冀教版(三起)六下Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:40ed5).zip

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Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player New words poor 父母父母 parent 教练教练 coach 获胜获胜 dig 跑(跑(run的过去式)的过去式) win 贫穷的贫穷的 could 挖掘挖掘 ran 能(能(can 的过去式)的过去式) What is your favourite sports? Do you know some player? Do you like football? Some questions Pele 埃德森埃德森- -阿兰蒂斯阿兰蒂斯- -多多- -纳西门托纳西门托”(Edson”(Edson ArantesArantes dodo Nascimento)1940Nascimento)1940 年年1O1O月月1212日出日出 生在巴西的特雷斯科拉索内斯镇的一个贫寒生在巴西的特雷斯科拉索内斯镇的一个贫寒 家庭,小时只能赤脚踢球。家庭,小时只能赤脚踢球。1313岁时,开始代岁时,开始代 表当地的包鲁俱乐部少年队踢球,使该队连表当地的包鲁俱乐部少年队踢球,使该队连 续三年获包鲁市冠军。续三年获包鲁市冠军。 这位天才少年引起人们注目,这位天才少年引起人们注目,19561956年,著年,著 名的桑托斯队邀其入队,头一年,即攻入名的桑托斯队邀其入队,头一年,即攻入 3232 个球,成为该队最年轻的射手。个球,成为该队最年轻的射手。 19571957年,未年,未 满满1717岁的贝利首次入选国家队,并首次参加岁的贝利首次入选国家队,并首次参加 世界杯赛,他以惊人的技巧驰骋赛场,使足世界杯赛,他以惊人的技巧驰骋赛场,使足 坛惊呼:巴西出现了一位神童!坛惊呼:巴西出现了一位神童! 在这位神童的激励下,巴西队愈战愈勇,在这位神童的激励下,巴西队愈战愈勇, 一一击溃强劲对手,第一次为祖国棒回了世一一击溃强劲对手,第一次为祖国棒回了世 界杯。此后,在贝利统领下,巴西队又夺得界杯。此后,在贝利统领下,巴西队又夺得 19621962军第军第7 7届和届和197O197O年第年第9 9届世界杯赛冠军,届世界杯赛冠军, 贝利本人也成为至今世界上唯一一位夺得过贝利本人也成为至今世界上唯一一位夺得过 三届世界杯冠军的球员。贝利是现代足球运三届世界杯冠军的球员。贝利是现代足球运 动中最出类拔萃的人物,他功勋卓著,成就动中最出类拔萃的人物,他功勋卓著,成就 非凡,一直成为后人追寻的榜样,在其长达非凡,一直成为后人追寻的榜样,在其长达 2222年的职业足球生涯中,他赢得过世界杯冠年的职业足球生涯中,他赢得过世界杯冠 军、洲际俱乐部杯赛冠军、南美解放者标赛军、洲际俱乐部杯赛冠军、南美解放者标赛 冠军、几乎赢得了国际足坛上一切成就,被冠军、几乎赢得了国际足坛上一切成就,被 人们誉为人们誉为“一代球王一代球王”。 1.Did his parents buy a football for him? 2.Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his football? 3.Why did the coach give him a football as a gift? Question: No, they didnt. Because his family was very poor,his parents couldt buy a football for him. Because he thought the boy would be a good player. 在这位神童的激励下,巴西队愈战愈勇,在这位神童的激励下,巴西队愈战愈勇, 一一击溃强劲对手,第一次为祖国棒回了世一一击溃强劲对手,第一次为祖国棒回了世 界杯。此后,在贝利统领下,巴西队又夺得界杯。此后,在贝利统领下,巴西队又夺得 19621962军第军第7 7届和届和197O197O年第年第9 9届世界杯赛冠军,届世界杯赛冠军, 贝利本人也成为至今世界上唯一一位夺得过贝利本人也成为至今世界上唯一一位夺得过 三届世界杯冠军的球员。贝利是现代足球运三届世界杯冠军的球员。贝利是现代足球运 动中最出类拔萃的人物,他功勋卓著,成就动中最出类拔萃的人物,他功勋卓著,成就 非凡,一直成为后人追寻的榜样,在其长达非凡,一直成为后人追寻的榜样,在其长达 2222年的职业足球生涯中,他赢得过世界杯冠年的职业足球生涯中,他赢得过世界杯冠 军、洲际俱乐部杯赛冠军、南美解放者标赛军、洲际俱乐部杯赛冠军、南美解放者标赛 冠军、几乎赢得了国际足坛上一切成就,被冠军、几乎赢得了国际足坛上一切成就,被 人们誉为人们誉为“一代球王一代球王”。 Past tense of irregular verbs am/iswas cancould be动词动词 能能 winwon digdug 获胜获胜 挖掘挖掘 useused saysaid 使用使用 说说 givegave runran 给给 跑跑 Exercise He (dig)a hole for the coach. There (be) a basketball game last Sunday. He (can) play baskeball last year. They (win) the game last week He (use) a computer to write an email yesterday. dug was could won used ( ) 1.The boy dug a hole on Childrens Day. ( ) 2.The boys family was very poor, He cant buy a gift for his coach. ( ) 3.The coach didnt like the boys gift. ( ) 4.When the boy 17 years old, he and his team won the World Cup. He was famous around the country Read and write (T) or (F) T F F T Group work Repeat the story in your group. Do you know other famous people? Group work Show time Summary Where there is a will, There is a way. 