教科版四下-Module 5 Sports-Unit 9 It looks fun-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:6098a).zip

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Module5 Sports Class Name No. We love sports Hello! My name is .This is a picture of my family. We love sports. This is me. I am . This is . He is . This is . She is . i . Module 5 Sports Class Name No. 1、Lets match 2、Lets fill doing k f playing t t playing b ball doing the h j playing t playing f ball doing the l j playing ch Sing 2 添加标题 在此录入上述图表的描述说 明,在此录入上述图表的描 述说明,在此录入上述图表 的描述说明。 Speaking shadow sport M5 Sports 4 a kind of ball game Lets learn 1 at least 11 playersa goalkeeper cant use hands football 5 a kind of ball game Lets learn 2 5 playerscant run with the ball basketball 6 Lets learn 3 tennis 7 a national ball game of China Lets learn 4 play around a big table table tennis 国球 8 Lets learn 5 chess 9 Lets learn 6 Bruce Lee kung fu 10 do it on your own Lets learn 7 jump as far as you can the long jump 11 do it on your own Lets learn 8 jump as high as you can the high jump 12 Lets match doing the long jump doing the high jump 13 Game1 Box game 14 Game2 Lets act 15 Lets talk 16 Lets talk 17 Example 18 Lets talk 19 Sum up 20 添加标题 Sum up sports 21 Sum up - What are you doing? - Im doing sports. - What is he/she doing? - He/She is doing sports. - What are they doing? - They are doing sports. 22 添加标题 Lets share August 8th 23 Lets share National Fitness DayAugust 8th 24 Lets talk 25 Lets write 1. Do sports with your parents for half an hour 和家长一起做半小时运动 2. Complete the writing 完成作文 Thank you! 1 Analysis of the teaching Content 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块的主题是 Sports ,主要是学习与与运动相关的动词词组,以运动相关的词组为要点在已学的-What are you doing?-I m .及-What is he/she doing?-He/She is .的句型基础上拓展到新句型-What are they doing?-They are .的学习。本课作为该模 块的预备活动课,以 Im doing sports. You are doing sports. He is doing sports. She is doing sports. They are doing sports.全民运动为主 题,在主题的引领下,学习和强化运动词汇的运用,在听说读上过关基础词汇,由词到句为学生接下来的篇章学习做好铺垫。 Analysis of the Students 教学对象分析教学对象分析 运动这一话题对于四年级的学生而言并不陌生,学生在二年级第一学期 Unit1 What can you do?以及 U5 Im skating 都已经 学过与运动相关的动词,在四(下)U8 也涉及到了部分运动相关的动词。中英对应是学生在以往学习上的难点,当同一类型的 运动种类一多,学生的中英匹配就越发困难了。四(1)班这群孩子各个是运动健将,乐光向上,表现欲极强,他们喜欢玩游戏, 在这节课里,我将继续沿用他们酷爱的各类游戏活动推动教学。 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识: 1)Vocabulary 词汇:playing basketball,playing football,playing table tennis,playing tennis,playing chess,doing the long jump, doing the high jump,doing kung fu 2)Sentences 句型:- What are you doing?-Im .及-What is he/she doing?-He/She is .(复习巩固) -What are they doing?-They are .(新授目标) Language skill 语言技能: 1)能听、说、读新词组:playing basketball,playing football,playing table tennis,playing tennis,playing chess,doing the long jump, doing the high jump,doing kung fu 2)能根据主语的变化提问正在进行的活动 3)能按照提问进行现在进行时的正确回答,关注 am/is/are 的变化 3)能用现在进行时描述人物的活动 3.Affect 情感态度: 1)简单了解各种运动的不同规则 2)感受运动的乐趣和益处 1)将语言知识尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。 2)通过小组合作完成学习任务。 Language focused and difficult point 教学重难点:教学重难点: 重点:正确认读各个运动词组 难点:将新词组运用到语境中/ 区分 long jump 和 high jump Teaching Aids Media and Resource 教学资源与媒体教学资源与媒体 自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片 2 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies/Purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 Warming up ActivityActivity 1:1: Lets sing 1)Sing What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing, dear Jane? Im swimming. Im skating. Im having a happy time. ActivityActivity 2:2: Speaking shadow Ask pupils to copy teachers words,actions and facial expressions. T:Good morning!Boys and girls. /Im Miss Ma. /No.(叉 腰) You are not Miss Ma./ How are you?/Im good./ Very good./ Pretty good./ I like sports./I like sports very much./ I like running./I like swimming./ I like skating, too./ Do you like sports?