1、西南大学培训与继续教育学院 课程代码:1256学年学季:20211 97 题后无标准答案,在意的可不下载。下载即默认后面几题 无参考答案。 单项选择题单项选择题 1 1、MinutesMinutes shouldshould bebe writtenwritten inin _using_._using_. 1.Present sense; third person 2.Past sense; third person 3.Past sense; first person 4.Present sense; first person 2 2、WhatWhat kindkind ofof styl
2、estyle shouldshould a a contractcontract adopt?adopt? 1.Informal and professional 2.Formal and professional 3.Informal and trendy 4.Formal and trendy 3 3、TheThe followingfollowing areare commoncommon typestypes ofof a a contractcontract EXCEPT_.EXCEPT_. 1.Labor Servicet 2.Science To; Date; Subject;
3、Main text 2.From; To; Date; Address; Main text 3.Date; Address; Main text; Enclosure 4.From; To; Date; Main text; Enclosure 1818、WeWe havehave toto citecite whenwhen wewe useuse thethe followingfollowing materialsmaterials EXCEPT_.EXCEPT_. 1.Statistics 2.Common opinions 3.ages, graphs and tables 4.T
4、heories and facts 1919、WhatWhat doesdoes “MemoMemo” referrefer to?to? _._. 1.Memorial 2.Memory 3.Memorize 4.Memorandum 2020、InIn inquiryinquiry letters,letters, thethe headingheading includes_.includes_. 1.the writers name 2.the writers address 3.the date of the letter 4.the writers name 2121、_ isis
5、 a a properproper expressionexpression forfor makingmaking requests.requests. 1.Give me materials of 2.Tell me things about . 3.Send me documents on 4.Would you be able to 2222、_ isis NOTNOT thethe componentcomponent ofof a a contract.contract. 1.Inside address 2.Ending words 3.Title 4.Preamble 2323
6、、TheThe correctcorrect wayway toto writewrite addressaddress 5 5 栋栋 2 2 单元单元 218218 室室 isis _._. 1.A. Room 218, Unit 2, Building 5 2.218-2-5 3.5-2-218 4.Building 5, Unit 2, Room 218 2424、WhatWhat isis thethe EnglishEnglish termterm forfor “技术转让合同技术转让合同”? ? 1.Technology Transmission Contract 2.Techno
7、logy Translate Contract 3.Technology Transaction Contract 4.Technology Transfer Contract 2525、_ isis NOTNOT a a partpart ofof thethe preamblepreamble inin a a contract.contract. 1.Each partys authority 2.Signing parties 3.Date technology; I I amam writingwriting toto askask whetherwhether youyou wou
8、ldwould bebe willingwilling toto presentpresent a a talktalk atat thethe conferenceconference asas anan invitedinvited speakerspeaker andand playplay a a rolerole ofof a a panelist.panelist. B.B.PleasePlease alsoalso keepkeep usus informedinformed ofof significantsignificant advancesadvances inin yo
9、uryour workwork asas wellwell asas collaborationscollaborations resultingresulting fromfrom youryour stay.stay. C.C.ForFor youryour participationparticipation inin thethe plenaryplenary session,session, wewe areare pleasedpleased toto offeroffer financialfinancial supportsupport upup toto covercover
10、 youryour accommodation.accommodation. ThisThis supportsupport isis providedprovided asas expenseexpense reimbursementreimbursement onlyonly andand mustmust bebe claimedclaimed inin accordanceaccordance withwith thethe FieldsFields InstituteInstitute reimbursementreimbursement policies.policies. The
