教科版四下-Module 7 Let’s look back-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)--(编号:321dd).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 7 Let’s look back_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)__(编号:321dd)
    • My Lucky Day 绘本故事教学.mp3
    • My Lucky Day 绘本故事教学.mp4
    • My Lucky Day 绘本故事教学.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案321dd.docx--点击预览


广州市番禺区新桥小学广州市番禺区新桥小学 陈伊凡陈伊凡 the writer The fox The piglet happy Why? You can ask questions like this: The piglet is and the fox is The man is lucky. Seven is my lucky number. the writer The fox The piglet happy Why? You can ask questions like this: Keiko Kasza 出生于日本 毕业于美国加利福尼亚大学 定居在美国印第安纳州 the writer The fox The piglet happy Why? You may ask questions like this: One day,a hungry fox was polishing his claws.tap,tap.He listened a knock at the door. cl spolish draw aw English 修剪 Hey, Rabbit!someone yelled outside.Are you home? Rabbit? When the fox opened the door, he saw a delicious- looking piglet. Oh, no! screamed the piglet. Oh, yes! said the fox. You come to the right place. He grabbed the piglet and hauled him into his house. the rabbit “Let me go! Let me go! shouted the piglet. Sorry,pal. Roast pig is my favourite. said the fox. Now get into the pan(锅锅). ideas (主意)(主意) wash collected twigs fatten up massage picked tomatoes pushed carried in water made noodles “All right. sighed the piglet.I will. But there is one thing. What? said the fox. Well, Im a pig,you know. Im very dirty now. Shouldnt you wash me first? Mr fox. So the fox was busy . He collected twings. He made a fire. He carried in the water. And the fox gave the piglet a nice bath. “You are a good scrubber(洗刷者)(洗刷者), said the piglet. Now you are clean! I can eat you now. said the fox. All right,sighed the piglet. I will. But. But what? said the fox. Well, Im a small piglet, you know. Shouldnt you fatten me up to get more meat? Mr fox. fatten up 使使.变肥变肥 So the fox was very busy. He picked tomatoes. He made noodles. He baked cookies. And the fox gave the piglet a nice dinner. Youre a good cook,said the piglet. Now youre very fat. I can eat you now.said the fox. All right,sighed the piglet.I will. But. What? What?WHAT? shouted the fox. Well, Im a hardworking pig,you know. My meat is very tough. Shouldnt you massage me first to make me tender?Mr fox. So the fox was very busy. He pushed. and he pulled. The fox massaged the piglet from head to toe. You give a good massage,said the piglet. Could you push a bit harder, Mr fox? A little to the right, please.yes, yes.now a little to the left. said the piglet. Mr fox, are you there? “What a bath!What a dinner!What a massage!” said the piglet. “This must be my lucky day!” 1. Read the story aloud and underline the past verbs . (读故事,划出表示过去时态的动词)(读故事,划出表示过去时态的动词) Lets read and do.(研学案)(研学案) 2. Read,choose and retell the story. (复述故事)(复述故事) Read and choose One day, the fox was_ his claws. He heard a knock on his door. He opened the door and saw a _. He wanted to eat the piglet, but the piglet said: Im very dirty now.Shouldnt you _ first? At the second time, the piglet said: Im a small piglet. Shouldnt you _ to get more meat? At the third time, the piglet asked the fox to_ him because his meat was very tough. At last, the fox was exhausted(精疲力尽精疲力尽) and dead (死)(死). polishing piglet wash me fatten me up massage fatten me upwash me massagepigletpolishing Choose your favourite part and act out(选择你最喜欢的一个场 景在小组里表演) Think and Share(Group work) 1. Read the story and tell your parents 2. Share your idea of the story with your parents. (Say or Write) 1 My Lucky Day绘本阅读课教学设计(第二课时) 一、教学内容分析:一、教学内容分析: My Lucky Day是一本幽默和思考兼具的儿童英文绘本故事, 讲述的是饥肠辘辘的狐狸正准备外出猎食,这时,一只肥嫩多汁的 小猪自己送上门来。