冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 2 In Beijing-Lesson 8 Tian'anmen Square-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:81048).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 In Beijing_Lesson 8 Tiananmen Square_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:81048)
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    • 教案81048.doc--点击预览


Who is she? What is she doing? She is a girl. She is fiying a kite. Who is he? He is a boy. What is he doing? He is reading a book. Who is she? She is a woman. What is she doing? She is singing a song. Who is he? He is a man. What is he doing? He is listening to music. Who are they? They are children. What are they doing? They are piaying football. Who are they? They are women. What are they doing? They are dancing. Who are they? They are men. What are they doing? They are doing TaiChi. Lesson 8 Tiananmen Square say 说 help 救命 ;帮 助 worry 担心; 担忧 sad 悲伤的 hurt Oh! no, I hurt my arm. easy & difficult 1+1=2 This is easy. 123456=? This is difficult. Tiananmen Square is very big. There are many people here. Some people are taking pictures on the square. There are many children. They are playing. Listen and answer 1.What are Danny and jenny doing ? 2.What does Danny say? 3.What does Jenny do? 4.How does Danny feel? Jenny is flying her kite. “This is easy,” says Jenny. Lets fly a kite! How does Danny think about flying a kite? “Poor Danny! Are you okay?” asks Jenny. “No! I hurt my arm!” answers Danny. “Dont worry. I can help you,” says Jenny. “Thanks,” Danny says. Jenny can fly her kite very high. Danny cant fly a kite. He hurts his arm. He is sad. This is difficult. Dont worry. I can help you. fly a kite放风筝 on the square在广场上 1.Is Tianan men Square big? _, Tian an men Square is _. 2. What does Jenny see on Tianan men Square? Jenny sees many _ Yes big people. 3.What are people doing? They are _ _. 4. Can Jenny fly a kite?_ she _. 5. Can Danny fly a kite? _ , he _. This is _ taking pictures Yes can No cantdifficult. Homework: 1.Read and write the words three times. 2.Read the text with your partner. 3.Listen to the tape three times. 一、教学内容分析 本课是冀教版五年级英语下册第二单元第二课内容,本课将要学习天安门 广场的内容,围绕丹尼和詹妮在天安门广场放风筝展开,在本课中讲继续学习 现在进行时,以及 There be 句型的运用。本课在本单元中起到承上启下的作用。 二、教学目标 1.语言知识与技能 1).会听说读写词汇:say、help、worry、sad 2).掌握下列句子:This is difficult. Dont worry .I can help you. 3).学生能讨论在天安门广场看到的景象和做的事情。 2. 情感态度与价值观: 1)采取小组合作及比赛的形式,加强学生的合作意识。 2)培养学生较好的文化意识与英语语感。爱祖国教育。 三、教学重、难点 (1)教学重点:会听说读写词汇:say、help、worry、sad 并掌握下列句 子:This is difficult. Dont worry .I can help you. (2)教学难点:学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构: This is difficult. Dont worry .I can help you . 四、学情分析 我所教的学生,都是来于农村大多是接触英语较少,从平时的上课中,就 可以发现有很多的孩子是渴望学英语的,所以他们对待英语大都较认真,这时 候的学生活泼向上,积极乐观,爱唱爱跳,爱说爱笑,乐于表现自己,希望得 到老师的肯定和同学的认可。学生对现在进行时已经掌握的不错了,我运用多 媒体图片,帮助他们复习上节课所学知识,并出示天安门广场的图片导入本课。 五、教学过程 1、Greetings 向学生问好,把学生分成 6 个小组,对上节的内容做一个复习,多媒体出示 图片,并提出问题让学生回答,回答对的,可以获得一朵小花,最后获得小花 最多的组获胜。 (帮助学生复习上节课所学知识) 多媒体出示图片,引导学生回答天安门广场,在黑板上写 Tianan men square 。学生对天安门广场有所熟悉。花点时间让学生说说天安门。看看他们 知道些什么?教师向学生提问: Have you been to Tianan men square? What do you see there ? What can you do there ? Would you like go to Tianan men square someday ?(图片导入,激 发学生的好奇心) 2、presentation (1)on the square a、出示多媒体图片并教授 say、help、worry、sad。展示每张图片并读出 单词。在黑板上用大个字母边写下边读出来。用夸张的表情展示 worry,然后 面带微笑说 Dont worry。用同样的方式教授 sad b 让学生看 P22 part 1 。用几分钟观察图片,指着每幅图问: Whats this? What are they doing ?(图文并茂,有利于学生理解单词) c 播放录音,学生听录音,回答问题。 让学生带着问题听录音,教师分段讲解段落大意。通过问题来帮助学生加 深理解。 Is tianan men square big or small ? Are there many people there ?What are people doing there ? What are childen doing there ? d、同样的方式继续讲解文章剩余的段落。 (2)Practice 角色扮演 帮助两名自告奋勇者表演在天安门广场丹尼摔伤胳膊的场景,让他们根据 树上的内容编对话。 (角色扮演,充分调动了学生学习的积极性,有利于学生口 语的练习) (3)lets do it ! Look talk and write . P23 part 2,教师讲解练习的要求,学生观察每幅图并讨论 看到了什么,通过仔细观察,对比,发现不同。 两人小组进行活动。一个人谈论图片 A,另一个人谈论图片 B。然后进行交 换。 当学生进行讨论时,还要在下面的横线上写出他们看到的内容。 (4)巩固检验(课堂练习,让学生加深印象。 ) (5)作业布置 (6)结束课堂教学 六、板书设计 Lesson 8 tiananmen square say、help、worry、sad There are many people here . They are playing . Lets fly a kite . Dont worry .I can help you
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