I dare not walk through the woods at night.You neednt go there now.Need I hand in the paper now?2.作实义动词时,同其他实义动词一样,可用于各种句式,有时态、人称和数的变化,构成否定句和疑问句时要借助于助动词。在否定句和疑问句中不定式符号to也可以省略。You dont need to be so worried.You need to be more careful.They dont dare(to)

22、make a sound while their parents are sleeping.用法建议suggestion才能/能力ability义务/职责necessity可能/推测possibility请求/许可request意图/打算determination其他can/could 究竟到底shall/should 万一/竟然/威胁ought to will/would 习惯may/might 祝愿must 用法建议suggestion才能/能力ability义务/职责necessity可能/推测possibility请求/许可request意图/打算determination其他can/

23、could 究竟到底shall/should 万一/竟然/威胁ought to will/would 习惯may/might 祝愿must 表推测的情态动词must 肯定 90%should应该 70%may也许 50%might也许 45%could/can可能 45%cannot 肯定不/cant/could not 90%shouldnt 应该不 70%may not 也许不 50%might not 可能不 45%Where is Tom now?He is in the office.He must be in the office.He should be in the offic

24、e.He may be in the office.He might be in the office.He could be in the office.对现在的推测:情V原100%may 50%could slight should 70%must 90%might 45%Where is Tom now?他肯定不在办公室。He cannot/cant/could not be in the office.他应该不在办公室。He should not be in the office.他也许不在办公室。He may not be in the office.他可能不在办公室。He migh

25、t not be in the office.cannot 肯定不/cant/could not 90%shouldnt 应该不 70%may not 也许不 50%might not 可能不 45%What are you doing this Saturday?Im not sure,but I _ go to the cinema.Good morning.Ive got an appointment with Smith.Hello.You _ be Mrs.Peter.might/may mustmust have done:can/could have done:cant have

26、 done/couldnt have done:may/might(not)have done:过去一定做过某事过去不可能做某事过去可能做过某事过去可能(没)做过某事From what you said,she must have told you all about it.You might have read about the news in the papers.He couldnt have done the research without your support.Tom could have finished the paper on his own.对推测:情have don

27、eshould/ought to have done 本应该做过You should have tried your best.should/ought not to have done 本不应该做You shouldnt have watched TV last night.neednt+have done 本可不必做You neednt have visited my unclecould+have done 本可以做You could have done better表示对过去发生的事情或表示对过去发生的事情或行为比较行为比较有把握的推测、肯定的推断,译为有把握的推测、肯定的推断,译为“

28、一定一定做了某事做了某事;准是;准是做了某事做了某事”等。否定意义用等。否定意义用cant/couldnt have done表示。表示。The ground is rather wet,so it must have rained last night,didnt it?地面地面很湿,所以昨晚很湿,所以昨晚一定下雨一定下雨了,对不对?了,对不对?因为没有人给他提供帮助,他一定是自己完成了研究。因为没有人给他提供帮助,他一定是自己完成了研究。育育 must+have donecant/couldnt+have done是must have done 的否定式,表示“一定没有做过某事,不可能做过

29、某事”。Without your guidance,I couldnt have spent such a happy time.没有你的指导,我不可能度过如此愉快的时间。Mr Smith cant have gone to Beijing,for I saw him in the library just now.史密斯先生不可能去北京了,我刚才还在图书馆见过他。为什么你的眼睛这么红?你昨晚为什么你的眼睛这么红?你昨晚一定没有一定没有睡好。睡好。may/might+(not)have done表示对不太把握的过去情况的可能性推测,表示“可能/大概已经做了某事”。Tom may have go

30、ne to Shanghai,but Im still not sure about it.汤姆可能已经去了上海,但是我还不能肯定。育Jack didnt come on time.He may/might have missed the bus.2should/ought to+have done表示表示过去本应该做过去本应该做(却(却没有做没有做)的情况,表示说话人后悔、遗憾或责备的语气。的情况,表示说话人后悔、遗憾或责备的语气。I really regret wasting the hours when I should have studied hard.我我真的很后悔该努力学习的时候

