教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:01060).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 ModuleModule 2 2 PlansPlans Period 1 Unit 3 We are going to have an English test. 目标要求目标要求 知识目标知识目标 语音:语音:能正确流利地朗读课文;知道P18字母和字母组合在单词中的发音 词汇词汇 :四会”掌握本模块单词和短语;知道序数词的构成并能正确使用 句型:句型:能正确理解和使用下列句型: Whats the date? 日期的两种表达,以3月5日为例:the fifth of May, May the fifth Is there anything else important this month? 叙述某事的日期:The school open day is on May 5th. 叙述某一时间将做某事:We are going to have an English test on June 24th. 语法:语法:能正确使用一般将来时谈论计划 能力目标能力目标 能询问和表述日期; 能叙述计划; 能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当或稍高的有关计划的文段。 go swimming go skiing go camping go fishing go boating do some reading play football play basketball play badminton take photos have some fun watch TV A: What are you going to do for your holiday? B: Im going to play football . 基数词 序数词 表示个数的词 表示顺序的词 1.one 2.two 3.three 4.four 5.five 6.six 7.seven 8.eight 9.nine 10.ten 11. eleven 12. twelve first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 基变序,有规律,基变序,有规律, 第一二三,特殊记,第一二三,特殊记, thth 从四起,从四起, 第八去第八去t,t, 第九去第九去e,e, 词尾词尾veve用用 f f 代替。代替。 Lets conclude 让学生观察并归 纳。 Whats the date today ? Its May 1st / the first of May . A: What are you going to do for your holiday? B: Im going to go camping / go fishing . A:Whats the date ? B:Its May 1st. Lets look and talk. 1.学生认真看 图并说出获取 到的信息。( 引导学生说出 人物、地点、 星期、日期、 月份) 2.回答Mr. Forget的问题 。也可以呈现 the first of May. Mr. Forget 1.What day is it today ? Its Friday. 2. Whats the date today ? Its May 1st. visit a farm have a driving test have a meeting 1 1 Fri.Fri. Lets talk 60 writing Mr.Forget a car animals Feb. 3rd Can you say something about him with the key words(关键词)(关键词)? He is Mr. Forget. He is 60 years old. His birthday is on February 3rd. He is learning to drive a car. He love animals very much. His hobby is writing. 1.引导学生发 挥想象,根据 关键词谈论图 片人物,句子 意思接近即可 。学习third.并 引导学生思考 :Why he likes writing? T: Because he often forgets something important.让学 生更好地理解 forget。 2. T: So he usually writes down something important. Lets look at the picture and tell me what you can get from the picture. Lets look and talk. 1.学生认真看 图并说出获取 到的信息。( 引导学生说出 人物、地点、 星期、日期、 月份) 2.回答Mr. Forget的问题 。也可以呈现 the first of May. Mr. Forget 1.What day is it today ? Its Friday. 2. Whats the date today ? Its May 1st. visit a farm have a driving test have a meeting 1 1 Fri.Fri. Lets talk 60 writing Mr.Forget a car animals Feb. 3rd Can you say something about him with the key words(关键词)(关键词)? He is Mr. Forget. He is 60 years old. His birthday is on February 3rd. He is learning to drive a car. He love animals very much. His hobby is writing. 1.引导学生发 挥想象,根据 关键词谈论图 片人物,句子 意思接近即可 。学习third.并 引导学生思考 :Why he likes writing? T: Because he often forgets something important.让学 生更好地理解 forget。 2. T: So he usually writes down something important. Lets look at the picture and tell me what you can get from the picture. Lets look. 1.引导学生关 注日历上的日 期及对应的备 忘记录,并学 习farm, test, meeting. Mr. Forget visit a farm have a driving test have a meeting 1 1 Fri.Fri. * visit a farm Lets match. have a meeting have a driving test 1.引导学生观 察图片,根据 短语的构成尝 试进行信息匹 配。 * Lets help. 引导学生帮助 Mr. Forget, 提醒他将要做 的事情。学习 并体验be going to 的用 法。 Mr. Forget W: Whats the date today ? F: Its May 1st. W: You are going to _ _ tomorrow. Dont forget. visit a farm Lets remind(提醒)(提醒)him of the important things to do. visit a farm have a driving test have a meeting 1 1 Fri.Fri. * Lets help. Mr. Forget W: Whats the date today ? F: Its May 1st. W: You are going to visit a farm on May _. Dont forget. 2nd Lets remind(提醒)(提醒)him to do something important. 