2020-2021学年人教版英语八年级下册Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains sectionA(3a-3c)课件.zip

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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Period(Two) SectionA(3a-3c) A turn into; object, hide; tail; magic stick; excite; Western B be able to; for the first time; be new to sb.; main character; at other times; become interested in; give up C This is because., turning himself. To fight bad people, the Monkey King. Unless he can hide his tail, he cant. objectives Tell the story: Yu Gong Moves a mountain. Once upon a time, there was a very old man. There were two mountains near his house. They were so big and high that it took a long way to walk to the other side. Review object n. 物体 tail n. 尾巴 Learn some new wordsPresentation stick n. 棍; 条 excite v.使激动; 使兴奋 Watch the video and answer the questions. prereading Theyre Zhu Bajie, Sun Wukong, Sha Heshang and Tang Seng. Journey to the West. 2. In which book are they the main characters? 1. Who are they? I like best. 3. Which character do you like best? Journey to the West 西游记西游记中国古典四大名著之一,是中国古代一部浪漫主义长篇神魔小说,作中国古典四大名著之一,是中国古代一部浪漫主义长篇神魔小说,作 者吴承恩(争议),成书于者吴承恩(争议),成书于1616世纪明朝中叶,主要描写了唐僧、孙悟空、猪悟能世纪明朝中叶,主要描写了唐僧、孙悟空、猪悟能 、沙悟净师徒四人去西天取经,历经九九八十一难最后终于取得真经的故事。、沙悟净师徒四人去西天取经,历经九九八十一难最后终于取得真经的故事。 西游记西游记自问世以来在中国乃至世界各地广为流传自问世以来在中国乃至世界各地广为流传, ,书中孙悟空这个形象,以书中孙悟空这个形象,以 其鲜明的个性特征,在中国文学史上立起了一座不朽的艺术丰碑。其鲜明的个性特征,在中国文学史上立起了一座不朽的艺术丰碑。 Children all over the world love him! 美国版美国版 英国版英国版 悟空,是我们耳熟能详的悟空,是我们耳熟能详的西游记西游记人物,是真正的主角,人们人物,是真正的主角,人们 心目中的英雄。孙悟空名字的由来是什么?孙是因为悟空本是猴心目中的英雄。孙悟空名字的由来是什么?孙是因为悟空本是猴 子,悟空这个名字是有很深寓意的。子,悟空这个名字是有很深寓意的。 “悟空悟空”就是就是“悟道悟道”,“悟道悟道”就是就是“悟空悟空”,“空空”就是就是“道道”,“道道”即即 是是“空空”。“悟悟”有着感悟、领悟、觉悟的含义,其中本身就代表着有着感悟、领悟、觉悟的含义,其中本身就代表着 修炼、修心的意义。修炼、修心的意义。“悟悟”是一个过程,而是一个过程,而“空空”则指的是一种结果则指的是一种结果 ,通过多年的修炼、历经九九八十一难最终要达到一种,通过多年的修炼、历经九九八十一难最终要达到一种“无我无我”的的 境界。当达到境界。当达到“无我无我”的状态之时,也就是真正修成正果之时,此的状态之时,也就是真正修成正果之时,此 时的他真正有了时的他真正有了“道道”,而这种道是一种无我之道,就像,而这种道是一种无我之道,就像道德经道德经 里说:道可道,非常道!真正的道,是无法说的明白的,能说里说:道可道,非常道!真正的道,是无法说的明白的,能说 清楚的道不是大道!清楚的道不是大道! 孙悟空这个名字是菩提祖师想让孙悟空不断进取,孙悟空这个名字是菩提祖师想让孙悟空不断进取, 达到人类最高境界才为孙悟空取的!达到人类最高境界才为孙悟空取的! Monkey King turn himself into. make 72 changes object prediction What can he do ? He can turn (himself) into a bird. He can turn (himself) into different animals and objects The Monkey King can do many magic things. Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Tip: Read the first or the last sentence in each paragraph. Task1: Read the passage quickly and match the main ideas with each paragraph. The Monkey King is new to pupils in England but not to Chinese children. Western children are also becoming interested in the story of the Monkey King. Reading What can he doWhat can not he do He can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects. He can make his magic stick small or large. He cant turn himself into a man unless he can hide his tail. Task2: Read the passage again and complete the chart. Tip: 采用scanning方式寻找答案。 Reading 1. Journey to the West is a _ Chinese book. It tells one of the most popular stories in China. 2. When the English TV program Monkey _ in 1979, Western children _ this wonderful story. 3. The Monkey King can _ to his body. He is able to _ different animals and objects. 4. The Monkey King _ make his magic stick small or large. traditional came out became interested in make changes turn (himself ) into can / is able to Task3: Complete the sentences below with phrases from the passage. Reading whichwho whenwhathowwhy traditional Chinese be hearing for the first time main character make 72 changes a magic stick make itand came out became interested in fighting to. never gives up hide his tail November 1979 never give up fight bad people help the weak clever/smart keep on fighting Pair work Sun Wukong is the _ in the _ book Journey to the West. make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into ., make the stick so small that also he can make it can hide his tail, cant a person. To fight, magic stick. Sometimes he can makekeep it in At other times, he isand long. The Monkey King has Western children became because the clever Monkey King keeps and never Par.1 who Par.2 What things he can/cant do Par.3 Educational points 1. 从英国引导中国:从英国引导中国:In Nov., pupils.TV program called.- Most.hearing.for the first.-However, this .not new to.-The Monkey .or.main character.Journey to the West. 2. 长相长相-变化变化-金箍棒:金箍棒:The.not just.money. In fact, he.look like.-This is because., turning.-But unless.hide., he cant.person. To fight., .uses.stick. Sometimes.make.so small.keep it.ear. At .times, he .big and long. 3. 