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1 2021 年江苏省高一寒假英语作业年江苏省高一寒假英语作业 6 一一 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的完形填空。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处四个选项中选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。的最佳选项。 Lottie Mills, a student at the University of Cambridge, won BBC Young Writers Award and she was congratulated for her entry(参赛作品) “The Changeling” at the virtual award ceremony. It was a(n) _1_ story. Upset about how difference, _2_when it comes to disability, is described in novels, Lottie was inspired by otherhood and aimed to _3_ a positive state of mind. “The Changeling”_4_myth(神话) into magical and wonderful_5_ of a girls powerful coming of age. Lottie said, “As a disabled person, my stories quite often _6_ ideas of otherhood, based on _7_ who are deserted by their society in some way or another.” “I had been_8_ fairy-related- myths for university essay(论文) and when I came across the idea of changeling, it really stuck in my _9_. I really wanted to write a story which would show the _10_of disabled people, rather than describe them as disadvantaged and in need of fixing as so many stories do.” Now Lottie is writing her first novel, a childrens book. _11_ she knows how life-changing the right story can be, she_12_ to become an author. Lottie beat off fierce_13_ from four finalists. Kate Thisteton, BBC RI presenter and chair of the Young Writers Award judges, said, We were blown away by The Changeling. Its simply _14_ . I love the way it uses fairy mythology to tell a story about difference, disability and acceptance. Im so happy Lottie won and is considering a job as an author after being _15_by the Young Writers Award. 1 A. frighteningB. satisfyingC. inspiringD. amusing 2. A. particularlyB. basicallyC. generallyD. finally 3. A. educateB. exerciseC. observeD. advocate 4. A. dividedB. transformedC. threwD. absorbed 5. A. taleB. ideaC. topicD. dream 6. A. turn onB. call onC. focus onD. put on 7. A. artistsB. strangersC. performersD. characters 8. A. creatingB. researchingC. establishingD. spreading 9. A. bodyB. voiceC. mindD. sight 10. A. concernsB. featuresC. thoughtsD. strengths 11. A. IfB. WhenC. UnlessD. Although 12. A. desiresB. pretendsC. managesD. affords 13. A. attackB. conflictC. competitionD. fighting 14. A. completeB. mysteriousC. familiarD. beautiful 15. A. displayedB. motivatedC. discoveredD. provided 二二 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。四个选项中选出最佳选项。 How would you feel about celebrity(名人) deaths? Despite this person being a perfect stranger, it can feel kind of like youve lost an acquaintance or even a friend, when a beloved celebrity dies. Its not quite the same, of course. You have no memories of times you hung out, or no cards they sent you. Instead, its a different kind of grief(悲痛), one marked by big screens crowded stadiums, and a unique feeling of love and admiration youve probably never felt for someone you actually know. If youve ever cried or felt sad for days about a celebritys death, youre certainly not alone. According to 2 expert Rachel ONeill, feeling grief after a celebritys death is common because we form personal attachments to celebrities. Celebrities presence is felt in our lives, she says. Maybe they represented an ideal, something you hoped that you could be. Or perhaps the celebrity held a particular important memory in your life-for example, they starred in a TV show that you watched growing up. In those cases, the death can feel like a loss of that particular part of your past. It can also be more than a connection to your past, but a joyful part of your everyday life, according to therapist Cynthia Catchings. Celebrities may provide us with laughs, comfort entertainment, excitement, or sense of escape. When a celebrity we feel connected to passes away, it can feel like losing someone close to us because they may have been integral in some of our happiest or saddest moments, Catchings says.”They made us laugh, they made us cry, but most importantly, they helped us forget about our difficult moments when we needed it most. Still, it can feel strange to grieve someone you didnt actually know. But both ONeill and Catchings agree that its a totally normal way to feel for any number of reasons-the most understandable of which is that death is just sad. It doesnt matter that you didnt know the celebrity in person. If youre experiencing grief, ONeill says, its important to give yourself space to feel it. Remembering the celebrity in whatever way you feel will be helpful, “she says. Some people find comfort in sharing their memories on social media and connecting with other users who are also experiencing grief and loss.” The more we feel, the more we grow, however painful. Thats why medical officer Neeraj Gandotra says you should use your grief over a celebrity to prepare you for grief you might feel down the road. Use the feelings of loss as an opportunity to have a more academic discussion about what happens when someone dies. he said. “This discussion can help prepare one for when someone close to them dies. The topic is healthy and a great opportunity to find areas where you could improve, and even change the direction of your life for the better. 1. What does ONeill think of feeling grief over a celebritys death? A. It can bring back painful memories.B. It is very natural for people to do so C. It makes ordinary people suffer stress.D. It improves interpersonal relationships. 