引导学生帮助 Mr. Forget, 提醒他将要做 的事情。体验 be going to 的 句型。关注时 间表达的变化 。 visit a farm have a driving test have a meeting 1 1 Fri.Fri. * Lets help. Mr. Forget F: Is there anything important this week? W: Yes. You are going to _ _ this_. Dont forget. Lets remind(提醒)(提醒)him to do something important. have a driving testSunday 引导学生帮助 Mr. Forget, 提醒他将要做 的事情。学习 important。 visit a farm have a driving test have a meeting 1 1 Fri.Fri. * * Lets help. Lets remind(提醒)(提醒)him to do something important. Mr. Forget F: Is there anything important this week? W: Yes. You are going to have a driving test on _. Dont forget. May 3rd 引导学生帮助 Mr. Forget, 提醒他将要做 的事情。并进 行句型转换。 关注时间表达 的变化。 visit a farm have a driving test have a meeting 1 1 Fri.Fri. * * Lets help. Lets remind(提醒)(提醒)him to do something important. Mr. Forget F: Is there anything else important this month? W: Yes. You _ _ on May 21st. Dont forget. are going to have a meeting 1.引导学生帮 助Mr. Forget, 提醒他将要做 的事情。 2. He is going to have a test in April. Ben and Janet are going to have a test , too. Are they going to have a driving test? Lets look at the picture. visit a farm have a driving test have a meeting 1 1 Fri.Fri. * Lets chant. What,what .What are you going to do ? Play , play , play football. We are going to play football. What,what .What are you going to do ? Fly , fly , fly a kite. We are going to fly a kite . * Lets talk. 引导学生看图并 用自己的话描述 Ben和Janet的计 划。 They are going to _ on _. * Lets learn. 学生自己先尝试 读课文对话,再 模仿录音朗读对 话,并进行分角 色朗读、分组朗 读等。 Janet: Whats the date, Ben? Ben: The first of June. Why? Janet: We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. Dont forget. Ben: Isnt that Mikes birthday? We are all going to his home for a party tomorrow. Janet: No. Mikes birthday party is on June 11th. Ben: Is there anything else important this month? Janet: Yes. We are going to have an English test on June 24th. Dont forget. * * T or F ( )1. Its July 1st today. ( )2. Ben and Janet are going to see a film on June 2nd. ( )3. It isnt Mikes birthday tomorrow. ( )4. There is nothing important this month. ( )5. The English test is on June 11th. Lets do. Mr. Forget F T T F F 根据课文内容判 断正误。 * Lets say. 抽空训练。 Janet: Whats the date, Ben? Ben: The first of June. Why? Janet: We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. Dont forget. Ben: Isnt that Mikes birthday? We are all going to his home for a party tomorrow. Janet: No. Mikes birthday party is on June 11th. Ben: Is there anything else important this month? Janet: Yes. We are going to have an English test on June 24th. Dont forget. * Activities dates see a film June 11th June 24th * June 2nd Mikes birthday party have an English test Lets practise. Fill in the form. 根据课文内容填 空并尝试复述课 文。 Today is _. Janet and Ben are talking about their plans. They are going to _. Mikes birthday is on _. They are going to his home for a party. And they are going to _. * 1. 读、记新单词。 2. 读U3课文,并尝试复述课文。 o 广 州 市 小 英 教 研 会 广 州 市 小 英 中 心 组 Homework:Homework: * 荔城二小课时教学设计荔城二小课时教学设计 Unit 3 We are going to have an English test 总总 课时课时 教学目标: 1、学习序数词并知道它们的意义。知道基数词与序数词的使用区别。 词汇:date , P15 中的序数词。 2、能用 Whats the date?询问日期并尝试用两种方式回答。 教学过程 : 一、Warming up 复习基数词和学过的 first second 以及月份单词。 二、学习序数词 1、用节日引入学习 2、重点讲解 P15 特殊变化的数词。列出并让学生君不见规律。 3.总结、归纳 P15 页中的表格。 4. 基数词与序数词配对游戏。 5.小组朗读表格。 三、学习日期的表达 1.以当天的日期引出 Whats the date today?及其两种表达法。 2.老师给出日期 ,小组操练习日期表达。 3. 归纳,总结 。 4.完成 P16EX1 和 P17EX4 四、作业:熟记数词表。 板书设计:Unit 3 We are going to have an English test Whats the date? Its March 13th. first second fifth , eighth, ninth 教学反思: 本节课序数词和日期的表达都是难点,教学中要一定要注意让 学生观察并发现规律,配合有趣的游戏、竞赛等活动,会收到一定 的教学效果。 