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1 2021 年江苏省高一寒假英语作业年江苏省高一寒假英语作业 10 一、阅读理解 Now, cities large and small often have remains of earlier historic streets and sidewalk pavements(人行道) 。Yet they often go unprotected even when they may be older than neighbouring historic buildings that have enjoyed protection for tens of years. There are many reasons to protect historic pavements - culture value, economics, environmental benefits and public safety. Pavements represented an important step in the modernization of city environments in the 19th century. Before the laying of pavement, streets of dirt caused many problems to citizens,especially in wet weather when they became muddy(泥泞的),which limited the movement of people and vehicles. To solve the problem,cities experimented with a wide range of materials in an attempt to balance durability(耐用性),economics,sources of materials and noise considerations. The earliest pavement in many cities were cobblestones-naturally rounded stones.They were cheap and durable, but rough and noisy. Loose stone pavements were cheap and smooth, but not very durable. Wood also appeared in the 1850s as a popular option-smooth,quiet and affordable,but not very durable. In many cities and towns,brick(砖)streets are the only historic pavements that have survived.This fact covers up the truth of pavement experimentation between the 1850s and 1920s, when a city could use up to a dozen different paving materials at the same time! Indeed, each city developed a unique pavement identity” in the materials chosen and the way they were laid. It is easy to think of the past when seeing historic pavements, as recalling “old world” city qualities. However, they are more similar to the early high buildings and parks-important city features that showed the modernization of the city. At a time when cities are becoming increasingly.similar, such pavements also help define an important sense of place. 1. What is the present situation of historic pavements? A. Failing to represent modem environments. B.Failing to receive protection they should get. C.Being brought back to its former glory. p.Being highly valued as cultural buildings. 2. Why was the first pavement built in history? A.To help develop the local economy. B.To prevent earth from being washed away. C.To limit the movement of people and vehicles. D.To bring convenience to citizens life. 3. What is mainly talked about in Paragraphs 4-6? A. Popularity of different paving materials. B.Different experiments on city identity. C.Advantages and disadvantages of stone pavements. D.Development of pavements of different materials. 4. What does the writer want to express about historic pavements in the last paragraph? A. They are similar to tall buildings. B. They make cities appear similar. C. They are unique of a particular place. D.They represent the modernization of todays city. 二、七选五阅读 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 2 There are several factors that may determine why a country chooses a particular passport colour. 1 Some countries attempt to fit in with nations or political groups theyd like to join.Governments can choose the overall design and colour for their passports from one of the four basic colors: red, blue, green, or black. Red Passports Red,the most common passport colour,not only has religious meanings,but also may point to a countrys history or politics. 2 Blue Passports 3 Traditionally, the colour blue is meant to represent the New World nations in North and South America, and Oceania. The U,S.passport has been blue since 1976. Green passports Green is the most common colour of choice for Arab countries. 4 The citizens of several West African countries also have travel documents that are different shades of green,which means they belong to the Economic Community of West African States. Black Passports Black passports are not as common as brighter colors, though dark shades tend to make a document look more official. 5 New Zealands passport is black since its the countrys national colour. In all,the reasons why passports are different colors often have important and deep meanings to each government. A. What do the different passport colors mean? B.The second most common passport colour is blue. C.People tend to dislike black because it is not beautiful. D.These factors include religious, geographical, historical or cultural concerns. E.Considered as a sign of nature and life, it is important for Arabian religions. F. Only 10 countries have black passports,all unconnected with geography or religion. G.Northern European countries generally hold red passports. 