教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 12 Christmas is coming-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:90171).zip

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广州市南沙区东涌第一小学广州市南沙区东涌第一小学 执教者:陈雅扑执教者:陈雅扑 2018.05.25 2018.05.25 come together come together 1. Mon.Christmas 圣诞节圣诞节 Father Christmas Christmas trees Christmas cards December Christmas presents a big dinner Christmas is in December. It is an important(重要的重要的) holiday for people in many countries. They like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. Some people like dressing up as Father Christmas. Some teachers also like dressing up as Father Christmas. Children like making Christmas cards for their friends. They are very happy on this day. ( ) having a big family dinner ( ) buying some flowers ( ) dressing up as Father Christmas ( ) helping mum with housework ( ) making cards for friends ( ) wearing new clothes Lets learn having dinner having a big dinner having a big family dinner having a big family dinner with lots of great food lots of 许多的 we like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. we like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. we like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. we like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. we like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. ( ) having a big family dinner ( ) buying some flowers ( ) dressing up as Father Christmas ( ) helping mum with housework ( ) making cards for friends ( ) wearing new clothes Lets learn dress up 装扮成 My dad likes dressing up as Father Christmas. What does he like doing? He likes dressing up as an elephant. What does he like doing? He likes dressing up as a monkey. What does he like doing? He likes dressing up as Father Christmas. ( ) having a big family dinner ( ) buying some flowers ( ) dressing up as Father Christmas ( ) helping mum with housework ( ) making cards for friends ( ) wearing new clothes making cards for teachers/ What do you like doing? What do you like doing? For Christmas, for Christmas. I like making cards. I like dressing up As Father Christmas. As Father Christmas. Lets play What do you like doing for Christmas ? I like ing What do they like doing for Christmas? Who are they? 二、听录音,根据课文内容连线。二、听录音,根据课文内容连线。 Bens family making Christmas cards for friends Xiaolings dad dressing up as Father Christmas Jiamin having a big dinner with lots of great food Ben: Its December already. Christmas is coming soon. Xiaoling: What do you like doing for Christmas, Ben? Ben: In my home we like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. Xiaoling: My Dad likes dressing up as Father Christmas. What about you, Jiamin? Jiamin: I like making Christmas cards for my friends. Heres one for you. Xiaoling: Thanks, Jiamin. Ben: Its December already. Christmas is coming soon. Xiaoling: What do you like doing for Christmas, Ben? Ben: In my home we like . Xiaoling: My Dad likes . What about you, Jiamin? Jiamin: I like making Christmas cards for my friends. Heres one for you. Xiaoling: Thanks, Jiamin. I like ing 小组汇报:小组汇报: In our group, _likes I like_ 三、三、 Christmas Father Christmas December already soon lots of dress up as making cards What do you like doing for Christmas? I like dressing up as Father Christmas/ I likeing Summing up 1. Finish the exercise paper. 2. Read the dialogue for 15. 1 教学内教学内 容及分容及分 析析 本教学设计所使用的教材是教科版2011新课标小学英语四年级下册,内容是第六模块Un it 12 Christmas is coming. Lets talk。本课为本单元第一课时。 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本Module的话题是Celebrations,而本节是关于西方最重要节日- 圣诞节的新授课,它介绍的是圣诞节的一些活动。