有志者,事竟成。有志者,事竟成。 What can you learn from Pele? Homework 1.Repeat this story with your friends.(must do) 2.Talk about other famous people with your partner.(choose do) 课 题 Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player 学 习 目 标 1.Language aims:Cultivate the reading comprehension to improve the ability of writing. 2.Ability aims:Cultivate the reading comprehension. 3.Moral aims:Loving sport and life. 重 点 难 点 Important point:Cultivate the reading comprehension. Difficult point:Cultivate the reading comprehension. 教 法 选 择 Teaching 课 前 准 备 Some pictures 是否采用 多 媒 体 Yes 教 学 时 数 1 课时 教 学 课 时 第 1 课时 备 课 总 数 第 6 课时 课课 堂堂 教教 学学 过过 程程 设设 计计课课 前前 批批 注注 Step 1 Class opening and review 1) Greeting. 2) Review the new words of this lesson. Step 2 Lead-in new lesson Ask them some questions and let them answer. 1)What is your favourite sports? 2)Do you know some famous player? 3)Do you like football? 4)Then show them some pictures of the famous football player. Step 3 Study the new words Poor parent coach dig win Lead them to read these words and then let them recite these words quickly. And then check the situation of reciting. Step 4 Study the text 1)T :Lets read the topic of the text together . Do you want to know who was the famous player? 古人云:供人以鱼,只解一餐;授人以渔,终身受用。古人云:供人以鱼,只解一餐;授人以渔,终身受用。 S:Sure . T:Please look at the questions and read the text. 2)Show the questions: Why did the boy use boxes an bottles as his footballs ? Why did the coach give him a football as a gift ? When did he win the World Cup ? What can you learn from Pele ? Step 5 Exercise Judge the sentence right or wrong. ( ) 1.The boy dug a hole on Childrens Day. ( ) 2.The boys family was very poor.He cant buy a gift for his coach. ( ) 3.The coach didnt like the boys gift. ( ) 4.When the boy 17 years old,he and his team won the World Cup. He was famous around the world. Step 6 Summary What did you learn from this lesson? 板书设计 Lesson 6 A famous Football Player 1)What is your favourite sports? 2)Do you know some famous player? 1)What is your favourite sports? 2)Do you know some famous player? 3)Do you like football? 作业设置 1.Write the words on the notebook. 2.Recite new words and read the text. 教学 反思 检查 签阅 第 周, 应备 课时, 实备 课时,共 课时。 评价: 时间: 签查(盖章):
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