教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:718bf).doc

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教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:718bf).doc_第1页
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1、五年级五年级下下册册 ModuleModule 2 2 第五课时第五课时 WeekendWeekend PlansPlans 读写读写课教学设计课教学设计 一、教学内容分析:一、教学内容分析: Module 2 的话题是 Plans,主要谈论计划,能听懂和读懂与课文难度相当的有关计 划安排的文段为主线, 语言重点是一般将来时的陈述句式。 本课时是本模块的第五课时, 课型为读写课,教学内容是根据拓展读与写Module 2 中 Level 1 和 Level 2 的两篇短 文进行重构,并把文章的主角改为明星“鹿晗”与“王祖蓝”,让学生学起来比较有兴 趣。这两篇短文在主题、语言形式、文章结构等方面都

2、与本模块的主题相符,并根据这 两篇短文,进行写作指导。 在本节课中,除了拓展文本阅读,还让学生对这个模块的内容有进一步的了解,并 运用所学知识进行写作,同时还加强了文化意识的渗透。 二、教学对象分析:二、教学对象分析: 五年级的学生已经具备了一定的听说读写能力,因此,本课的学习在抓好学生这四 项语言技能的同时增强他们的读写能力和自主建构知识的能力, 培养他们的合作意识和 创新精神。 五年级的学生不再喜欢单纯的唱跳等活动,他们由活动型向思维型转变,他们喜欢 在老师的引导下积极思维和自主学习。 所以在本课中, 老师设置了有意义的思维型活动, 把主动权交给学生,让学生在已有的知识基础上构建知识框架,

3、积极主动参与学习,让 他们运用所学的语言积极进行交流,提高语言的综合运用能力。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)(一)语言语言能力能力目标目标 1. 知识与技能目标 1)能在情境中理解和运用时间、地点、活动等词汇。 2)能熟练运用句型:He/ She is going to. (二)学习能力目标(二)学习能力目标 能在老师的引导下听懂和读懂两篇阅读材料, 完成相对应的阅读任务。 能参照阅读文本, 制定周末计划。 (三)(三)思维品质思维品质目标目标 通过阅读文本,结合生活实际,了解旅行安排并学会制定周末计划。 (四)(四)文化品格目标文化品格目标 能合理计划自己的生活与出行。 四、四、教学重教

4、学重难难点点 重点:掌握阅读技能,理解短文内容,完成阅读任务。 难点;综合运用语言制定周末计划。 五、五、教学教学理念及理念及策略策略 这是一节读写课,围绕话题 Weekend Plans,根据拓展读与写Module 2 中 Level 1 和 Level 2 的两篇文本进行重构,并把文章的主角改为明星“鹿晗”,让学生学起来比 较有兴趣。本课遵循语言学习的“IIO 模式”,设计形式多样的阅读任务。让学生通过 完成阅读任务,掌握阅读技能,发展阅读和写作策略,内化语言和输出语言,最后能运 用语言完成写作任务。 六、六、教学媒体教学媒体 多媒体课件、研学案、图片、麦克风。 七、教学过程七、教学过程

5、(一)(一)Preparation 1. Leading in. Last time, we have learned “travelling plan”. We have weekend every week. Lets make a weekend plan. 2. Introduce a reporter “Ma Ya”. Do you want to be a reporter? To be a reporter, you should pass the test. 3. Test 1(sharp eyes): review some phrases. I will/ am going

6、 to . To be a reporter, you should have the ability of seeing carefully. 【设计意图:情景导入,并通过 sharp eyes 活动热身,复习旧知,激发学生对新知的求 知欲。】 (二)(二)Input and Internalization 1: Lu Han will be alone at home 1. Test 2 (play a guessing game): P22.Ex2 A: Is he .? B: Yes, he is. A: What is he going to do? B: He is going t

