冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip -Lesson 21 Look at the Photos!-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:f02f5).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip _Lesson 21 Look at the Photos!_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:f02f5)
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    • 教案f02f5.docx--点击预览


Lesson 21 目标 能听、说、读、写下列词汇: was were photo happy 1 理解What happened?的含 义。 2 通过对照片的描述,继续加深 对现在时和过去时概念的理解。 3 养成听录音跟读句子的习惯。4 努力在日常生活中模仿和运用 英语。 5 wentgo seesaw havehad ateeat wellwell done!done! 听录音听录音,找出文中的,找出文中的 过去时态过去时态 的动词并写出原形。的动词并写出原形。 play played are were is,am was happen happened hurt hurt Where were they? What did they do? They were on the train to Beijing. They played with the baby. Where was Danny? What happened? He was at the Palace Museum. He hurt his tail. Where were they? What happened? They were on the Great Wall. Danny lost his cap. I was a student in 1999 I am a teacher now . He was short in 2013 He is tall now . They were in China last week. They are in Canada this week . am was were are is was were are 课堂小练笔课堂小练笔 一.按要求写单词: Danny(名词所有格) happy(反义词) photo(复数 ) play(过去式) last year(翻译) story(复数 ) 二二. . 按要求完成句子按要求完成句子 1. I had fun in Beijing.(改为否定句) 2. He is sad.(改为一般过去式) Look at this photo. I/We_at the_. I/They went there by_.We had fun. YourName 教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: Photo 、were 、was 、happy 。 2、学生能继续加深对现在时和过去时的概念的理解。 教学重点 1、过去时的构成。 2、用一般过去时介绍过去发生的事情。 教学难点 1、过去时的构成。 2、用一般过去时介绍过去发生的事情。 教具准备 图片、录音机、磁带 个性化建 议 教学过程 1、greetings 向学生问好:hello students !yesterday I went to see a movie 。what did you do ?花几分钟时间复习 过去时和现在时的概念。 在黑板上写下这几个单词: have had eat ate do did 新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 go went see saw 2、presentation 导入: 告诉学生,今天 Danny 和 Jenny 在 家里。他们在和 Steven 交谈。他们正在 向他讲述关于旅行的情况。他们使用过去 形式的动词。 (1)Dannys story 在黑板上写下 am ,is ,are ,was ,were ,每次写一个。每个新单词说两 遍,然后让学生重复。 向学生解释,am ,is ,are 是现在 时态的动词。讲述何时以及如何使用这些 动词。 现在时态: I am happy 。 He is happy 。 She is happy 。X k B 1 . c o m You are happy 。 We are happy 。 They are happy 。 这些句子相应的过去时态: I was happy 。 He was happy 。 She was happy 。 You were happy 。 We were happy 。 They were happy 。 记住:; 对于:I 、she 、he ,在过去时态中 用 was ,在现在时态中用 am 、is 。 对于 you 、we 、they ,在过去时态 中用 were ,在现在时态中用 are 。 让学生看教科书 P60 part 1 。浏览 课文,挑选出所有过去时态的动词,把他 们写在黑板上。一定要看学生是否正确识 别稳重的过去时动词:were 、played 、was 、happened 、hurt 。 在黑板上写下这些句子: We were on the train to Beijing 。 We played with the baby 。 It was fun 。w W w .x K b 1.c o M Danny was at the Palace Museum 。 What happened ? He hurts his tail 。 读每个句子。学生应该开始理解如何 使用 be 动词的过去时形式。 现在播放录音,让学生跟读。播放两 遍,必要时暂停。 练习: 让学生分小组练习 part 1 的对话。 (2)Is and was 让学生看 P 60 part 2 ,向学生解释, 他们要找出不同之处。浏览三组图中的每 幅图。读句子,把这些句子写在黑板上, 强调第一个句子中的现在时动词,以及相 对应句子中的过去时动词。完成这三组句 子。 播放录音,学生跟读。 (3)lets do it . 让学看 P61 part 3 。 1、read and write “am”“is” “are”“was”or“were”。 解释怎样完成这个练习。练习顶部有 五个 be 动词形式。学生必须读下面的句 子,并根据句子谈论的事发生在现在还是 过去,用动词的正确形式填空。 答案:1、was 、am 2、were 、are 3、was 、is 4、were 、are 2、talk and write 阅读李明对他们所在故宫所拍照片的 描述。强调下列动词:look(现在时态, 李明现在让看照片)were 、went 、had (过去时,李明在告诉你当他们参观故宫 时发生的事情。)新-课 -标- 第 -一-网 现在学生在右边我的照片空白处画一 张自己的照片。然后写一写拍照时所做的 事情。可以是学生希望写的任何事情。至 少用一般过去时写三个句子。 (4)巩固检验: 让学生回答问题: How old are you this year ? How old were you last year ? How old is you mother this year ? How old was she last year ? (5)家庭作业: 随堂练习册。 (6)结束课堂教学。 板书设计 Lesson 21 look at the photos Happy 、was 、were 、photo 、story We were on the train to Beijing 。 We played with the baby 。 What happened ?http:/ww w.xkb I was sad yesterday 。 教学反思这节课学生积极性很高,对本课的重难点掌握 还可以,但是学生朗读需要加强锻炼然后从读中找 出语感。
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