教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:504d8).zip

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Unit 7 We will go by train Lets chant Travel ,travel, go , go, go; By train, by plane,we like both. Travel ,travel, go , go, go; By car, by bike,we like so. Travel ,travel, go , go, go; By ship,by boat,Lets go . Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 22nd WhatWhat isis thethe date?date? It is the _ of _. Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 25th WhatWhat isis thethe date?date? It is the _ of _. Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2nd WhatWhat isis thethe date?date? It is the _ of _. Where are you going on your holiday? Im going to Shenzhen. London New York Sydney Hong Kong Hainan IslandWindow of the World exciting excited Ben will visit Shenzhen. Its exciting. He is excited. 激动的激动的 事情令人兴奋事情令人兴奋Its exciting. 人的心情很兴奋人的心情很兴奋 I am excited. an _ story exciting What will you do in Shenzhen? In Shenzhen we will visit Window of the World(世界之窗)世界之窗). And I want to Happy Valley (欢乐谷)(欢乐谷). at/lily Look and say: What will you do in Guangzhou? visit Dafu Park visit Guangzhou Museum I will . We will leave on October 2nd. leave 离开离开 eat When will you leave? How will you go there? We will go by train. train 火车 taxi 出租汽车出租汽车 train taxi How will you go there? We will go by_. on foot bus ship bike car plane When will you come back home? We will come back home on October 4th. 学生抢答,说出日 期。(T: Whats the date?) 引导学生关注日期 表达的两种形式及 序数词的拼写。板 书ninth。 When will you come back home? We will come back home on. Look and say When will you come back home? We will come back home on. Look and say: Where will you go on holiday? I will go to . How will you go there? I will go by./on foot. island 岛岛 hi/England 1 2 3 45 扔骰子扔骰子 Lets play 游戏规则:骰子滚动的点数,手游戏规则:骰子滚动的点数,手 拿该点数图片的同学,举起图片拿该点数图片的同学,举起图片 向小组成员发问向小组成员发问 1、Where will you go on your holiday? We will go to.; 2、 How willyou go there? We will . 3、When will you come back home? We will come home on. 4、Would you like to go with me? Yes, Id love to. 我会朗读新单词:我会朗读新单词: exciting 激动的激动的 valley 山谷山谷 leave 离开离开 by 乘,乘, 由由 train 火车火车 taxi 出租汽车出租汽车 island 岛岛 听课文录音,根据课文意思选择最佳答案,听课文录音,根据课文意思选择最佳答案, 把答案的字母编号写在题前的括号内。把答案的字母编号写在题前的括号内。 ( )1. has a plan for the holiday. A. Janet B. Xiaoling C. Ben ( ) 2. Ben will go to Shenzhen . A. by plane B. by train C. with his classmates ( ) 3. Ben will be in Shenzhen for days. A. three B. two C. four ( ) 4. thinks Bens travel is exciting (激动的)激动的). A. Jiamin B. Janet C. Xiaoling ( )5. Ben will visit in Shenzhen. A. Window of the World B. Happy Valley C. A and B C B B B C 小结:小结: 1、交通方式:、交通方式: by+ 交通工具(交通工具(on foot 步行步行 ); 2、以特殊疑问词:、以特殊疑问词:How/ What/ When will you.?引出的一般将来引出的一般将来 时特殊疑问句及回答。时特殊疑问句及回答。 travel where how when wha t 达标检测达标检测:选择正确答案填空选择正确答案填空 A: (What , How ) is your plan for the holiday? B: Im going to Changsha with my family. A: (What , How) are you going there? Are you going to take the train? B: No,we will go there by car. A: By car? Its a long way to go. (When , Who) will drive? B: My father and my mother. A: (What , How) are you going to do in Changsha? B: We are going to see my grandparents and visit some of my parents friends. A: ( Where , How) are you going to stay ? At your grandparents home? B: No, we are going to stay in a hotel. My grandparents home is too small. A: I see. (What , When) are you coming back? B: Next Monday. What How Who What Where Whe n 作业布置作业布置 1、抄写本节课已学的单词。、抄写本节课已学的单词。 2、听、读课文。、听、读课文。 3、(选做题)谈谈自己的假期计划。、(选做题)谈谈自己的假期计划。 用上:用上:What-? (准备做什么)准备做什么) Where-?(去哪里)去哪里) How-?(怎样去)怎样去) 1 课时教学设计课时教学设计 课 题Unit 7 We will go by train. 第一课时 主备栏辅备栏 一、教学内容: LetsLets talktalk 二、教学目标教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1、 “四会”掌握本课单词和短语 2、能正确理解和使用下列句型: Do you have any plans for .? How/When/What will you .? 3 3、能正确使用一般将来时的特殊疑问句 4 4、能谈论旅游计划;能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当或稍高的有关旅游 安排的文段。 (二)情感目标: 自信表现自己的能力,能积极运用英语进行交流。 (三)文化目标: 引导学生享受大自然,享受生活。 三、教学重难点:教学重难点: 能正确使用一般将来时的特殊疑问句、能谈论旅游计划 四、教学策略与方法:教学策略与方法:情境导入 五、教学过程 1、Warming up 1、Lets sing a song: The wheels on the bus go ground and round 2、Make a dialogue.eg: A: My mother and I plan to go on a picnic this Sunday. Would you like to go with us? B:Thats great./Yes, Id like to. 二、Presentation and Practice 1)Lets enjoy(播放视频 Lets travel) 2)利用图片,学习句型:How will you go there?从而引出 交通工具的学习(plane,train,bike, ship,underground,bus, car, taxi foot) 3)操练上述句型:(出示图片) A:How will you go to Window of the World/Guangzou? 2 B:I will go there by train/taxi.(学习单词 Window of the World) 4)Listen and match.(见 P40.1) 5)Work in groups. 小组之间操练句型。 6)Lets ask and answer: A:_will Tim go to the city library? B:He will go_. 7)学习单词 Island. A:Where are you going for the holiday? B:Im going to Hainan Island/Hong Kong. 8)出示日历:Say out the dates. A:When will you leave for Hainan Island? B:I will leave on April 2rd. 9)学习 What are you going to do in? A: What are you going to do in? B;Im going to visit Happy Valley.(学习 Valley) 10)Lets look and say.(看图操练上述句型) 11)Read the dialogue 三、Development 引导学生利用本课所学的内容描述自己的行程。 四、Homework 1、熟记新单词。 2、听读课文对话,注意模仿语言语调。 板书 设计 板书设计: Unit7 We will go by train A: Do you have any plans for .? B:Yes,I do/No. I dont. How will you go there? What will you do in .? When will you come back home? 教学 反思
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