冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 2 In Beijing-Lesson 12 A Visit to the Great Wall-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:b017a).doc

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冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 2 In Beijing-Lesson 12 A Visit to the Great Wall-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:b017a).doc_第1页
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1、冀教版冀教版 五年级下册五年级下册 Lesson 12 A Visit to the Great Wall 1、教学目标教学目标 语言能力 (1)学生能听懂并理解故事。 (2)学生能就故事内容进行问答。 (3)学生能向同学复数故事。 文化意识 中英文化对比。 了解景点知识,激发学生的爱国情怀,引导学生良好的文明行为习惯。 学习能力 联系上下文捕捉关键信息、理解关键词。 思维品质 引导学生运用观察、比较等思维方法,创造性地使用语言。 2、教学重点教学重点 理解故事,复述故事。 3、教学难点、教学难点 复述故事。 二、教学步骤二、教学步骤 Step Class opening (3minutes)

2、 1、 Greeting to the students 2、播放 A trip to Beijing 歌曲 2、 Mrs. Li, Jenny, Danny and Li Ming go on a trip to Beijing. They visit many wonderful places. This is 课件出示 the Palace Museum, Tiananmen Square, What do you know about ? (当学生回答出长城时,教师板书出示长城。) 设计思路:设计思路:通过对北京名胜古迹图片的回顾激活学生的原有知识,给学生营造了 一个轻松愉悦的学习氛围

3、, 调动学生的旅游兴趣, 激发学生参与课堂活动的热情。 Step Reading (35minutes) 1、Pre-reading: What do you know about the Great Wall? (板书 long, about 6000 km long, old, about 2000 years old , big, beautiful,, 领读, 反复读, PPT 出示长城图片。 ) The Great Wall is long and beautiful. They are going there. Look at the picture. How do they go

4、? (By bus.) What do they say? What else do they say? Listen! (播放 123 幅图) 2、While reading: iWhat else do they say? Listen! ii. Li Ming is a good guide. What do we call the Great Wall in China? How old is the oldest part? Listen and read picture1-3, then fill in the blanks. In China, we call the Great

5、 Wall The _ Great Wall,” “The oldest part is more than _.”Li Ming goes on What is “ten thousand li”? How long is the Great Wall? 6000km. 1km=2 li(里)里是中 国特有的长度单位 6000km = 12,000 li 10,000 li 英文中没有万的对应单词, 用 thousand 来表达 (此处体现中英文化的不同) iii. Do you notice the red words? Listen, read and match 听音,跟读并连线。 T

6、en-Thousand-Li Great Wall 最古老的部分 go on 超过 the oldest part 继续 more than 万里长城 iv 展示 the oldest part of the Great Wall 和长城的古老历史 oldest, more Are they interesting? They are interesting things(有趣的事情). v Danny and Jenny want to know more interesting things about the Great Wall. Listen! Whats the Chinese s

7、aying about the Great Wall? People say “_” 出示 “好汉碑” This is from 清平乐六盘山 written by Mao Zedong 天高云淡。“不到长城非好 汉” Vi. Read part4: Now they are true men. Look! What does Danny want to do? 学生预测 May Danny write on the Great Wall? No. Lets keep(保持) it clean and beautiful. How can we keep it clean and beauti

8、ful? Read Picture 5, please. 学生回答。 part5: Jenny is excited! How does she feel? Listen! Listen and read! 学生回答 She feels lucky to see it. The Great Wall is wonderful. 展示图片, 和生活紧密联系,引发学生的思考,培养他们良好的生活行为习惯。 Read in role. 3、Post reading: Group work: Talk about in your groups,fill in the blanks. In China,

9、we call the Great Wall the _ Great Wall. The Great Wall is _,_,_.In China, people say He who not go to _ _ _ is not a _ _. We dont _ or _ on the Great Wall. Lets keep it _ and _. 设计思路:设计思路:通过文本支架检测学生的掌握情况。 Step Summary Make a summary about the Great Wall. Act a guide and say something about the Grea

10、t Wall. Step IV Homework Show the Dannys ticket. Danny and Jenny dont speak Chinese. Can you write about the Great Wall in English? (要求:开头大写和末尾标点得一星;正确运用时态得 2 星;书写工整得 1 星。) Blackboard Writing about 6000km long 2000 years more than clean wonderful beautiful true man people say lucky keep interesting things old


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