2. What does the underlined word “integral”in Paragraph3 probably mean? A. Interesting.B. Attractive.C. Important.D. Normal. 3. What does Neeraj Gandotra advise people to do? A. To understand the pain of growing up.B. To make good use of the sense of grief. C. To adopt positive attitude towards life.D. To try to seek some comfort in daily life. 4. What does the text mainly talk about? A. The important roles celebrities play in life.B. The effect of a celebritys death on people. C. How people should deal with their sadness.D. Why people grieve the deaths of celebrities. 三三 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。选项。 In the most basic sense, self-regulation (自我调节) involves controlling ones behaviour and thoughts in pursuit (追求) of long-term goals. Generally, people who are good at self-regulating tend to see the good in others and view challenges as opportunities. They exactly know what they want to achieve, act in accordance with their views, and devote their best effort. _1_ _2_ A bad-tempered child who hits others wont be popular at school. An adult with poor self- 3 regulation skills may lack self-confidence. He may have difficulty handling stress, and often, this might be expressed in terms of anger and anxiety. How do problems with self-regulation develop? It could start early when a baby isnt treated with enough care. _3_ Later, an adult may struggle with self-regulation, either because this ability wasnt developed during childhood, or because of a lack of skills in managing difficult feelings. When left unchecked, over time this could lead to risky behaviour such as taking drugs. _4_ One of the most frequently used methods is to change your thought patterns, which means that you think about a situation in a positive way, rather than one thats likely to increase negative emotions. _5_ Rather than thinking that this reflects something about yourself such as “My friend hates me”, you might instead think, “My friend must be really busy.” A. Try to cheer yourself up after disappointment. B. Do the usual series of things at a particular time. C. A child who doesnt feel safe may have trouble self-regulating. D. A lack of self-regulation will cause problems in life. E. Anyhow, self-regulation is so important that we should learn to use this skill. F. For example, imagine a friend who doesnt return your calls or texts for several days. G. Also they can calm themselves when feeling upset and cheer themselves when feeling down. 四四 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文, ,在空白处填入在空白处填入 1 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 To my dad George H.W Bushs very last days, his life was instructive. As he_1_(age), he taught us how to grow with dignity, humor and _2_(kind).Day could relate to people from all walks of life. He looked _3_the good in each person and he usually found it. He strongly believed that it was important_4_(give)back to the community and country in which one lived. To us, he was the _5_(bright)one among a thousand points of light. He taught us what it means to be a wonderful father, grandfather and great grandfather. He taught us that a day was not meant to _6_(waste). In his inaugural(就职)address the 41st President of the United States, he said,“We cannot hope only to leave our children a bigger car, or a bigger bank account. We must hope to give them _7_sense of what it means to be a loyal friend, a loving parent, a citizen _8_leaves his home, his neighborhood and town better than he found it.” Well, Dad, were going to remember you, and were going to miss you. So through our_9_(tear),let us know the blessings of knowing and loving you, a great and noble man, the best father a son or daughter could have. And in our grief, let us smile,_10_(know)that Dad is hugging Robin and holding Moms hand again. 五五 基础知识(状语从句)基础知识(状语从句) 1.When you have bought some fish and arrive home, youd better store the fish in the refrigerator you dont cook it immediately. 2.The explosion rocked the lake with such a force dead fish immediately began to surface. 3.It doesnt matter _ you turn right or left at the crossing - both roads lead to the park. 4.At school, some students are active _ some are shy, yet they can be good friends with one another. 5.If you happen to get lost in the wild, youd better stay _ you are and wait for help. 4 6.Find ways to praise your children often, _youll find they will open their hearts to you. 7.I didnt know her then, Ive heard lots of her stories. 8.One day, the cow was eating grass it began to rain heavily. 9.Never lose heart youll make a quick advance in your project. 10he once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going. 11.I really enjoy listening to musicit helps me relax and takes my mind away from other cares of the day. 12.the average age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for. 13.Though it has been only one year he came to the city, he knows every street here like the back of his hand. 14. You can smoke here you leave a window open to let the smoke out. 15.We missed our train, and on top of that the next train was delayed, _ we had to wait for two hours. 2020级高一英语寒假作业6 答案 完形填空答案:【答案】 1-5 CADBA 6-10 CDBCD 11-15 BACDB 阅读理解【答案】1. B 2.C 3.B 4. D 七选五 【答案】1. G 2. D 3. C 4. E 5. F 语法填空1. aged 2. kindness 3. for 4. to give 5. brightest 6. be wasted 7. a 8. who/that 9. tears 10. knowing 基础知识 1.if 2that. 3.whether 4.while 5.where 6.and 7.Although/Though/While 8.when 9.and 10where 11.because 12.As 13.since 14.if 15.so
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