冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 2 In Beijing-Lesson 11 Shopping in Beijing-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:60a2e).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 In Beijing_Lesson 11 Shopping in Beijing_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:60a2e)
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    • 教案60a2e.docx--点击预览


The Great Wall The Place Museum Tiananmen Square Wangfujing Street Lesson 11 Shopping in Beijing Lets do it! 1. Listen!Answer the questions.(听录音,回答问题)听录音,回答问题) 1.Does Danny go shopping? 2.What does Jenny buy? 3.Is Danny busy(忙碌的)(忙碌的) ? 4.What does Danny buy? On Wangfujing Street 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 1.Does Danny go shopping? Yes, he does. 2.What does Jenny buy for her family? mother sister fatherbrother Is Danny busy(忙碌的)(忙碌的)? What does Danny buy? Yes, he is. He buys a big panda. Practice Practice:What time is it? 1:30 1:00 9:1 5 9:50 Danny, Jenny ,Li Ming and Mrs. Li are _ on Wangfujing Street.Dannys tail _ , but he loves shopping. Jenny buys a _ for her mother,some _ for her father,a kite for her _ and a _ for her brother. Danny is so _ .He buys a big _ . shopping hurts scarftea sistercap busypanda Beijing Hong Kong Hainan Shanghai TaiwanXiamen A:Where do you want to go ? B:I want to go to _. A: What do you want to buy? B:I want to buy _ for _ . 2. Read and write. What do you want to buy for your family? I want to buy _ for my mother. _ for my father. _ _ a hat some tea a chocolate(巧克力)巧克力) for my sister and a football for my brother. Homework: 1.Read the text three times.(朗读朗读 课文三遍。)课文三遍。) 2.Ask your friends what they want to buy for their family and write it down. (调查你的朋友想要给家人买的礼物并写调查你的朋友想要给家人买的礼物并写 下来。)下来。) 教 学 设 计个性化设计 单元课题:单元课题:In Beijing 课课 题:题:Lesson 11 Shopping in Beijing 课课 型:型:新授 教学目标:教学目标: 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:for, busy 2.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Jenny buys _for _. What time is it? Its two oclock. / Its 2:30. 教学重点:教学重点: 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:for, busy 教学难点:教学难点: 学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Jenny buys _for _. What time is it? Its two oclock. / Its 2:30. 教学准备:教学准备:PPT 课件 教学过程:教学过程: Step I Class Opening and Review 1、Greeting 2、Warming-up Sing a songFamily fingers StepIINewConcepts(15minutes) 1.Guessinggame (教师给出几张遮蔽了一部分的景点照片,学生通过所看到的信 息进行猜测。T:Wow,youreallydidagoodjob.Iliketo goonatrip too.Iwanttoseesomebeautifulscenery. Now,doyouknowwhereitis?Letsplayaguessinggame. 设计意图:以游戏的形式直接引入本课中王府井大街,学生也很乐 意的参与其中,同时也为下一步进入课文做了铺垫。 2.Readandanswer 教师通过上一环节引出的王府井大街,从而进入文本内容。T: WangfujingStreetisso flourishing.Sowhatcanwedo here?S:Goshopping.通过问答的形式引入本课的主题 ShoppingT:Lookatthispicture.Guess!Where isDanny? Whatishedoing?Nowreadandanswerthequestions. Q1:DoesDannygoshopping? Q2:WhatdoesJennywanttobuyfor herfamily? a.asweaterforhermother. b.ascarffor hermother. c.some fruitsforherbrother. d.some teaforherfather.e. akiteforhersister. f.abigpandaforhersister. g.acapforher brother. 学生读课文的前半部分回答上述问题。 Q3:WhatdoesDannybuy? A.abigpandaB. asweaterC.somefood Q4:IsDannybusy? 学生听课文的后半部分回答上述问题。 3.Letstalk (1)Practice T:Doyouliketogoshopping?S:Yes.T:Todayletsgo shoppingtogether!OK?S:OK. T:Asweknow,Beijingis ourcapitalcity.First,letsgoto Beijing.WhatdoyouwanttobuyinBeijing?S:Iwant tobuy.for.设计意图:教师首先从北京入手,学生充分发挥自 己的想象,回答自己去北京想买给家人的东西,同时引入本课的重 点句型。 (2)Pairworks T:Look!Therearemanyplaces.Ithink differentpeoplewanttogotodifferentplaces. Fourpeople onegroup.Letstalk!Q1:Wheredoyougoonatrip? Q2:Whatgiftsdoyouwanttobuyforyourfamily? T: Everyonewantstobuysomegiftsforyourfamily.Nowlets writedownonyourbook. 设计意图:小组成员之间讨论自己想去的地方,想为家人买什么 礼物,让学生先讨论,再书写,为后面第三人称的介绍做了铺垫。 StepIII Consolidationandextension(15minutes) 1.WorkShow设计意图:学生用 Iwanttobuy.for.介绍 自己旅行时给家人朋友带的礼物,其他同学尽可能多的快速记录他 人的信息,为下一环节做准备。 2.FillintheblanksT:Youshouldwritedownothers informationasmuchaspossible. name wherewhat 设计意图:学生介绍自己想去的地方以及想买给家人的礼物,其 他学生快速来填写以上表格,为单三句型做铺垫。 3.Introduceandwriteacomposition.设计意图:学生根据刚 才记录的信息,用单三句型_buys_for_.写篇小短文, 同时也是对于单三句型的练习。 4.Watchsomepicturesandsaysomethingaboutthem. 设计意图:观看图片,让学生明白给予别人也是一件快乐的事情, 同时也实现了本课的情感目标。 StepIIII Summary Ask students retell the text ,key words and phrases. StepIIIII Homework 1.Read the text three times.(朗读课文三遍。 ) 2.Ask your friends what they want to buy for their family and write it down. (调查你的朋友想要给家人买的礼物并写下来。 ) 板书设计:板书设计: 课后反思:课后反思: 在本课的教学中,我充分发挥学生的主观能动性,较好的完成了的 本课教学任务。本课中设计的 GuessingGame 游戏面向全体学生, 做到让大家都参与到游戏中来,学生们很乐意的参与其中。2.另外 在本课中让学生听录音完成 lets do it No1,学生完成较好.当然本节 课在我觉得还有不足的地方,比如:学生根据其他同学的介绍,记 录他人的信息,用单三句型_buys_for_.写篇小短文, 可能这部分对于英语程度不好的同学有点难度,所以还应该加强。 总之在本课的教学中我采用情境教学法,使学生在特定的环境中学 习,有助于学生运用语言的能力的提高,而且很好的激发了学习的 积极性。
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