教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 12 I know a short cut-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:90ccd).zip

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Fun with Language Letschant Couldyou,couldyoutellme, Theway,thewaytothezoo? Yes,yes,yes. Turnright,turnrighthere. Takethefirst,firstleft. Couldyou,couldyoutellme, Theway,thewaytothepark? Yes,yes,yes. Gostraight,gostraightahead. Takethethird,thirdright. Letsdotheaction Lets play a guessing game Whereisthethief? (Look, the thief stole something from the hotel. He wants to run away. Lets guess where he is? ) post office train station TV station police station bookshop restaurant bank marketcinema hospital zoo museum shop library shoe shopschool park hotel factory shopping center 1st 2nd 3rd Baymax cametoGuangzhouyesterday.He wantstovisitsomeplacesinGuangzhou.Where doeshewanttovisit? Where is Baymax? Heis_the TVStation. Letssee andsay Wh ereisBaymax? behind Heis_thecinema. in front of Wh ereisBaymax? Heis_theleft,_ themarket. next to Wh ereisBaymax? on Wh ereisBaymax? Heis_thehotel.beside near Heis_thebank.near Heis_therestaurantandthepostoffice.between Wh ereisBaymax? Heis_thefactory.in Listenand match FunwithlanguageEx1. Welcometoourschool. Letmeshowyou around! Letssay FunwithlanguageEx4. Readand write between beside nextto near Nextto Letstalk NowBaymaxisgongtoEdayTown(星期八小镇星期八小镇). Hotel Lego Bank BabyCaringFireStation CakeHouse Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory PostOffice Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Letstalk Gate HereisthemapofEdayTown. Letstalkabouttheplace. Whereisthe_? Itis_. cinema infrontoftheundergroundnearthegymbetweenthegymandtheChildrensHospital Hotel Lego leu Bank BabyCaringFireStation CakeHouse Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory PostOffice Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Letstalk Gate Whereisthe_? Itis_. Hotel Lego Bank BabyCaringFireStation CakeHouse Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory PostOffice Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Letstalk Gate NowyouaretheTourGuide(导游)(导游). ShowthewaytoBaymax. Hotel Lego Bank BabyCaringFireStation CakeHouse Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory PostOffice Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Letstalk Gate Excuseme,_ youtellmethewaytothe_,please? Ofcourse.Letmesee.Go_thenturn_atthe_crossing. Istheparkontheleftorontheright? Itsthebuildingonyour_,_.Youcantmissit. can/could park straightaheadright first left nearthepolice station Thank Hotel Lego Bank BabyCaringFireStation CakeHouse Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory PostOffice Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Letsmakeadialogue Gate A:Excuseme,_ youtellmethewaytothe_,please? B:Ofcourse.Letmesee.Go_thenturn_at_. A:Isthe_onthe_oronthe_? B:Itsthe_onyour_,_.Youcant_it. A:Thank_. Hotel Lego Bank BabyCaringFireStation CakeHouse Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory PostOffice Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Lets practise Gate Excuseme,couldyoutellmethewayto_,please? . Letssum up Canyoutellmethewayto ? Couldyoutellmethewayto ? Excuse me. Istheontheleftoronthe right? Yes,ofcourse.Letme see. Gostraight