中国的孩子中国的孩子-西方孩子:西方孩子: The.has excited.China.many years. And .came out.30.ago, western .interested.reading.because the .keeps.to help.and never. Recite the passages. 学科素养:背诵能力 The Monkey King is not just any _(normally) monkey. This is because he _(make) 72 _(change) _ his shape and size, _(turn) _(him) into _(difference) animals and objects. But unless he _(hide) his tail, he _(not turn) himself into a person. _(fight) bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear. _other times, he is able to make it big and long. Read the story again to fill the blanks normal can make change to turning himself different can hide cant turn To fight At 1. They were _ high and big _ it took a long time to walk to the other side. 2. _ the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died. 3. A god was _ moved by Yu Gong _he sent two gods to take the mountains away. sothat As soon as sothat 学科素养:重点语法建构学科素养:重点语法建构 4. This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible _ you try to make it happen. 5. But _ he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a person. 6. Sometimes he can make the stick _ small _ he can keep it in his ear. 7. And _ the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, Western children became interested in reading this story. unless unless sothat as soon as 4. This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible _ you try to make it happen. 5. But _ he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a person. 6. Sometimes he can make the stick _ small _ he can keep it in his ear. 7. And _ the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, Western children became interested in reading this story. unless unless so that as soon as Sun Wukong keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up. In your life, you may face some problems. But dont be afraid of them. Dont give up.(永不言弃永不言弃) 学科素养:立德树人 Language points 1. To fight bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. 动词不定式 “to fight”在此用作目的状语,表示“为了”。 Practise 为了把地图画清楚,我需要一支特殊的笔。 To draw maps properly, I need a special pen. 他扭头看人。 He turned his head around to look at people. Language points 2. He cannot turn himself into a person. turn (sb. / sth.) into (使某人/某物)变成 turn into (通过魔法)变成 Practise 这沙发可以变成一张床 The sofa turns into a bed. 眨眼之间,王子变成了青蛙。 In a flash, the prince turned into a frog. Language points 3. The Monkey King has excited the children of China for many years. excite 使激动;使兴奋 Practis e那个好消息使我们心情激动。 The good news excited us. 现在我生活中没有任何事能使我兴奋。 Nothing about my life excites me at present. 结论 1.unless是连词,意为是连词,意为“除非;如果不除非;如果不”,引导,引导条件条件 状语从句状语从句,相当于,相当于if . not。 注意注意:unless引导条件状语从句时,如果引导条件状语从句时,如果主句是主句是 一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。 2. as soon as引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句,意为,意为“一一就就”。 as soon as引导的时间状语引导的时间状语 从句中,从句中,若主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。若主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。 3. so . that表示表示“如此如此以至于以至于”,常用于,常用于引导结果状语从句引导结果状语从句。常见结构为。常见结构为“so +形容词形容词/副词副词+ that从句从句”或或“so +形容词形容词+ a / an +单数名词单数名词+ that从句从句”。 Language points WHIC H The Monkey King Which book is talked about? How did western children like the story? WH O Most pupils in England were hearing this TV program for the first time. Journey to the West is a new Chinese book. Its new to Chinese children. What he can do What he cannot do Who is the main character? Whats he like? Why did so many people like the story? 1.The TV program came out in December 1979. 一、根据提示完成句子。 1. The icy rain seemed like to t_ into snow. 2. Lee tried to _ (隐藏) his excitement. 3. There is no _ (有魔力的)cure. 4. I only take on work that e_ me. 5. We want to get to _ (西方的) standards of living. 6. How can an o_ (物体) have different lengths? urn hide magic xcites Western bject Exercise 二、翻译下列句子。 1. 睡觉前尽量别使宝宝太兴奋。 2. Joan正在变成一个技艺精湛的音乐家。 Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician. Try not to excite your baby too much before bedtime. Exercise 1. 如果你不努力学习,你将不能通过考试。 _ you work hard, you cant pass the exam. 2. Tom五岁时就会弹钢琴。 Tom _ to play the piano when he was five. 3. 你一回家就应该做作业。 You should do your homework _ you get home. 4. Do the new shoes your friend bought _ your feet? (适合) 5. I made a new friend _Jane when I was on vacation. A. call B. called C. calling D. to call Unless was able to as soon as fit B Exercise 三、综合填空 1. Tell something about Monkey King to your friends. 2. Read more traditional Chinese books. Homework
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