教科EEC版六年级下册Unit7 A Letter from Jenny-Class 1 Textbook p.64-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:501a6).doc

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1、1 EEC 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 7ALetter from Jenny ? 1本单元设计意图:学生通过学习詹尼的来信了解习得英语国家有关事情有无,天气 的表达, 了解有关书信的基本表达及书写的方法和习惯, 进而培养学生对外域文化的兴趣, 教师鼓励学生在生活中能运用这些内容更好的体现学以致用。 2本单元学习目标 语言知识目标:学生能用英语问答事情的有无,能运用两种不同的方式提问天气,并 做出回答,能从听、说、读三方面了解感恩节及了解英语书信的格式。 语言技能目标:教师创设情境,学生在和实际生活相联系的情境中学语言,学生能运 用所学的语言进行交际的能力。 情感态度目标: 激发学生学

2、习的积极性, 培养学生学习英语的兴趣和参与合作的意识, 通过学习和交流, 促进学生对西方文化的了解并提高学生的实际生活能力。 学习策略目标:培养学生的注意力,观察力及分析总结的能力,激发学生积极思考问 题,通过游戏等多种活动方式,激发学习英语的兴趣,引导学生在任务中积极运用所学英 语进行表达。 3学情分析 4、单元具体设计 根据课时安排我把本单元分四课时来完成教学。 The first period:P88、89 90 91The second period:P94 95 The third period:P92 93The fourth period:P99 review Lesson7 音

3、标:j Lesson 7ALetter from Jenny ?Period 1 2 一、Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge objectives: 四会单词: mail enveloperead aloudbuy ( bought ) write(wrote) 三会单词: fruitphone callsinside . 二会单词: pardonstory 句子:There be 句型及一般疑问句 2. Ability objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1

4、. 学生能够运用一般疑问句进行问答 . 2. learn 一般疑问句 and find out the usage of any 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. 学生能够运用以下句型对事情的有无进行问答交流 Be there ? DoDoesDid ? 2. The pronunciation of mail 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1.学生能够正确区分和使用各种时态的一般疑问句进行问答 2. The usage of a letter fromto sb. 3. The meaning ofa picture of 二、Teach

5、ing methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching, 三、Teaching aids: Pictures of lettersfruitsphone callsbooksword cards, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Warming up and revision. 1. Greetings 2. Review words with cards T : Look at these cards. If you can say please sta

6、nd up and say them quickly Fruit : apple strawberry watermelon orange (设计意图:以旧带新,引出新授单词 fruit) StepII : Presentation 1.T: They are fruits . Spell it one by one “fruit” T: I have some fruits . What about you? S1: I have some books.S2: I have some apples. T:Do you have any apples ? (教师指着刚才说的学生问) S1: Y

7、es, we have some fruits . Yes, I do. I have some apples. S2 : No , we dont have any fruit. No, I dont. I dont have any apples. (设计意图:从复习 I have some的句型,自然过渡到问句 Doyou have any?这个重点 句型) 3 2.Ask and answer in pairs to drill I have some Do you have any ? Yes,we have some Yes, I do. No, we dont have anyN

8、o, I dont. I dont have any (设计意图:学生同桌间练习对话,巩固所学。 ) 3. (ppt) Ss look at the picture of phone calls . Then learn to read it (截取一个铃声让学生们 听,学习 phone call,复数 phone calls),then ppt learn letter(letters),mail(mail) ,并了解 之间的区别 T:The Christmas Day is coming. There are some letters for me. Speak more S1: Ther

9、e are some cards for me. T:Are there any cards for me? S: Yes, there are some cards for youhimherus. T: Who can use “mail”ask and answer? S1:Are there any mail for me? T;I think you are wrong. Is there any mail for me? S1:Yes,there is some mail S2:No,there isnt any mail. T: Were there any phone call

10、s? S1: Yes, there were S2:No,there were not. T: What did she say? (不明白什么意思?是截取了一段对话内容吗?) (S1:She said,“ Did you buy any books ?” T: Yes, I bought some story books . )把这一段放到步骤 2 后,一个学生在说 I dont have any apples.之后,老师说 I want to buy some apples. So I bought some apples yesterday. Did you buy any apples