ahead. Turnrightatthe crossing. Itsthebuildingonyour right,next to. Youcantmissit. Givedirectionstoothers为他人指路为他人指路 Letssay out beside ontheright between under behind infrontof ontheleft nextto on in near by * 寻寻宝宝 Gold!Itsatreasuremap! Gold Let find out how to find the gold! Letstalk TheWaytoGold Dearmyfriend, IamhappyinGuangzhou.Ihavesomethingimportanttotell you.IhaveaboxofgoldforyouonFunnyIsland.Letme tellyouhowtofindit. Turnrightatthefirstcrossing.Gostraightahead,thenturn leftatthefirstcrossing.andyouwillseeabigtree.Findanarrow ronthetree.Followthearrow,youwillfindacave behindanappletree.Gostraightin.Attheendofthecave, youwill seearedrockrk.Movetheredrockaway,youwillseeabrown box.Thatsit!Buttheboxislockedlkt. DoctorWatthasthekeyki.Goandfindhim.Hewill opentheboxforyou,butyoumustgivehimhalfofthegold.Doctor WattsclinicisatNo.11PineStreet.Itsasmallwhitehouseopposite BigHorseCinema. Yours, Baymax Numberthepicturesaccordingtothewaytogold. 按寻金之路给下面的图编号按寻金之路给下面的图编号 ( )( )( )() Lets number 3 2 14 Howtofindthegold 1. Turn_atthefirstcrossing. 2. Gostraight_,thenturnleftatthe_crossing.andyou willseeabigtree. 3.Findanarrow onthetree.Followthearrow,youwillfinda cave_anappletree. 4.Gostraightin.Attheendofthecave, youwillseeared rock.Movetheredrockaway,youwillseeabrown_.Thatsit! 完成寻宝阅读。 如果此部分内容 已经在U11第三课时 完成,可以直接跳过 进入拓展部分。 2、写出寻宝的路线。 * * 广 州 市 小 英 中 心 组 1、熟记本课词组和重点句型。、熟记本课词组和重点句型。 2、仿照课堂上的小对话,与你的家人、仿照课堂上的小对话,与你的家人、 同学和朋友到主题公园,收集一些地图,同学和朋友到主题公园,收集一些地图, 尝试做小导游为你的家人、同学和朋友作尝试做小导游为你的家人、同学和朋友作 出指引。并用出指引。并用微视频微视频记录下来分享。记录下来分享。 作业作业2 2,微视频,微视频 可以锻炼学生可以锻炼学生 的胆量、培养的胆量、培养 学习兴趣,提学习兴趣,提 高英语口头表高英语口头表 达能力。达能力。 本课时内容及目标:本课时内容及目标: 1、复习场所名词及方位介词,能准确描述位置关系。、复习场所名词及方位介词,能准确描述位置关系。 2、能用所学词组、句型向他人问路或给他人作出指引。、能用所学词组、句型向他人问路或给他人作出指引。 Filltheblanks. 1.Thearrowis_abigtree. 2.Thecaveis_anappletree. 3.Thebrownboxis_theredrock. 4.DoctorWattsclinicis_theBigHorse Cinema. Read write on behind under near Ohdear!Ithinkwerelost. Letsgoandasktheladyover there. Excuseme.Canyoutellmethe waytothehospital,please? Ofcourse.Letmesee.Gostraightahead thenturnrightatthesecondcrossing. Lets recite 背诵对话,复习背诵对话,复习 上一节课的内容上一节课的内容 。 Isthehospitalontheleftor ontheright? Itsthethirdbuildingonyourright, nexttotheschool.Youcantmissit. Thankyousomuch. Lets recite Letssum up Canyoutellmethewayto ? Couldyoutellmethewayto ? Excuse me. Istheontheleftoronthe right? Yes,ofcourse.Letme see. Gostraight ahead. Turnrightatthe crossing. Itsthebuildingonyour right, next to. Youcantmissit. 承接课文复习,让学生找出问路用语 Sharp Eyes postoffice librarypolicehoteltrainstationgym marketbankunderground factory shoppingcentre school restaurantcinemamuseumpark zoo 游戏活动游戏活动1 :复习场室:复习场室 单词短语单词短语。 这些单词短这些单词短 语可用于后语可用于后 面的问路练面的问路练 习做铺垫。习做铺垫。 Sharp Eyes postoffice librarypolicehoteltrainstationgym marketbankunderground factory shoppingcentre school restaurantcinemamuseumpark zoo Letssay out beside ontheright between under behind infrontof ontheleft nextto on in near by 游戏活动游戏活动 2:复习方:复习方 位介词位介词。为为 后面的问路后面的问路 练习做铺垫练习做铺垫 。 广 州 市 小 英 中 心 组 1、熟记本课单词、熟记本课单词,词组和重点句型。词组和重点句型。 2、仿照课堂上的小对话,与你的家人、仿照课堂上的小对话,与你的家人、 同学和朋友到主题公园,收集一些地图,同学和朋友到主题公园,收集一些地图, 尝试做小导游为你的家人、同学和朋友作尝试做小导游为你的家人、同学和朋友作 出指引。并用出指引。并用微视频微视频记录下来分享。记录下来分享。 作业作业2 2,微视频,微视频 可以锻炼学生可以锻炼学生 的胆量、培养的胆量、培养 学习兴趣,提学习兴趣,提 高英语口头表高英语口头表 达能力。达能力。 