三、完形填空 读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Grandpa was quite a gardener so I always watched for his spring flowers. I was especially 1 that year because I was landscaping(美化) my own yard and was eager to get Grandpas 2 However, right after the first rush of roses that 3 ,Grandpa had a stroke(中风). It 4 him without speech or movement. But his eyes were 5 -laughing at my mistakes, showing painful awareness of his inability to care for himself. As time passed, I watched the growing earth with Grandpas 6 . Each time l gave him a garden report, he listened, holding my hand 7 with the strength and calm he had always had. But he could not answer my 8 . Grandpas illness held him 9 the spring and on, week by week. As I watched in the garden,I came to see Grandpas garden 10 his life. As a hard worker, he understood the 11 of the harvest and how to enjoy each season, each change. It was the end of August when Grandpa 12 . As we were 13 flowers from the flower shop for Grandpas funeral(葬礼),I silently left for Grandpas garden. I cut the pretties flowers and made one more 14 for the funeral. Friends and family all 15 to see Grandpas flowers there, feeling how much Grandpa would have liked that. 3 The October after Grandpas death ,I planted many flowers; each was a comfort to me, a love sent to Grandpa, a promise of spring. 1. A. trapped B.interestedC.improvedD.talented 2.A.choiceB.promiseC.adviceD.respect 3. A.springB.summerC.autumn D.winter 4.A.leftB.attackedC.forcedD.allowed 5.A.beautiful B.expressiveC.closedD.tearful 6.A.handsB.brainsC.eyesD.legs 7.A.tiredlyB.firmlyC.sadlyD.frequently 8.A.callsB.ordersC.visitsD.questions 9. A.acrossB.throughC.inD.down 10. A.mirrored B.confusedC.understood D.destroyed 11. A.resultB.lawC.factD.angle 12.A.passed away B.passed outC.passed downD.passed on 13.A.sellingB.plantingC.choosingD.cutting 14.A.arrangement B.fashion C.celebration D.dinner 15. A.suffered. B.fearedC.smiled D.shouted 四、语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 When I started studying German, it was 1._struggle. The words felt strange on my tongue,and the grammar would not stay in my head. I told my mum that I wanted to give up, and 2._ I would never live in a country where German 4._(speak).My mum told me that 4._(study) a language was not just for my future. It was exercise for the brain; the more I learned of a language, the more my brain would grow.And I remember that day when I 5._(sudden) felt like German was no longer a foreign language. It felt like my brain 6._(double) in size.I had finally come to a place where I could think 7. _this foreign language,and I could see the world from a 8._(difference) point of view. I felt as if I had reached the goal that I had been fighting for. I could open a book and see meanings, not just a sea of 9._(word). I finally understood the reason 10 _my mum had encouraged me not to give up. Thanks, Mum! 五、介词连词填空 1.The teacher is writing _ a piece of chalk on the blackboard while the students are writing _ ink in exercise books. 2.Sometimes proper solutions_food safety problem are not far to seek . 3.I always want to do the job which Id been trained _. 4.On behalf _ everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country. 5.A serious study of physics is impossible _ some knowledge of mathematics. 6.I have an appointment _ Dr. Smith, but I need to change it. 7.I am always delighted when I receive an email _ you. With regard to the party on July 1 st, I shall be pleased to attend. 4 8Poor and backward area _Western China is, many college students are willing to work there after graduation. 9. There is no simple answer, _ is often the case in science. 10._ passion. People wont have the motivation or the joy necessary for creative thinking. 11.The method of “reading on, between and _ the lines” is a kind of reading skills from the surface to what lies behind , namely critical reading comprehension. 12.My father warned me _ going to the West Coast because it was crowded with tourists. 13. The coach got fed up with their lack of passion _ a football team should have to win a goal. 14.It is illegal for a government official to ask people for gifts or money _ exchange for favors to them, 15_ the Internet is bridging the distance between people; it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems. 寒假 10答案 阅读理解 BDDC DGBEF 完形填空 BCAAB CBDBA 5 BACAC 语法填空 1.a 2. that3. was spoken4. studying 5. suddenly 6. had doubled 7. in 8. different 9. words 10. why 介词连词填空 1.With,in 2.to 3.for 4. of 5.without 6.with 7.from 8.as/though 9.as 10.Without 11.beyond 12.against 13that 14.in 15. while/Though/Although
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