荔城二小课时教学设计荔城二小课时教学设计 Unit 3 We are going to have an English test 总总 课时课时 教学内容:Unit 3 Lets talk 教学目标: 1、能听说以下词汇和词组并知道它们的意义: 词汇:forget, farm, meeting , test, important, month, 词组:visit a farm, have a test, have a party. 2、复习上节课 Whats the date?询问日期并尝试用两种方式回答, 能初步尝试用 be going to 表达计划。 教学过程 : 一、Warming up :复习序数词及日期 二、新课 1.引导学生发挥想象,根据关键词谈论图片人物,句子意思接近即 可。并引导学生思考:Why he likes writing? T:Because he often forgets something important.让学生更好地理解 forget。2. T: So he usually writes down something important. Lets look at the picture and tell me what you can get from the picture. 2 学生认真看图并说出获取到的信息。 (引导学生说出人物、地点、 星期、日期、月份)回答 Mr. Forget 的问题。也可以呈现 the first of May. 3.关注日历上的日期及对应的备忘记录,并学习 farm, test, meeting. 4.引导学生观察图片,根据短语的构成尝试进行信息匹配。 5.引导学生帮助 Mr. Forget, 提醒他将要做的事情。学习并体验 be going to 的用法。 6.引导学生帮助 Mr. Forget, 提醒他将要做的事情。体验 be going to 的句型。关注时间表达的变化。 7.看表格填空。 8.听录音,判断对错。 9.抽空训练。 10. 根据课文内容填空并尝试复述课文。 11.让学生观察并归纳。 三、总结。 四、作业 1.读、记新单词。 2. 读 U3 课文,并尝试复述课文。 板书设计:Unit 3 We are going to have an English test farm, test, meeting. What are you going to do ? I m going to visit a farm . 教学反思: 本节课通过 Mr. Forget 这个人物创设情景学习 be going to ,初步理 解将来时的使用意义。大部分学生掌握得比较好。课文内容也能理 解。对 Is there anything else important this month?这句子操纵和扩展 还不是很到位,学生不是很上口,另外对时间的读法还有需加强。 荔城二小课时教学设计荔城二小课时教学设计 Unit 3 We are going to have an English test 总总 课时课时 教学内容:复习日期,p15 词条,P17EX3 教学目标: 1、能听说以下词汇和词组并知道它们的意义: 词汇:museum, open day, fifth , eighth, ninth. 词组:visit the museum, go to the school open day, have a sports meeting. 2、能正确使用序数词表达日期,并用 be going to 表达他人及自己 的计划。读懂与课文难度相当的语篇。 教学过程 : 一、Warming up:复习上一节课重要短语、句型。 二、新课 1. 学习序数词。T: People are going to do different things on different dates. Lets meet more dates.呈现下一张 PPT。学生抢答,说出日期。 (T: Whats the date?)引导学生关注日期表达的两种形式及序数词的拼 写。板书 fifth。学生抢答,说出日期。(T: Whats the date?)引导学生 关注日期表达的两种形式及序数词的拼写。板书 ninth。学生抢答, 说出日期。(T: Whats the date?)引导学生关注日期表达的两种形式及 序数词的拼写。板书 eighth。 2.总结序数词及日期的读法。 3.通过对话形式巩固日期、计划的表达,学习 museum。 4.通过对话形式巩固日期、计划的表达,学习短语 have a sports meeting。 (小组问答)把句式变成:Are they going to have a sports meeting on April 2rd? 再用一句话进行描述。 5.通过对话形式巩固日期、计划的表达。学生自主构架对话。并用 一句话描述图。 6. 学习 third, fifth, eighth,ninth。引导学生观察并归纳规律。总结规 律并板书。 7.完成书本 P17 第 3.及活动手册部分内容 8. 引导学生说说自己的计划。 二、总结二、总结 三、作业三、作业 1.背 U3 课文。 2. 写一写你下个星期的计划(3-4 句) 。 板书设计:Unit 3 We are going to have an English test Whats the date? Its March 18th. visit the museum, go to the school open day, have a sports meeting. 教学反思: 日期的表达是个难点,本节课结合书本内容重点复习这方面内 容,学生很明显比第一次学习日期进步很多,通过练习让学生知道 某些日期的时间,其实还可以适当增加其它的节日,开阔孩子的视 野。 荔城二小课时教学设计荔城二小课时教学设计 Unit 3 We are going to have an English test 总总 课时课时 教学内容:用 be going to 表达计划综合练习及 P19sound family 教学目标: 1.能正确用 be going to 表达他人及自己的计划。读懂与课文难度相 当的语篇。 2. 掌握英语单词中的重读音节及句子的升降调。 教学过程: 一 Warming up:复习上一节课重要短语、句型。 二复习巩固将来时和日期 1.Lets chant: I m going to buy a book. I m going to take a look. I m going to bake a cake. I m going to walk near a lake. We re going to take a trip. We re going to take a sip. I m going outside to play. I m going to have a good day. 2. 看图说出相应的节日、日期及活动。 3.让学生阅读短文。教师可以针对短文提问题,也可以让学生进行 提问。T: Is school open day on April 17th? Is there anything important in March? What are they going to do on June 阅读短文并填 写表格,然后根据关键词复述短文。 4.Listen and match 5. 选词填空:a plan for mothers day 6.阅读短文并判断正误。 7.让学生通过读句子并进行小结。 三学习 P19sound family 1. 让学生小组尝试读出 P19 页的单词。并向学生介绍什么是重读音。 2.听录音模仿读。 3.分小组练习。 4.小结 。 四作业 板书设计:Unit 3 We are going to have an English test What are you going to do ? I m going to walk near a lake. We re going to take a trip. We re going to take a sip. I m going outside to play. I m going to have a good day. 教学反思: 通过大量的形式多样的练习复习巩固将来时,加深了对将来时 的认识,同时也提高了阅读能力,开阔了视野。单词重读音和句子 语调是学生第一次接触,老师正确引导很重要,学生通过模仿能使 读更趋标准。
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