本课内容和学生的日常生活有一定的联系 。介于文本内容较少,在考虑学生的了解的基础上会在教学中对圣诞节活动作适当的拓展。 学情分学情分 析析 四年级的学生已有一年多学习英语的经验,他们已习惯在唱唱、玩玩、听听、说说、做做中 习得语言;他们在英语学习上的主要表现是:喜欢表现自己,自信心较强;喜欢用英语做事 情,小组合作能力强。本班的学生有将近两年的英语学习经验,他们已经有一定的英语知识 和初步形成了英语学习的策略。本文学习的圣诞节这一节日的教学内容,学生在平常生活中 已经受到西方传统节日文化的影响,对节日的文化背景、文化知识都比较熟悉,本节课老师 通过熟息易认的图片的呈现,学生对圣诞节这一节日的一些文化知识就比较容易接受了,学 生也很容易产生强烈的好奇心及想了解探究的愿望。教师在教学中结合教学内容,围绕教学 目标适当运用电脑软件及实物,从而产生很好的教学效果。 教学目教学目 标标 一)Language knowledge语言知识目标: 1、学生掌握下列单词:holiday,Christmas,already,soon,lots of,dress up,as,Father Christmas。 2、掌握本课词组:having a big family dinner with lots of great food,dressing up as Father Christmas,making Christmas cards,buying some presents for children,putting a Christmas tree in our house,having a Christmas party with our friends. 3、(3)学会运用句型:What do you like doing for Christmas? I like . (二)Language skill语言技能目标: 1、学生能流利朗读课文,对单词、短语、句型能熟练上口。 2、学生能用英语询问及回答圣诞节时喜欢做的事情。 (三)Affect 情感态度目标: 1、通过歌曲、游戏等活动,激发学生学习英语的内在动机,最终使他们形成学习英语的积 极态度。 2、学会有礼貌的和他人进行交流。 (四)Learning Strategies学习策略目标: 1、通过歌曲、小组竞赛等方式让学习在快乐中习得语言,培养学生的学习兴趣,树立学习 英语自信心。 2、通过拓展课本内容,给学生提供更多接触英语、运用英语的机会。 23、通过设置任务,加强小组合作等方法培养学生在小组活动中获取更多的语言信息的能力 ,并提高学生在情景中运用的英语的语言学习能力。 (五)Culture Awareness文化意识目标:能使学生了解中西节日文化差异,学会感恩等。 课时课时:1:1t t h h 学习主题: M6 Celebrations U12 Christams is coming. 课型: 听说课设计者:陈雅扑 教学重教学重 、难点、难点 1、能流利朗读并理解本课,熟练地复述课文。 2、学生能用英语询问及回答圣诞节时喜欢做的事情。 教学教学 资源资源 PPT课件、歌曲、金太阳、卡纸。 教学过教学过 程程 教学活动设计意图评价 WarminWarmin g g upup andand freefree (Before)Listen Jingle Bells. 1.ee talk T:When is the Christmas? Ps:Its in Decenber. 1.课前两分钟让学生听有 关圣诞节日的歌曲,为本课打 下基础; 2.歌曲活跃气氛,复习已 教师口头评价 师生互相了解 ,明确学习目 2 talktalk 2.Lets enjoy a song:Merry Christmas. 3.Show the teaching aims. 学语言。 3.通过师生之间的对话及猜月 份环节,回顾旧知,明确本节 课学习的话题,为下面的语言 学习做好准备。 标。 PresenPresen tationtation andand practipracti ce.ce. 1.Lets listen and choose.(dialogue) 2.Learn some new words and phrases from the pictures/things/games; 3.Read the phrases then stick on a paper. 4.Check the answers; 5.Listen and numbers the pictures, guide them understand the sentences:What do you like doing for Christmas?I like 1.通过实物、游戏、图片等形 式谈论圣诞节活动的环节,引 起学生的好奇心同时激发学习 的兴趣,学习有关圣诞节的词 汇及短语(同时感受中西方文化 节日的差异。) 2.听课文录音前,设疑完成,目的 是让学生带着好奇心和激情式突破 本节课的难点 圣诞活动的短语。 学案中的阅读 任务表格 教师评价,生 生互评: 内容丰富:5分 语言正确(目 标语言的运用 ):3分 表述流畅(运 用连词):2分 教师评价,学 生互评 ConsolConsol idatioidatio n n andand sumsum upup 1.Lets sing.(Two tigers playing). 2.Lets play. The game of lottery.A pupil draws lots, the whole class asks him together, he answers the question which draws. 3.Read the dialogue. 4.Lets listen and match. 5.Check the answers in class. 6.a.Read the dialogue with the teacher; b.Read the dialogue in roles; 7.Lets recite. 8.Sum up 1.小组活动加强学生对圣诞节 活动的理解,增强小组合作, 培养探究能力; 2.给图片编号加深学生对知识 的理解,教师能及时反馈学生 掌握情况,训练听力能力,同 时引出本课句型并进行操练, 达到熟练。 3.利用视频呈现课文对话并完成表 格,吸引学生注意力,培养听的能 力,理解课文,最后达到流利朗读 的目的;4.通过归纳环节,突出本 节课的重难点知识,检查学生学习 的情况。 帮助学生巩固 已学知识,进 一步提高学生 的综合语言表 达能力。 教师评价,生 生互评: 内容丰富:5分 语言正确(目 标语言的运用 ):3分 表述流畅(运 用连词):2分 DeveloDevelo pmentpment 1.Show time (retell the dialogue). 2.Lets talk and Team questions and answers based on the questionnaire below. 3.Summing up 1.小组合作问答完成本节课重点问 题,以及巩固本节课重难点,增强 小组合作精神,激发学习的积极性 , 并在分享活动中感动、期望、 培养自信心;另外,不同层次 的要求也照顾不同能力水平的 学生,让他们保持学习兴趣。 教师评价,生 生互评: 内容丰富:5分 语言正确(目 标语言的运用 ):3分 表述流畅(运 用连词):2分 引导学生归纳 所学内容,为 homewohomewo rkrk 1.Finish the EX paper. 2.Read the dialogue for 15. 1.巩固所学知识,延伸课外; 2.课后巩固课文深入了解中西文化 差异性。 blackbblackb oardoard designdesign M6 U12 Christmas is coming. December What do you likee doing for Christmas? lots of I like .ing. 3 dressing up as having a big family dinner already dressing up as Father Christmas making cards for friends
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