教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Sound family-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频)--(编号:81064).zip

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1 英语爵士调朗读 微教案 授课教师姓名微课名称 14.There was a little girl who had a little curl 爵士调朗读微课 知识点来源教材版本:义务教育教科书 英语 五年级 下册 录制工具和方法EV 录屏软件 设计思路 朗读前:图片导入,激活背景知识,吸引学生兴趣; 朗读中:关注文本内容与朗读策略,渗透情感教育; 朗读后:拓展视、听,尝试改编,加强运用。 教学设计 内 容 教学目的 通过微课学习,能正确朗读本节课所学爵士调,关注诗歌中的节奏、 轻重音、押韵、连读等朗读技巧,提高朗读能力。 教学重点难点 诗歌节奏; 连读技巧; 轻重音。 教学过程 . Pre-reading 1. 感知注意: 呈现 little girl 图片,学习爵士调中 curl、forehead 两个新词,引导学 生对主人公和故事产生兴趣。 . While-reading 1. 第一遍听、读(关注意义): (1)看图、文,听音频,整体感知爵士调的内容。 (2)提取概括:小女孩好与坏的表现,学习新词 horrid. (3)整合运用: 2 通过两个例子的延伸(熊孩子亨利和小宝宝) ,再次在语境中感受诗 歌 中这两句话: when he/shewas good, he/she was very very good; but when he/she was bad, he/she was horrid. 2. 第二遍听、读(关注形式): (1)再次听、读,引导学生留意超音段。 (2)详细讲解爵士调中的押韵(girl-curl); 连读(was a, had a, right in, middle of)、轻重音、节奏、有感情朗读等朗读技巧。 (3)完整再朗读一遍。 ()观看诗歌的视频。 . Post-reading 1. 了解两首改编的爵士调。 2. 作业。 英语爵士调(英语爵士调(Jazz Chants) 朗读系列微课朗读系列微课 14 There was a little girl who had a little curl 长着小卷发的小女孩长着小卷发的小女孩 Jazz Chants 14: a little girl Before Reading(朗读前知多朗读前知多D): a little girl with a little curl a baby with a little curl a little curl forehead the little girl had a little curl in her forehead the lady had some wrinkles (皱纹)in her forehead 1st listen: 看看你听懂了多少?看看你听懂了多少? There was a little girl Who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead; When she was good, She was very very good. But when she was bad, She was horrid. good VS bad horrid When the baby was good, he was very very good; but when he was bad, he was horrid. There was a little girl who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead; When she was good, she was very, very good. But when she was bad, she was horrid. 2nd listen: 留意节奏、轻重音、押韵、连读等。留意节奏、轻重音、押韵、连读等。 There was a little girl who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead; When she was good, she was very, very good. But when she was bad, she was horrid. 朗读技巧指导:朗读技巧指导: girlcurl| 注意读出感情的前后对比注意读出感情的前后对比弱读:弱读:who, but Lets watch: 改编改编1 There was a little mouse who built a little house Right in the middle of the highway;(高速公路 ) When friends said,“No, you cant stay there,” He said,“Ill do it my way.” (我有我的选择。) 改编改编2 There was a little goat who sailed a little boat(乘船航行) Right down the middle of the river; When it was hot, he was very, very hot, And when it was cold, he would shiver. (发抖,颤抖) 要求:要求: 1. 模仿模仿语音、语音、语调进行朗读;语调进行朗读; 2. 尝试改编爵士调。尝试改编爵士调。(选做选做) ThankThank you!you!
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