Heisontheright.ontheright Lets review Heisontheleft. ontheleft Lets review 1 教研课教学设计教研课教学设计 课题课题 Unit11 Can you tell me the way ? Fun with language 学科学科英语班级班级五年 2 班 时间时间执教者执教者 教材教材 简析简析 本单元的教学话题是“directions”。本课是 U11 Can you tell me the way?第二课时 Fun with language。学生已经有了课文教学的基础, 对问路的用语有了一些体验,但还没能熟练的掌握。本课要求在前一 课的基础上,继续巩固方位介词和问路用语,提高学生运用语言的能 力。把所学知识真正运用到交际中。 教学教学 目标目标 一、语言知识目标 1. 复习方位介词: 方位介词:in,on, under,behind ,in front of, next to,near,beside 等 2巩固场所名词:train station , police station , shop, post office , bank , market , cinema , hospital , restaurant,factory,library,hotel,underground。 二、语言技能目标: 1操练问方位的句型:Where is ? It/he is 2把下面句型运用到真实或模拟真实的情景之中: Excuse me, can /could you tell me the way to,please? Of course.Let me see. Go straight ahead then turnat the Is the on the left or on the right? Its the building on your ,next toYou cant miss it. Thank you so much. 3能运用所学的问路用语进行交际性对话。 三、学习策略目标: 1学会运用所学知识联系实际生活,进行口语交际。 2通过多种教学手段,提高学生互相协作自主学习的积极性,增强自 主学习的责任意识。 四、情感态度目标: 1教育学生在需要别人帮助时要有礼貌。 2激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人 合作,在活动中培养学生对他人负责的协作精神,提高对英语的学习 兴趣。 重点重点 难点难点 重点:介词和问路句型的运用。 难点:学生能够看地图并能正确地指出方向。 教学准备教学准备 课件 PPT (一)(一)WarmingWarming upup & & RevisionRevision 1 Lets chant 2. Do the action. (生听指令做 Turn right /Turn left 和 go straight ahead) 2 3.Play a guessing game. The thief stole something from the hotel. He wants to run away. Lets guessWhere he is. 【设计意图设计意图:通过小诗、听指令做动作和捉贼游戏,既营造了欢快氛 围,又复习了问路短语和相关句型,培养学生主动学习和对自己学习 负责的意识。】 教教 学学 过过 程程 (二)(二)PresentationPresentation & & PracticePractice 1.复习场所名词。 老师给学生创设家明的好朋友大白来到广州玩,大白打算参观一些 地方,通过这一情景复习场所名词。 2.(呈接上面的情景)大白参观各场所复习和操练方位介词。 (出示图片)Where is ? He is 【设计意图设计意图:引入学生感兴趣的人物大白Baymax,创设情景复习场所名 词和方位介词,为后面的问路练习做铺垫。】 3. Listen and match (1)设置情景导入 Exercise 1。 Where is Baymax?Lets find him. Oh ,he is in the factory. Where is the factory? Listen and match (2)Check the answers. 【设计意图:通过寻找大白,导入练习一,培养学生听和说的能力。】 4.(创设情景:大白参观家明的学校)Read and write (1)Look at the map of the school: Whats in B1/2/3? (2)The pupils study the map of the school and fill in the blanks in the passage. (3)Check the answers. 【设计意图:设计意图:通过情景,完成方位介词练习,进一步培养学生看地图 后理解短文的能力。】 5.Look and say (1)创设情景:大白参观 Eday Town,引导学生观察位置并引出问路句 型。 A:Excuse me, can /could you tell me the way to,please? B B:Of course.Let me see. Go straight ahead then turnat the A:A:Is the on the left or on the right? B:B:Its the building on your ,next toYou cant miss it. A:Thank you so much. (2)学生小组操练。 (3)学生汇报。 3 【设计意图设计意图:通过模拟真实的情景,让学生把所学语言真正运用到实 际交际中。让学生个体充分展示其表述能力,让所有学生都有表述的 责任,培养其责任意识。】 (三)(三)ConsolidationConsolidation 1.学生小组讨论归纳今天所学的知识。 2.学生分享学习收获。 【设计意图设计意图:培养学生归纳知识的能力;同时学生在小组合作过程中鼓 励、引导、帮助各个层次学生共同学习,让学生充分享受学习的快乐。】 【设计意图设计意图:培养学生归纳知识的能力同时渗透礼貌教育。】 ( 五)DevelopmentDevelopment 1. Treasure Hunt:How to find the gold? 2. Read the passage: The way to Gold. 3. Number the pictures according to the way to gold. 4. Fill in the blanks. 【设计意图设计意图:培养学生积极思考的习惯和综合运用知识的能力,提高 学生的阅读理解能力。】 (六)(六)HomeworkHomework: 1熟记重点句型。 2、仿照课堂上的小对话,与你的家人、同学和朋友到主题公园,收集 一些地图,尝试做小导游为你的家人、同学和朋友作出指引。并用微 视频记录下来分享。 板板 书书 设设 计计 UnitUnit 1111 CanCan youyou telltell meme thethe way?way? FunFun withwith languagelanguage Where is ? He/It is Excuse me, can /could you tell me to,please? Go straight then turnat Is the on or on ? Its on your ,next to Thank you so much.
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