11、 yesterday? S1: No, I didnt buy any apples. S2: Yes, I bought some apples. Practice in pairs. (ppt) Ss look at the picture and practice the dialogue (设计意图:考虑学生接受能力不同,由简单的单词讲授入手,然后呈现句子,句子的呈 现方式也是先易后难,照顾全体学生。 ) A: WereAreIs there any _? B:Yes, there wereareis some No, there werent arentisnt any. A: Di

12、d you buy any _? B:Yes,I bought some_. 4. (ppt) some letters T: look ,some letters. We can also call them mail(write it on the BB Ss read it follow the teacher) 由以上学的对话自然过渡到对 mail 的学习 4 T : Is there any mail for me 、 S1: Yes,there,are some letters for you. T: Oh let me see. Its a letter from Jenny L

13、esson7 write the title and read T: Do you want to know whats in it ? Lets listen to the tape then answer the question (设计意图:创设情境,通过对话表演引出课题及要学习的内容,让学生能够始终在 真实的情境中感知语言并进而运用英语进行交流。 ) (ppt)the picture of P88 Q1: Guess whats the meaning of inside the envelope , read it aloud. Q2: a letter to sb.和 a lett

14、er from sb.的区别是什么 5.Ss read P88 follow the tape StepIII: Practice 1. T: look at p89 three envelopes look at the example then make the dialogue 2. Then check some pairs ( 设计意图: 再一次巩固了 a letter to sb.和 a letter from sb.的用法) StepIV: Consolidation. 1. Play the tape(p91). Ss listen and number the picture

15、 2. read the dialogue and fill in the blanks 3. Exercise StepV: Homework. 五、五、Blackboard design 5 六、六、Teaching reflection Lesson 7:ALetter from JennyPeriod 2 一、Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge objectives: 6 四会单词: weather warm sunny windy a littleget(got) have( had) 三会单词: Thanksgiving Day 句子: Whats

16、the weather like?= Hows the weather? 音标 2. Ability objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. 学习有关天气的形容词及相应的变法规则. 2. Use structures like “Whats the weather like?”,“Why dontyou.?” to talk about the weather and advice 3. Know about “ Thanksgiving Day”and find out how did

17、Jenny write a letter in English. 3. Focus of the lesson: 学生能够运用以下句型对本课所学内容进行问答交流。 What s the weather like ?= Hows the weather?Why dontyou .? =Why not? 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1. 学生能够正确区分学会名词到形容词的变形 2. 掌握两个音标的读音 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teach

18、ing, 三、Teaching aids: Pictures of seasons, weather, word cards, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Warming up and revision. 1. ( ppt) Show some covered pictures of seasons. Ss guess the words. 2. T:Which season is it ? Ss: Its spring. (设计意图:复习环节所涉及到的单词均是为本课的教学目标服务,能够为学生学习本 课新知做好语料的准备与铺垫。 猜单词游戏的活动形式

19、可以在上课伊始将学生带入轻松活 跃的英语课堂气氛中。 采用不同的方式生生或小组合作的方式依次练习其他季节词鼓励学 生大胆参与。 ) StepII : Presentation 1.PPTT: OK Look at this picture. Whats the weather like? Ss: Its warm T:Yes,Its warm and sunny. (设计意图:以旧带新,引出新授单词,学习上有坡度照顾学困生) T: Do you know the meaning of sunny? Lets look this PPT (设计意图:通过 PPT 让学生理解 sunny 的意思,

20、利用视听可以增强记忆力) 2.PPT sunsunny( 阳光充足的)fogfoggy (有雾的) windwindy(有风的)rainrainy( 有雨的) snowsnowy( 有雪的) 7 (Ss learn these words follow theteacher) T: Who can use these words and pictures to make a dialogue Who can ask and answer? S1: Whats the weather like?= Hows the weather?(可以由教师给出, 也可以让好同学自己说 出,为下面做铺垫) S

21、2: Its snowy. T:Yes we have much snow in winter. ( 设计意图:show PPT 让学生理解 much 的用法) 3. PPTT: This one Who can ask and answer S1: Hows the weather? S2:Its windy. T:Its a little windy.。Do you know the meaning of a little? (通过 ppt 理解 a little 的用法) T: (who can)省掉 Make sentences using “ a little”。 (设计意图:借助

22、PPT 理解新授单词的意思,让学生在情境中感受其意思,造句练习更加 巩固了对该单词的印象, 让学生能够始终在真实的情境中感知语言并进而运用英语进行交 流。 ) 3. T: Lets do the exercise, listen to the tape and draw a line ( 设计意图:学生通过听 P94 的录音做题,巩固以上所学的知识) T:This time lets read it follow the tape 4. PPT T: Its cold in November, Right? But there is a big Festival in it (on the m

