科普版六年级下册-Lesson 6 Is there a library near here -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:90718).zip

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  • 科普2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2016年1月第1版)_小学英语_Lesson 6 Is there a library near here _ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:90718)
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1.Who is in the story? 2.What are they talking? Please read and circle the answers. Mr Black, Mr Brown, Jack and an old woman. They are talking about. Read and write the answers in the forms. 1.When was that day? 2.Where was Mr Browns office? 3. How could Jack get to the hospital? It was Monday/Friday. It was next to a hospital. Go down the street, turn left at the end. It is on the right. 1.How many times did Jack meet the old woman? Why? 2.Why was the old woman surpriesed and asked “Are you still looking for that place? Read,Think,and Answer Follow Retell the story 1.Try to retell in groups. 2.Follow to retell. 3.Ss retell. Retell Role Play one is narrator, the other is Jack, and another is the old woman. 1. Teacher acts with two students. 2. Ss act. Extension questions 1.Why did Jack always ask the way? 2.If you were Jack, how could you find the place? If you were the writer, what title(标题) will you give for this story? Are you still looking for that place? My story Last winter holiday, I went to Hong Kong. It was my first time to take my daughter by myself to go on a trip. I was a little nervous,but very excited. When I wanted to go somewhere, I usually used the baidu map. But one day, my cell phone was powered off. I nearly got lost . I asked a young girl the way . “ Is there a subway near here? How can I get there?” I asked. “ Go down this street, turn right at the first crossing, the subway entrance is on the right.” The girl answered. I thanked her and found the way. Homework 1.Retell the story. 2.Write your story about asking the way. - 1 - L6 Is there a library near here? Read 教学设计 1教学内容 本节课教学内容为科普版小学英语第八册 L6 Is there a library near here?中的 Read“Are you still looking for that place?”部分。 2教学目标 1.知识目标: (1)能理解以一般过去时态为主线的阅读的故事大意,并能回答与 课文内容有关的问题及能根据所给关键词复述。 (2)能够理解和掌握 There be 的句型结构及问路指路的相关交际 用法。 2. 能力目标 不断提升学生自主学习,以及英语思维的能力,能在生活中正 确询问和回答有关问路指路的话题,并能拓展到不同的对话情境中。 培养学生有英语解决实际问题的能力。注重培养学生英语的听说读 - 2 - 的能力。 3. 情感目标 (1)关注学生在学习过程中积极愉悦的情感体验,培养学生自信开 口说英语,积极思维的好习惯。利用多媒体技术,创设英语场景, 增强互动,激发学生的学习兴趣。 (2)语言的学习终究是为了应用,让学生能够学有所用,发挥英语 的工具作用,让学生们更有信心学好英语。 3学情分析: 六年级的孩子能够主动与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。能够 比较积极地调动各种感官参与课堂的各项活动。具有一定的语言基 础,词汇量也比较丰富。能够注重观察生活中的实际联系所学,综 合使用所学知识进行交流,达到一个语言的输出。 4教学重难点 重点: 1.一般过去时态为主线的故事情节掌握 2. 询问和回答有关问路用语 3. 理解阅读及相关对话,并进行日常交际 难点: 1.问路指路的相关表达方式 - 3 - 2.There be 的句型结构 3. 理解阅读中相关的语法结构 4. 用所学知识进行日常情景对话 5.并能根据阅读内容酌情对文章进行改写续写,或者根据自我经验 写相关的小短文。 5教学过程 一、 Warming up and revision (1)Greetings (2)A vedioAsking and showing the way 【设计意图】课的开始以师生间亲切的问候,迅速营造温馨愉悦的 教学氛围,通过日常熟悉的问答,帮助师生以良好的精神状态进入 课堂教学,同时复习旧知,为接下来的学习内容做好准备。 二、Presentation: 1、Guessing:What I am drawing?用简笔画和图片展示,复习相 关的 there be 句型及问路指路用语。 【设计意图】通过操练,让学生掌握问路指路的表达方式,使其与 生活实际相结合。 2、Today we will learn a passage about it. 3、First reading:Who and What? - 4 - (1)Who is in the story? (2)What are they talking about? 4.Second reading: 三个问题围绕 where,why,how。 (3)When was that day? (4)Where was Mr browns office? (5)How could Jack get to the hospital? 5.Third reading (think and answer) (6)How many times did Jack ask the way? Why? (7)Why did the old woman surprised and asked“Are you still looking for that place”? 三、Follow to read 四、Retell the story 1. Retell in groups. 2.Follow to retell. 3. Ss retell. 五、Extension questions 1.Why did Jack always ask the way? 2.If you were Jack,how could you find the place? 3.If you are the writer,What title will you give for this - 5 - story? 六、Role play 七、Homework Boys and girls, time flies up, its time to say goodbye. Look at todays homework: 1.Retell the story 2.Write a story about your own experience. 八、板书设计 - 6 -
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