教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 11 Can you tell me the way -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:50062).zip

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Period 2 Be lost in the city(听说课) Module6 Directions I visited a big city. Aki Sharp Eyes shopping centre restaurant cinema museum park Sharp Eyes post office library police station Sharp Eyes gym market bank hotel underground factory Sharp Eyes school zoo Im lost here. Can you tell me the way to Guangzhou tower? 广州大剧院 Guangzhou Opera House Guangdong Museum Guangzhou Library Guangzhou Tower Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to,please? Guangzhou Restaurant Im here. Hotel Go straight ahead then turn at the crossing. Its on the, next to Guangdong Museum I want to know more about Guangzhou ! 广州大剧院 Guangzhou Opera House Guangdong Museum Guangzhou Library Guangzhou Tower You cant miss it. Guangzhou Restaurant Im here. City Shop I want to visit more places in Guangzhou. 广州大剧院 Guangzhou Opera House Guangdong Museum Guangzhou Library Guangzhou Tower Guangzhou Restaurant Im here. Oh, Im hungry. Can you tell me the way to the.? 广州大剧院 Guangzhou Opera House Guangdong Museum Guangzhou Library Guangzhou Tower Guangzhou Restaurant Im here. You cant miss it. Guangzhou Restaurant voucher voucher Guangzhou Restaurant 对话背景说明,同 时呈现和学习 hospital Oh, I eat too much. I feel ill. Janet and Ben go to the hospital to see Aki. Can they get to the hospital ? Lets listen and watch. What happened in the way? 1. ( ) Janet and Ben ask a lady for help. 2. ( ) Janet and Ben want to go the park. 3. ( ) Go straight ahead then turn right at the first crossing. 4. ( ) The hospital is the third building on the right, next to the zoo. T F F Lets listen and choose true (T) or false (F). F Can you draw the way to the hospital? Lets read and draw the line. B C A Oh dear! I think were_. _go and ask the lady _. Of course. Let me see. Go _ then _at the second crossing. lost Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the _, please? Lets over there hospital straight ahead turn right Is the hospital on the left or _? Its building on your_, _ the school. You cant _ it. Thank you so much. on the right next to miss right Oh dear! I think _. _go and _. Of course. Let me see. Go _ then _. were lost Excuse me. Can you _ to the _, please? Lets ask the lady over there hospital straight ahead turn right at the second crossing tell me the way Is the hospital _ or _? Its the _on your right, _ the school. You _ it. Thank you so much. on the right building next tocant miss on the left 对话背景说明,同 时呈现和学习 hospital Oh, Aki isnt in the hospital. Dafu Mountain hotel shop museum We are here. gym shop hospital coffee shop park bus station restaurant book shop bank D B library school Dafu Mountain A E C supermarket Xiangjiang Zoo Water Park cinema restaurantDafu Mountain supermarket Xiangjiang Zoo Water Park Ps:Excuse me,Sir (Madam). Can you tell me the way to_, please? Sir/Madam: Of course. Let me see. _. Ps: Is the _on the left or on the right? Sir/Madam: Its the building on your_, next to / the _. You cant miss it. Ps: Thank you so much. hotel shop museum We are here. gym shop hospital coffee shop park bus station book shop bank library school A B C D E cinema hotel shop museum We are here. gym shop hospital coffee shop park bus station restaurant book shop bank library school Dafu Mountain supermarket Xiangjiang Zoo Water Park cinema 1把Aki带到家里去作客: 仿写一段话向 Aki介绍从学校到你家的路怎么走。 2. 完成活动手册P48 EX.4&5。 1 义务教育教科书英语五年级下册(三年级起点) Module6 Be lost in the city 听说课听说课 研学案研学案学校:学校: 班级:班级: 姓名:姓名: 【Learning Aims 研学目标研学目标】 1. 我能通过复习或查资料,巩固建筑物的单词。 【Task1】 2. 我能理解课文内容,熟读课文并判断正误。 【Task2】 3. 我能找出去医院的正确路线。 【Task3】 4. 我能运用正确的句型完成口语交际,进行问路、指路交流。 【Task4】 【Learning Journey 学习路线图学习路线图】 【Learning Procedure 研学过程研学过程】 【Task 1】: I can write the buildings name. (通过复习或查资料用语写出 广州著名景点和公共设施 ) 如:Guangzhou Library (广州图书馆) Dafu Mountain (大夫山) 义务教育教科书英语五年级下册(三年级起点) 【Task 2】: Listen and judge ”T” or “F”.(听录音,判断正误。 ) (1)( ) Janet and Ben ask a lady for help. 2. 学习课文,学习课文, 层层内化层层内化 3. 