7、o. To be a reporter, you should have the ability of speaking according to the fact. 【设计意图:通过 guessing game 游戏活动,引出主语为第三人称单数的陈述句式。】 2. Test 3: listen and match: P22.Ex1 He will/ is going to. To be a reporter, you should have the ability of listening carefully. 3. Guess and introduce Lu Han. 4. Report

8、 about Lu Han: Lu Han will be alone at home (1) First reading (Skimming): Read and number the activities. 【设计意图:本文根据拓展读与写Level 1 的文本进行重构,让学生通过 Skimming, 快速将活动短语排序,训练学生的阅读技巧。】 (2) Second reading (Scanning and detail reading): Read and choose “T” or “F” and correct it. 【设计意图:让学生通过 Scanning,进行判断。通过 Det

9、ail Reading,找出细节描述,并 更正错误。Learn to read,掌握阅读技能,为后面的阅读做准备。】 (三)(三)Input and Internalization 2: Wang Zulans weekend plan 1. Guess and introduce Wang Zulan. 2. Report about Wang Zulan: Wang Zulans weekend plan (1) First reading (Skimming): read and choose the places with “” (2) Second reading (Scanning

10、 and detail reading): read and fill in the table. 3. Summary Which plan do you prefer, Lu Hans plan or Wang Zulans plan? Why? Lu Han will be free and bored this weekend. Wang Zulan will be busy and tired this weekend. We should make a plan about both learning and playing. 【设计意图:本文根据拓展读与写Level 2 的文本进

11、行重构,Read to learn,运用所 学到的阅读技巧自主阅读,能提取信息。】 (四)(四)Output 1. Interview to their classmates and fill in the table: P23. Ex4 What are you going to do this Saturday morning,.? I am going to.in/on/at. 2. Set an example and talk in groups. 3. Make a report about their classmates weekend plan. 【设计意图:能小组讨论,进行

12、交流分享。通过阅读活动以及语言内化活动,为学生搭 建写作平台,以读促写。】 (五)(五)Assessment (六)(六)Homework 1. Finish writing: _s Weekend Plan. 2.Collect some activity phrases about healthy life. (七)板书设计(七)板书设计 Module 2 Weekend Plans 读写课 What is he going to do? He is going to. What are you going to do this Saturday morning,.? I am going

13、 to. in/on/at. 附:阅读材料 阅读材料 1:根据赵淑红, 小学英语拓展读与写五年级第二学期 Module 2 Plans Sally will be alone at home (Level 1) 进行文本重构。 Lu Han will be alone at home Lu Han is a film star and singer. He is very handsome. He is always very busy. But today he is ill. He will be alone(独自)at home this weekend. Tomorrow is Sat

14、urday. In the morning, he will get up at 8:00. Then he will have some bread and milk for breakfast. After breakfast, he will go to the hospital and see a doctor. Then he will have a rest at home. In the afternoon, he will listen to music. He likes music very much. He will go to bed early in the even

15、ing. On Sunday morning, he will get up early and take a walk. And then he will do some reading. After lunch, he will watch the football match. He is good at playing football. In the evening, he will chat(聊天)with his parents on the Net. We hope he will be better soon. 阅读材料 2: 根据赵淑红,小学英语拓展读与写 五年级第二学期

16、Module 2 Plans Davids weekend plan (Level2) 进行文本重构。 Wang Zulans weekend plan Wang Zulan is an actor and singer. He is very short, but he is very famous. Here is his plan for this weekend. On Saturday morning, he is going to play football with his friends in the football field. After that, they will

17、go out for lunch in the restaurant. In the afternoon, he is going to practice band(乐队)drum(鼓)at his friends home. In the evening, Wang Zulan will see meteor shower(流星雨)on Fenghuang Mountain. On Sunday morning, he is going to go mountain climbing with his parents on Damao Mountain. They will take the

18、ir dog with them. Wang Zulan and his parents will take some sandwiches with them for lunch. They will go down from the mountain in the afternoon. Then they will watch birds around the lake in the park. In the evening, he will be tired, but he will see a film with his wife in the cinema. He will be very busy this weekend.


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