冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 2 In Beijing-Lesson 7 Arriving in Beijing-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:20bcd).doc

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1、Lesson Lesson 7 7 Arriving in BeijingArriving in Beijing 教学设计教学设计 一、教学设计学科名称一、教学设计学科名称 :Lesson 9 Arriving in Beijing 二、教学内容分析:二、教学内容分析: Arriving in Beijing 是冀教版五年级下册第 7 课,本课涉及到了一些 复杂的可数名词单数变复数的词汇,复习了现在进行时态。在教学中应 该注意帮助学生进行归类总结,形成比较清晰的概念。 三、所在班级情况,学生特点分析:三、所在班级情况,学生特点分析: 本班共有 32 名学生,大多数学生学习态度较端正,学习积极性

2、较高, 但学习习惯不是很好。有的学生理解能力较差,有的学生动手操作能力 较差,独立解决问题的能力也比较差。加之这里是农村小学,学生个体 差异较大。大部分学生的英语基础知识还是相对较为薄弱。再加上第一 学期对可数名词与不可数名词内容涉及不多, 所以学生对可数名词与不 可数名词的概念不是非常明确,区分起来比较困难,可以让学生通过合 作的形式进行归纳整理掌握一些词语变化的规律。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 1、知识目标: 掌握单词:men, women, children, people, many 能运用所学知识用英语表达在火车上看到的事情 2、能力目标: 能熟练掌握和识记本课单词:men, wom

3、en, children, people, many 能灵活运用本课所学内容,对身边的人物进行描述 3、情感目标: 培养学生较好的文化意识与英语语感。小组与小组间相互合作,互相帮 助。爱北京和爱祖国教育。 五、教学重点、难点五、教学重点、难点 1、教学重点:掌握单词 men, women, children, people, many 2、教学难点:能利用本课所学知识结合实际活动情况进行情感交际练 习 六、课时安排六、课时安排:1 课时 七七、教学准备、教学准备:自制单词卡片、课件、录音机、磁带、 八、教学过程八、教学过程: Step 1:Class opening and reviewSte

4、p 1:Class opening and review 1、 Greeting: Hello! Boys and girls! How are you? Im happy. Are you happy? Hows the weather today? Its a lovely day! Lets go on a trip, Ok? (设计意图:上课伊始,教师与学生自然的问候可以使学生快速融入英 语学习氛围,同时为下一步教学做铺垫。) 2、Show the picture of “Tiananmen Square” to the students. Whats this? Where is i

5、t? Who can say something about Beijing? So, Beijing is great! Lets go on a trip to Beijing by train. 3、Show the train on PPT. Now were on the train. Lets look out the window on the train? Ok. What can you see? (设计意图:创设在公共汽车内的情境,使学生不知不觉引入新知,街 接自然,让学生在玩中学,学中玩) Sept 2:New coceptSept 2:New cocept 1、出示 m

6、an 图, What can you see? 板书 This is a man. / This is one man. 2、出示 men 图, Is this a man? 板书 These are men. / These are many men.拼读 men.从音形区别 man 与 men. 3、出示 woman 图, Who is this? 板书 This is a woman./ This is one woman. I am a woman,too. 4、出示 women 图, How many women? 4 women. 板书 These are women. 拼读 wo

7、men. 从音形区别 woman 与 women. 5、出示 boy and girl 图, This is a boy and a girl. Who is a boy? Stand up,please. Who is a girl? Stand up,please. Who is a child? The boy is a child. The girl is a child,too. Boys and girls are children. 板书,拼读 children=child+ren.区别 child 与 children. 6、出示 people 图, Men, women an

8、d children are people.板书,拼 读 people. 7、 出示 Beijing Train Station 图, Look, Whats this? Its Beijing Train Station. (设计意图:通过动画出示单词直观、形象,并在教授单词时说明各个 词之间的区别及记忆方法、技巧,渗透给学生学习策略。) Step 3 Text learningStep 3 Text learning T: Our friend Li Ming also go to travel. Where does he travel to? S: Beijing. T: Yes. A

9、nd today he arrives in Beijing. Lets see what happens. 1. Listen with the following questions: (1) When do they arrive in Beijing? (2) What do they see on their way to the hotel? (3) What do you think about Beijing? 2. Read the text and answer the questions mentioned. 3. Read after the video. 4. Gro

10、up reading. S Step 4 Practicetep 4 Practice Look and match. Production . Fill in the blanks. Look! There are many p_ in the park. A child _ flying a kite. Some_ are playing football. A young _ is singing. Some old women _ dancing. A man is run_. Some old_ are doing Tai Chi. 2. Lets write. Introduce

11、the picture and write. 介绍图片并写下来。 In our school, there are many clubs. Describe the pictures and write them down. 设计思路:写一写我们学校的活动。五年级的学生,对于写的要求逐步 提高,要把这节课的知识能落实到笔头上。巩固所学知识。 Class ClosingClass Closing Homework 1.读熟第七课。 2.以 People in the park 为题写一个小作文,不少于 30 字,内容为描述 公园的人们正在做的事情。 十一、板书设计:十一、板书设计: Lesson

12、 9 Arriving in Beijing people man men What are the men doing? woman women What are the women doing? child children What are the children doing? 课后反思课后反思: 在这一节课中,我创设了大量的情境,力求通过开展有意义的活动 为核心,使学习和生活有机结合,通过在活动中完成教学,让学生在轻 松愉快的气氛中学习英语,培养学生的学习兴趣、做到了把课堂让给学 生,让学生在自主、合作的氛围中实现任务,感受成功,促进了英语语 言实际运用能力的提高。 在这堂课中, 学生们充分展示自我, 表现自我, 成为学习的主人。但是也有以下几个问题值得我去思考: 在每一次的活动中,如何更有效地让全体学生积极参与,提高他们的 口语交际能力?


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