教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 8 What are you doing -Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:00c32).zip

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Module4 Activity Unit8 What are you doing? Did you know?-Worksheet 1. Brainstorming 用思维导图补充完整 2. Look, write and retell 看图,根据思维导图完成故事复述。 Module 4 Avtivities Unit 8 What are you doing? Did you know? April 23rd is World Book Day, a day designated by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) to celebrate reading. People of all ages would turn off the TV, log off the computer, put down their video games and enjoy the simple pleasure of reading instead. The World Book Day theme (主题) 2019 is Share a story A book The acvtivity ? In the park The beginers guide to Bird watching Bird watching is an interesting activity. We can learn more about the birds and understand what they are doing. eating flying taking a bath feeding Bird watching is a year round activity. We can watch birds in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. SpringSummerAutumnWinter It is good for all ages and a great family. Most children like to go birding. growingall ages Bird watching is a growing outdoor activity. What things do we need (需要) to watch birds? Thank you! Work in groups-Mindmap things we need It shows us pictures and introduction of each bird. binoculars a field guide ( 观鸟手册观鸟手册 ) a notebook What things do we need to watch birds? Bird watching is an _ activity. We can learn more about _and understand what they are _. Bird watching is a year round activity. We can watch birds in _, _, Autumn and_ . Bird watching is a _ outdoor activity. It is good for _and a great family. Most children like to go birding. What the things we need to watch birds is _, a field guide and _. Look, write and retell SpringSummerWinter growing all ages interesting the birdsdoing binoculars a notebook Bird watching Bird watching tells us How cute and lovely the birds are! Birds are our friends! Dont hunt for them. Share a story or a book Work in groups Share a story or a book Today I want to show you a picture book. Look, Its _(title). From this book, I can learn some words like_. I can learn some sentences like_ .I think its funny and interesting. I will share it with you. Love books & Love reading Homework: 1. Retell Bird watching 2. Draw a mind map to introduce your story. Thank you! Teaching Contents Analysis 教材分析教材分析 本课是根据教科版四年级下册第 4 模块第 8 单元 What are you doing?-Did you know? 而设 计的一节英语阅读课。本节课是以“World Book Day”(世界读书日)为背景下展开的课外内容拓 展,旨在学生能够一起响应世界读书日的主题-Share a story,能够和同伴分享自己的阅读收获。 这节课的内容是以 Bird Watching 为文本,介绍观鸟活动的故事。该故事紧密联系学生生活且有 趣,容易引起情感共鸣,且有利于学生通过“听说读写”提高语言技能,并渗透、培养学生的阅读 思维品质。学生在老师的引导下,能够利用图片和已有经验预测、理解故事大意,进一步提高逻辑 思维、归纳总结及推理能力,同时进一步激发他们的阅读兴趣。 Students Analysis 学生分析学生分析 四年级学生的思维活跃,敢于模仿,敢于表达,乐于交往,喜欢尝试新事物;他们表现欲很强, 学习英语的热情很高,积累了一定的生活常识。他们在广州版英语口语二年级上册Unit5 Im skating 和Unit6 Mums washing up,以及本单元Unit8 What are you doing?中已学习现在进行时 和各类活动的表达。这有助于学生降低阅读难度,提高阅读信心。但他们英语学习能力参差不齐, 对英语阅读的接触也不多,单词的拼读能力和故事的理解能力还需老师的培养,所以老师要采用灵 活多样的教学方法,以鼓励学生积极思考,勇于表达。 Teaching Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1语言能力 1)能拼读出符合拼读规则的单词:Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, growing, binoculars, notebook 2)能在情景中理解:a year round , all ages, go birding,a field guide 2学习能力 1)能认读所学单词,根据 Phonics 拼读规律,快速掌握新单词及新词组的发音读音; 2)能整体理解故事大意并能流利朗读 Bird watching; 3)能根据思维导图提示复述故事; 3思维品质 1)能借助图片猜测、理解文本信息,发展分析、预测能力,进一步提高阅读能力; 2)能积极投入小组合作,主动地与他人分享自己的阅读收获,发展阅读思维品质; 4文化品格 1)能够了解更多有趣的、有意义的、愉悦身心的活动,并学会用正确的方式放松自我。 2)能通过小组合作学习和绘本学习激发对英语阅读的兴趣,培养良好的阅读习惯; Difficulties Analysis 教学重难点分析:教学重难点分析: 理解故事,并能流利朗读故事 Teaching Aids 主要教学媒体主要教学媒体 多媒体课件、自制词条、图片等 教学过程教学过程 Teaching Procedures 教学过程 Teaching Steps 教师教学活动教师教学活动 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies and purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 Activity1:Greeting 1. Greeting 师生问候,营造语言氛围,调节 气氛。 Activity2:Look and say 提问“What day is it on April 23rd?” “Why is a big day on April 23rd?”(The world Book day) “What activities can you see in the park?” And then lead in the topic-Bird watching 23rd Say out the activities 系,同时调动学生已有的知 识背景。 . Presentation and Practice Activity3: Lets learn The 1st reading-“Top- down”reading 1. Paragraph1:read and talk 呈现文本,让学生快速阅读,并通 过看图说话理解文本意思; 2. Paragraph2:read and guess. 1)呈现文本,让学生快速阅读, 并通过看图猜猜一猜解码文本中的 3.Lets learn 1) Read 2) Learn the new words by Phonics; 重视培养学生正确的阅读行 为和习惯,引导学生运用背 景知识和图片推测和理解长 难句。 重视全员参与,采取各种方 关键词 a year round; . Presentation and Practice 2)通过 Phonics 拼读,学习新单 词。 3.Paragraph3:look and guess 呈现文本,通过看图猜一猜解码文 本中的关键词 growing, all ages; 4.Paragraph4:read and say 1) Brainstorm-小组合作,用思维 导图的方式写出观鸟所需要的东西 2)通过 Phonics 拼读,学习新单 词。 5. Look, write and retell. 根据思维导图完成故事的复述。 The 2nd reading Read the book aloud with the mind map. 3.Lets learn 1).Read 2) Learn the new words by Phonics; 3) Look, writ and retell Read aloud the book. 式朗读如全班、小组、个人, 使各个层面的学生都能参与。 通过提问,引导学生猜测故 事内容,发展其观察、分析、 预测能力;同时让学生带着 问题享受阅读的过程,体验 阅读的乐趣。 检测学生对故事核心部分的 理解 学生大声朗读文本,整体感 知文本内容,形成篇章意识。 . Consolidation and Development Activity4: Share your story Work in groups and share the story in groups, in class. Share a story in groups and class 引导学生主动地与他人分享 自己的阅读收获,发展阅读 思维品质;同时渗透情感教 育,培养良好的阅读习惯。 . Homework 1. Retell-Bird watching 2. Draw a mind map to introduce your story. 板书设计:板书设计: 教学反思:教学反思: 首先,这节课多数学生能当堂掌握本课的单词及故事大意,并能根据关键词提示复述故事,基本上 达到了预期的教学目标。但仍有部分孩子可能由于单词学习不太理想以及对英语阅读接触不多,有 一定的阅读难度,不能准确地完成文本检测。其次,对板书进行了精心设计,力求做到简洁,有效, 既能服务于上课的内容又能突出本课的重点。根据板书上呈现有关 bird watching 的细节内容, 让学生复述,再次领略了 mind map 帮助记忆信息的重大作用。可惜,本节课没有一定的评价机制, 孩子的积极性有待提高。
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