六年级下册英语教案-Unit2 There is a park near my home Lesson7 |人教精通版.doc

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1、Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 7 教案教案 Learning aims: Knowledge: The new words: near, in front of, building, restaurant, between, post office, hairdresser, next to, supermarket, across, right, left. Ability: 1. Describe our neighborhood. 2. Develop the pupilsability of listening speaking

2、reading and writing. 3. Develop the pupilsability for observing. Moral education: Love our neighborhood. Difficult and important points: 1. The new words in this unit. 2. Describe one place with “on the right of, between.and, next to ”. 3. Use “on the right/left of, next to” to describe one place. T

3、eaching aids: The picture of “our neighborhood”, the word cards and a tape. Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm-up Guessing game: where am I? 在学生面前做无声表演,请学生猜猜看我在哪里?给答对者发出相应卡片,为后面做准备。 (bank, hospital, school, hotel, supermarket, park) Step 2 The new words: 1. Look at the new word cards ask some one try to re

4、ad aloud. 2. If he/she cant read it well, others or the teacher help them. 3. Read and make up sentences with some of them. Step 3 Presentation 介绍新同学,Susan。引导学生进入情境。 T: Look at our new friend, Susan. She moved to her new home last week. Whats near her home? 出示课文图片,整体呈现 Susan 居住的小区环境,并说 this is a com

5、munity. 教师利用图片进行整体介绍。 回顾小区设施,突破重点句型。 引导学生将设施逐一回顾, 并在黑板上用小图画出简单地图, 同时突破重点句型there is/are . near/behind/beside/across.,帮助学生熟悉 There be 句型和表方位的介词。 Step 4 Discussions: Pupils say out the questions or problems when they did their preparing or study themselves. Step 5 Drills: 1. Look at the picture of our

6、neighborhood. Talk about our neighborhood 2. Using the phrases: ”next to, in front of, between.and” Step 6 Grammar there be 句型基本情况 1. 定义:There be 句型表示某处存在某物或某人。 2. 结构: (1) There is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语. (2) There are +复数名词+地点状语. 注意:there 是引导词,在句中不充当任何成分,翻译时也不必译出。句子的主语是某人或 某物,谓语动词 be 要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致

7、。当主语是两个或两个以上的名 词时,谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致。如: There is a bird in the tree.树上有一只鸟。 There is a teacher and many students in our classroom.我们教室里有一位老师和许多学生。 There are two boys and a girl under the tree. 树下有两个男孩,一个女孩。 Step 7 Practices: Read freely Read freely and aloud Talk about the passage 知识拓展,依照图示,讨论一下社区设施的

8、用途。训练学生的口语表达能力。 播放录音,第一遍整体展示文本。第二遍跟读模仿。第三遍分组朗读课文。 Step 8 Cloze: John sent for a doctor because his wife was ill. He called the doctor and made sure they _1_ meet at five. He arrived at the doctors at twenty _2_ five. He thought, “Its a little bit earlier. Ill wait for a moment. Its good _3_ there on

9、 time.” _4_ he stopped his car in front of the doctors. He _5_ and saw a noisy square not far from here. He went there and sat down on a chair to enjoy the last light of afternoon sun and _6_ himself quiet. He saw some children playing and some women talking to each other happily. Suddenly he _7_ a

10、girl crying. He came up to her and asked some questions. Then he knew she got lost. John tried to find out her _8_ and took her home. The girls parents were very thankful. Then John hurried to the doctors. When the doctor saw him, he was very _9_ and said, “Youre late. Why did you keep me waiting fo

11、r twenty minutes?” John said _10_ except one wordsorry. () 1.A. shouldB. shallC. wouldD. will () 2.A. pastB. toC. ofD. after () 3.A. to arrived atB. to getC. to leaveD. to ride () 4.A. Every timeB. From now onC. BeforeD. Then () 5.A. looked forB. looked afterC. looked atD. looked around () 6.A. made

12、B. letC. hadD. felt () 7.A. hearsB. was hearingC. heardD. would hear () 8.A. nameB. schoolC. ageD. address () 9.A. politeB. angryC. happyD. kind () 10 A. somethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing Key: 1-5CBBDD 6-10 ACDBD Step 9 Homework: 1. Try to recite the passage. 2. Describe your neighborhood according to the text.


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