(2021新版)牛津译林版必修二英语Unit 1 Project教案 .docx

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1、 1 英语英语 (必修第(必修第二二册)册) Unit 1 Lights, camera, action! Project I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. get to know the steps to dub a film scene; 2. get to know the skills of dubbing a film scene; 3. cultivate the spirit of teamwork by working in groups. II. Key

2、competence focus Cooperate with others and improve language competence in pronunciation and intonation. III. Predicted areas of difficulty 1. Get into character of the dubbing scene. 2. Dub the lines with correct pronunciation, intonation and emotions. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Situational lead

3、-in 1. T asks Ss to look at some pictures and speak out the names of these films. 2. T dubs a short film scene from the film Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get. 3. T asks Ss the following questions: What is dubbing? 2 Dubbing is the process of adding

4、new dialogue or other sounds to the sound track of a film that has already been shot. Why do we dub? For language reasons: It is a means of translating foreign-language films into the audiences language. For technical reasons: Dubbing allows the filmmaker to obtain high-quality dialogue regardless o

5、f the actual conditions that existed during shooting. 【设计意图: 用图片和教师口头配音的方式, 将学生熟悉的话题作为预设教学目标的情境载 体导入,激活学生已有知识,快速进入本堂课的主题。贴近学生生活,发散学生的思维,激 发学生的学习兴趣,针对本堂课的目标,为下一环节做准备。 】 Step 2 Appreciation and discussion 1. T asks Ss to enjoy a scene of Forrest Gump, answer the following questions and have a discussi

6、on about the scene. What is the scene about? In this scene the grown-up Forrest is remembering a story from his childhood. What lines impress you most? 2. Choose one part of the scene, present some lines and let students analyse it from the aspects of intonation, emotions and body language. JENNY: W

7、hats wrong with your legs? FORREST: Um, nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy. FORREST (Voice-over): I just sat next to her on that bus and had a conversation all the way to school. JENNY: Then why do you have those shoes on? FORREST: My momma said my backs crooked like a questi

8、on mark. These are going to make me as straight as an arrow. Theyre my magic shoes. FORREST (Voice-over): And next to Momma, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions. JENNY: Are you stupid or something? 3 FORREST: Mommy says stupid is as stupid does. 【设计意图:学生赏析拓展阅读中的电影阿甘正传节选,回顾 Extended readin

9、g 板块所 学内容,联系所学,温故而知新,分析电影中的人物和台词,体会电影场景所传达的情感, 注意单词发音,并让学生体验并直观感受这一场景,为配音做准备。 】 Step 3 Dubbing cooperation 1. T asks Ss the question: What are the steps of dubbing a film scene? 2. T guides Ss to be familiar with the steps of dubbing a film and make full preparations for the dubbing of a film scene.

10、 3. Planning T divides Ss into groups and asks them some questions for them to discuss in the process of planning their dubbing: Are there enough characters in the scene in your group? Are the words clear to understand? Does the characters speak more or less the same amount? How long does the scene

11、last? By discussing, students can get the ideas: One person can play more than one character. Try not to choose a scene where characters are talking too quickly or using difficult language. Try not to choose a scene where one person will have to do most of the speaking. A scene that lasts two or thr

12、ee minutes is preferred. 【设计意图: 学生通过教师的提问以及小组讨论, 认识并掌握配音以及选取电影场景的一些 技巧。让学生充分发挥主观能动性,积极思考,提高学生参与度,培养合作精神。 】 4. Preparing Ss work in their groups and have a discussion about the dubbing. Decide on the scene of your film to dub. Decide on the task of each group member. They need a director who is in ch

13、arge of the whole 4 process. They should find dubbers who have similar vocal qualities to those of the films characters.) After discussion, students will make a decision about the film scene that they are going to dub. 【设计意图:学生通过小组合作的方式展开讨论,并对所选的电影场景进行任务分工,充分 发挥学生的积极主动性,以教材为基础,让学生自由发散思维,提高小组合作能力,为练习

14、 配音做好铺垫。 】 5. Practising 1. T presents Ss some lines from The Kings Speech and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of the lines and analyse it from the aspects of intonation, emotions and body language. T shows Ss two examples. (1) The first example: a quarrel between the King and Logue King

15、 George VI: L-listen to me . listen to me! Lionel Logue: Why should I waste my time listening to you? King George VI: Because I have a voice! Lionel Logue: . yes, you do. T: In this conversation, the King uses falling tone to give a command; Lionel feels doubtful, so he uses a rising tone to express

16、 his doubts. (2) The second example: Logue asks the King not to smoke. Lionel Logue: Please dont do that. King George VI: Im sorry? Lionel Logue: I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you. King George VI: My physicians say it relaxes the throat. Lionel Logue: Theyre idiots. King George V

17、I: Theyve all been knighted. Lionel Logue: Makes it official then. T: In this conversation, Lionel uses a falling tone to express his concern for the King; the King uses fall-rise tone to express his doubt for what Lionel has said. 2. T offers Ss some tips before they practise dubbing the chosen fil

18、m scene as a group. Watch the original film clip, read the subtitles, look up new words and expressions in the dictionary. Pay attention to how the actors say their lines and practise along by reading the subtitles while paying attention to the lip movements. Imitate the emotions and understand the

19、situations presented. Imitate the intonation of the characters. Speak clearly and try to stay in time with the character speaking in the film. Dubbing talents 5 have to be able to adhere to timing requirements. Use your body language to get into character and help the feelings come naturally. Even t

20、hough only your voice will be heard, you need to act with your whole body. 3. As a group, Ss work together to practise dubbing their chosen scene. 【设计意图:以电影国王的演讲为例,进一步分析电影配音的一些具体技巧。将任务给 学生,将方法教给学生,发挥学生的主观能动性,以小组为单位进行操练,以学生为主体, 以任务型教学为主线,培养学生的合作能力与探究精神。 】 Step 4 Presentation and evaluation 1. Each gr

21、oup present their dubbing to the rest of the class and they can present the dubbing in different ways. Record both your dubbing and the film scene, and present the video in class. Record your dubbing and present the audio in class. Perform your dubbing in class, without recording in advance. 2. Stud

22、ents make assessments of each group according to their performances. (10 points in total) 【设计意图:Project 板块需要学生走出课堂,学以致用,迁移创新。所以要完成的步骤分 成两个阶段,到 Step 3 为止属于第一阶段,这大概会占用一个课时,学生根据教师的指导, 课后进行分工合作,共同完成配音任务。Step 4 是 Project 的第二阶段:在课堂上展示配音 成果,这可能需要半个课时(课下准备好, 课上展示) 。在 Project 板块中,通过小组合作探 究等方式,学生共同完成一项综合性实践活动

23、,走出课堂,实现知识和能力的迁移创新。通 过展示和相互评价,提高学生的合作能力,培养批判性思维, 以达成本堂课的教学目标。 】 V. Homework 1. Send a post of your dubbing to the Moments of your parents WeChat. You can use the app Fun Lines (pronunciation & intonation) (3 points in total) Emotions (3 points in total) Body language (2 points in total) Teamwork (2 points in total) 6 Dubbing to help you. 2. Reflect on the dubbing and think about how you can make the dubbing better.


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