狐狸认为今天真幸运,天下掉下了美食。为了 这顿美餐,他大费周章又是给小猪搓澡清洁,又是喂食增肥, 还给小猪做按摩小猪说这样可以改善肉质!最后,狐狸不但没 有享用到大餐,还被累死了。结尾的大转折,可以引发学生联系到 生活的实际,在碰到时危险时,学会冷静并机智地应对。四年级这 学期学生学了很多动词短语,而这本绘本所出现的动词都比较实用 和贴近生活实际,适用于让学生感知更多的动词和拓充学生的“动 词量” ,也适用于引导学生了解并在老师帮助下归纳过去式动词的变 化,让学生在欣赏故事的同时学习新单词,语法,起到事半功倍的 作用。 2、教学对象分析:教学对象分析: 本班四年级学生好奇心强,乐于开口,善于模仿,爱表演,对 英语保持着很浓的兴趣且有一定的知识储备。在三年级时,学生学 过动物单词。四年级上学期和本学期接触并学了很多动词短语。在 第一课时里,为扫除第二课时的阅读障碍,学生已经学过新词汇。 这本绘本的故事情节比较跌宕,结尾出乎意料,学生会喜欢这样的 故事。这个故事能较好地激发学生学习的想象力和学习热情,而且 2 本课时设计的各项活动都紧紧围绕故事情景进行,让学生从做中学, 为学生的学习赋予趣味性。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1.学生能够正确理解和掌握 polish,yell,scream,crab,haul,sign,massage 等动词。 2.学生能够欣赏故事,能借助绘画读懂本英文故事。 3. 学生能够在第一课时的基础上,准确圈出一般过去时变化了 形式的动词,能在老师帮助下归纳动词过去式的变化规律。 4. 学生能自主选择喜欢的情景,小组合作表演故事。 5、能从故事中懂得在面对困难时要冷静思考,机智应对的道理。 6、学生能根据老师提供的真实生活情景,给出建议(可用中文) 。 4、教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 1. 重点: (1)学生能够理解掌握 polish,yell,scream,crab,haul,sign,massage 等 动词。 (2)学生能够欣赏故事,能借助绘画读懂本英文故事。 (3)能从故事中懂得在面对困难时要冷静思考,机智应对的道理。 (4)学生能根据老师提供的真实生活情景,给出建议(可用中文) 。 2.难点: 3 (1)学生能够在第一课时的基础上,准确圈出一般过去时变化了 形式的动词,能在老师帮助下归纳动词过去式的变化规律。 (2)学生能自主选择喜欢的情景,小组合作表演故事。 五、教学媒体:五、教学媒体:多媒体课件、卡纸,绘本故事。 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: I. Pre-reading (1)Sing a song:Andy can Swing(一年级已学) (2)Listen,do and guess.(用抽取幸运儿的形式选出一名学生到讲 台前,听指令演出听到的动物,其他学生猜测) 【设计意图:通过唱一唱,做一做,猜一猜来唤醒学生已学的 动物单词,为下面呈现故事主人公和理解课题打下基础,便于学生 理解本英文绘本故事的内容。 】 II. While-reading 1.Present the fox and the piglet. 2.Get some information of the cover: about the title, the writer and understand what does “lucky” mean. 3.Ask questions about the book according to the cover. T: Who is lucky,can you guess? 【设计意图:通过对封面人物微表情的观察,再对封面进行提 问,引发学生质疑和思考,激起学生阅读的兴趣。 】 4.Page1-2. Teacher begins to tell the story. (1) What is the fox doing? What he wants to do next? 4 (2)Who does the piglet want to visit? 【设计意图:通过两个问题,让学生了解狐狸修爪子的意图和 小猪的意外造访是故事发生的起因,让学生觉得故事的发生“实属 偶然” ,为最后故事的出乎意料作铺垫】 5.Picture tour P3-5 (1)How does the pig feel when he sees the fox? Ss try to act like the piglet. (2)Pupils try to understand“grab” and “haul” (3)Guess what will the pig do. 【设计意图:通过表演,让学生体会小猪害怕的情绪,引导猜 测接下来的故事】 6.Silent reading,from P7-18 Step 1: Pupils read the story individually and finish the mind map. Step 2: Pupils discuss and check their answers in group. 5 Step3:The teacher and pupils check answers together. 【设计意图:创设小组活动,学生分小组合作学习,共同探究, 让学生分别提取小猪想出的三个办法,进行交流,内化,最后,在 老师帮助下完成思维导图。 】 7. Read page19-26 and discuss: (1) What happened at last? (2) Do you think who is the lucky one at last? 8. Read the story (1) Underline the verbs with”-ed” (2) Read,choose and retell the story.(复述故事) 9.Choose one part and act out the story . 6 III.Post-reading 1.Think and share (1)What can we learn from the piglet? 【设计意图:引发学生思考,引导学生从故事中得出不要贪小便 宜,拒绝诱惑和面对危险要冷静应对的道理】 (2)If you were the piglet, what will you do? Task: Pupils discuss in group to give another good idea. 【设计意图:通过讨论,得出另一个办法,培养学生的合作能力, 提高学生解决问题的能力。 】 2.Watch a video and work out a solution. 【设计意图:把这个故事的道理迁移到现实生活,比如碰到陌生 人拐骗时怎么自救。提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。 】 IV. Assessment 七、板书设计七、板书设计 八、作业布置八、作业布置 1. Read the story and tell your parents 2. Share your idea of the story with your parents. (Draw,Say or Write) 【设计意图:让学生想象自己身处小猪的处境会怎么做?让他 们画一画,写一写,拓展学生用英语做事情的时空,让学生在做中 用英语,在做中感悟语言的魅力。 】
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