31、浪费了太多时间。真的很后悔该努力学习的时候浪费了太多时间。你你本应该好好准备本应该好好准备的,而你却用了所有的时间玩电脑游戏。的,而你却用了所有的时间玩电脑游戏。shouldnt/oughtnt to+have done与前面的相反,shouldnt/oughtnt to+have done表示本不该做某事(却已经做了),也表示说话人后悔或责备的语气。You shouldnt have watched TV last night.你们昨晚本不应该看电视的。我我不该看不该看那部电影的,它会让我晚上做噩梦的。那部电影的,它会让我晚上做噩梦的。neednt+have done可译为“本可不必”等。Y

32、ou neednt have visited my uncle,as he has been all right for long.其实你不必去探望我叔叔的,因为他已经痊愈了好长一段时间了。在去新学校之前我在去新学校之前我本不必担心的本不必担心的,因为我的同学对我很友好。,因为我的同学对我很友好。6.could+have done“本来可以/能够做(却没做)”,表示懊恼和惋惜。You could have done better,but you were too careless.你本来能够做得更好,但你太粗心了。他他本可以逃跑本可以逃跑的,但是他选择留下来战斗。的,但是他选择留下来战斗。1.

33、Im sorry I couldnt get in touch with him before he left.I _(should have phoned,have phoned)him earlier.2.Since因为 they arent answering their telephone,they _(can have left,must have left).3.You _(will,may)lead a horse to the water but you _(dare,can)not make it drink.4.Mary _(couldnt have received,ne

34、ednt have received)my email;otherwise she would have replied before now.5.You _(mustnt,neednt)do that if you dont want to.should have phonedmust have left maycan couldnt have receivedneednt 6.I dont believe him.He _(may not,cant)be serious.7.If you dont like to swim,you _(may as well,may well)stay a

35、t home.8.They hurried there only to find the meeting canceled.In fact,they _(neednt have gone,wouldnt have gone)at all.9.She was ill.She _(couldnt have attended,mustnt attend)the meeting here.10.Carey didnt go to the party last night because she _(should look after,had to look after)the baby for her

36、 sister until 9:30.neednt have gonecouldnt have attendedhad to look aftercantmay as well B2 Below is an entry in a students reading journal.Complete the entry with the correct model verbs in brackets.When my English teacher suggested that I read Charles Dickenss A Christmas Carol,I thought,“I(1)(can

37、t/shouldnt)read this!It(2)(has to/must)be very boring.”Surprisingly,it turned out.I(3)(could/might)not stop turning the pages!The books main character is Scrooge,a rich but mean old man.He hates all kinds of celebrations.On Christmas eve,he is to different points in his life by three spirits.In the

38、end,he these moments and realizes his mistakes.Then he decides that he(4)(might/must)change himself.On Christmas morning,he sends a large turkey to a poor man for Christmas dinner.He also tries to make his family and friends happy by spending time with them.B2 Below is an entry in a students reading

39、 journal.Complete the entry with the correct model verbs in brackets.There is something that(5)(can/must)be learnt from A Christmas Carol:we(6)(should/may)treat others with kindness,generosity and love.I think everyone(7)(would/ought to)read this book.构成意义 may/might have done可能可能已经做已经做了某事了某事 一定做过某事一

40、定做过某事 本应该做某事本应该做某事却却没做没做 本不应该做某事本不应该做某事,却做了却做了 本不必做某事本不必做某事,却做了却做了 过去本能够做某事过去本能够做某事 过去不可能做某事过去不可能做某事 must have doneshould/ought to have doneshouldnt/oughtnt to have doneneednt have done could have done cant/couldnt have doneC Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets,using the proper modal verbs.P76can bemust/may/might bewouldnt listenmay/might preferC Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets,using the proper modal verbs.P76shall/should talkmust have costmust/shall be returned


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