23、onth).Do you know?( 引出 ThanksgivenThanksgiving Day) 5. BB: ThanksgivenThanksgiving Day (强调 th 的发音,并让学生举例,调动学生的积极性鼓励学生共同参与) 6. PPT T:show the letter of P95 ( 设计意图:介绍书信的格式,作为阅读让学生做练习) StepIII: Practice 1. 利用课件练习巩固所学的知识 Eg: Its _(wind)in autumn. StepIV: Consolidation. T: Play the tape(p95). Ss listen a

24、nd draw a line (设计意图: 任务型教学模式。 引导学生把握关键信息, 指导听力技巧, 提高听力技能。 ) StepV: Homework. 8 五、五、Blackboard design 六、六、Teaching reflection Lesson 7:ALetter from JennyPeriod 3 一、Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge Objectives: 9 四 会 单 词 : weatherwait forget(got) have( had) write(wrote) 三 会 单 词 : Thanksgiving Day 写信

25、二会: pardonturkey dinner 句子: Whats the weather like?= Hows the weather? 音标 2. Ability Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Express how to ask and answer the weather fluently . 2.Find out “Thanksgiving Day ” and find out how did Jenny write aletter in English 3. Wri

26、te a simple letter in English 3. Focus of the lesson: 学生能够了解感恩节和其他的节日并能应用本课所学的短语进行熟练造句 1. have a big partyget togetherwait for 2.不规则动词的过去式 havehad get-got 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1. 学生能够进行简单的书信书写 2. 理解 will be+V.ing 的意思 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational langu

27、age teaching, 三、Teaching aids: word cards, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Warming up and revision. 7. ( ppt) Show some cardsto review adj. :rainy windy snowy( 抢答Boys: rainGirls: rainy ) 8. Dialogue T:Whats the weather like today? Who can answer? Ss: Its and (rainy/snowy/sunny/cloudy) (设计意图:复习环节

28、所涉及到的单词均是为本课的教学目标服务,能够为学生学习本 课新知做好语料的准备与铺垫。 抢答单词游戏的活动形式可以充分调动学生学习的积极性 把学生带入轻松活跃的英语课堂气氛中。 ) 4. PPTSs ask and answer in pairs (设计意图:出示今天的天气预报,利用真实的情境,让学生进行对话练习。 ) StepII : Presentation 1. PPT T:Whats the weather like in November.? Ss: Its very cold. T:Yes, Its cold in November. But there is a big Fest

29、ival in it.Do you know? ( 设计意图:利用图片和 歌曲引出对 Thanksgiving Day 的学习,可以加深学生的理解和记 10 忆) 2.BB: Thanksgiving Day(因为前一节课已经学过了 Thanksgiving Day, 所以这里老师一带而 过就可以了) (设计意图;强调 th 的发音,并让学生举例,调动学生的积极性鼓励学生共同参与课堂) 1. OK we know about Thanksgiving Day . Lets look at this letter and answer my question. Its a letter from

30、 Jenny. Do you want to know what Jenny write in it? Read it by yourselves and answer the questions (PPT)Q1: Whats the weather like in Ottawa? Q2: Whats the date on Thanksgiving Day? Q3: What did they do last night? Q4: Why dont you visit me during the vocatation? Q5: Do you know how did she write? (

31、设计意图:阅读采用设问的方式,让学生带着问题阅读更有助于提高学生的自主能力.) T: Do you know the meaning of sunny? Lets look this PPT(sunny 学生们已经很熟悉,没必 要总强调,可以不要这个) (设计意图:通过 PPT 让学生理解 sunny 的意思,利用视听可以增强记忆力) 2. PPT T:Guess the meaning have a partyget togetherturkeywait for BB: together (设计意图: 强调 th 的发音,并让学生举例) T: Can you find other words

32、 th pronounced (设计意图:让学生对已学过的单词进行相同因素的归类 weather father they then 鼓励学 困生大胆参与。 ) 3. PPTT: Can you find the past form have-get -write- (设计意图:学生主动参与课堂,有助于提高教学成效) T:Can you know about the meaning of “ will be waiting for” (设计意图:借助 PPT 理解新授单词的意思,让学生在真实的情境感受其意思,造句练习 更加巩固了对该单词的印象, 让学生能够始终在真实的情境中感知语言并进而运用英语