11、The FieldsFields InstituteInstitute supportssupports asas manymany participantsparticipants asas possiblepossible withwith limitedlimited resources.resources. ForFor thisthis reason,reason, wewe wouldwould appreciateappreciate ifif youyou couldcould confirmconfirm youryour attendanceattendance nono
12、laterlater thanthan JuneJune 1st,1st, 20202020 byby registeringregistering forfor thethe presentationpresentation ofof thethe event.event. D.D.InvitedInvited talkstalks willwill bebe oneone hourhour long,long, includingincluding a a 10-minute10-minute question-answerquestion-answer sessionsession in
13、in plenaryplenary session.session. EachEach sessionsession isis organizedorganized asas follows:follows: twotwo oror moremore speakersspeakers eacheach presentpresent a a reviewreview ofof thethe subfield,subfield, inin briefbrief 20-minute20-minute talks.talks. ThenThen thethe panelistspanelists ea
14、cheach havehave 5 5 minutesminutes (not(not more,more, unfortunately!)unfortunately!) toto provideprovide additionaladditional perspectives,perspectives, fleshingfleshing outout whatwhat hashas beenbeen missed,missed, andand generallygenerally ensuringensuring coveragecoverage andand pleteness. This
15、This isis youryour function.function. E.E.YourYour sessionsession isis ledled byby Dr.Dr. Smith,Smith, thethe Moderator/Editor.Moderator/Editor. ItIt isis Dr.Dr. SmithsSmiths tasktask to:to: 1)1) chairchair youryour sessionsession atat thethe workshop;workshop; 2)2) collectcollect allall thethe mate
16、rialsmaterials fromfrom thethe presenterspresenters andand panelists,panelists, andand fromfrom anyoneanyone inin thethe audienceaudience whowho providesprovides any;any; 3)3) createcreate a a chapterchapter outout ofof thisthis materialmaterial forfor thethe finalfinal report.report. WithWith bestb
17、est wisheswishes forfor a a productiveproductive andand enjoyableenjoyable visit,visit, Signature,Signature, FieldsFields InstituteInstitute DirectorDirector oror DeputyDeputy DirectorDirector 参考答案:参考答案: ADECB 9797、发信人:、发信人:HenryHenry WangWang 收信人:收信人:Mr.Mr. SmithSmith 发信日期:发信日期:20202020 年年 6 6 月月 1
18、 1 日日 内容:内容: 你在网上购买了一台数码相机(你在网上购买了一台数码相机(digitaldigital cameracamera),但是初次使用时便出现了开启后自动关机的现象。),但是初次使用时便出现了开启后自动关机的现象。 1 1)描述问题的出现时间和过程。)描述问题的出现时间和过程。 2 2)询问此问题应该如何解决,包括维修费用与赔偿费用()询问此问题应该如何解决,包括维修费用与赔偿费用(compensationcompensation)情况。)情况。 3 3)询问退换货的流程及地址要求。)询问退换货的流程及地址要求。 参考答案:参考答案: 开放式试题,无标准答案。 9898、会议
19、通知、会议通知 兹定于兹定于 5 5 月月 4 4 日下午四点,在公司会议室日下午四点,在公司会议室 112112 号房召开人工智能(号房召开人工智能(ArtificialArtificial IntelligenceIntelligence)新方向会议。)新方向会议。 1 1)技术资深专家分享近期研究有关进程和成果。)技术资深专家分享近期研究有关进程和成果。 2 2)技术部经理分配新项目人员安排。)技术部经理分配新项目人员安排。 3 3)研发部和市场部人员各小组组长务必准时参加。)研发部和市场部人员各小组组长务必准时参加。 技术部经理技术部经理 20202020 年年 5 5 月月 1 1
20、日日 参考答案:参考答案: 开放式试题,无标准答案。 9999、公司将于、公司将于 20192019 年年 1 1 月月 1515 日到日到 1 1 月月 1818 日,在会议大厅内开展机器人展会。日,在会议大厅内开展机器人展会。 1 1)展出时间从早上九点开始,到晚上八点半结束;)展出时间从早上九点开始,到晚上八点半结束; 2 2)开幕仪式将会由董事长致辞,届时抽取三名幸运员工赠与扫地机器人;)开幕仪式将会由董事长致辞,届时抽取三名幸运员工赠与扫地机器人; 3 3)展会鼓励携带家属。)展会鼓励携带家属。 参考答案:参考答案: 开放式试题,无标准答案。 100100、通知、通知 本周六(本周六(8 8 月月 2020 日)下午三点,全体教师在学院会议室开会。日)下午三点,全体教师在学院会议室开会。 会议将讨论国内学术会议的投稿要求及参与发言人员。会议将讨论国内学术会议的投稿要求及参与发言人员。 同时也欢迎有兴趣的同学旁听。同时也欢迎有兴趣的同学旁听。 届时请各位老师带好笔记本和笔,我们将发言结束后轮流提问。届时请各位老师带好笔记本和笔,我们将发言结束后轮流提问。 外国语学院外国语学院 20192019 年年 8 8 月月 1616 日日 参考答案:参考答案: 开放式试题,无标准答案。