人教版八下-Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:500ba).docx

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人教版八下-Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:500ba).docx_第1页
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人教版八下-Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:500ba).docx_第2页
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人教版八下-Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:500ba).docx_第3页
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人教版八下-Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:500ba).docx_第5页
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1、第一课时Section A 1a2d 1.记忆单词和短语:camera,invention,have a great time,put up,take the subway。 2.掌握句型:Have you ever been to a science museum? Ive been to the art museum many times. Me too. Have you ever been to a history museum? No,I havent. Me neither. Lets go somewhere different today. 3.掌握含有 been,ever 和

2、 never 的现在完成时的用法。 1.学习句型 Have you ever been to?及回答。 2.学习 been,ever 和 never 在现在完成时中的运用。 3.就相关话题进行交际教学。 1.含有 been,ever 和 never 的现在完成时的用法。 2.一般过去时与现在完成时的区别。 3.听懂参与讨论关于有趣的地方的话题。 本课教学内容是八年级下Unit 9第一课时, 在导入环节,利用一个学生熟悉的游乐场视 频, 让学生猜测这是哪里,调动学生的积极性,活跃课堂气氛,引入本节讨论的话题,介绍本 课的目标句型和单词,在听力环节,注重对学生听力策略的指导,消除学生对听力的“恐惧

3、” 心理,让学生能够高效做题。 2d 教学是本课综合运用的体现。通过学习词组、重点句到对话的填空让学生的学习有 渐进的过程;抽取学生对自己所做调查的做报告,对学生是知识升华的过程。 设计教学 PPT, 交互一体机体。 Step.Lead in Leading in 【情景 1】 T: First lets Watch a video . And please guess what place it is . Ss: Gundongbei Amusement Park T: Have you ever been to Gundongbei Amusement Park ? S1: Yes I h

4、ave . T: Has he ever been to Gundongbei Amusement Park? Ss: Yes, he has. T: When did you get there? S1: I went there last summer. Australia T: When did he get there ? Ss: T: Have you ever been to Gundongbei Water Park ? Have you ever been to a space museum ? 设计意图调动学生情感,激活他们头脑中关于过去去过的地方的情感,导入新授。 学 习新

5、的地点词汇和目标语言. Step .Pair- work T:Has your deskmate ever been to Gundongbei Amusement Park? Ss: I dont know . T: OK,just ask your partner or deskmate. 设计意图结合学生生活实际谈论过去的经历,练习目标语言,为听力做好准备。 Step .While-listening activities (1) Task 1:Boys and girls,just now we talked about the funny places we have been to

6、.Now,please look at the picture on page 65.This is Claudia and this is Sarah,they are talking about something.Please listen to the recording carefullyfor the specific ideas. Listen.Have these students ever been to these places? Check () the boxes. Science museum History museum Art museum Nature muse

7、um Space museum Claudia Sarah Task 2: Listen again and answer the three questions: 1: When did Sarah go to the National Science Museum ? She went there last year . 2: Has Sarah been to a history museum? No, she has never been to a history museum . 3: What does Claudia say about history ? She is not

8、interested in history. 设计意图听力的教学依据是创设情景引入教学,第一遍听文章, 找出两个人所各自 到过的地方.第二遍听文章回答三个问题,层层递进,由易到难,学生容易接受。 Step .While-listening activities (2) Task 1:T:We want to go somewhere today,but how to get there?Lets look at the map of the town on page 66.Please come to 2a.Listen and circle the places you hear. Task

9、 2: Listen again and write T for true or F for false. Conversation 1 1.Tina went to the space museum last year. 2.John has never been to the space museum. 3.They are going to take the subway. Conversation 2 1.Linda has been to the amusement park. 2.Linda went to the amusement park yesterday. 3.Linda

10、 is going to the amusement park again by bike. Conversation 3 1.Frank had a great time at the water park. 2.Franks friend has never been to the water park. 3.Frank and his friend are going skating. Task 3: Two sentences are false.Can you correct the mistakes. Listen again, try to correct the false s

11、entences. LindaLinda wentwent toto thethe amusementamusement parkpark a a longlong timetime ago.ago. FrankFrank hashasnevernever beenbeen toto thethe waterwater parkpark. . 设计意图本部分的内容重在培养学生们听寻大意和听寻细节信息的能力,让学生从 大量信息中分析自己需要的东西。 Step.Reading and role-play 2d Task 1:Anna and Jill are talking about the p

12、laces they have been to. Answer the five questions: 1.Where did Anna go last weekend? 2.Has Jill ever been there before? 3.What did Jill learn at the film museum? 4.What did Jill do on the weekend? 5.What did she do at the campsite? Task2: Listen and try to fill in the blanks without looking at the

13、books. Anna:I went tolast weekend.Have you ever been there? Jill:Yes,.I went there back in April. Anna:Its really interesting,? Itsto spend a Saturday afternoon. Jill:Yes,I love all thethere.I learned about the inventions that led to color movies,too. Anna:So,what did you do on the weekend? Jill:Iin

14、 the mountains with some friends.Wea tent and cooked outside. Anna:That sounds fun.Ive never been camping. Jill:You shouldit! 设计意图首先读对话,回答任务题,加深对对话的理解,教师读,学生练,在阅读、 会 话交流的语言实践过程中将综合运用语言的能力提高到一个新的、更高的层次。其次,通过 对对话的挖空填空,进一步对对话有了更深的理解,增强了学生的交际能力和知识的运用能 力。 Step . Make a survey and give a report. I know, m

15、ost of you have never been to Gundongbei Amusement Park. Imagine this weekend you want to go there , and you want to ask some good friends to go with you. But first , you have to know if you partner have ever been there. So , would you please ask some classmates to make a survey, then give a report

16、like this . A A possiblepossiblereport:report: I I havehave nevernever beenbeen toto _,I_,I wantwant toto gogo therethere thisthis weekendweekend .But.But TomTom hashas beenbeenthere.Hethere.He wentwent therethere lastlast summersummer .He.He wentwent therethere byby hishis fathersfathers carcar .He

17、.He hadhad a a greatgreat timetime therethere .Dave.Dave hasnthasnt beenbeen therethere .Neither.Neither hashas Peter.Peter. 设计意图结合学生的生活实际,有感而发. 当堂做调查和报告巩固和强化目标语 言。 Step VII.Homework Write a report about your servey. 设计意图课堂上口头的展示之外, 课后把自己的调查写成报告, 对写作也是一个 练习。 Section A (1a-2d) Have you ever been to Gandongbei Water Park ? When did you go there ? Did you have a good time there ? How did you get there ? Where is it ? Neither have I.= Me neither .


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