教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 11 I was born in January-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:500ad).doc

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教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 11 I was born in January-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:500ad).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 11 I was born in January教学设计 一、一、教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本节课是广州市小学英语四年级下学期 Module 6 Celebration Unit 11 I w as born in January 第二课时,讲练课. 本 Unit 紧紧围绕 birthday 生日这一话题 进行展开,本课的重点是通过复习巩固上一节课学过的有关 12 个月份和生日 中出现的物品如cake, present, candles等的基础上,进一步了解生日聚会中常做 的事情,并会用现在进行时态进行描述. 二、二、教学目标教学目标 1、语言知识和技能目标:、语言知识和技能目标

2、: 1)在情境中熟练运用上节课所学的月份单词及与生日有关的单词:party, c ake, card, present, candle. 2) 在情境中灵活自如地运用短语 have a birthday party, wear birthday hat s, give sb birthday presents, sing the birthday song, blow out the birthday c andles, cut the cake, eat the cake, play the party game 以及正在进行时描述 生日聚会。 2、 情感态度目标: 1)通过大量丰富的语言实

3、践活动,感受英语学习的价值,体验学习成就感。 2) 通过自主听读别人举办生日聚会的材料,在交际中体验和乐于了解多元文 化。 3)通过学习积累运用,体验“用英语做事情”的快乐。 三、三、教学重点与难点:教学重点与难点:运用短语短语以及正在进行时描述生日聚会。 四、四、教学过程教学过程 Teaching stepsTeachers activitiesPupils activitiesDesigning aims Step 1 Warm up & revision Leadthepupilsto sing, play games and do a survey. 1. Sing the song

4、“ The months” 2.Playthegames “Quickeyes” and“ Quick mind” 3. Do a survey “I was born in” 1 活跃气氛 2 复习上节课学到的关 于月份的单词的读,拼 与表达. Step 2 Lead in 1. Bring out the topic “ Birthday” and lead a brainstorm. 2.ShowthePPT movie“Something about birthday” 3. Lead to learn how to design a birthday party. 1.Thinkab

5、outthe thingsabout birthday. 2. Enjoy the pictures and say out what they are. 3. Think about how to design a party. 通过头脑风暴,看图说 词,学生们意识到本节 课的谈论话题,复习上 节课所学的有关生日的 词,为之后的活动做铺 垫。 Step3 Presentation 1.Lead the pupils think and talk about “Thingsdoforthe party, before party, atparty,after party.” 2. Presen

6、tthe phrases 1. Think and talk in pairs: the thingsdo for the party, the thingsdo before/at/after the party. 2 Learn the phrases. 通过引领学生自主思 考,达到学习本课重点 短语的目的. Step4 Practice 1. Lead to learn from Toms birthday party. 2 Lead to see Toms Wechatdiaryand picture talking. 3. Sharemyown experienceof design

7、ingmy daughters party. 1,2 Do the exercise as teacher asks. 3 Look at the pictures and talk in pairs 通过巧妙的引导语和适 当地重构,让学生在完 成本课练习的同时,对 本课的重点短语达到操 练与升华的效果.在这 过程中重视学生的自主 学习,老师仅提供学法 的指导. Step5 Application 1 Lead to design a birthdaypartyfor the pupil was born in April. 2 Ask pupils to help me write a We

8、chat diaryaboutthe birthday party. 1 Take part in the birthdaypartyand celebrate. 2writeaWechat diaryaboutthe birthday party. 用英语做事情. 设置情 景,让学生学以致用. Step 6 Developement 1 Show a video about Birthday around the world. 2Cultivatethe emotion about thank and love. Enjoy a video about Birthday around the world. 2 Learn to thank and love. 渗透文化,情感教育 Step 7 Homework 1 Say “ I love you” to your parents and give them kisses. 2 Design your next birthday. Do remember to write down what happen in your party.


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