/Yes, I do. T:Today we will learn something about sports. Activity 1: 1)Sing with movements Activity 2: 1)Read after teacher Activity 1: To warm up. Activity 2: 通过游戏调动气氛,自然地引出主 题。 Presentation & practice ActivityActivity 3:3: Lets learn (Tips 引导) Give some tips to pupils and let them guess T:I will give you some tips and guess what sport it is? Game rules(Listen& Keep quiet / Put up your hands) 1) playing football: a kind of ball game/at least 11 players / a gate Activity 3: 1) Guess the new words according to the tips one by one 2) Read them together 3) Train train train Activity 3: 课前布置学生了解各种运动规则和 相关名人。老师在课堂上模仿学生 熟知的综艺节目“一站到底”的节 目主持人,通过竞答模式,让学生 根据提示对运动进行猜测(允许中 5 keeper/cant use your hands 2) playing basketball: a kind of ball game/ with 5 players / cant run with the ball 3) playing table tennis: a nation of ball game of China/ play around a big table 4)playing tennis:展示球拍 5)playing chess:展示围棋 6)doing kung fu: with a long history of China/ Bruce Lee 7)doing the long jump: do it on your own/ jump as far as you can 8)doing the high jump: do it on your own/ jump as high as you can (贴图片齐读拿下图片) ActivityActivity 4:4: Lets match 1)Look and match 2)Check the answer ActivityActivity 5:5: Game 1 Box game(What are you doing?) TakeTake a a piecepiece ofof paperpaper andand answeranswer questions.questions. 1)Let pupils take paper from the box 2)T:What are you doing?(教师提问全班提问) ActivityActivity 6:6: Lets act T:I know you are good at acting. Lets act. 教师提前为每一组准备好一沓运动相关的照片,让学 生将照片中的运动在小组中演绎,并且向全班展示提 Activity 4: 1) Finish the exercise Activity 5: 1) Answer the question Activity 6: 1)Discuss in the group 2)One act, the rest of group mates ask, the whole class answer 文),增加教学趣味性。 Activity 4: 再次巩固单词和图片的学习。利用 多媒体触屏功能,进行答案核对。 Activity5: 以已学过的-What are you doing? -I am .为载体进行词组深入练习。 Activity 6: 以已学过的-What is she/he doing? -She/He is .为载体进行词组的再 次深入练习。 6 问。操练句型: -What is she/he doing? -She/He is . ActivityActivity 7:7: Lets talk 1)Enjoy a video 2)Show some pictures 3)Give them an example 4)Pair work -What are they doing? -They are . Activity 7: 1)Watch a video 2)Look at a picture 3)Watch a video about an example 4)Pair work Activity7: 利用自制运动串烧短片,呈现精彩 瞬间,让学生身临其境,更有触动。 在展示例子环节利用微课小视频的 方式,既起到示范作用又强化表达 技巧。 Volume/Actions/ Facial expressions 4 Development ActivityActivity 8:8: SumSum upup 1)Different kinds of sports Review three sentences patterns 2)Sum up the rules ActivityActivity 9:9: LetsLets shareshare T:Today we talk about a lot of different sports. As we all known,sport is good for us. Q:When is National Fitness Day in China? A:Since 2008,August 8th has been National Fitness Day.Many sports centers are free on day . More and more people love sports. So do I. 1) Show a picture & talk We love sports Hello! My name is .This is a picture of my family. We love sports. This is me . I am . This is . He is . This is . She is . 2) Discuss in your group 3) Lets share Activity 8: 1)Read together 2)Find out the rules Activity 9: 1) Listen & think 1)Look at the picture carefully & listen to the example 2) Practice & share in your group 3) Share in class Activity 8: 综述全课难点 Activity 9: 情感渗透“全民运动”,运动有益 健康。 Homework 1. Do sports with your parents for half an hour 2. Complete the writing 4 Designing on the board 板书板书 课后反思课后反思 本课作为 M5 Sports 的模块预备课,关键任务是让学生了解本模块主题并对主题产生的学习兴趣。因此本课开 篇就采用了猜谜语的方式,让学生在游戏的过程中开展相关运动名词的学习,本课将运动词汇作为教学的重点, 在学完词汇后,利用词汇开展了一系列游戏,由-What are you doing?-Im ./-What is he/she doing?-He/She is .的巩固 基础上,自然衔接到新句型-What are they doing?-They are .的学习,螺旋式的上升让教学活动高效开展。最后通过我在运动, 你在运动,他在运动,她在运动,他们也在运动,得出“全民运动”的结论,鼓励学生多做运动,强健体魄。 优点:1.跨课融合&资源利用 2.层层递进&螺旋上升 3.玩中学&学中玩 不足:1.指令下达不够明晰 2 教师带领次数过多 3.语速及流程过快
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