听说结合听说结合 活动巩固活动巩固 1. 复习旧知,复习旧知, 回顾重现回顾重现 4. 情景运用,情景运用, 升华情感升华情感 2 (2)( ) Janet and Ben want to go the park. (3)( ) Go straight ahead then turn right at the first crossing. (4)( ) The hospital is the third building on the right, next to the zoo. 【Task 3】: Read and draw the way to the hospital. (朗读课文,找出 去医院的正确路线。 ) The hospital is _. (A, B, C 选择一个。选择一个。) 【Task 4】: I can talk.(根据领到的地图,两人扮演警察,两人猜测并询问 Aki 所在的地方。 ) 你可以根据下列对话改编: Ps:Excuse me,Sir (Madam). Can you tell me the way to_, please. 提示: 1. 警察领到的是红色地图, 问路人领到的是黄色地图。 2. 警察要保密目的地的位置,只能用英 语指路。 3 Sir/Madam: Of course. Let me see. _. Ps: Is _on the left or on the right? Sir/Madam: Its the building on your_, next to / the _. You cant miss it. Ps: Thank you so much. 你也可以完全改编: 【Assessment】学习评价请在选择项中打“” 自评组评评价标准 3 颗2 颗1 颗3 颗2 颗1 颗 Task 1 预习作业 Task 2 学习课文 Task 3 听说活动 Task 4 情景运用 在展示表演中,我认为最好的是:_组。 我共获得( )颗 组长签名:_ 1 义务教育教科书英语五年级下册(三年级起点) Module 6 第第 2 课时课时 Be lost in the city 教学设计教学设计 1、教学内容分析 本课是 Unit11 的第二课时,定位为听说课。本课主要讲述 Ben and Janet 迷路了,他们在路上向一女士询问去医院的路。由于学生已有第一课 时词汇课的基础,本课主要学习问路用语和指路用语。本课的侧重点是对 课文的流利朗读,对方位的流利、得体表达,并运用所学句型完成相应的 情境任务。 二、教学对象分析 教学对象是五年级的学生,他们比较喜欢自主和有思维挑战性的学习。 而我校作为农村学校,学生们知识面不够广,口头表达能力及知识的综合 运用能力较差,需要教师在每一节课中有意识的强化和培养。学生在第一 课时的词汇课已复习了方位介词,学习了建筑物的单词,本课时将在此基 础上滚动复习,并将学习问路用语和指路用语,让学生在模拟场景下进行 反复交际,培养综合、得体运用语言的能力。 三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标(一)语言能力目标 1. 知识与技能目标 (1)语音:能正确朗读课文。 (2)词汇:能听说读写 miss,lost。 (3)句型: 能正确理解和运用下列句型:I I think were lost. You cant miss it. 问路用语:Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ? 指路用语:Go straight ahead then turn left/ right at the crossing. Is on the left or on the right? Its the building on your left/ right, next to . (4)能理解课文,用课文主要句型进行问路和指路的交际练习。 2. 语用目标 能询问某地的位置和指出某地的方位。 (二)学习能力目标(二)学习能力目标 通过学习课文中的问路用语和指路用语,学会礼貌得体地问路及为 他人指路。 (三)思维品质目标(三)思维品质目标 通过方位描述猜测某地的方位,发展分析和推理的能力。 (四)文化品格目标(四)文化品格目标 在与他人共同完成交际任务中,提高协作能力;在与他人进行问路 2 和指路交际中,养成乐于助人的品质。 四、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 能正确、流利朗读课文对话。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 能正确、流利运用问路、指路用语于交际中。 五、教学理念及策略 在教学中采用交际法和情景法教学.,以学生为中心和任务型教学,并辅助 于 TPR 全身反应教学法,调动各层次学生的自主能动性,让学生在情境中完成 交际任务。 六、教学媒体 多媒体课件,自制图片,课文配套光盘 7、教学过程 I. Preparation 1. Ps sing the song and dance. 【设计意图:通过兔子舞热身,调动学生的学习积极性,同时复习 left 和 right。 】 2. T show the places that Aki traveled in the last lesson. 【设计意图:与第一课时的情境衔接,复习建筑物名称,巩固上节课所学 内容,也为后面语言输出环节中完成交际任务做铺垫。 】 II. Input & Internalization(Round1) 1T set the situation: Aki comes to a beautiful city. 【设计意图:利用广州的标志性建筑物呈现教学内容,激发学生对广州的 热爱之情,让学生乐于向 Aki 介绍几个广州中心建筑物的路线。 】 2. T show Guangzhou Tower,Guangdong Museum,Guangzhou Restaurant and other places around here. Ps learn the sentences about how to ask and show the way. 【设计意图:以广州的著名建筑,让学生在情景中学习问路和指路用语。 】 3. Ps practice the sentences with a traffic police game. 【设计意图:利用交警指路的游戏让学生操练问路和指路用语。 】 4. Ps look for the coupons of Guangzhou Restaurant for Aki according to the maps and routes. 【设计意图:利用信息差,根据课室的模拟场景布置,让学生为 Aki 寻找 广州酒家的优惠券,在情境中使用和巩固问路、指路用语。 】 III. Input & Internalization (Round2) 3 1. T set the situation that Aki ate too much at the restaurant. He feels ill. He needs to go to the hospital. Then Ben and Janet go to the hospital to see Aki. Can they get to the hospital? Ps watch the video and answer the questions. 【设计意图:背景介绍,进入情境,初步理解课文。 】 2Ps listen and judge with choosing true (T) or false (F). 【设计意图:第二次听对话,通过判断,让学生理解课文对话的细节。 】 3. Ps read and draw the way on the map. 【设计意图:跟读对话,根据对话内容在课本的地图上画出到医院的路线,检 测学生对课文重点的理解,并进行适当的语音语调提醒。 】 4. Ps recite the dialogue. 【设计意图:通过不同层次的挖空课文,让学生尝试用不同的方式背诵对话。 】 IV. Output Ps Guess where is Aki and ask the way: 1. T set the situation that Janet and Ben didnt find Aki in the hospital. Two pupils look for Aki and ask the way. The other two pupils act as policemen and show the way to them. 2. Make a dialogue in groups. 【设计意图:引导学生学生根据领到的地图,利用信息差进行交流,在情景 中综合运用语言。 】 V. Assessment Ps evaluate them in pairs and groups. T evaluate pupils by their performance and self evaluation. 八、教学流程图 4 九、板书设计 十、作业布置 1. 完成活动手册P48 Ex.4&5。 2. 把 Aki 带到家里去做客: 仿写一段话向 Aki 介绍从学校到你家的路怎么 走。
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