33、进 行交流。 ) StepIII: Practice 1. 利用课件练习巩固所学的知识 Eg:We have_( had) a big party last night. 11 2. PPT T:show the letter of P95 Read and choose True or False ( 介绍书信的格式,作为阅读让学生做练习) T: Do P93 “ Write a letter and read aloud “ (设计意图:任务型教学模式。引导学生通过阅读并进行仿写练习,提高写作技巧.和 上一个练习相比更加提高了学生的能力训练,给好学生更大的空间。 ) StepIV Home

34、work. 五、五、Blackboard design 六、六、Teaching reflection Lesson 7ALetter from Jenny ?( Revision ) 一、Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge objectives: 12 四会单词: mailenvelopereadaloudweatherwaitbuy ( bought )write(wrote) have(had)get(got) 以及有关天气的形容词 三会单词: Thanksgiving Day fruit phone callsinside . 二会单词: pardons

35、toryturkeydinner 句子:There be 句型及一般疑问句 Whats the weather like ? =Hows the weather ? 音标 / / 2. Ability objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. 学生在学会天气形容词的基础上进行问答并学会一般疑问句 . 2. Know about Thanksgiving Day and know how to write a letter in English 3. Focus of the lesson:

36、综合运用本课所学的知识和句型进行问答和交流 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1. Write a simple a letter in English with we have learnt in L7 2. Phonetics / / 3. Understand the meaning of“ will be + V.ing ” 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching, 三、Teaching Objectives:word card

37、s, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Warming up T: Greeting Sing a song “ Hows the weather? ” 1.T: OK Whats the weather like today? S1: Its warm and sunny. T: Now Ill divide you into two groups . You are superman and you are spiderman. Lets PK Are youready ? (设计意图: 以 PK 的方式进行复习,激发了学生学习的热情,鼓励学生大胆参与

38、) 2.T: First lets review some adjectives PPTrain-snow-wind-sun-fog PPT 看图说词warmhotcoolcold (这个可以改成看图说句子,因为前面已 经说了天气词了,这里就可以再上一个梯度。) T: Look at the picture.Ask and answer in pairs A: Whats the weather like Hows the weather in _? B: Its _and _ . (设计意图: 运用所学的知识能够简单的表述各个城市的天气情况) 3.PPTT: Show an envelope

39、 13 T: Whats this? Ss: Its an envelope. T:Yes Do you want to know whats in it ?Guess Whats in it? Ss: Yes.(省掉) T:Guess(省掉) S1:Its a picture of Jenny T: No. Its a picture of my friend and there is also a letter .Last Sunday my friend wrote a letter to me . Lets see (P99) ( 设计意图:出示阅读,让阅读融入本课的复习中指导并建立学

40、生的阅读技巧) T:Oh,there is her homework. She thinks its very hard . But I think “ All things are difficult before they are easy”Lets help her . PPTHomework OneReading Q1: Whats the weather like in Ottawa? Q2: Who wrote a letter to Xiaoxiao? Q3: Whats in the envelope? 猜词believe (设计意图:通过 I believe 这首英文歌曲来引

41、导学生说出其意思) T: Do you think its difficult ? PPTT :Lets see Homework Two 说出下列不规则动词的过去式 get-havebuy-write T:Homework Three 句型变变变 1. There are some letters for you . ( 一般疑问句) 2. I bought some story books yesterday. ( 一般疑问句) 3. There were some phone calls last night. ( 一般疑问句) 4. Hows the weather? ( 同义句) 5

42、. Why dont you go with me ? ( 同义句) PPTHomeworkFour 为下列单词选出正确的读音/ / _Thanksgiving Daymaththirdmouth _weatherfathertheythen ( 设计意图: 运用一封朋友的来信帮助解决一些作业上的问题,巧妙的将本课的复习重 点融入其中,而且帮助其他学生解决作业上的一些疑惑也是学生感兴趣的话题,可以提高 学生学习的积极性) PPTT: OK All of you are very good. Lets say together All things are difficult before th

43、ey are easy. We are great. Come on 14 (设计意图:回归文本,让学生理解谚语的意思) StepII : Practice T:At lastLets do some listening of P96 then P98 Fill in the bland with the correct word T: OK Lets see the result which group is the winner?(宣布比赛的结果) StepIII: Exercise StepIV: Homework. 五、五、Blackboard design 六、六、Teaching reflection


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